My baby girl

In the small village, that village was isolated due to its past history. In a house which was placed on the corner of the street, there lived a mother along with her two daughters. She didn't want to leave that house cuz it had her husband's memorize.

In one night, Mother shouted, "Beth ! go and buy some curd and coriander from the shop !". Beth wobbled out of the home saying "why me again? Big sis is just sleeping like a log in her room". Ever since Papa's divorce (Father), the mother is been making her go to the shop. "This work was supposed to be father's...". Beth mumbled this as she walked to the shop. Beth noticed someone following her on that dark long road. Beth turned back it a tall guy in a hoodie. His face was covered. Beth touched her pocket to find her pocket knife. But it wasn't there. Beth remembers her older sister taking that knife to cut something from her pocket. Beth glared while mumbling "That idiot sister. Why didn't she turn it ?!".

Beth saw that shop and ran inside it. It was crowded. Beth gave a breath of relief saying "Thank god...what the hell was that?". Beth bought the curd and coriander from the shop and started to head home. Beth walked in that long dark road to reach her home. Beth felt someone following her. Beth started to run to her home leaving the gate open. Beth came inside the home shouted, "Hey sis! why didn't you return me a knife ?! someone was chasing me!- wait is there no power (electricity) in our house?...mother ?....sister ?". No reply came. Beth walked inside a little closer and saw a liquid in the ground. Beth turned on her phone flask and looked at it. It was blood following from mother's dead body.

Beth fell down in shock. Beth looked up it was a person, He was smirking at him saying "long time no see the child". Beth said "Aal ?". Aal was going to stab at Beth's eyes. But one hand came from behind and pulled her back saying "Are you crazy ?!". Beth looked back it was the same person who followed her last time. Aal gave an evil smile saying "look who is here now...Your father stole my only family Now I'm here to steal his family". Aal was going to attack them but. That guy lifted Beth and pushed her out. Aal was going to follow them. But that guy grabbed Aal using her arms wrapping around Aal's waist and pushed him backward. Aal smirked and started to stab that guy's back. That guy shouted saying" !!". Beth started to run out shouting "Help! Help !". Their house was the last house on the end of the road so no one came. One car was passing that road. Beth blocked that car and begged for help. That car owner called the police.

That guy fell down while bleeding. Aal came out and saw Beth with that car owner. The car owner walked to them saying "Hey what are you doing ? I called the police. They will be here any-". Aal stabbed through that person's neck smirking. Beth was scared. Aal was going to stab Beth but one rod hits Aal's head from the back. Aal got dizzy and looked at Beth with a glare and cold stare. That guy threw some sand on his face and said "check if the owner is alive". Beth checked and freaked out saying "...No...I don't know. He is cold". That guy sighed and pushed Beth inside the car. That guy started to drive fast. Beth said "what...what is happening ?! weren't you the one who followed me back then ?!". That guy didn't reply. That guy sighed and speeded up the car.

That guy drove fast to the local police station. In the police station, two police officers were sitting inside. That guy runs inside along with Beth saying "sir, there is a psycho who killed this girl's mother, sister along with an owner. We need your help". Those police officers came to the location along with Beth and that guy. One police went inside and came back saying "There was no one person inside the house. No dead nor alive". Beth said, "what do you mean ?!". Beth stormed inside and was shocked. There were no bloodstains and bodies. That guy figured it out and said "but it is true. Looks at my back. This wounds".

Police officers said, "oh you need to go to the hospital. If you think something is wrong with this place. We can g-". One knife came from behind and stabbed that officer's head. Aal smirked saying "Oh your back ?". Another officer took out his gun and pointed at him saying "drop your knives". Aal smirked walked to him. Officers were going to report it to the station. Aal threw the other knife at his chest saying "Now only two left". Beth was shocked and didn't move. Beth fell in kneels. That guy shouted, "Run!". Beth didn't move. Aal said, "oh my look over there. She can't move". That guy threw a smoke stick which he took from the police station from before. That guy lifted Beth in his shoulder and drove away with the car.

Aal smirked and followed them on the bike. That guy said, "f*ck why should leave this village now". Beth said, "wait why are you helping me ?!". That guy sighed and said "I'm your sister's lover. I followed you cuz your sister called me saying you were going outside all alone in the dark. She couldn't go with you cuz...she had a fever. After seeing you get inside your home. I was going to leave but I got a text from your sister saying that there is a psycho inside the house. Trying to kill the mother and you. She already escaped before we we are leaving this f*cking village". Beth said "what ?! she is still alive ?! and wait that sh*t head got a boyfriend ?!". That guy said, "looks like you are disappointed".

In the railway station, the last train was going to leave. Beth saw her older sister outside the station wearing nightwear. Beth was surprised. Her older sister hugged her saying "It's too cold. That psycho is back". Beth said, "What do you mean ? I have no idea why a rich man who I saw in the newspaper is trying to kill me for the past couple of hours". Older sister sighed saying "He totally stalked us. He found our location. He came from the city just to kill us !! and...he killed our mother...and he is gonna us too....we need to leave this place. He is rich and He is stronger". Beth said, "yes I agree...he even gave your boyfriend some holes on the back".

My older sister shouted, "it's not time to joke". Beth said, "I know so stop talking too much and come to the point". The older sister said "Our father divorced our mother to marry this guy's wife. Who is also a rich woman. They both are rich. He tried to hurt our father but that woman didn't allow him. So now he is here to hurt us! mother is gone. So we just alive". That guy said "why didn't he send some guys to kill your both ?". Older sister said "Babe stop giving him ideas about how to kill us ?!". Beth said "...maybe he wanted to kill us with his own hands ?!". Older sister said "That's it. Gonna leave".

They were going to go inside but one gunshot was heard. That guy fell down. Older sister started to cry looking at her boyfriend's dead body. Beth was shocked. She started to shake once again. Aal smirked saying "Oh Hi there young girls. Wanna have some fun in the basement ?". One smoke covered that place. Beth and that older sister fainted. When Beth opened her eyes. Beth and the older sister were tied to a huge separate thick pipe opposite to each other in a dark place with one bulb between them. Older sister Jem said, "Where are we ?". Beth said, "looks like a basement...where is he ?". Jem looked something moving in behind of Beth. Jem said, "Dies he have any plans like...looking us together with a creature like a tiger ?". Beth said, "what do you mean ?". Jem said, "something is moving behind you!!".

It was Aal. He came to the light laughing. Aal said, "looks like you went mad after your boyfriend's shot". Beth said, "What do you want ?". Aal smirked saying "Revenge". Jem said, "That was our father's fault, not ours !-". Aal glared at her saying "of course it is yours. When your father stole my girl. She was pregnant. And after finding it out. She divorced me and also killed my child". Beth looked at Jem. Beth was confused and didn't know what to do. Jem said, "then why did you kill others for that ?! my boyfriend, police officers, and that car owner !". Aal smiled saying "Sweetie they are not dead. They are just locked up in a different place just like you both".

Beth grunted, "So others are still alive. We still have a chance". Aal looked at Beth. Beth said, "Put her with her boyfriend. She must be too worried". Aal said, "Why should I ?". Beth said, "Your ex-wife killed one child. So why should you kill two ? you can kill me. Just let this idiot go". Jem shouted "hey !". Aal smirked saying "Nice idea. Looks like you don't fear me anymore-". Aal untied Jem. Beth shouted, "Jem run !". Jem heard this and was going to run but Aal knocked her out with his hand. Jem fell down. Aal galred at Beth saying "I will be back, sweetie".

Aal dragged Jem outside the basement while grabbing her hair. Jem was tied to one room with her boyfriend. Aal took out a baseball bat and came inside the basement. Beth was scared and didn't know what to do. Beth was trying to untie herself.Aal smirked and lifted his bat and started to hit her hands saying "Looks like you want to escape that bad ?". Beth groaned in pain and said, "...why don't you just kill me and let other go ? one of your child is dead not leave others..". Aal laughed saying "Oh my goodness, how did this selfish lady turn selfless? is this suppose to be a test ? last year you told me to save you and kill her but not you are changing. May I know the reason ?". Beth said, "Not your business...". Aal smirked evilly saying "Oh ! I got a new idea. Why don't you have my child and kill it with your own hands ?". Beth was quiet for a short time and said "That a great plan...but you need to let other go. Okay ?". Aal said "Okay cold-hearted princess".

Aal said, "Why don't we look at your sister right now ?". Aal lifted Beth and walked out saying "Don't make a sound, bitch. I don't like noise". Beth didn't answer. They went to a room where they can see Jem and her boyfriend. It was a one-way mirror. Jem wasn't able to see them. Beth saw Jem and her boyfriend having s*x. Beth chuckled saying "What the hell is this ? having s*x in life or death situation ?...and that too-". Jem said "Ha~". Beth looked at Aal. Aal was enjoying the first seat view. Beth said, "Huh...this is not soundproof?". Aal said, "Your answer is already here". Beth groaned and shouted, "You shitty sister. How drae you have s*x at this situation. And you are pregnant too!- oh shit". Beth looked at Aal. Aal was smirking.

Jem said "Beth-". Beth shouted, "No don't make any plan, Aal !". Aal smiled saying "He already has a baby. That makes it even easier". Beth kissed him grabbing his cheek and said d "No we already made a deal...". Aal smirked looking at him and said "Then why don't you get rid of them and make this a normal lifestyle. I will think about it. Come on time is going". Beth was quiet and said, "Ok fine take me to another place. Now".

In-car owner's room, Beth said, "Hello there! this is a reality show to check whether people still have hearts to help others. And thank you. Can we upload this online ?". That car owner said "Woah...I almost thought I will die...okay you can. What about my car ?". Beth smiled saying "This guy will pay for your car repair. Sorry and thank you !".

In the police owner's room, Beth said "Hello ! this is the daughter of Ramu [her real father name, he is retired famous police] my father asked me to check the sincerity of the police officers after his return. I told your result and he found that pretty satisfying. And this guy will help with your promotion". Police officer said "Oh your father is okay ? I heard he divorced your mother. How is your mother ? I still remember how your mother arrests cops with the lead of your father. They both are cops with famous titles. Still, the office is talking about them. Hope they both get along again. Are you alright? I heard you and your father had a rough physical fight in that past when he slapped your mother when he was drunk-". Beth stopped him saying "Oh yes. She is alright. Have fun uncle. Thank you and sorry for your time". Police smiled and walked out.

Aal was starring at Beth smirking "You too have a smart brain. Why didn't your mother fight him when he slapped her ?". Beth smirked saying "She was dumb. I still don't understand why the hell she did that...all she says is 'I love him'. That love has bought her to this she alive ?". Aal said, "No. Cut was too deep". Beth mumbled and walked out saying "You were the one who cut her...".

In Jem's room, Beth said "Sis ! I love this guy and I have his baby. I want to stay with him. You both can go". Aal smirked mumbling "You think she will believe this nonsense ?". Jem said, "Where is mom ?". Beth didn't make eye contact. Jem said "Dead right? you are a piece of shit. You fell in love with a killer who killed our mother...why don't you just die. If you didn't stop your father from slapping your mother. We all wouldn't have stayed together! at the time too, you stood up as a guard for our mother and made our father hurt us. An now see he is gone. I'm pretty sure this idiot will also leave you soon !". Jem stormed out. Beth looked at her boyfriend and laughed saying "That shit eats everything she gets so...don't let her die". Beth turned to Aal. That boyfriend also walked out.

Aal said, "You sure are a cold-hearted bitch". Beth looked at him saying "Why don't we make babies?". Aal said, "Not here. You should be doing exactly what I did with my wife". Beth said "ex-wife". Aal grabbed her hair saying "Don't correct me". Aal dragged her to another room looking just his home. Beth said, "You already planned everything". Aal smirked saying "I have a complete plan". Aal threw Beth to the bed. Beth closed her mouth. Aal smiled saying "You are smart". They both had the rough pleasure. The next morning, Beth stood up saying "Mom...why didn't you wake me up ? I'm late for my college...that- wait ha...right she si dead. Who am I even talking to ?". Beth stepped out of the bed and fell down. Beth said, "oh my leg has no strength". Aal stood up saying "It sure does...want a bath ?". Beth said, "Will we be bathing together ?". Aal said "Yes". Beth said, "then no thanks".

Aal walked away saying "Let's see how long you can do this". Aal was staring at Beth. Beth slowly walked to the bathroom and started to shower but suddenly fell down. Beth grounded and shouted "Aal !!". Aal walked in saying "What bitch ?". Beth said, " me ". Aal said, "No that's a good girl". Aal helped her.

After 2 weeks, Beth walked in saying "I'm pregnant". Aal said, "Wanna go to the doctor ?". Beth said, "If you want". They went to the hospital. And Beth found Aal sticking all the ultrasound in the hall. decorating it. Beth mumbled, "You did this for that baby too ?". Aal said "Yes". Aal quickly came and sticked his head to her belly trying to hear something. Beth blushed and walked to the bathroom saying "I need to pee". Beth washed her face and looked at the mirror saying "Don't fool yourself, Beth. I'm just his replacement. You need to just kill this baby and walk away. I hate pineapple. But he always gives me...looks like it's his ex-wife's favorite. Don't fall for his handsome face".

That place was not soundproof so Aal heard this and smiled. At the dinner, there was no pineapple. Beth was shocked. Beth looked at the fridge and didn't find any pineapple. Beth giggled and walked to bed saying "Yes no more pineapple. Thank you, god !". Aal noticed and smiled. At the dinner table, Aal said "Want to go to a party ? not like a disco party just a business party. People take their partner with them". Beth chuckled saying "...Okay, I need to go to my college for my master degree tomorrow. My friends already arranged everything for that. I just need to go there and attend the ceremony. And my friend will arrange my dress. Okay ? you can just pick me up. Don't worry. If I run away you can kill those two". Aal smiled saying"Okay". Beth said "okay " while secretly smiling.

The next day, Beth went to her ceremony. And saw her friends named Joe and Jay who are a couple. Aal was dropping Beth at the college. Beth walked out of the car and saw Joe and Jay. Joe was looking big and tough. Meanwhile, Jay looked small and cute. Joe ran and hugged her. Aal was shocked. Jay said "Ahem". Beth giggled saying "Oops looks like some feel jelly". Jay said, "Shut up. You should be thanking us for doing this for you". Jay was going to pat her but one hand come from behind saying "Don't touch her".

Joe looked at that person. It was Aal. Beth said, "Oi it's not what you think. They both are couples". Aal looked down at her saying "How they are two guys ?". Beth looked above at him saying "Which age do you live ? they are gay couples". Aal said, "Oh then okay". Beth giggled looking at him. Aal gave a shake hand to Joe saying "I'm Aal. Beth's fiancé". Beth looked at him shocked. Joe started to hit her saying "Why didn't you tell us that you are having afiancé ?". Beth said, "I-I was going to. Stop hitting me...I'm pregnant". Joe was shocked and said "Jesus". Jay said with a serious face "He is the Aal you told us about in the past. What made you fall in love with him ?". Beth said, "Stop it lets' go inside. The ceremony is going to begin".

Aal said, "So he tiny cute looking Jay is the top uh ?". Jay glared saying "Is that supposed to be a compliment or a joke ?". Aal smirked back saying "You can take it anyways, kid". Joe said, "How did you know that ? many people didn't believe it ". Aal smiled saying "I just saw him robbing your ass and he was looking at your eyes with the fire of lust". Beth started to laugh saying "Oh my goodness. Now, let's go inside Joe and Jay. And can send some driver to pick me up". Joe and Beth ran inside. Aal said "Okay". Jay said "give me your number", Aal said " me if something happens to her". Jay said "..Okay".

In the ceremony, some guy came to Beth saying "Wanna grab some dinner with us after the ceremony ?". Beth said, "...Okay that sounds nice but I won't pa". That guy smiled saying "It's okay. Just come. Our college is paying anyways". Beth said "Okay !!". After the ceremony, Beth was having fun eating. Joe giggled saying "Slow down baby girl". Beth smiled saying "Yes yes. His driver will be here soon so need to eat fast". Jay said "Here have some water," Beth said "Thanks". Joe said "Why do I feel like a father to you ?". Beth said, "You are. You soon are going to have grandaught-". Joe hit her head saying "don't talk while eating, idiot. You are spitting".

One girl said "Father ? I heard your father cheated on your mother and married rich women". Another guy said, "Who won't cheat on their wife if they get an offer from a rich and hot woman?". Jay was going to talk but beth stopped him saying "Looks like this girl likes to be nosy". Beth felt nausea and fainting. Beth fainted. Joe shouted "Beth !". In that restaurant, there was a magical student in his senior year. He checked her and said, "She is fine. She is just pregnant". Everyone was shocked. Others started to talk badly. Jay walked away and called someone and texted the address.

Beth worked up. Everyone was looking at her. One girl whispered, "Looks like she is also been cheated by someone just like her mother-". The door opened. One big figure in a black suit walked in. It was Aal. He was giving some rich and goodness aura. Aal said "Oi who gave you the permission to go eat outside food ?". Beth was drooling. Joe wiped her drool saying "You idiot". Jay stood up saying "Stop nagging and-". One girl chuckled saying "So your gay boyfriend is this guy ?". Jay glared at her saying "Which idiot would love this guy ?". Joe looked at Beth. Beth whispered saying "Stop looking at me...we need to hide before he sees us. I will be dead if he knows". Aal was right behind her and Beth was hiding her body on the sofa. Aal bends down saying "hey there baby girl. Who are you hiding from ?". Beth gave an awkward smile saying "You should be coming late". Aal lifted her using one hand saying "I wanted to see you. You got any problem ?". Beth said "Nope".

Aal looked at her collegemate saying "And baby inside her belly and she belongs to me". Aal looked at Jay saying "Thank you, pal". Jay said, "I just called you cuz I didn't want her to hurt so now get out. Whats' with this shiny suit". Jay walked to Joe saying " And this idiot is mine. Let's go home". They both left. Everyone was surprised saying "I wish I had a sugar daddy just like them...".

The next day, They went to a party. Beth jumped out saying "How do I look ?". Aal walked aways saying "Don't jump around". Beth said "Come on. See me", Aal looked at her and walked close to her saying "You are hot and it makes me want to lock you up and f*ck you hard". Beth smirked saying "Woah you have already locked me up, daddy". Aal gave a hickey on her neck saying "now it's perfect". Beth said "Yes".

At the party, they saw his ex-wife. Beth said, "Woah di you think your ex-wife will be here ?". Aal said, "Nope...look your father is here too. Wanna meet and greet". Beth said "Yes". Aal smirked and said, "Let's go, baby girl". Beth wrapped her hand around Aal's arm saying "Okay, daddy". They walked to them saying "What a small world. We again met". Ex-wife laura said, "Of course it is. I totally don't remember how many times you tried to kill my love". Father Brown tuned to look at them and was shocked. Brown said "B-Beth ?". Beth smiled saying "Suprise father !". Laura looked at her saying "You must be Beth". Beth said "So you must be my stepmother". Laura looked at Aals saying "What are you trying to plan now ?". Beth smirked saying "Calm down, stepmother. Your ex-husband just now become your future son-in-law". Aal wrapped his hands around him saying "Yeah". Brown glared saying "I won't agree". Beth gave a cold stare saying "Who asked your permission ? that glared won't work on me. I'm not your ex-wife". Brown was going to slap. But Aal pulled Beth away from him saying "How dare you try to hit her before me?".

Laura sighed saying "Stop it". Beth smiled saying "Okay...then I want to enjoy desserts". Aal said, "Then let's go home, baby girl". Beth smiled and walked with him and suddenly stopped saying "Oh ! by teh way so-called father, Your daughters are pregnant. Hope you don't come before me or her anymore. And mother is dead just like you wished !". Beth smiled and walked away. Aal whispered saying "Happy". Beth smiled and hugged him saying "Totally...thank you". Aal kissed her head saying "Me too".

After 9 months, Beth was giving birth to her child meanwhile Aal who was in a business meeting was rushing to the hospital in an 8 hours airplane from an x country. Beth gave birth to the baby. In a video call, Aal said "I'm coming soon". Beth said, "come fast...and kill this boy...". Aal said "Its boy ?". The call ended. Beth started to cry seeing that baby boy. That baby boy was smiling at her. Beth sad "Why teh heel I am crying right now ? I determined to kill this boy I can't. He looks just like his father...I hate this...". Beth looked at the clock and called someone. It was Jay. Jay came to teh hospital and took beth along with teh baby boy and escaped. After 7 hours, Aal arrived at the hospital and saw an empty bed in Beth's room with a letter in it saying "Sorry I can't let you kill our baby boy. I love you. And I want you to go to jail for teh mistake you made. Life is hard but you shouldn't be making other's life hard. I will wait for you. After seeing this letter. You can either come searching for me or surrender yourself if you love me. I will be waiting for you. I'm at Jay's house right now. And in the will know".

Aal smiled looking at the letter saying "clever baby girl...which idiot would surrender themselves ?". Aal texted someone and went to the front of Jay's house. Beth was looking at him behind the window. Aal was going to knock at that door but suddenly stopped and looked at Beth in teh window. Beth was shocked. Aal smiled and kissed her cheek through the window and wrote something and left it on the door and went out.

Aal surrendered himself saying "Idiot just like me". In that letter "Clever girl. You made me fall in love with you. Wait for me. If you meet anyone when I'm not here. My bodyguards will kill that person. Call our son Lucas. Bye baby girl. From your Daddy". Beth started to cry looking at that letter.

After 7 years, Beth turned that basement into a suitable normal house. She renovated the house. Lucas was running around the basement saying "Mama ! we are late for school !". Beth ran outside the shower saying "I'm coming !". One bell was heard, it was JaY. Lucas ran out saying "Not gonna believe you anymore mama. Uncle Jay is here. I'm leaving with him. bye".Beth rode her ar to school in high speed. Beth arrived before Lucas. Beth giggled saying "I won again. Ahem I need to go to my class".

Beth became a Math teacher of 10-12 graders. And class teacher of grade 12. Beth felt something strange. After school, Beth asked, "Where are the others ? ". One guy stood up saying "T-They got trapped in the pub". Beth shouted, "What do you mean ?! you are not even an adult. How dare you go there ?!". One guy said, "I'm sorry ma'am". Beth said, "Did you report police ?". One guy said "Ma'am...they said if we do that, Those adults threatened they will beat our three guys to death". Beth sighed saying "Give me the address". That guy texted that address.

Beth texted Joe that she will be late. Beth rode to that place with a button camera on her shirt and her hair was tied up. In the pub, Beth sneaked inside and was searching for those three. And found that those three were inside a private room. They were filled with beer. Beth said, "Oh my goodness, My students why are you doing here ?! you are not even an adult !". One guy said "Looks who is here. This brats teacher ? Your students sneaked in with fake id and not only drank some beer. They also tried to steal my girls". One student said "Don't believe him, teacher. We did try drinking beer but we never wanted to steal their girls. They were the ones who come behind us. And what are you doing in this kind of place with this k-kind of clothes ?". In the past 7 years, Beth didn't want to attract any other person after using Aal's letter of killing the other person. To save there person's life she wore dumb clothes with no sense of fashion.

One guy came inside. The door was open. He saw Beth and said, "I saw you somewhere....oh ! yes that party. You were with Aal. And you must be that laura's stepdaughter !". Another guy said, "Looks like you even attracted that guy in jail. You look prettier than a teacher. Why don't you drop your job and be my woman for this night ?". Beth felt some cold air from behind with a peppermint smell. Beth smiled and looked at those guys. Beth sighed and untied her hair saying "...You h*rny son of a b*tch". That person was going to slap her but one hand pulled her from behind. It was Aal in a black suit giving a hot aura. Aal said, "You really want to die today huh ? how dare you try to steal my women right before my eyes ? run before I kill you all". Those guys ran out. Aal looked at Beth saying "Long time no see, Baby girl". Beth said, "Welcome back, daddy".

Three students were surprised. Aal kissed her saying "Looks like your students become a trash bucket for them". Beth said, "Oops I didn't see that coming. Hey guys go back home. Didn't you three dare say other about today. Or else I will tell your parents about this". Aals aid "And don't you dare enter a pub again. Become an adult first". Those three ran out saying "Okay ma'am and ma'am's daddy". They ran out.

Beth started to laugh saying "Ma'am's daddy. Nice name you got here". Aal said, "Shut up... so where is my son ?". Beth said, "Come in the morning...he will be shocked to see you". Aal kissed her saying "okay".

The next morning, Lucas shouted, "Mama we are kate again ! how long are you doing to bath ?!". One bell rang. Lucas walked to teh door saying "Looks like uncle Jay is early. I'm gonna leave you once again !-". Lucas opened the door and saw Aal. Lucas was shocked. Lucas quickly ran to the hall and saw the photo of Aal and Beth together for double-checking. Lucas freaked out saying "Mama ! papa is back !". Aal lifted Lucas saying "You look just like me...". Beth walked out saying "Of course he would". Lucas hugged him saying "Finally I got to meet you...father". Beth hugged them saying "Welcome back...daddy".

They both got married and lived happy life with fights and money. Jay and Joe were living next door from them. Jay and Joe soon married.

Aal looked at the sky saying "Now I got a family of my own...Thank you my baby girl. Love you a lot".