My life P-1

I'm Jina. I time-traveled back to my 2 years old now I'm 2 years old. Before the time-traveling, my life is used to be father is always on business trips. And my biological mother is dead long ago. I see my father once a month. So I don't have a close relationship with my father, Mark. My father married a lady named Grace. Soon Grace gave birth to twin brothers. One is Jack and another one is Michel, my stepbrothers. My father is a CEO of a huge company. I was born from a one-night stay between Stella and Mark. I never saw my father smiling until that day...on my step-brother's birthday celebrates their 1 year. I was surprised to see father smiling, kissing, and giggling at those two. I realized those four making a perfect family without me. So I started to get jealous and started to annoy them. I pulled pranks on them. I troubled Grace even if she cared about me.

I and my stepbrother went to the same school. I ignored them all and I was waiting for my prince to love me more than anyone did. At that time, I loved one boy named Kim from senior. I chased after him but he loved my step-brother Machel. He was gay !. I'm always a Bl (Boy's love) fan but this fact hurt and tore me apart. I blackmailed him using the pic of them both kissing. By mistake, that picture got spread among the school. Kim started to blam me. I tried explaining but it was too late. Due to the fear of the father. He suicided. My father got to know this. He hated me more. I fell into tears. Due to losing Machel, my father hated me. Jake wanted to kill me. Grace went crazy. Kim made my life a mess. I lost all my feeling of guilt and jumped to the river to die but one person came and saved me. He had pink hair with ocean blue eyes.

That's it ..Poof...I'm here as 2 years old me. I know I'm a crazy and selfish bi*ch. But all I wanted was a person to love me, care for me and my family. If I'm correct not only me all boys used to bully them because of their pretty. To be honest I wasn't the person who took the photo. I only got that photo through a message from an unknown number. At that time I was stupid. I got carried away in anger. Michel and Kim were kissing on a broad day so I gonna save Machel from Kim !. If I'm correct Grace gave birth to brothers. I decided! I gonna save my brothers. I gonna be a good daughter for Grace !. I'm gonna win over Grace because in the past life I tried to win over Mark but he didn't fall for me. this life, I'm not gonna care about him!...wait so yesterday was the day when I got slapped by my father!

What must have happened yesterday, Grace breaks Stella's picture with Jina and Mark which Jina had in her room. Jina gets angry and starts to shouts. Grace tries to take those mirror pieces but got cut while doing it. Mark comes inside and slaps Jina saying "why are you letting a pregnant lady do this ! see she got cut !". Jina starts to cry. Grace was going to console her but Mark took Grace away. Jina locked the room and starts to cry to sleep without having dinner.

Jina sighed and said "That". Jina ran outside her room with her 2 years old body. Jina took a sketch pen and started to write something on a chart. Jina gave an evil smile saying "This is really going to work !". She opened the door and looked at the bodyguard. His name was John. John said, "Young lady, go inside. Ma'am and sir will be back soon". Jina smiled and said, "I wanna she mama now. Take me there. I wanna see my brothers. Pleases". Jina made a cute face. John blushed and said, "B-But...ok fine lady. Let me take you there. Three come with me. Two stay here". Others said, "Yes sir !".

Jina was taken to the hospital. Jina walked to Grace's room using the hallway. John was following her while the others were in the car. Jina slowly walked near the room. Suddenly Mark opened that door and saw Jina with a cold stare. Jina sighed and said to herself "I hate these eyes. This is the same expression he gives me in the past. Are you sure I'm your daughter ?". Jina avoided eye contact and sneaked inside while crawling under in leg. Jina ran to Grace and smiled saying "Are you okay ?". Grace smiled and patted her head saying "Yes did you come here to see father ?". Jina always used to search for Mark at a young age. Jina sighed and said, "No ! I'm here to meet you and brother !". Mark said, "how did you know it's a boy ?". Jina mumbled 'Sh*t". Grace said "What did you say ?". Grace couldn't hear her. Jina smiled and said, "I heard it from John's uncle". John was confused.

Jina gave that chart to Grace and smiled. Grace opened it. It was a drawing of Jina, Michel, Jake, Grace, and a black monster as a stickman figure. Grace smiled saying "Who are they ?". Jina said with around in her face "This is you. This is me. This is brothers and....this is father". Grace started to laugh saying "Honey even Jina thinks you as a monster !!". John was confused. Jina tilted. Grace said "Oh my. Jina, do you know what happened? Your father ran inside while getting wet in the rain. Your father gave a horror movie entrance. The nurse thought he is a demon and shouted Demon ! and ran outside while shaking". John said, "Pfft". Mark gave a glare at him he gave an awkward smile and said, "t-then I will wait for an outside young lady".

Jina said "No need. Let's go". Grace said, "W-wait aren't you going to talk with father ? are you still angry with him ?". Jina smiled at Grace saying "Don't worry. I don't blame you for this. I usually have an awkward relationship with him. So never mind. It doesn't hurt anymore. So Bye ! Love you !". Jina dragged John out without making eye contact with Mark.

After some time, grace and Mark also went home along with the babies. Jina started to ignore and avoid Mark. Mark noticed it and didn't mind. Jina worked hard to be a great sister and paying for her sin. Grace saw this and was happy about the bond between Jina and the babies. Jina's eyes almost popped out while holding Jack and Michel for the first time. Jian couldn't find her family photo of the three.

After 16 years, Jack and Michel were 16 years old. Jina was 18 years old. Jina woke up saying "Wow.... I've been avoiding Mark's success for 16 years !". Grace came inside saying "Oh you are awake ? ok get ready. We are leaving to take a family picture". Jina smiled saying "Ok I'll become !". Jack and Michel ran inside shouting "Sister !!!". Jina lifted them both and laid on the bed saying "I wanna sleep more". Grace said "Guards ! lift the princess and make her ready" to Jack and Michel. Jack and Michel giggled and said "Yes ma'am !". Jina said, "Oh my don't !!". Jina giggled. Grace smiled and walked to Mark's room to make Mark ready.

Jack climbed to Jina's belly saying "Sister wears a dark blue dress just like me !". Michel said

"No sister wear a yellow dress just like me !". Jina said, "oh about I wear a suit just like you two ?". Jack and Michel contemplated and said "Ok !!". Jina smiled and attend to them both saying "So now get out I'm going to change my clothes after I wash up". Jake said "Ok !". Michel said, "ok...sis kiss". Jina saw this and smiled and gave him a kiss saying "Oh my sweet brother". Jake stared at Jina. Jina saw this and kissed his forehead saying "Why don't you both get out now !". Jake giggled and dragged Michel out.

Jina said to herself "this brat has been sticking to me all the time. They even asked for a kiss. I like this. I got a mother and a brother who wakes me up with jokes. In the past, I used to wear pretty dresses and frocks wanting my father says I'm pretty but it never happened. So from that time, I having a huge hatred for those frocks and dresses. I switched to suits and pants. To be honest, I'm taller than Jina !! but Mark is still tall !!".

Jina came out in a grey suit with a pong tail. Jake ran to her saying "sister is pretty". Jina smiled saying "my cute brother is also pretty". Grace walked to her saying "I don't like it ! I want you to wear frocks like a princess !!". Jina smiled and patted Grace saying "Don't worry. I don't want a prime anymore. And I'm I pretty ?". Grace said, "My daughter is always pretty! but wait...". Grace untied the ponytail and making Jina's long black hair bounce down. Grace said, "Now better". Jina smiled. Grace said, "Let's eat our breakfast after taking the photo in a hotel". Mark walked to the hall in a grey suit just like Jina saying "ok..". Mark saw Jina's suit and didn't say anything. Jina was annoyed. Michel saw this grabbed Jina's hand "Let's go !!".

They went to the car. Jina said, "You four go first. I will come with John's uncle". Jack and Michel said, "No We both are coming with you !". Jina smiled saying "As you wish". Grace smiled saying "Ok". Mark took a car and drove over there along with Grace. In John's car, Jina said "Why did you both come ?". Jack said, "Sister we know you and father are not in a good relationship. Mother told us when we were young. So we don't want you to be alone". Michel said, "Yes and we know you don't like us because we are your step-brother-". Jina said, "Stop idiots. Who said I hate you. I hate father not you or Jack or Grace". Jack said, "Then why are you calling mom as Grace ?". John said, "Pfft-". Jack said Uncle !". Jina said "....I'm too shy you know..". John started to laugh Jina said "Uncle stop laughing !". Jack said, "Then...please call mother as a mom she thinks you hate her". Jina patted them saying "Ok bunnies".

In the photoshop, Jina was asked to stand behind Mark handing his shoulder. Mark was beside Grace sitting. Jack and Michel were standing behind Grace handing Grace's shoulder. Jina was awkward. Jina shouted, "Wait stop. Let's switch ! Jack comes here let me hold Grace !". Jina pushed those two thoughts, Mark. Jina smiled brightly while holding Grace's shoulder. Jack and Michel were standing behind Mark. Mark saw this and kept quiet. After the family photo, Jina said "Can we take another photo with me, Jack and Michel?". Grace said, "Yes !! great !!".

The cold vibe from that classic family photo got changed into a fun vibe. Jack hugged right side, Jina. And Michel was hugging the left side of Jina. Jina smiled brightly. Mark was shocked. In the next photos, Grace and Mark were standing. Mark smiled while seeing Grace. Jina saw this and said, "eww...I never seen father like this...". Jacks aid 'Pfft- sister be carful what if he hears you ?". Jina said "Let him hear. Listen carefully I'm gonna steal your mother from him one day". In the next photo, Jack has pushed away and stopped by Michel's left hand and his right hand was hugging Jina. In the next photo, Jina lifted Grace and stood smiling. Grace got scared and was screaming. Michel said, "Pfft- mother you look funny!". Jina said, "that pc is going to become my profile this year". Grace said, "What ?! no !". Jina smiled. Grace pushed Mark and Jina together.

The vibe got changed again to awkward. Jack said 'Wait this is going to happen. Mother! yesterday I accidentally saw my sister's phone. Sister got a boyfriend !". Grace gave a glare at Jina saying "What do you mean by this?". Jina gave an awkward smile and hid behind Mark peeking her head a little outside saying "No! don't believe that brat! that's my ex-boyfriend !". Jack said, "wait I was just kidding you really had one ?!". Michel started to laugh and held Grace from throwing the bottle at Jina. Mark saw this and smiled. The photo was taken. After the photo was given, They went to the hotel and started to see the picture while waiting for the food.

Jack saw one photo and was shocked. Jina was drinking water. Jack, Michel, and Jina were sitting on one side of the table. Grace and Mark were sitting on another side. Mark was before Jina. Grace was before Michel. Jack was in the middle. Jack gave that picture to Jina. Jina saw the photo which was taken along with Jina and Mark. Jina spotted the water in Mark's face in a shock saying "why is the demon smiling ?!". Michel said, "Pfft- father is a demon ?". Grace said, "Don't ask me about that again". Grace started to laugh. Food was placed on the table. Jina was shocked and just ignored it and started to eat. Jina's hair started to fell on the plate due to gravity. Jack saw this and said "Michel hairband". Michel took three bands from his pocket saying "Pick one, sis". Jina said, "Oh my are you really carrying those in your pocket ?". Michel said, "Yes, I think Jack you chose". Jack took one classic band and tied her hair saying "I think you need to cut your hair, sis. It has grown a lot longer".

Grace said, "It's her wish to cut". Jina smiled saying "if I cut my hair I will be looking just like Stella. So I think I shouldn't. It will be uncomfortable for others". Grace sighed and said, "Idiot...don't mind those. Cut if you like. To be honest I love your mother...she is so pretty. Do as you wish but no dyeing your hair ! and no tattoo!". Grace smiled while drinking the wine. Jina smiled saying "Yes, mother". Grace said "Yes-what ?! ". Grace spotted on Michel's face. Jack said, "eww....pfft-". Mark looked at Jina. Jina smiled at Grace. Grace said, "What did you call me ?". Jina said, "I called you mother ! got any problem ?". Grace smiled while blushing "No ! my daughter !". Jack said, "Wow...I got something to say....I and Michel went to go to the same school as a sister". Jina said 'Yes- wait no !".

Grace begged Grace to put Jack and Michel in different schools in order to protect them when she was young. And Grace also acted normal hiding her identity. So that no one will take interest in her and graduate in peace without any fighting. Mark said, "I was also thinking about that....I will do it". Jina said "what?! No ! it will be dangerous they will get bully". Mark said, "Wait were you been bullied ?!". Jina said, "Why are you shouting as if you care ?!". Mark said, "I do care ! I'm your father!". Jina shouted in anger "were you acting like one ?! You always hated me because mother died after giving birth to me ! you think I don't know that !". It suddenly turned quiet. An awkward silence surrounded that place. Grace tried to light it up but she couldn't.

Mark stood saying "...I don't hate...I just don't know what to speak with were away I thought you felt lonely...that's why I married Grace because she was kind and pretty...Grace also treated you kind...I wanted to earn more money so that I can give you all a nice life without any shortage in your lives...looks like I look like that". Mark walked away. Jina grabbed Mark's hand saying "Then why did you gave a cold stare at me when I came to see Grace in the past after she gave birth to Jack and Michel ?". Mark said "you always do something different so I was...just trying to understand what you were doing and what you want". Jack said, "Pfft-". Grace glared at Jack. Jack kept quiet giving awkward smile.

Jina sighed saying "You are such a fool". Mark said "What ?!! you were the one who ignored me and avoided me for this many years. I waved at you last night but you just walked away". Jina gave an awkward smile saying "Last night, I thought you were waving at someone else so I just walked away". Mark said, "You were the only one over there !". Jina rubbed her head saying "I didn't know that..". Grace said, "Then are you both good now ?". Jina said, "Yes...I guess". Mark said, "yes we are !". Jina said, "wow you can speak loud ?". Michel said, "Pfft- wow nice reaction. a Few days ago father came to me asking how to smile".

Jack started to laugh saying "Wanna go on any trip !". Jina said "Yes !" Grace said, "No ! your school is starting tomorrow". Jack and Jina made sad faces. Mark said, "your mother is correct so let's go home". Mark winked at Jina. Jina was confused. Grace was suspicious. Grace said, "tomorrow, Jack and Michel are coming with you". Jina said "Ok but under one condition. You both need to stay low ok ?". Mark said, "is someone troubling you ?!". Jina gave an awkward smile saying "no father, I just don't like to be in crowded places so ". Jack and Michel shouted "Ok !".

In the night, Jina was going to sleep but someone knocked on Jina's room at midnight. Jina opened half-sleep. It was Michel, Jak, and Mark. Jina said, "What are you do-". Mark closed Jina's mouth saying "Let's go for the trip. Uncle John is waiting outside. Let's leave without letting Grace know". Jack and Michel smiled brightly saying "sis let's go". Jina smiled saying "Ok". They sneaked out but John was smiling evilly. Jina said, "un-uncle are you okay ?". Grace came out saying "He is okay but you won't be okay". Mark said "Sh*t". Grace hit Mark's back saying "why are you swearing before kids ?!". Mark was dragged inside. Mark was making a sad face. Jack said, "looks like we are not going". Jina said, "Don't worry. I will take you both on a trip after your graduation. Okay ?". Michel smiled saying "Ok". Jack said, "let's all sleep together. Pease, sister". Jina said smiling "Ok come". Michel made fun, saying "John uncle you betrayed us". John made a crying face saying "sorry".

Jina, Jack, and Michel giggled and ran inside. John smiled. In the morning, Jina said "Mother...can you cut my hair ?". Grace smiled saying "Yes my daughter!!!". Grace helped her cut the hair. Everyone was having breakfast. Jina's hair was in a length of touching her shoulder slightly. After finishing, Mark stood up and kissed Grace on the lips. Mark gave Jina, Michel, and Jack a forehead kiss and said "Bye...Jina you look pretty". Jina blushed. Jack shouted "father this is not fair. I should be the one who kisses sister first !". Grace quickly came and kissed Jina's head saying "have a nice day !". Jina smiled. Jack said, "Mom you too ?!". Michel stood and kissed Jina's cheek saying "sister you look pretty". Jack was shocked saying "no...I'm the last one". Jina saw this and kissed Jack's cheek saying "come brother you are late". Jack smiled and giggled saying "looks like I'm the first to get Jina's kiss".

Jina thought to herself "...I have a family...a sweet family...I will save them no matter what you family". John was driving them to school, three of them were in school uniform. Jina was wearing pants without wearing the skirts. Michel showed his cheek saying "Me". Jina smiled saying "oh my brother !". Jina kissed his cheek saying "cutie pie". Jack said, "What about me ?". Jina said, " are honey pie !". John said, "that's what you saved on the phone ". Michel and Jack were amazed. Jina said, "got caught". They giggled. Jina went serious saying "loos guys. Dogs smell another dog. If that dog finds you interesting it will remember you so...what I'm saying is. Don't look interesting. Okay ?! do you understand !?". Jack and Michel said, "Yes sir !". John said "Pfft- so you are a dog ?". Jina said "Uncle !". Jina said, "to be honest...some people are thinking uncle John is my father so I'm not in the spotlight". John said, "I'm gonna be dead if the boss knows this". Michel said, "Enjoy uncle". Jack said "pfft-".

John said, "we are here". Jina got down saying "sh*t I hate this place". John said, "Hey that's your school !". Jina said, "It's not a normal school. It's a rich school which has many rich people's children study. My rich brats are here, to be honest, spoiled brats". Jack said, "we are one among them, sister". John said, "I don't think'am Grace always limited your year expenses". Michel said, "Nevermind let's go sister, Bye uncle". John came out of the car and waved at them. Jack giggled saying "Maybe people will misunderstand you as my grandpa! Uncle, I recommend you to dye your hair!". John said "You brats. Go inside !". Michel waved back saying "bye !". Jina smiled at him. John smiled and said, "they are growth...Bye kids be happy".

In the school, Jack and Michel were sent to a different building away from Jina. Jina said, "See you both on the way home". Jack pointed saying "where is the principle ?". Michel said, "shut up and come". Michel dragged Jack to class saying "let's see later sister". After they left, Jina's face turned cold. Jina entered the class and sat beside the window. The class president came saying "why are you wearing pants?". Jina said in a cold voice "skirts are uncomfortable". The class president said, "what do you mean ?". The school rules say to wear school uniform but it doesn't have any rules preventing a female to wear school pants". The class president was angry. The student started to gossip. Jina said to herself"I was staying law fro a long time but why now! skirts are too short. And I have to wax my legs. My legs are too hairy. I don't want to".

Class started, the class president walked to her chair. The teacher came in and started the class. In the break period. Jina started to lay on the table while seeing the window. A girl named Mary started to pick in Jina from fighting with the class president. Jina ignored her. Jina suddenly saw a pink-haired guy staring at her from the ground through the window. He smiled. Jina was shocked. Jina stood up saying "it's him !". Mary got scared. Mary shouted "Hey !". Jina said, "sorry lady have to leave". But Mary didn't leave her. Jina smirked and lifted her and placed her on Jina's table and was leaned to Mary as if she was going to kiss her. Mary blushed and she stopped talking. Jina smiled and ran away saying "Wow that worked". Jack and Michel saw this and were shocked. Jina didn't know they were here. Jina ran to the ground. But that guy went away. Jina said "sh*t ..I'm late".

Everyone in that class started to gossip about Mary and Jina. Jack shouted "is sister a lesbian !!?". Michel said, "...maybe she is ?". Jina came inside the class and saw Jack and Michel. Jina's face totally changed and she started to smile. Classmates were confused and shocked. Jack and Michel were glaring at Mary. Jina stoped them both saying "what are you both doing here ?". Michel said, "we are here to see you but...we saw you trying to kiss Mary...". Jina said, "oh it's not what you think". Jack pointed saying "then explain sister". Jina said, "she was talking too much so I did that to stop her". Michel said, "that's not how you stop people !". Jina said, "but it worked look she isn't even talking". Jack hugged Jina saying "I thought she is your girlfriend". Jina said, "to be honest she is cute". Michel said "what ?! hey you ! don't ever come near my sister. She belongs to me and Jack only !". The bell rang. Michel dragged Jack to the class. Jack made a sad face saying "sister let's have lunch together". Jina smiled saying "ok". After they both left, she turned cold again. She lifted Mary from the table and dropped her on the floor saying "don't disturb me". Mary nodded and left blushing.

Jina said, "I lost him...or her..but it's a boy. He was wearing pants wait what if a girl like me wearing pants...class president". In the lunch, Jina walked to class president and said "can you do me a favor ?...". The class president said, "why should I ?". Jina said, "please I will help you..". Class president smirked saying "ok then you need to help me as my secretary . Okay ?". Jina sighed saying "Ok". The class president said, "ok then. What do you want ?". Jina said, "I want to find one person. Do you know how many people have pink hair in our school ?". The class president said, "that's a little hard but I will help you with any other information ?". Jina said, "that person was wearing pants !". The class president said, "wow...looks like you are an idiot. It will take 1 week for me".

Jina said, "Hey ! the way me as your helper ?". The class president said, "I want a serious helped who is only into working and not into being with me. So in this whole class you are the one who doesn't care about me. Do you know my name ?". Jina said "no". The class president said, "yes that's why. My name is Ash". Jina said "ok..please find that person". Ash smiled saying "okay but as a helped you need to know our work are you free at lunch ?". Jina said, "yes I guess. I gonna have lunch with some people". Ash said ok let me join you then".

In the food court, Jina took her food and saw Jack and Michel sitting at one table. Jack waved at Jina. Jina smiled and ran to them. Michel said, "don't run sister !". Jina said, "it's okay". Ash also followed her. Jack said, "sister do you know him ?". Jina said, "oh he is my class president". Jack said, "wow you said to stay low but your friend is a class president ?". Jina said, "he is not my friend". Jian giggled. Ash was shocked and made a face of disgust saying "the devil is smiling". Michel said, "pfft- Mark is called a demon, and Jina is called the devil". Jina felt stared at her. Jina looked around saying "what the hell ? why are people looking in this direction ? wait- you three ! why are you three attracting attention !". Ash made a proud face. Jina was disgusted.

Jina stood up saying "I'm gonna leave. I don't want girls to chase me and hit me for being close to you three". Jack made a sad face. Jina was sitting with Ash. Jack saw this and pulled Jina to their sit and placed her between Michel and himself. Jina said, "you brats have any bands ?". Michel gave a band. Jina took the band saying "even if I cut my hair. This hair is going inside my eyes while eating !". Jack giggled and said, "let me help sis".Jina smiled. Jack tied her hair saying "let's eat !". Ash said, "...are you poly ? you gave three boyfriends ?". Jina started to laugh. Jack whispered saying "that's how it looks ?". Ash said "yes". Michel said, "that's great. That's what father told us to do ? he said not to let you have a boyfriend". Jina said, "what ? you three". Michel said "oops". Jina said, "we are siblings. They are my stepbrothers". Ash said, "oh ok...and you two wanna help me ?". Jack said, "why should we ?". Ash said, "I will report your sister's behavior. And tell whether she got a boyfriend or not. Okay ?".

Jack said "no need. I don't believe you. You are too close to sister". Michel said "yes". Jina said "pfft-". Soon they four become friends and had lunch together. Soon Jina also started to smile at Ash. The gossip also increased. Ash couldn't find that person. They finally told their identity to Ash. Ash was surprised. Ash become a close friend. Ash also came to their house for sleepovers with Jina. But the sleepovers were interpreted by Jack and Michel. Jina suddenly said, "you are not here for me right ? are here something else..say". Ash sighed and said, "...I like your brother Michel...I'm here to see him. You can beat me, gossip me, kick me out". The place was quiet. Jina smiled saying "ok good as long as it's not him(Kim)". Ash said "who ?". Jina said "nevermind. hear clear. If you hurt him or make him cry. I'm gonna kill you and bury you. So if he doesn't like you accept the fact and leave. Okay ?". ash said, "...ok". Jina said "good". Ssh said, "Oh I almost forgot. Our school sports day is coming. Wanna help ?". Jian said, "ok tell me what to do". Jina giggled. Ash smirked.