Will you be okay? P2

Soon Bella got pregnant. Jona still didn't make a move for a week and no phone calls. Issac said, "Are you worried ?". Bella said "Yes...she still didn't make a move...I think something is wrong". Jona in her house. Jona's brother said "Sister if you don't kill him...I will. Choose yourself". Jona said "Shut up. I will take care of him. Get lost". He went away. Jona sighed saying "She is pregnant". In Gan's house, Gan shouted "Pregnant ?!". Jake said in the phone call "Yes. Why don't you forgive her ?".Gan said "No I can't. Ben's family already lost Ben because of us. But now Ben's son is in danger because of us. I will never forgive her". Jake sighed and said "Then talk to you later. Bye". Ben ended the call.

Bella smiled saying "Looks like we are going to become pregnant". Issac said "Promise me one thing. Don't get hurt or don't kill the baby". Bella said, "...I will try". Issac said, "What if you broke the promise ?". Bella said, "I will do anything you tell me". Issac said "Good". Bella was 4 months pregnant. Jona still didn't make any move. Issac and Bella started to have fun. After 5 months, Bella was 9 months pregnant. Jona's brother said to Jona "Sister. I'm gonna take care of Issac from now on. Its father's order". Jona was grounded. Jona called Bella quickly but Bella didn't attend the call because she was bathing. Issac was sent to the business meeting about the next CEO. Jona sighed and called Jake saying "Help Bella. My brother is going to kill Issac after killing Bella". Jake said, "What are you saying ?".Jona sighed and shouted, "Save your sister and nephew". Jake said, "What I don't understand ?!". Jona sighed and shouted "You da*n idiot. Bella is going to die !". Jake said, "...Woah..ok". Jake and the call and rode to Bella's home but it was raining. He was trapped in a traffic jam.

In Bella's house, He (Jona's brother) sneaked into her house. Bella was walking slowly with a baby bump to the sofa to trying to call Issac. Bella noticed him and said "Snake ?". Bella said to herself "I won't be able to fight him...But I need to try".Bella started to fight using her gun. But he knocked her down. When she opened her eyes. She was tied to the chair and he was sitting before her saying "Why do you keep on saving him? look now you don't have anyone to save you". Bella gave a glare to him. He slapped her saying "What the hell are you looking at ?!". Bella's water broke out. He smirked saying "Looks like I don't have to kill you. His child itself is going to kill you". Bella tried to reach the phone but she couldn't. She pushed the chair away when he was going to lift her. Bella used her mouth to bit his neck. He fell down bleeding. She used this time to escape. She quickly used her pocket knife to untie the rope.

She crawled outside. But she soon lost consciousness. Jake soon came in and dragged Bell to the hospital. He was nervous and scared. He called Issac. Issac ran in saying "....She broke the promise". Soon the doctor came out saying "Baby is born. It's a girl. The baby is a little hurt and we need to keep the baby in observation for a week. And the mother lost too much blood. We need blood. She has a rare blood type". Jake said "Bella has mother's blood. I have my father's blood...Lily's aunt has her father's blood but my mother has her mother's blood. So in our family. We don't have her blood". Issac said "Wha about outside the family ?". Jake said "Jona". Issac said, "Where is she ?". Jake said, "I texted her she said she will come". Issac said, "Why is she helping us ?". Jake said "Jona is also our friend. Me, Bella, Your sister, and Jona are...friends. But after knowing she is from snake clan things got different".

Jona ran in with blood on her saying "Sorry I'm late". Jake said, "Why are you covered with blood ?". Jona said "I was grounded. I sneaked out. But got caught. I had to kill those people to escape. I will tell later". Jon went inside the room. Bella was saved. After some days, Bella was back to normal. Issac went in and said "You broke the promise. Not only you, you almost killed our girl". Bella didn't say anything. Bella said, "What should I do ?". Issac said "enough with this...I want a divorce. I gonna become the CEO and protect my child. I don't want my child to die. I don't want my child to see blood". Jake said, "Hey-". Bella said "You married me after knowing that I'm a mafia right? then why don't you wanna end this on". Issac said "Yes at that time, I thought as a husband. But now I'm thinking as a father". Jake said "What ?!". Jona mumbled, "Be quiet". Jake said, "You wanna me to be quiet ?! why should I ?!". Bella said "Shut up brother..you want a divorce right? ok fine but when things get hard or when you both are in danger. I will come. You shouldn't stop me. Okay ?". Issac said, "...ok".

Jake shouted, "What ?! I don't allow this". Jakes stormed outside saying "Don't call me when you in danger again !". Bella said "Jona...take care of him...I know you both are in love and you got his child..congrats". Jona said "Ok...you are fast in knowing the information. I didn't even tell him". Jake walked him saying "Tell what ?". Issac said "Jona is preganat". Jake said "What ?!". Jake dragged Jona outside. Bella and Issac were alone in that room. Bella didn't make eye contact with Issac. Issac said, "Then I will bring the paper works". Bella said "ok...Please name her Jenny". Issac went outside. Bella started to cry quietly. Issac saw this from outside and started to cry saying "I'm...sorry...this is the only way to protect you both...".

Issac and Bella both got divorced. Jona and Jake got married. Sanke clan and Gan clan united. Issac becomes the CEO. He took the baby girl to the US. He named her Jenny as Bella wished for. Jenny grew up without a mother. Issac protected Jenny. Bella watched them from far away. Gan was angry with Bella about the divorce. Bella went to Gan saying "Papa why don't you eat your food?". Gan said, "How can yous ent him away ?! you and I didn't even see Jenny !". Bella giggled saying "I thought you hated this marriage. Looks like it". Gan said "What if I do? I want to see my granddaughter !". Bella said, "Papa please I'm begging you". Gan sighed and started to eat saying "Now I will eat but you won't be able to make me eat. I will only eat after seeing my Jenny". Bella sighed and said "Then what about your grandson Mark?". Gan said "That brat didn't even let me hold Mark. Jake kept saying I'm old and weak to hold Mark. Even if Jona let me hold Mark. He isn't allowing it. I hate him".Bella smiled saying "It is too. Do you love me then ?". Gan said, "I hate you more". Gan went away. Bella said, "He looks like a child as he grows up".

Many restaurant workers came worrying about their life. Looks like Jona destroyed one restaurant and now those workers are in trouble getting the jobs. Bella sighed and said, "Why did you even do that ?". Jona sighed and said "I saw the restaurant owner harassing a girl. So I did that". Bella said, "Then what about this worker ?". Jona said, "Why don't we start a restaurant and give them a job?". Bella said, "You think that is easy. We need a chef. But we have only one chef now". Jona said "Don't worry I can cook. And you take care of serving". Bella said "Nice idea. Ok". They soon started a restaurant. The gang leader was said the gang members to be calm and be at peace until they get orders from the gang leaders. Those gang members were sent to sell products from overseas. Jake and Bella never called each other.

After 12 years, Issac stayed in the US to see Jenny. Jenny was 12 years old. Jona and Bella were the leaders of those two clans. In the san company, Issac went to his working room. He had a text message from Jenny saying "Today is my talent show. Come, fast dad". Issac said "Sh*t I forgot about that ! I need to leave". Issac took his car to Jenny's school. Jenny was waiting for Issac outside the school gate. One bike passed her with a knife in their hand. Jenny got a scratch. Jenny started to bleed. Jenny was taken inside to treat that wound by teachers. Issac got this message and speeded up the car to her school. Issac ran to Jenny's sign saying "You are alive ?". Jenny shouted "Yes! Do you want me to die ?!". Issac hugged her saying "I can handle this. Don't worry". Issac's friend May said "I think you can't. The bike member left this message ". May handed a paper to Issac.

Issac went outside and read it out "I'm warning you to give up on the san company. Or else you and your daughter will die just like how your father died. I planned to kill you in the past but that b*tch kept protecting you and Jona didn't even kill you. I won't care about this anymore. Ban mafia is going to kill you. Good luck surviving". Gan got this news. Gan called Bella and Jona. Gan said "Jenny is hurt but Issac said he can handle this. But I want Bella to kill that Ban mafia". Jona said "Father are you fool ? That Ban is a top mafia in the US. You want us to dir abroad ?". Gan said, "Kill the people who try to hurt Jenny". Bella went away on her bike. Jona informed me about this Jake. Jake said, "Get ready we are going to the US". Jona said, "Are you and your sister went crazy ?!". Gan said, "By the way leave Mark here". Jona sighed and said "Ok father but aren't you indirectly saying us to die ?! nevermind. Bye".

Bella texted Issac saying "Can you handle it?". Issac texted back "Yes". Bella texted "If anything happens again. I'm coming over there". Issac texted back "Ok". Bella went to her home and started to sleep. Jona and Jake went to the US thinking Bella are over there. But knowing the truth. Jona shouted, "What you are not in the US ?! You*tch how can you do this to me ?!". Bella said "Too loud. Don't worry. I will be there soon". Issac entered Jenny's room but Jenny wasn't there. Jenny was kidnapped. All the bodyguards were knocked down. Issac started to search using CCTV cameras. But he got no clue. May said "Oh my we been protecting Jenny for all this year. But this time. It is too much. He/she used that Ban mafia !...why don't we inform cops ?". Issac said "No they might kill Jenny. If they do it. She won't let me live. I need to inform her ?". May said "Who ?".Issac didn't answer him. Issac started to call Bella saying "I can't handle it. Help!". Bella said "What ?! happened ?! I'm right now". Issac said "Ok I will wait".

Bella came to the US as fast as she could. Bella texted Issac saying "Sent me all the information...I will be back with Jenny" May saw this text and said, "Who is that person ?!". Issac said, "Someone who protects me". Bela again texted "Ok I found her. I will be back". Gan said, "Kill that person who hurts my granddaughter". Bella said "Ok".

Present, Bella wobbled to Jenny and untied her saying "Wait until your father is back". Bella stood up panting. Bella got a call from Issac saying "You got her ?!". Bella said, "Yes...come..to-". Bella fainted. Jona and Jake went to the place. Jenny held Bella in her hands and called Issac saying "Papa. Come here I'm scared". Jenny shared the location. Jona, Jake, May, and Issac came at the same time. Issac saw Bella covered in blood. Issac was shocked. No words came out of his mouth. He was scared. Jenny saw this new face of Issac. Jona sighed and said, "this sh*t head didn't call me". Jake said, "Come help me !". Jake lifted Bella and ran to his bike. Issac said "Stop ! take her in my car". Jake said "Key !". Issac threw the key. Jona caught the key and ran to the car. Jenny said, "P-Papa did you just now gave your precious car to those people ?". Issac said "Yes- Oi wait ! give me the bike keys !". Jake threw the keys". May said, "You know how to ride a bike ?!". Issac smiled and said, "Jenny get on". Issac rode away following the car. May said, "What about me ?!". Jenny shouted, "take the bus uncle !".

In the hospital, Issac said, "How is she ?". Jake giggled saying "She is fine. Right now she is eating an orange while hearing the nagging from Jona". Issac said, "Ok...how are you ?". Jake kept a knife on Issac's neck which Jake was using to slice the apple saying "I'm not okay with what happened 12 years ago". Jona saw this and shouted at Jake saying "Jake go home to Mark. Mark said he wants to see you. He said grandpa is bullying him". Issac said "Gan ?". Jona said "Yes". Jake went away saying "Fine. I will leave. Take care of Bella". Jake left the US. May said, "who are you all ?!". Jona said "I-". Bella said, "we three just childhood friends of Issac". May said, "What is your occupation ?! how can you kill those men?!". Jona smirked saying "No what are you going to say ?". Bella sighed and giggled saying "We are just owing a restaurant. I'm a service the food. And she cooks the food". Issac said "Pfft-".

Jenny said, "so you are my father's friends ?! I didn't know father had childhood friends. I know only May's uncle and Lily grandpa". Bella smiled. Issac walked to Bella said, "What do you mean by a friend ?". Bella whispered saying "If she knows I'm her mother. She is going to hate me. So just shut up until I kill that person who dares to hurt you both". May started to flirt with Jona. Jona treated a group chat with Issac, Bella. She texted "I want to kill him. Should I just stab him and ran away with the apple knife ?". Jona texted "No !". Issac said "Oi don't. Jenny is there". Jona texted, "How about after sending Jenny away ?". Issac texted, "I don't know". Bella texted "Hey isn't he your friend ?". Issac texted "No he is the spy who my mother sent". Bella texted "oK but just don't! he can be useful". Jona texted "Ok then. I wanna be your bodyguard. And let Bell be your sectary". Issac texted "Nice idea". Bella said, "we will stay at your house". Issac texted "Ok".

The next day, Bella went to Issac's room while he was sleeping. Issac was staying with May. Bella woke Issac as she does in the past. Issac also pulled Bella to the bed like in the past saying "No let me sleep a little more". May shouted, "What are you both doing ?!". Bella and Issac realized and said "S-sorry". Issac said, "Why are you here ?". Bella said "I'm here to say that...your uncle Kim is the one who is going this..the killing of Ben and Jasmine. And the incident 12 years ago. And now. He is been wanting the company. At first, he aimed at me and Jake because Jasmine is from San family. After Jasmine's death, he soon found out the hatred between Jasmine and her father. So the next CEO must be going to your mother Lily. So he started to hurt you and Jenny. Ben's death was an accident...he died because of me-". Issac hugged Bella saying "Shut up! don't say it anymore. Stay like this". Bella smiled and patted his head saying "You always used to go it to hear Jen-". Bella saw May staring at them. Bella pushed Issac away and went away.

Issac was confused and saw May. Iss started o laugh saying "Now I know why she pushed me. From tomorrow on stay in other oom May". May said, "Why ?!". Issac said "People might come to kill me. I don't want to die with you. I will stay with Bella. She can protect me". May said, "Ok then". Jenny was sleeping with Jona. Jenny looked at the mirror. Jenny mumbled, "I have the exact red eyes as Bella".

In the company, Uncle Kim said "How is Jenny ?". Issac said "Alright. Thanks to you". Uncle Kim said, "What do you mean ?". Issac said, "your letter helped us find out that the Ban mafia has her". Uncle smirked saying "You found me after all these years ?". Issac said "Yes uncle". Uncle Kim said "I still can't find who is Jenny's mother? what did you do to Jona's brother ?". Bella looked at Issac. Jona smirked. Issac said, "It's a secret uncle".

In the room, Issac was sitting on the chair. Bella sat on the table saying "Explain". Jona sat down smirking. Issac said "...After sending Bella to the hospital 12 years ago, I got a call from Jona's brother. He said me to come to the mall. I went there. He told me to leave Bella. And go far away in order to keep Bella safe because uncle found out I married Jasmine's daughter. And San...my grandpa still worries about Jasmine's child. So he can also give you the company. Uncle Kim sent Jona to kill me. But after our wedding, He ordered us to kill both of us. I knew this from before. He never saw you. I made Jake destroy all your network personal information in the past before you gave birth to Jenny. I had to leave and hid you. So that you can be saved. And I know you will protect us from far away".

Jona said, "If you know about uncle Kim. Why didn't you stop him ?". Issac said, "I was scared to do that alone". Bella said, "Now you have us". Issac said "Yes". Bella said "What if this uncle Kim is over. Will, we get married again ?". Issac started to cry saying "I didn't even sign the papers!". Jona said "Oh sh*t. I will leave then".Jona ran away. Bella started to wipe his tears saying "Oh my baby boy. Don't cry". Issac kissed her saying "I miss you". Belal hugged him saying "Me too...I thought you hate me". Issac said "No I don't hate you...when I saw you covered in blood. I'm starting to feel scared". Bella kissed him.

In the company, Issac said, "This is lunch break. Wanna go and eat ?". Jona said "Hey wait. I heard your cafeteria has yummy food. Let's go there". Bella said "Yes !". Issac said "Ok then". They went to the cafeteria. Every worker started to mumble saying "Isn't this CEO ?". They sat at one table. One girl came and said, "Sir can I sit here ?". Issac said "Ok". Bella was going to sit beside Issac but that girl pushed Bella away. Bella gave a glare and sat beside Jona. That girl came and started to flirt with him. Jona texted in the group "Should we just push her face in her food ?". Bella texted "how about throwing an egg at her?". Jona texted "should we just use this table knife to slice her tongue ?" Bella texted "Yes she is talking too much". Jona texted "looks like you got more rivals in this past 12 years ". Bella texted "Yes". Issac said, "I can also read those messages". Bella and Jona gave an awkward smile. That girl was confused. Issac stood up and kissed Bella saying "I have a partner". that girl took a pic and went away.

The next day, Jona woke up. Jenny was on top of her with a knife in Jona's neck saying "Who are you and Bella? Why did papa kiss Bella ?".Jona said, "You are wild just like her ?!". Jenny said, "Explain now !". Jona smirked and said "Look like I have to. But don't tell her I said this to you". Jona told everything that happened 12 years ago. Jenny said "Wow ! cool! I have a cool mother !". Jona said, "Wow didn't expect this reaction ? by the way wanna marry my son ?". Jenny said "You have a son? what about May ?". Jona said "That idiot has been flirting a lot. But don't worry. Issac said he will take care of him". Jenny giggled. Jona gave a phone number saying "This is Jake's, mark's, and Gan's phone number. You can call them". Jenny said, "Ok thank you !".

Uncle Kim said, "What ? that sectary is Esav's lover ? and..she is a server in the restaurant ?". One guy said "Yes sir. Look like. That old man is going to change the CEO". Bella was hugging Issac while she was sleeping. Issac woke and kissed Bella saying "Walk you...who gave me missed call this much- Grandpa !".Issac was called to San's house along with Bella because San saw the photo on the newspaper's first page. Issac kissing Bella was published in the newspapers. Uncle Kim was giggling. Kim said "Looks like Issac is in love with that sectary. What about Jenny's mother ? ". San was glaring. Issac sighed saying "I'm sorry-". Bella stood looking at Uncle kim. Uncle Kim smiled. Bella gave a video call to Gan and said "I'm Bella. Mother of Jenny. Wife of Issac. Sister of Jake. Sister in low of Jona the head of the snake clan. The second born of Gan and Jasmine. The head of the Gan mafia clan. The server of my own restaurant. I'm your granddaughter". Uncle said, "What is the proof ?!".

Bella said, "Papa isn't this guy too noisy ?". Bella showed her phone to uncle kim. Gan was in the video call. Gan said "Yes dear. Sent him over here. I will handle the rest". Bella giggled and gave the phone to San. Gan said, "Hey there father in law ?!". San shouted "You brat! you kidnapped my daughter !". Bella said "What ?!". Gan giggled saying "Yes father. My princess, he is saying how I ran away with your mother". Bella sighed. San said, "Is she really my daughter's child?". Gan said "Father..yes. She is Bella the daughter of me and my queen". San said "what ? she looks totally like you". Gan dragged jake to the camera saying "This idiot looks like Jasmine". Jake shouted "Idiot ?! what are you calling me! leave Mark. Jona said you are bullying Mark".San said "Mark ?". Bella said "Your great-grandchild. Brother Jake and Jona's son". San smiled. Jake shouted at Issac saying "Just wait and watch I gonna kill you after I come there !". Bella kissed Issac. Jake said "What ?!". Gan giggled and let Mark go saying "looks like they made up. Show my granddaughter! I don't like my grandson !". San said, "Are you really the....same person who I saw in the past ?....you looked like a cold beast". Bella said, "Pfft-". Issac said, "He was but after the grandchildren, he turned like this". San smiled saying "Come here fast". Gan said "Ok father".Uncle Kim went away in disappointment.

In the night, Jona was already home. May and Jenny were waiting for them. Issac and Bella entered the house blushing. Jona saw this and smirked saying "Looks like Jake is going to suicide". May started to flirt with Jona. Jona looked at a knife on the table. Jenny saw this and said, "No don't". Jona sighed and walked away. Ban entered the home saying "Well well looks like this is the people I should kill personally?". Jona said, "May take Jenny to the room".Uncle Kim entered along with him saying "Yes. Good luck". Bella smirked and started to laugh saying "You ?". Ban said "Shh". Jona was confused. Bella ran and hugged Ban saying "Hey there long time no see groom !". Issac said, "What the hell are you doing here brother-in-law!?".

Ban said, "He bought me over here brother in law". (Ban = the groom from the wedding). Bella said "Hey uncle. I think you need to get to know your family members in person. You don't even know this Ban is Issac's sister's husband. You called him to kill his own brother-in-law". Jake came inside saying "Hey there. I already got all the evidence for his crime. He came to be sent to jail. I'm tired from traveling". Uncle Kim was sent to jail. Jake said "Dude you were a mafia? we almost got killed by you". Ban smiled. Jona said, "You both threatened this big mafia in his wedding ?". Bella gave an awkward smile saying "I guess yes". Jenny ran and hugged Bella saying "Mommy !". Bella was surprised. Jona said 'i already told the story. No need to thank me". Bella smiled saying "I will do anything for you, Jona". Jona said, "Then let Jenny marry Mark". Bella said "what ?!". Issac and Jake started to smile. Jake whispered "If you make her cry. I'm going to hack your phone". Issac giggled saying "Ok". May shouted "what ?! you got a son ?! did I flirt with a lady with a son and husband ?!". Jake said, "What you flirted with my wife ?!". They all giggled.

In the airport, Gan ran and saw Jenny and others waiting for them along with San. Jenny ran and hugged Mark saying "Hey !". Mark blushed. Jona said, "Wow...she is fast". Jake said "Yes...". Bella and Issac said, "He is blushing ?!". They all had fun together with peace and no killing. Except helping others.

San looked at Gan saying "You asked me in the past...that will I be okay after Jasmin's runaway with you ?..my answer is yes..because she was happy with you".Gan said, "Thank you for giving me, Jasmine".