Will you be okay ? P1

It was raining heavily. A girl was sitting in the corner of the dead-end street, bleeding. She was wearing a suit. She was surrounded by many dead people. She panted. She looked at a photo in her wallet and smiled saying "Hope you both are happy". She clicked a button in her watch and said "Papa sent help...mission is completed". She got a reply saying "I won't". She giggled in pain and sent a message to the other person saying "Bro...come here". She got a reply saying "Idiot why did you go and do what papa said ?! I'm coming..stay there Bella".Bella smiled and closed her eyes saying "Today it is her birthday...".

A few years ago, Gan was walking back and forth in front of the hospital door waiting for his wife Jasmine who is giving birth to their first child. The baby was born. The nurse said, "It's a boy!". Gan said in a shocked face "What ?!!!". After some time, Gan and looking at the baby which was sleeping beside his wife. Gan glared at it. Jasmine giggled and said, "What's with the face ?". Gan said, "I got rival". Jasmine smiled saying "What ?!". Gan said, "He looks just like me...what if he steals you from me ?". Jasmine smiled and patted him saying "That's what you are thinking ?". Gan nodded saying "Yes...I don't want to lose my pretty wife". Jasmine hugged him saying "Oh my husband is too cute". Gan hugged her saying "Does it hurt too much ?". Jasmine said, "Yes but it's okay honey !". Gan smiled and said, "Thank you for being my family".One woman stormed in saying "Sister ! are you okay ?!". It was her sister Lily.

Jasmine smiled gently saying "Hi there sister". Lily glared at Gan saying "Why didn't you call me when she is giving birth ?". Gan gave a glare at Lily. Lily said, "That won't work on me big guy". Gan said "Too loud". Gan went away with a serious face. Lily said "Hear sister. I let you marry this guy because you loved him. But I don't like him". Gan said, "Either go I !". Jasmine giggled saying "Oh my..you too are like cat and mouse. Stop it and fight outside. Thank you for coming sister". Lily said "I have a meeting in an hour so I have to leave. Take care is safe. If I stay here. Your honey will burn me alive with his glare bye". Jasmine waved at her smiling.

When Bella was 5 years old and Jack was 6 years old Bella the only daughter of the Gan Mafia Clan's head. Jack the only son of the Gan clan who is 1 year older than Bella. Gan, Jasmine , Bella and Jack. This four were a happy family. Bella's mother was a normal florist. In warm spring, Jake said, "Papa let's go to Zoo! please". Bella's mother Jasmine also pouted saying "pLease honey let's go. It's been 7 years since our marriage. We still didn't go out together. Come one! let's go honey". Gan said "Why is my little prince and Queen rebvolting ?". Jasmine smiled. Gan looked at Bella who was sitting on the sofa and seeing what her mother and brother did. Gan smirked and said "If my sweet princess says we can go. Let's go". Jake gave a mobile as a bribe saying "Please sis". Bella said, "Not gonna work". Gan giggled. Jake sighed saying "I will not fight for mother's kiss for a month". Bella ran and said "Deal. Papa let's go". Gan fell saying "My daughter betrayed me". Jasmine climbed to him saying "Let's go honey !". Jake said, "Yes papa". Bella said, "Yes papa !". Gan said "Ok fine. Let's go..ben. Our enemy snake clan-".Ben said, "I will arrange 12 men with us". Gan smiled.

Snake clan because Gan clan's enemy because...Sanke clan was selling kids and Gan destroyed that method using his power. So it caused a high loss to the snake clan. Gan clan is a clan that is used to stop evil in an evil way. And also take care of those kids who are been sold.

The next day, They all went to the zoo on a family trip. Snake clan head smiling "Take the lead". One man said, "Yes sir". Bella showed her arm to Gan saying to lift her. Gan lifted her. Bella smiled and said "Now I can see my friends. These animals are blocking the view".Gan was shocked. Gan whispered to Jasmine saying "Did she just now call humans the animals and animals her friends ?". Jasmine smiled saying "Yes". Jake smiled saying "That snake is clever". Ben spotted a sniper and shouted "Of course it is. Get down! sniper !". Jasmine got down hugging Jake and Bella. Gan got down holding Jasmin shouted, "Get them !". Ben ordered their sniper to get those snipers. Some men started to attack them with their guns. Gan shouted, "Jasmine take the kids now !". Ben covered Jasmine as she ran with the kids. Gan started to fight. Soon two gunshot was heard from the sniper.

Gan looked back, Jasmine was shot along with Ben. Jack started to cry looking at his mother lying dead. Bella stood still in shock. Bella said, "Stop acting mom and uncle Ben. Get up !". Bella realized and hugged Jake saying "Calm down brother !". Soon the situation was calm down. Gan arrested those people and they found out that..those people are long to snake clan. Gan was angry. Gan looked at jasmine and Ben. Ben was dead. But Jasmine's heart was still beating. Gan lifted Jasmine and ran to the hospital telling the other people to take Bella and Jack home.

Gan looked at Jasmine saying "Don't worry you will be alright". Jasmine smiled saying "Stop giving....fake hopes...I already know that one day I will die because I'm your wife...But I don't regret marrying you...I don't regret fighting with my sister to marry you...I don't regret giving birth to your children...I don't regret loving you..my honey...". Gan started to cry. Jasmine smiled saying "I ...never seen you cry...looks like I'm the only...one who can see this side of you...right ?". Gan smiled while crying "Yes my honey...thank you for loving me no matter who I am. I love you. I loved you. I will always love you". Jasmine was dead on the way. Gan started to shout saying "I saved those kids but now I couldn't save you !". Bella and Jake were riding the car to the house. Jake was crying. Bella comforted him.

After 6 years, Bella started to study how to fight behind Gan's back. The connection between children and the father was broken after the death of the mother. After hearing Jasmine's death...Lily never came to look at Gan and Jasmine's grave. Jake was interested in flowers. Bella turned 11 years old. Jake turned 12 years. One afternoon, Bella found her home strange. Bella sensed a weird smell. Bella mumbled saying "Smell of snake". Jake walked outside his room to get water. Bella looked around and went to Jake saying "brother was his uncles ?". Jake said, "They are- wait where are they ?!". Jake looked around but no one was there. The one-pot fan in Bella's room. Bella said, "run!". Bella dragged Jake to Gan's room. Jake said, "What happened ?!". Bella said "I smell the snake. Inform father. Snakes are inside our house". Jake took out his watch and informed after. Bella said "Lock the widows ". Jake locked the windows. Bella locked the room. Those people started to attack the door. Jake shouted, "What the?!". Bella said, "brother do you have your drone ?". Jake said "Drone is in my room but the remote is with father! He took it away from me".

Bella smirked saying "Check for it over here". Jake smirked saying "okay". Jake started to search". Bella took out her knife and started to cut an electric wire. She placed that electric wire to the metal doorknob. Bella gave an evil smile. Jake saw this and said, "Won't they get a shock ?". Bella said, "They will but it won't kill them. We need to kill them but before that, we need to see how many people are in our house". Jake found the remote. Jake smirked saying "Got it !". Jake used his drone to see how many people are outside. Jake said "10 people with knives. Due to shock two out". Bella said, "Make them four". Jake said "ok". Jake used the drone to distract those four people.

4 people were outside, Bella said, "Brother stand in front of papa's chair". Jake said "Ok but why ?". Bella said, "Just go as I say". Jake stood there. Bella removed the wire and opened that door. Those people ran inside with knives to kill Jake. Jake shouted, "You evil !!". Bella used a tranquilizing gun to put them to sleep. Bella shot two guys but Bella's place was exposed so. One person was going to stab her but Bella squatted and took a dart in hand. Stabbed those two. Jake said "Cool. Those four are in storeroom". Bella said, "that room has no window and one exit so...". Jake smirked saying "Ok...I know what to do". Jake sneaked out and locked that storeroom door. Bella waved saying "Good !". Jake said "Yes!". After seeing this, Gan sends Bella to fighting class. And Jake to computer class. But they never spoke with each other. The relationship between Gan and Jake, Bella has been broken. Gan couldn't be happy after losing Jasmine. Bella turned super cold. Gan became super cold. Jake was trapped between this two.

After 8 years, on Bella's graduation day. Bella was surrounded by families who are enjoying taking photos with each other. Bella stood there alone. Bella mumbled saying "Papa...said he will not come. So I guess I should just leave". Bella turned around. Someone stopped Bella by putting their hands on her shoulder. Bella twisted that person's arm saying "Which clan are you from ?". It was Jake. Jake said, "Leave me dummy it hurts !". Bella left saying "I'm sorry". Jake smiled saying "It's your day. Why don't we take photos ?". Bella said "No". Jake said, "But I want to!". Jake quickly took a selfie saying "Done..By the way what are you going to become ?". Bella smiled saying "Police. You ?".Jake patted her and giggled saying "Good luck but our father is mafia. And I wanna be a florist just like our mother". Bella said "Congrats". Jake hugged her.Bella made an annoyed face. Jake kissed her cheek saying "Come let's go". Bella wiped it off saying "ew don't kiss me". Jake said, "Ok ok come...it's time to see mom". Bella said, "I'm not coming..I'm going to see Uncle Ben".

Bella walked to her bike and went to Ben's grave. Jake sighed saying "I can't change you". Jake walked to his car and went to Jasmine's grave. and said "Mom...Bella doesn't want to see you again. She is refusing to see you again...she never visited you...or did she do it behind my back? wait I done know! you should see home's vibe. It is too cold. I'm getting chills. Hope you are happy. Have to go bye". Bella laid beside Ben's grave saying "Uncle you shouldn't have left this early. Your son Issac gave me a glare and grabbed my collar in the school hall shouting that I killed you. I know I did. But why did you leave? I miss you uncle. You promised me that you will take me to your home to meet aunty but you broke the promise. I want to see you soon uncle maybe in the next life".Issac came from behind the tree and said "Looks like that brat is complaining about me to my father". Issac smirked and said "Papa I gonna become an Interior Designers and work on mother's company. I will be back".

Bella went to her bike and took a paper from her pocket saying "Looks like I'm gonna see aunt by myself..uncle". Bella went to one address and looked at the house. It was big just like her house. Bella went to ring the bell but she hesitated. Bella sighed and rode away without even ringing the Bella. Issac saw this and smirked saying "Coward".Issca went inside. Bella went to her home and laid on her bed. Soon Issac visted Gan's house. Gan was going to give Ben's belonging which his mother didn't come to get it. Issac was sitting in the hall along with Gan. They both were having a talk. Jake walked to Gan and talked to him.

Gan shouted "What you are going to become a florist ?! what about our familu business (mafia) ?!". Jake shouted back saying "Family busisness of killing the weak ?!!". Gan siad "how dare you ?! we don't kill the weaks. We save the weak using the evil way !". Jake said "That started to happen after seeing mother. But before that you just kill people for money !!". Gan said "How dare you ?! you don't become a next boss. Why will be ?!". Bella walked to the hall while wearing a black slik bath robe saying "I will". Jake said "but-". Bella gave a glare at Jake saying "Shut up . I will become the next head..I know how to fight...I learnt about guns". Gan said "Ok nice idea". Bella siad "But one condition". Gan said "What ?". Bella said "Kick Jack out of the house and burn his identity". Jake said "What ?!". Gan said "Ok". Gan stood and went to hsi room. Issac mummbled saying "Cold heart b*tch". Bella heard this and turned away saying " Don't video call me". Jake smiled saying "Ok !". Jake ran away oustide. Gan saw this smiled. Issac stood up went outside saying "Jake is an idiot ? nevermind". Issac rode away.

1 years later, Issac who is back hoem after a military leave for his younger sister's birthday. Met Jake in a flower shop. Issac was suprised and said "How are you ...after getting kicked out because of yoru sister ?". Jake sirked saying "You are wrong...she didn't kick me. She is clever. Dad and Bella are planning somthing big". Issac smiled said "You think so ?". Jake said "Yes. Oh my its time to call her. Bye".Issac went out saying "Her ?".

In teh wedding, Issac was sitting in a corner. Suddely on group of people came in. It was Bella and her guards. bella went to the bride and gave a hug saying "Be happy...if he hurts you..tell me...I will kill him". Bride hugged her saying "Really ?". Jake went in saying "She isn't joking". Bride said "Wait really ?". Bella said with aserius face "Yes". Bride hugged her saying "Don't make me a widow". Grrom was having acold sweat". Bella whispered to him saying "Be corful. If you chaet on her or hurt her I will cut off your little bro down there and make you not able to have pleasure". Bella walked away saying "Uncle go outside I will be back". Those guards went away. Jake smiled and hugged him said "I will hack you phone and steal all the things in that phone. Ok sweetie?".Groom was shocked. Bride saying "Stop it both. Don't bully my man". Groom hugged Bride. Bride giggled. Bella smiled said "Just kidding ". Bella dragged James to teh food court . James said while being dragged "I'm not kidding".

Bella went to the food court and took some food and sat in the table beside Issac table. Bella siad "Bro. Snakes aren't making any move". Jake said "What about those kids ?". Bella said "I made an orphange for those kids beside your shop". Jake said, "Ok what is dad doing ?". Bella said "He found our plan but he didn't do anything". Jake smiled said "Looks liek he accpect this...you don't wanna become a police ?". Bella said "Ebven if I want to I can't. I'm mafia head who is don't knows where teh enemies are hiding to kill me. May be in this food also there will be pouson". Jake said "What ?! then why didn't tell me ?!". Bella smiled and said "Hug". Jake hugged her saying "Say now !". Bella said "I'm tried...I don't want you to die like our mother did. I don't want you to loss you brother...live your life. Don't worry. I will protect you and...papa". Jake said "You don't have to do it alone".

Bella said "Papa almost had an heart attack yesterday. He was weak...and you don't like fighting...that's why you hate papa in the past...I don't want you to kill epople. You be safe. That's all is fine with me". Bella started to drink the beer. Jake said "You are my silly sister..is pap okay ?". Bella was drun. Bella smiled said "Yes. On that time, I accidently saw his phone. He saved our phone number as princess and princes and also....Queen".Jake smiled saying "I know..". Bella stood saying "How ?". Jake said "Sit down first...I hacked his phone". Bella giggled and said "You hacked papa's phone but you didn't hack Issac phoen when I said you to". Issac was eardropping. Issac was shocked. Issac was going to blast in anger.

The bride said, "Calm down and hear them...I been Bella and Jake's friends for 13 years. You three know each other from the age of 3-4. But after father's death you were angry on them...now hear what they hid from you". Issac sat.

Jake said, "Love doesn't work like that my little sister. If you do that it is going to make you a stalker". Bella started to smirk saying "Then how to love bro ?", Jake said "You should have already proposed to him ", Bella took a spoon and pointed at Jake saying "That's what I was going to do but...when I was going to do it...he already got a girlfriend. And that girl is a total piece of sh*t. She was two-timers. She was cheating on Issac. When I caught her and slapped her...Issac saw that and thought I was bullying her". Bella drank a full wine bottle and said "And he grabbed my collar saying I killed his father...he was right... a few days ago I kidnapped Snakehead and questioned him....you know what he said ?". Jake said, "Are you crazy ?!".

Bella smiled and said, "That two bullet was aiming at both of us. Our mother chose to save you. Ben's uncle saw this and blocked my bullet and saved me... He was right...". Jake said "Idiot....you really like him ?". Bella said "Yes but I heard he is going fight with his cousins to get the family company...I stalked him !". Jake said "My silly sister. Go home". Bella said, "no...snakehead is waiting over there". Jake said "What ?!". Bella said, "I...kidnapped him in my room". Jake said, "Father knows it ?!". Bella hugged him saying "No my dear brother~". Jake said "What ?!". Jake fainted in shock. Bella sensed something.

Bella looked around. Bella went to the bride who was sitting beside Issac saying "Snake is here...Get people out of here now..wait- Issac ? nevermind I must be hallucinating. Do it fast". The bride said, "Pfft- ok". Issac smiled. Bella kissed Issac saying "This must be a dream but snake wait- what is the snake doing in my dreams...I need to wake up !". The bride took everyone to a safe place . 20 snake men entered from breaking the window. Bella said "Poor widow".

Bella took out her sniper and hid in the hall's roof. Bella used the sniper to kill 5 people. Bella jumped and started to use her shotgun to kill the other 5 members. The bullets were over. Bella looked around. One guy was going to stab Jake who was fainted. Bella saw this and threw one chair beside her at that person saying "Don't dare wake my brother". Issac was completely relaxed. Issa called the police and started to walk away. One guy says this and was going to shot him. Bella saw this and pushed him away saying "Don't you dare touch my babe". One guy said, "Didn't you say she was drunk ?!". Another guy said, "Yes but how can she ?!".Issac smiled mumbled, "Babe ?...cold heart bi*ch".

One guy said, "Go back !". Everyone started to run. But five started to attack her. Bella used a pen to stab those 5 men quickly and also got hurt. Everyone left. Bella wobbled and opened the front exit. All her uncles were dead. One uncle who was bleeding said "Ma'am get out of here. There are here for Jake and Ben's family. Ben has all the important documents. Ben's family only knows where it is. So they are here to get it...And Gan is in the hospital". Jake woke up saying "Father is dead ?!". Issac was shocked and said, "Dude you woke up hearing that ?! not from gunshot?". That guy said, "It-". Bella said, "is this a dream ?". Jake said "No !". Bella was shocked. Bella looked at Issac and turned back to uncle. Bella said, "Bro let's take uncle to hospital".

That uncle said "No dear. First take care of those wounds-". Bella said, "Shut up". Bella lifted that uncle. Jake helped her and started to run after her. All those cars were damaged by the snake clan. Everyone already left to the safe place. Issac walked out. Bella saw him and said, "Give us your bike". Issac said, "Why should I ?". Bella said "I will not come. I'm drunk I can't drive. Only Jake and this uncle". Issac said "Ok". Jake said, "But-". Bella smiled and said "Don't worry bro. Take care of an uncle and don't let him come back and you don't come...call me soon". Issac took them away.

Bella went to the hospital with her bike after sobering and called Jake but Jake and Issac were sitting together outside the operation room. Jake attends the call using his watch and puts it on speaker because he was too lazy to leave his hand. Bella said "Bro...papa is in the hospital because grandpa is ill. He wanted to see papa, me, and...you". Jake said "What ?". Bella said "He wants to see you now but papa isn't allowing that so they are having arguments. This room is having a cold vibe just like in the past..wait worse than that". Jake said "Hell no. Sis ran before grandpa says anything". Bella said, "Why? are you talking about the great-grandchild stuff ?". Jake said, "He already told you ?". Bella said, "yes he wants me to give birth to a child". Bella started to cry. Jake said, "Are you crying ?!". Issac saw this and didn't say anything.

Bella said, "I'm tired". Jake said, "Want me to come ?". Bella said "No don't come...they might kill you...just hid let's talk like this...Bro~". Jake said "What ?". Bella said, "I kissed Issac thinking it was a dream". Jake suddenly looked at Issac and gave an awkward smile. Issac whispered to him saying "Continue". Bella said "His lips were soft. I'm a pervert?. I wanna have his kids".Jake said "What ?!". Bella said, "I'm indirectly saying I wanna make him mine". Jake said, "Idiot I'm your brother".Bella said "I know. I wanna kiss him again. I love him ...I didn't believe how mama melted papa's heart in the past but now I do. He melted my stone heart...wait I don't wanna marry him because what if he dies just life mama?!". Jake said, "Then don't marry him !!".

Bella said, "You are correct. I should just protect him from behind...bro it the 17th time that snakehead tried to attack Ben's family ?". Jake said, "What are you saying ?!". Bella said "In the past when I went to Ben's house after graduation to see aunt. I was afraid to see her...at that time I smelled snake clan's perfume over there. I again came there in the night and saw snake clan men trying to kidnap Issac when he was sleeping. I saw this from the window. And sneaked inside to stop them. From then on I started to protect that house members from behind".Jake looked at Issac. Issac was smiling. Bella said "Nevermind. I gonna kidnap Issac!".

Jake ended the call and gave an awkward smile. Issac said "Silly...". Jake said "I'm sorry about my sister. My sis loved you from a young age. She even bribed uncle Ben to let her marry you. She is always wanted to have fun. In our family, my mom was the only one who connected us. But after she left. Our connection between father has been broken. Our house always had a cold vibe. She is bad at expressing herself to others. She started to learn how to fight in order to protect me. When we left that huge building for our first and last family vacation. Our mother and your father ben died...I cried. But my sister stood there in shock and hugged me saying 'it okay'. I have never seen her cry. She always hid her emotion behind that cold face. Papa went crazy. I wanted to be a florist just like my mom and Bella wanted to be the police but she had to take the mafic head position as my replacement. She kicked me out so that I can live a simple and happy life...I was the only one who got to see this side of her".

Jake said, "Don't kill her please". Jake again got a call. Issac said, "Put it in the speaker". Jake did as he said. Bella saying "Bro! I forgot to say gonna marry the snakehead". Jake said "Idiot. That snakehead is a girl just like you". Bella said "I think it's fine. I don't wanna have any other guy's child except Issac". Jake whispered, "pfft- I'm a sorry dude". Issac whispered saying "She is cute". Bella smiled saying "Papa ordered me to marry snakehead". Jake said, "Is papa crazy ?!". Bella said, "I just gonna see Issac off to the business trip and kill the snake clan head family and just wait for my death". Jake said, "What ?". Bella said "By the brother...congrats for becoming a florist. If I die you take care of those flowers". Jake sighed and said, "Idiot...ok". Bella said, "Ok then bye ~ need to go and find how is been aiming my Issac". Jake said "What do you mean ?". Bella said, "People are trying to kill Issac".

Bella said "today during the wedding, I noticed a sniper from one building aiming at Issac. I ordered uncle to get that sniper. It was the snake's head...Jona. She was ordered to kill Issac by someone unknown guy. She got my number oh wait she is calling me". Bella ended the call. Issac said, "I wanna hear what they are talking". Jake said, "Ok as you wish". Jake started to hack Bella's home and started to hear what they are talking about.

Bella said "What do you want ?" in a cold voice. Issac said "What a different vibe". Jona said "What's with that cod voice? I know you like Issac but isn't this too much ?". Bella said, "You are trying to kill him how can I talk normally with you ?". Jona said "Clam down. I was just ordered to go it. It's my job. Aren't you the head of the Gan clan? If you are a leader of a mafia why do you have a feeling for others? don't you know our love gets killed". Bella smirked saying "Looks who is saying that. You think I don't know that you love my brother Jake ?". Jona said, "Wow you are fast". Issac looked at Jake. Jake said, "I don't know". Jona said, "Do you know who is Issac's mother ?". Bella said, "Why do you ask that ?". Jona said "Issac's mother is Lily. Your mother's older sister. Lily fell in love with Ben when she was trying to separate her mother and father. And Lily is the head of San company. That means...your mother isn't just a normal florist. the second daughter of San. After both Ben and Jasmine's death lily started to hate you all. Now that'll. Fill puzzle".

Bella said, "What are you trying to ask ?". Jona said, "Do you still wanna save him ?". Bella was silent. Jake said "No this can't be ! Bella hates Lily's aunt because she never came to see us after her mother's death. And father hid mother's identity from us ?!". Bella laughed and said "I don't care. Issac has no reason to die because of them". Jona said "Be alive. Try keeping your beloved safe". Bella said, "I will protect Issac". Jona said "I will kill Issac. By the way, right now Jake and Issac are together in the hospital. Good luck trying to save him".

Bella ran to her bike saying "Hey ! If you do this Jake is going to hate you !". Jona said "It's okay. I will just protect him. I know we won't be able to get them but we can protect him and his child". Bella rode the bike to that hospital saying, "Child? Isn't that too extreme ?". Jona said, " Why don't we both marry each other and protect those two together". Bella said, "Do you wanna die ?". Jona said "I will say this again. We don't deserve to be loved. Your father is a great example of that. I feel for Jasmine. Do you want your Issac to die like that ?". Bella said, "No but now you are trying to kill him !!". Jona said "Oh my you can shout? I didn't know that".

Bella entered the hospital and ran to where Jake and Issac were. Bella saw them both safe. Bella walked to the window and looked at the next building. Jona said, "Come on. I'm not that stupid to use a sniper in my first go. The Sniper will kill him fast. That won't be fun. I wanna make you scared . My dear look back". Bella looked back. Jona walked past her with a little knife and scratched. Bella didn't feel anything. Jona said "Stupid. You really obey me". Bella said "Psycho". Jona said "Looks who is speaking. You think I don't know that you stabbed my father's hand with a pen making him go crazy". Bella sighed and said "Yes I'm psycho. You know what happens when psycho falls in love. That psycho will kill anyone who tried to harm her beloved. Challenge accepted". Jona smiled and cut the call.

Jake saw Issac saying "I'm sorry-". Issac smiled and walked away. Bella went to Jake saying "Bro..be save. I won't be able to stay with you". Jake said "Ok bye". Bella followed Issac. Jake said, "Looks like Issac believes in Bella that she will keep her safe". Jake saw her back and said, "what is that? blood..looks like Jona passed her". Issac rode his bike around the city. Bella also followed him. Bella gave a phone call saying "Uncle. Guard Ben's home". It's been 3 weeks, Bella has been following Issac and also researching who is behind Jona. Suddenly in one day, Issac went missing. Bella searched for him all over the place. Finally found him in front of a jewel shop buying a ring. Bella saw this and hid mumbling "Looks like he again got a lover...maybe I should go". Bella was going to go but someone touched her shoulder.

Bella made them flip over her shoulder and found out it was Issac. Issac fell in pain. Issac said, "Oh my..ouch it hurts. I was just going to propose to you but I flipped". Bella said "W-what ?!". Issa stood up saying "I said I was going to propose you. I know you have been protecting me from behind. It looks like I love you". Bella was surprised and looked down. Issac patted her head said, "Oi will you marry me ?". Bella said "Y-Yes! wait what if you die ?". Issac said, "I don't care". Issac hugged her. Bella hugged him with surprise. Issa kissed her and walked to his bike saying "Wanna race to home?". Bella smiled while blushing. Bella said, "...yes". They both went to Issac's home to inform this.

Gan threw a pot at Issac saying "I won't allow this !". Bella noticed and realized. Bella said, "I won't let Issac die". Gan said, "Still I won't allow that same mistake !". Issac said, "Then I'm leaving". Bella held him saying "No wait. Papa, I'm gonna marry him in the 2 weeks on the beach. If you even see me...come there". Gan said "Are you going to resign from the mafia head position?". Bella said "No". Gan sighed and went away saying "I don't care. Do whatever you want. I will be the mafia head until you come back". Bella said, "What do you mean by coming back ?". Gan said "I know about the Jona stuff. Jake told me". Issac said, "Thank you, father in law". Gan said, "Don't call me that !". Issac giggled.

Lily also allowed them after some argument between Lily and Issac. Bella was pretty amazed by how Issac stood for her. Jake's home, Jake said, "Then ! I will decorate the wedding !". Bella hugged Jake saying "Thank you". Jake patted her. Issac said, "Let me handle the clothes". Bella said "No need. Our killer gave those clothes as a present".Jake said, "you gonna believe her ?". Bella said, "...yes because she -nevermind".Issac said, "If you believe I believe".

At the wedding, They both only invited their family members and some uncles. Jake was talking photos. While taking wedding photos Bella and Issac started to feel itchy. Jona walked to them saying "Wanna take a photo ?". Bella said, "What the hell are you doing over here? ". Jona smiled kissed her cheek saying "Baby girl, I here to see your wedding. And also to see my handsome Jake in the suit. Feeling itchy ?". Issac said "Yes". Jona said, "It's because I added an itchy powder on the clothes". Jake said "One, two..". Jake was going to give a photo. Bella grabbed Jona's collar in angry. Jona giggled. Issac trying to calm Bella down. And the photo was taken. Jake laughed. Jona ran away after seeing Jake.