Will there be a chance for me ? -P1

I'm Jenny. I am from the south, XX country. He is Ryker. He is from the north, XX country. He was transferred to the south due to his mother's job. I was 6 grader when I first saw him. I met him in our school. He was cute. I was afraid of lizards. My best friend Helen pranked me by keeping a lizard toy in my bag. I thought it was real and started to run around shouting. He pulled and grabbed my cheek squeezing my cheek and looked at me in the eyes saying "hold on. It's a toy. It's a prank. Clam down". I fell in love with him at that moment. I know I'm crazy but I'm serious.

It's been 5 years. I already fell in love with him but I didn't want to confess. That's when he started to act suspiciously. He started to blush when he sees me. He started to hid his smile when he sees me. I thought he also loves me but that was when he said..

Ryker whispered to Jenny " hey, I like Helen. I want to say this to her but I'm too afraid !". Jenny was totally shocked. Jenny gave an awkward smile saying "what do you want me to do ?". Ryker said, "help me confess to her". Jenny said to herself "I'm totally stupid. Helen is always by my side...I should have not been excited when he told me that he has something to tell me. Now he is even asking me to be his cupid".Ryker was staring at Jenny with sparkles in his eyes. Jenny couldn't stop herself. Jenny sighed and said "Ok fine. What should I do now ?".

Jenny was dragged to the food court. Ryker bought her some snacks and made her side down. Ryker sat in front of her saying "Eat". Jenny said, "Is this suppose to be a bribe?". Ryker smiled and said, "Yeah, I want you to make Helen come to the amusement water park near your house. I decided to propose to her over there. I need your help". Jenny said "you mean only me, you and Helen will be only coming?". Ryker said "yeah". Jenny said "idiot. Why would she even come? she is always busy studying. She only likes being the third wheel in a relationship...maybe you should take a couple with us. Cuz she will be coming for sure to be the third wheel". Ryker said "yeah you are right...". Jenny stood up saying "then find a couple quickly..". Ryker gave an evil smile saying "Got it ".

On that day of visiting an amusement park, Jenny was standing with her ex-boyfriend (Daniel) besides. Jenny glared at Ryker. Ryker, Jenny, and Daniel were waiting for Helen. Jenny grabbed Ryker's collar saying "you little piece of sh*t ! why did you even bring him over here. You idiot". Ryker said, "I thought he was perfect for this plan. He used to be your best friend from grade 3 but in grade 5 you were in a relationship with him. You were being lovely dovely so I thought you both are the perfect couple". Jenny said "so I should be saying in this grade 11 I again got together with him ?! and do you know why he left me ?! it's because he loves Helen! Why would you bring him ver here when you are going to propose to Helen ?!".

Daniel smirked saying "so that was your plan ? you such an idiot...you think Helen will agree to date you". Ryker said, "She will". Daniel and Ryker were glaring. Helen appeared saying "Oh my god !!! Jenny ! congrats !!". Jenny gave an awkward smile and said "first get the hell in !!". Jenny pushed Daniel away saying "come". Ryker winked at Jenny whispering "thank you".One photo was taken by Helen.

In the amusement park, They went on many rides and finally sat at the table for the break. Helen said, "come let's buy some food!!". Daniel smiled and stood up saying "Ok let me come-". Jenny pulled Daniel and picked his arm saying "I don't think so...Ryker go with her". Ryker giggled and said "Ok". Ryker dragged Helen away. Jenny and Daniel were alone at that table. Daniel said with a cold voice "why are you doing this ? I heard that you love Ryker...but why are you helping him ?". Jenny said, "Mind your own business. Why did you agree to come here ?". Daniel sighed and said, "It's not like I want to come here. He threatened me that he is going to haunt me down so I came". Jenny grabbed Daniel's collar saying "don't you dare disturb Ryker". Daniel sighed and said, "they are here".

Jenny turned their right side. Ryker and Helen were standing before her with shocked faces. Jenny sighed and kissed his neck and let go of his collar saying "You both are here ?". Helen smiled saying "yeah ! here". They started to eat. Jenny said "I didn't know you will again reunite with him. I thought you hated him. You even isolated yourself back in that grade from me. When I asked why he broke up with you. You smiled saying that you were alright and avoided that question-". Jenny grabbed some fries and fed Helen saying "stop talking and eat ". Helen smiled and said "If Jenny was a boy. I would have already made her my boyfriend".

Daniel spotted the water which he was drinking and started to laugh. Jenny galred at him saying "shut the fuck up". Daniel was going to flirt with Helen but Jenny dragged him away saying "come over there. Your favorite cotton candy is over there". Daniel said, "I don't like cotton candy !". Helen stood up saying "wait let me go and buy some cotton candy". Ryker said, "let me come with you". Helen smiled saying "no need I will be back !!".

The table was quiet, Daniel said "looks like you really loved me back then. You didn't tell her the reason ?". Jenny said, "are you an idiot? I used to but not now. I like come else. And how would I tell Helen that she was the reason I broke up with you ?!". Ryker said, "wow...was that the reason ?". Ryker said, "come here let me give you a hug". Jenny went to Ryker got a hug. Jenny gave an evil smile at Daniel. Daniel said, "wow..ew...Helen is coming !". Everyone was back to normal. They again started to explore that park while eating the cotton candy.

It was afternoon, The last ride was the Ferris wheel. Daniel smirked saying "Let's all go on one cart". Ryker winked at Jenny. Jennys sighed and winked back. The cart arrived. Daniel and Jenny entered but when Jenny was going to enter. Jenny pushed Daniel to one seat and grabbed his cheek and kissed her finger which was placed on his lip. Making it look like a kiss. Ryker smiled saying "Looks like we need to go on another cart". Daniel was going to stop but he couldn't. That cart was lifted and in another cart, Helen and Ryker were sent.

Daniel said, "why did you do that ?". Jenny said, "don't talk to me...I feel f*cking sad". Daniel said "why would you do that if you are not okay with that ?! you are still the same. I left not because of that. I left you because you meant to be more than just a girlfriend or lover...you were my sister, best friend, mother, father, and daughter". Jenny started to cry saying "this is very weird to be comforted by my ex in this situation using this lines". Daniel giggled saying "Yeah sure it is. So I want you to be true to yourself. Say to him what he meant for you". Jenny said "are you trying to trick me? and take Helen ?". Daniel said "idiot. The Helen who I meant in the past is this girl". Daniel showed a picture saying "she is my cousin. That was all in the past. Not now...wanna be friends again ?". Jenny said "hell yeah !".

The cart stopped. Ryker and Helen's cart was already stopped so they went away someplace. Jenny said, "He is going to propose to her in that tower". Jenny and Daniel were standing before a huge tower. Daniel used his phone to zoom to the balcony on that tower. But he accidentally pressed the video icon. The phone started to take the video. Daniel and said, "is there any lift over there ?". Jenny said, "..uh..no...Helen like things like this so he chose this". Daniel said, "they both are already up there !?". Jenny said "what ?! ".

Jenny ran to the stairs. Daniel followed her with the phone in his hands. Jenny called Ryker's phone for a long time. Ryker noticed t and threw the phone away on the stairs. The phone fell from above and fell down to the ground floor. Daniel said, "wasn't that his phone ?!". Jenny said, "yeah that sh*t head !!!!". They were running. Jenny stopped and said "sh*t too many stairs...can't move". Jenny started to crawl. Daniel said, "Hey ! run for your love !". Jenny stood up and started to run while panting and crying saying "I never ran this many stairs in my life...are you still alive ?". Daniel panted saying "Yeah what the hell am I even doing here ?!".

They reached the top. Jenny was standing before Daniel was staring blankly. Daniel said, "we are here why are you standing in the way-". The sun was setting. The whole sky was filled with a bright red and orange. A stronger wild was blown. Ryker and Helen's hair was floating in the air. They both were kissing. Jenny and Daniel looked at this and were stared blank. Jenny turned around and hid. Daniel followed her. Helen and Ryker walked down while smiling and giggling. Jenny started to cry and shout. Daniel patted her backs saying "let it all out ".

After some time, Daniel said, "wanna go home ? Let's enjoy this day". Jenny smiled saying "Yeah...". They went home, Jenny told Ryker and Helen to not wait. Jenny and Daniel went to Jenny's home. Daniel entered saying "Aunty !!". Jenny's mother came inside saying "Oh my god !! Daniel !! what are you doing here ? Long time no see". Daniel was in Jenny's home that night.

The next day at school, Jenny was avoiding Ryker and Helen who were being lovely and lovely. Daniel always drags or kidnaps Jenny on all the breaks, beginning of school and end of school. Ryker noticed it but never minded that.

After one year, Ryker came to Jenny saying "did you hear that rumor ?". Jenny said "what ?". Helen also said, "What you don't know ?". Jenny said, "Just tell". Helen said, "Daniel is gay. Some spotted Daniel having s*x with some guy". Daniel rushed to the class and looked at Jeny with a face that was nervous. Everyone was looking at him with a strange face. Daniel started to shake in fear. Jenny stood up and walked to him saying "is that true ?".Daniel started to get scared and said "..uh...yeah".

Jenny hugged him saying "why the hell are you cold ?! So who was the guy who fu8cked you ? was he handsome ? who is he to you ? are you a top or bottom ?". One guy said, "Hey ! he is gay !". Jenny said, "he is just gay why are you saying that as if he has a disease ?. He is my friend in the first place. If you have a problem with that. Just shut the f*ck up and go. Come I'm pretty hungry". Jenny dragged Daniel outside.

In the park, Daniel was kneeling down. Jenny said, "why didn't you tell me this ?". Daniel said, "...I already told your mother on that right when we went to an amusement park. That's why your mother let me stay with you. Ans your mother said you broke one vase after reading a yaoi comic". Jenny sighed and said, "you tell brat...that was because I was too excited. And kicked that vase". Daniel said, "Phew...I was scared. I told him not to have it during school but he- oops". Jenny smirked saying "who is that ? answer all my questions". Daniel sighed and said "ok fine. I'm a bottom. That guy is our junior. He is young and big". Jenny smirked saying "what do you mean by big ?". Daniel said, "stop it. He already broke up with me. Cuz of this rumor". Jenny said, "who is that coward brat !!!". Daniel smiled saying "I was afraid I will lose you cuz of this". Jenny said, "who would I ? now we can talk about boys together".

Jenny saw Daniel waiting before the school with bags. Daniel started to cry saying "I got kicked out of my home cuz I'm gay". In Jenny's home, Jenny said "mom do you have any idea about adopting a child as your daughter ?". Jenny's mother said, "what do you mean ?". Daniel broke inside saying "I'm the baby, mother!". Jenny explained everything. Jenny's mother hugged him saying "don't worry child I always wanted a boy. Coem over here !!". Jenny's mother dragged Daniel inside. Jenny chuckled.

Soon time flew away. In college first year, Jenny had a night study on that day. Jenny saw Ryker while crossing the road. Jenny didn't talk with him. Ryker came to her saying "Hey...why have you been avoiding me ?". Jenny smiled saying "It's not because of that...I'm too busy and Daniel is always with me. And I don't want to be the third wheel among you both. That's all. Thanks to you. Now Daniel and I are close". Ryker smiled saying "is that so...and...Helen is pregnant...with my child...I'm gonna be a father !!". Jenny shouted saying "Aren't you two a little too fast ?! we are in college first year and now you are saying she is pregnant ?! you don't even give a job how are you doing to handle this-". Ryker said, "I thought you will be happy for us...Helen has no one other than me. She is an orphan...and I have only my mother. I thought you will be happy...but you...". Jenny walked away saying "Why would I be ?!". Jenny ran away. Jenny saw Helen far away crying. Jenny walked away sighing.

Jenny texted Ryker and Helen to come to a cafe.

In the cafe, Jenny said, "now what is your plan next ?". Ryker said, "I'm gonna graduate and go to college and get a job to lead the family". Jenny glared at him saying "do you know what is happening right now ? she is carrying a baby ! she needs care and support. What do you think about doing over there !?". Ryker was quiet. Jenny sighed and said, "you both want the baby ?". Helen said, "yeah..don't worry I can handle this...if something happens to me...take care of the baby and him". Jenny stood and shouted "idiots !...my father used to say if your beloved once is in trouble. we need to help them no matter what happens...and prove that you are there for them in any situation..so you..can stay in my mother's house. I and daniel will leave that house soon. You can get some help from my mother. I don't want you both to see you again. Be responsible...and Ryker! If you need any other help...call me...".

Ryker said, "is her father dead ?". Helen smiled saying "no...he is divorced...". Ryker kissed her head saying "I didn't know what to do but thank god . Jenny is helping us. Take care. I will get a perfect job and lead our family for our baby". Helen smiled saying "ok...can't believe we are having a baby".

Jenny went home and explained this to her mother. Jenny's mother patted her head saying "it's okay...you did a correct thing...I will take care of her and sent her the books and studying materials for her". Jenny said "ok mother...then I will go to my father's house". Jenny's mother said "Ok". Soon, Jenny and Daniel went to jenny's father's house. Helen stayed at Jenny's mother's house.

That night, Daniel dragged Jenny, Ryker, and Helen to a bar saying "Finally we are leaving this school !!!! cheers". Helen was going to drink but Jenny stopped saying "Nope...not good for babies". Daniel said "Too strict". Ryker was quiet. Jenny said, "You both can leave if you want. I just wanted to know how is the mother ?". Ryker said, "why don't you ask yourself ?". Daniel started to laugh saying "It's all because of her father. Mother won't take her call when she is on father's home because sometimes father used to talk to mother using her phone so she won't make the calls. She isn't talking mine too". Helen said "Pfft- she is fine. Thank you, Jenny". Jenny sighed saying "you are my friend". Ryker said, "I'm sorry". Daniel said, "you both should leave". Ryker lifted Helen saying "what about you two ?". Jenny said, "We are going to get ourselves wasted". Ryker said "Okay".

After one year, Helen gave birth to a healthy boy. Jenny saw this from behind and ran away. Ryker shouted and cried while holding the baby. Daniel said, "...life sucks". Jenny's mother said, "will you be able to handle the baby ?". Ryker said, "I don't know. My mother kicked me out after hearing this...I gonna work and support this baby which she left me". Jenny's mother said, "let the baby stay with me until he is 2 years old. Okay ?". Ryker started to cry saying "thank you but I can take care". Jenny's mother said "OK".

Next year, Helen and Ryker got married. Ryker went to college. Helen took care of the baby. Jenny was in her third year. Daniel always picks and drops Jenny at the college. Jenny's mother welcomed them and gave them some dinner and when she was going to eat suddenly she fall down closing her eyes. Jenny was shocked. Daniel quickly went to her saying "Mother...mother". He said, "call the ambulance !". Jenny stood up saying "mother stop acting and get..up...I'm getting scared-". Jenny fainted. Jenny opened her eyes. The house was filled with people in black clothes. Jenny's father said, "she is dead". Jenny sighed and went to her room.

Jenny started to shout. Jenny's father said, "should we go ?". Daniel said, "...no she will come and call us...". Jenny said, "Daniel...come here". Daniel went to the door. Daniel was dragged inside by her. Daniel patted her head saying "It will be alright....you have me".