My life P-2

The next day, In the morning, Grace waved at Jina crying and worrying. Jina was confused and said, "Why is a mother making that face ?".Jina was measured and was taken to waxing by Jack, Michel, and Ash. In the waxing parlor, Jina shouted while lying down on the bed "you idiot ! I will kill you three!". Ash was standing beside her saying "I love you too idiot. Our volleyball team is in short of players. This game is common . There is no male or female restriction so I gave your name in this. Don't thank me". Jina started to hit him saying "I hate you ! so you are making me wax !". Jack giggled saying "Sorry sister. I know you don't wear any shorts and frocks cuz you need to wax your legs. And you are lazy and scared of pain. So that's why I and Michel helped Ash. We want to see you in frocks and shorts".

Michel said "please sister". Jina sighed and shouted, "come one wax ! wait...let me grab something". Jina grabbed Jack's hair saying "ok know". Jack said, "ok what /! no !". Waxing started. Jina started to pull Jack's hair from his head. Jack shouted in pain saying "Oh my god !!!". Jina started to cry saying "You pervert ! It hurts. Where is father ?! father !!". Michel started to cry saying "sister is that hurts too much ?". Jack shouted, "I'm in pain someone help". Ash hit Jina's hand and pulled Jack away. Jina smiled in nervous saying "N-No I three get out. I will be alright". Jack said, "but-". Jina shouted, "get the hell out of here". Ash took them away saying "looks like your sister turned into a ghost". When they left the room one pink-haired guy entered the room. Ash was contemplating.

Inside, the person who was waxing her was replaced by that pink-haired guy. In that room, Jina and the guy were alone. The pink-haired guy was wearing a mask so Jina didn't know who he was. He started to wax her. He said, "I'm gonna pull". Jina was scared said "O-ok". Jina bites her hand to control the scream. He saw this and leaned to her saying "take off your hands". Jina took her hands from her mouth. He removed the mask quickly and kissed her while pulling the wax. No scream came out. Jina blushed and was confused. Jina said, "you are him right ?! the one who-". He again kissed her while pulling the wax. He started to prepare the wax. Jin said "H-hey. You were the one who saved me from the river". He said, " remember ?". Jina said, "yes ! how did you-". He again kissed her and pulled that wax. Jina's tears fell. Jina said "sh*t how are the other guys use this wax so easily ?!". He kissed her eyes saying "others have less hair but you have more and thick hair". Jina said, "what can I do it's my mother's gen-". He kissed and pulled the last wax.

Jina closed her eyes in pain and said "". Jina opened her eyes but he wasn't there. Jina ran outside shouting "where did that guy go?!". Jack said, "sister you cried ?! why is your lips swelled up ?!". Michel said, "he ran away did he steal something ?". Jina said, " ! it's that guy who I asked you to find !". Ash said, "should I find him ?". Jian said "yeah".

After some time, Ash said, "this place doesn't have any information about him. He isn't a worker over here. He is a customer who came to your room to wax". Jina said, "wait but he knew about waxing and how to do it...looks like he is s professional. I saw his face....". Michel said, "what did it looks like ?". Jina said, ".....cute..totally my style". Jack said, "pfft- I gonna tell father". Jina said "hey ! no !". Jack said, "just kidding". Jina mumbled, "I lost him again".

The next day, Jina came out wearing a volleyball uniform out of her room. A t-shirt and shorts in yellow. they were standing on the ground. Jina and Ash's class color is yellow. Jack and Michel's class color was blue. Mark said, "stand for the picture !". Grace said, "wait who is going to take the picture ?". Ash walked in saying "hey guys come. I'm here to pick you up". Grace smirked saying "got one person". Ash was forced to take the picture.

On the school ground, every class was in a different color. Jina said, "I won't forgive you three". Ash rubbed her head saying "I thought it was okay to wax. I didn't know it will hurt. Thank god you almost ribbed Jack's head hair. I know you can play volleyball. So just shut up and come. Your Jack told me. Congrats the game is going to start". Jina gave a glare at Jack. Jack gave an awkward smile from far away. Michel saying "looks like she is going to kill you after that game". Jack said, "pray for me. Let me live". Michel giggled. Jack and Michel sneaked out of their class and started to cheer Ash and Jina. Ash gave a flying kiss to Michel. Michel blushed but suddenly gave an awkward smile behind Ash. It was Jina. Jina garbed Ash's neck saying "why don't you stop flirting with Michel in a brad daylight people might attack Michel !". Ash said "Sorry". Jack smirked saying "I smell love". Michel blushed and said, "W-what are you saying ? stop smelling are you a dog ?". Jack started to giggled and nudge Michel.

The game started, Yellow was fighting with orange in volleyball. Ash was a setter and Jina was a spiker. Jina blocked all the bags and shot balls along with others members. They won the match. Again they had to fight with Blue. They again won the match. They went to the finals. They were playing with the green class. The class won all four years. Ash said, "let's win guys !". Jina said, "Ash...let mary come and play now". Ash smirked saying "ok...". Mary was a former volleyball team leader. She dropped playing volleyball a long time ago. Jina made Mary play using an effective method. Mary started to give more points using her quick attacks and strategies. But it wasn't enough. Green was in the lead by one point. Ash said "team ! don't drop any balls. They are in 24 points. We are in 23 points. If they get one point they win. Okay ?". Everyone said "yes !". Mary said, "Let me cover the balls. You and you be the spiker". Mary pointed at some people.

The match was really nervous. Jack and Michel were nervous. Everyone was nervous. Yellow class never won any sports matches. The green's ace has a shot. Jina and ash tried to block the ball. That ball was blocked after being hit by their hands. Ash's left hand got hurt. But he didn't show the pain. Everyone was shocked that these two blocked the shot of an ace. Jina's hand was red. The ball which was blocked fell on the green team's place. Both the team was in a tie. One point can win the match. Mary shot the ball. The ball was saved by the green team and was returned. The yellow team returned that ball but the ball was blocked. That ball was going to fell on the ground of the yellow team. Mary used her whole body to save that ball. Ash used his both hands to set the ball shouting "shot it !". Jina jumped and shot the ball quickly with great force on the empty place in the green team. The yellow team got the point. While landing Jina twisted her leg. Ash said "Sh*t !".Mary jumped to Jian in joy screaming. All the others were screaming in a job with tears in their eyes. Jina smiled at Mary saying, "sh*t my leg . Hurt to get off me ! Hurt ! wait what happened to her hands !" looked at Ash. Everyone shouted, "did the devil just now smile ?!!". Jake said "pfft-".

Ash and Jina were scolded by Michel. Jack just gave a glare at him. Jack's teacher came and dragged those two saying "you both relay is going to start. Come fast". Ash said, "where is that thing which I told you to bring". Jina said, " my bag". After being treated. Ash helped Jina walk and Jina held a banner which had Jack and Michel's face saying "good luck !!". Jina said, "this is cheesy...". Ash said, "shut up and hold it". Jina sighed and held that banner tightly. Jack was the last runner. Michel was the second runner. The match started. The blue team's first runner was behind another player. Ash said, "looks like they are going to lose". Jina said "yes-". The baton was passed to Michel. Michel started to run as fast as he can and went to second place. Jina said, "wow I didn't expect this...". Ash said, "...met too". The baton was passed to the next guy. While running, that guy fell down but he stood again and ran. They were once again behind. Mary said, "they are going to lose". Jina said, "....oh sh*t". Ash said, "....stop saying sh*t idiot !".

The baton was passed to Jack. Jack started to run fast and come to the front and won the match with a 0.3-sec difference from that leading yellow team. Jack shouted "sis ! you need to wear a frock ! I won the match". Jina blushed saying "shut up and catch your breath idiot..I told you to be like a dog remember !". Michel said, "pfft- sis your teammates are glaring at you two !". Ash looked behind and found their classmate's yellow team glaring at them. Ash said, "oh my I'm gonna faint. I'll be back". Ash dragged Jina and escaped.

The next day, That school has 5 different grades. Their colors are orange, blue, yellow, green, and red. Every class was said to do their own theme and gain points. The class with more points wins the match. The yellow team discussed and planned on keeping the ghost house theme. The blue team discussed and planned on keeping the kitty cafe theme. The green team discussed and planned on keeping the cooking stall theme. The orange team discussed and planned on keeping the swimming theme, pool party. The red team discussed and planned on keeping maids and master themes.

Ash read all the themes and said "wait are you sure red team are adults ? maid and master sound a little sexual to me". Jina said, "idiot they are junior. I think they don't mean it in that way". Ash said, "let me also see that by the way can you walk ?". Jina said, "no it pains so I'm just going to be the ghost in a wheelchair". Mary said, "pfft- sorry". Mary ran away. Ash said, "what dress are you gonna wear ?". Jina smirked saying "you will see tomorrow".

The next day, John was waiting for three of them. Machel and Jack came out looking like a cat. John giggled saying "pretty cats". Michel said "uncle !". Jack giggled saying "sister said she is coming in a frock ! but wait what is the sister class's theme?". John said "frock ?! I can't wait to see her-". Jina came out as a ghost with a white mini frock with a bloodstain on it and with ghost makeup. They screamed. Jina said, "shut up let's go where is the wheelchair my leg hurts". John point at the car. Jack lifted Jina and made her sit in the car. Michael was scared and he kept quiet and said "sister you don't have to wear frock anymore". Jina smirked saying "good". Jack said, "did father see this ?". Jina said, "no he said he is going to take mother and come to our school to visit and give points". (Parents can also come for this event). John said, "he will be happy...pfft-". Michel said, "uncle you too come !". John said, "sorry dear. I can't come. Your father gave me work to do".

In the school, events started. Parents and students started to come. Many people come to the ghost house with their friends and lovers. Many people left being scared and many people stood still being brave and saving their lovers. Jina sighed saying "this cheesy sh*ts". SAsh said, "shh shut up someone is coming". It was father, Mark, and Grace was surprised seeing Jina as a ghost. Mark's heart almost stopped. Grace fainted. Jina is a "mother !". Ash said, "oh cover my area. I will take my mother-in-law and father-in-law two outside". Jina said, "yes thank you...wait- what ?!". Ash giggled and went outside taking them.

Someone entered. Jina was the last ghost in the exit. That guy was quiet. Jina didn't know someone was walking. Jina was seeing the exit while Ash was moving the parents. That guy patted Jina's shoulder. Jina got scared and said "sh*t I almost screamed". It was the pink guy. He kissed her saying "you look pretty as a ghost". He ran away before she could catch him. Jina stormed outside saying "hey stop ! hell ! You are kissing me and running away again ! I will catch you !". Ash was surprised. While classmates were looking at her surprised. Jina said, "sh*t". Jina sneaked inside. Everyone shouted, "kiss ?!".

Grace and Mark went to the blue team's classroom. It was pretty and cute. Mark said "two different classes...with different vibe". Grace said, "..yes honey. Let's go". Mark smiled and walked out along with Grace. Michel sneaked out and started to eat on the cooking stall which green stall. Jina walked out in her wheelchair. Ash said, "let's go and eat". Jina said, "no need you go and have fun on your date". Ash giggled and ran away. Jina smiled saying "such an idiot". Jina was passing a classroom. The door was open inside the room. Jack and Mary were holding hands. Jina said "sh*t", jack turned around at Jina. Jack gave an awkward smile. Jina said "explain" with a smile on her face.

It turns out to be Mary and Jack are in love with each other. Jina sighed saying "you ! how did you get my brother ?". Mary smiled saying "when Jack won the race. He ran and fell to the ground while shouting to you. You and Ash escaped because of classmates. And Michel followed you both. Jack was alone. I helped him up and treated his wounds...and that's all..just now I confessed and he accepted it...we are dating". Jina said "wow nice story". Jack said "sister please let me date her". Jina said with a serious face "". Jack was sad and nervous. Jina giggled "pfft- just kidding. How fun ! Michel and Ash are also dating-oops". Jack shouted "what ?!". Jack dragged Mary along with him to speak with Michel. Jina said, "oops let me just escape before Ash runs over here to kills me".

Jina looked at the door. That pink-haired guy was walked in the corridor searching for something. Jian quickly walked to him using the wheelchair. he saw this and started to run. Jina also followed him. The wheelchair got stuck so she quickly stood up and tried walking with her leg with her other leg. She hoped on the stair and followed him. But she slipped and was going to fall. She shouted, "oh sh*t !". He saw this and caught her. Jina used this chance and wrapped her leg and hands around him saying "caught you, explain". He said "ok...I will say but get down". Jina is a d"nope not gonna fall for that trick. Say now !". He said, "everyone is watching you". Jina said, "I don't care to say".

He walked to the roof while she was on him. He said, "...I'm Daniel. I'm your younger brother's classmate in the past and the present". Jian said, "how did you do this ?". Daniel said, "I also don't know. I saw you jump to the river. I also jumped to save you. I held your hands for the first time to pull you up. But after that..poof...I become a baby". Jina said, "wow....why did you save me ?". Daniel blushed and said "...I loved you in the past. You didn't notice me. You only noticed Kim and others. I tried my best to protect you when Kim was messing with your life but I was house arrested. But when I sneaked out to see you...I saw you jumping in the river...and when I saw you again...I couldn't stop stalking you...I again followed you...sorry, I stalked you". Jina was quiet. Daniel said "I wanted to avoid this silence..that's why I was escaping from you". Jina said " you don't love me now ?". Daniel said "...I do...I'm sorry". Jina kissed his hand saying "then that's fine. Let's be happy. Looks like I'm totally a fool. Among those wolves in the past. I didn't recognize this cat". Daniel said "are you saying I'm a cat ?". Jina touched the fake cat ears he had for his class. Daniel noticed and said, "yes...why did you search for ask this ?".

Jina said, " thank you for...saving my life....for smiling at me....for waxing....for kissing and...for saying that I'm pretty". Daniel blushed and smiled saying "Thank you too and sorry for the trouble I caused". Jina stood down and hopped to the door. Daniel started to cry quietly. Jina turned to see him. Jina smiled saying "Oi ! wanna date ?..wait- are you crying ?!". Daniel ran to her huge her saying "I thought you hate me for stalking you". Jina patted his huge body saying "no idiot. I too tried stalking you but you are way too clever". Daniel said, "I'm sorry". Jina kissed him saying "don't cry. You already took my first kiss". Daniel blushed to say "you too". Jina was amazed. Jina spread her hands saying "My leg hurts". Daniel smiled and lifted her and walked down. They both have a fun date.

After some days, In the night, Jina was doing her homework. Suddenly someone knocked at her window. It was Daniel. Jina pulled Daniel inside saying "what are you doing ?". Daniel said, "you said you can't study because you feel sleepy. So I came to give you this coffee". Jian giggled saying "my boyfriend is sweet". Daniel said, "then I will leave". Jina said, "oh wait...". Jina kissed him saying "did you think I forgot your birthday ?". Daniel said, "oh...I thought you did because you are a senior. You must have a lot of things to do". Jina hugged him saying "nothing is important before you...and I was going to climb your window at this midnight and wish you". Daniel said, "oh I'm sorry -". Jina kissed him saying "don't blaming yourself. I love you. Love you. I like you. I love you very much !". Daniel blushed and smiled saying "Love you more". Jina smiled saying "want your gift ?".Daniel said "yes !".

Jina gave a ring to him saying "I saw you were searching for a couple of I bought this one with my... part-time salary which I got from working at the cafe shop". Daniel saw this and hugged her saying "Thank you, babe !". Jian smiled saying "hope you love me more". Daniel said, "you too". Jina said "bye". Daniel smiled and said "bye babe". Daniel kissed her. Jina blushed.

The next day, Jina was smiling brightly looking at the ring. Ash said, "finally she become crazy". Mary said, "don't say that. She is our lover's sister". Ash said, "that's the only fact I want to change". Mary said "pfft-". Jina said, "you know that I can hear you both right ?". Ash said "sh*t ". and walked away. Jina looked at the window. Daniel was standing in the same spot he used to stand and waved at her. Jina smiled and waved back at him. Daniel texted "come to the roof". Jina texted bac "oK !!".

On the roof, Jina wrapped her legs and hands around Daniel. Daniel was hugging her and was walking around. Ash and Michel who was coming to the roof with ice cream in their hands dropped that ice cream saying "who are you ?!". Jina was sleeping. Daniel whispered saying " quiet. She is sleeping". Jack was following Michel along with Mary was also confused. Daniel was made to sit along with Jina on his shoulder sleeping like a baby on Daniel's shoulder. Mary, Jack, Ash, and Michel were sitting in front of him glaring. Daniel gave an awkward smile. Jina woke up saying "Babe...I'm a heavy ?". Daniel smiled and said "no". Jina kissed her saying "I'm tired...those two must be having a date. So let's also have a date !". Daniel said "Hey brothers". Jina looked behind and saw Mark, Jack, Machel, and Ash. Jina gave an awkward smile.

Jack said, "explain". Jina said, "I'm dating this guy". Michel said, "wait aren't you from my class ?!". Daniel smiled saying "yes I'm". Ash said, "I didn't know you were into young guys". Jina said, "me too I didn't know you were into friend's brother". Mary shouted, "what are you doing here ?!". Daniel said, "what are you doing here sister?". Jack said "babe ?". Michel said, "explain". Daniel said, "Mary is my older sister. I'm her younger brother". Jina said "what ?!". Ash said "pfft- I didn't know you were into your brother's girlfriend's brother". Jina said, "shut up !". Michel started to giggle. Jina said, "Mary...let's trade our brothers ! can have Jack and I will have Daniel...ok ? deal ?". Michel said, "pfft- sister !". Mary smirked saying "deal". Daniel said "nice babe". Jina made a round face. Ash said, "I wonder what your father's face will be after knowing this". Michel said, "shut up and come". Michel said, "Did Daniel come to our home from the window ?". Jina said, "how did you know ?!".

Mary said "what ?!". Daniel said "sorry sister". Michel said, "My room is below your room so I saw one black creature moving up and down from your room. I almost got scared. So I hid under the blanket". Jack said "pfft-". Jina said, "shh don't say this to anyone". Everyone giggled. Jack said, "wanna take a picture ?". Ash said, "wait camera..ready...1...2....3..cheese !". The pi was taken.

After one year, those three coupled were still dating. Ash, Mary, and Jina also graduated. It was Jack, Michel and Daniel's graduation. After the graduation ceremony, some girls were flirting with those three. Ash saw this and said, "I gonna burn that girl's eyes !". Mary said, "me too !". Jina said, "calm down....wait I can't calm down !". Jian ran and hugged Danie. Daniel was surprised. Jina looked at the girls saying "hey there... This guy belongs to me". That girl said, "you must be kidding". Daniel kissed Jina saying "no she is my girlfriend". Jian blushed to say "Woah hear now !".

One girl shy saying "I love you, Michel !". Jack said, "...I'm gonna go". Jack sneaked away. Ash saw this from far and started to glare. Michel said, "I'm sorry. I already have a lover. Hope you find one good kid. Bye". Michel ran to Ash smiling. Ash smiled and kissed his cheek and looked at that girl and said "he is mine". Michel said "pfft-".

Jack looked at Mary saying "That girl asked my number". Mary said "so ?". Jack said, "aren't you jealous ?". Mary said, "why should I be ?". Jack made a sad face saying "You don't love me". Jack ran away to Jina. One guy was asking Mary "can I have your number ? are you here to see your brother ?". Mary smiled saying "yes and also special someone..Oh and the number-". Jack blocked the ay saying "no". That guy was shocked and said, "who are you ?". Jack said, "I'm her lover !". Mary smiled saying "this is my special someone". That guy walked away saying "have fun then". Mary looked at Jack. Jack said, "I hate you". Mary said, "I love you. You think I'm not jealous. Do you know how I felt when I saw that girl ?". Mary started to swear. Jack was shocked. Jack closed their mouth saying "we are in school. What's with the bad words !". mary giggled.

Those three couples went on the trip as they promised. John soon found this and informed Mark and Grace. Grace was happy to hear and Mark was a bit upset but Grace controlled him using her kiss. They all live happily once again without the guy named Kim.