Husband and wife P1

At a wedding, That place was filled with joy and giggles. Everyone felt happy except me and my girlfriend. I'm the groom, Duke of the west. I always hoped to get married and have a happy life. But this wedding is different...the bride isn't my girlfriend. This is not even a political wedding. And the bride is just a half-animal named Beth. They say she is just a special creature that needs to be protected. If they find her precious why the hell would they lock her up in the prison ?...father you really crossed your line this time. By the way, why is half of her right-side face covered with her hair bangs ?...nevermind

At the same time, Wow they are really preparing for the wedding. Their wealth is no joke. Where is my brother Jack? He said he brings all our siblings to this wedding. Wow... the right side is filled with Duke James's family and the empty. Hope they arrive here soon. Oh! Jack is back...wait he even brought the toddler? Why is Duke James look sad?... never mind. He got such long yellow hair and wow...that green eyes. Humans are no joke. Mother...looks like you were right.

The priest said, "Mister James do you take Miss Beth your lawful wife ?". James thought to himself "Let's see how long that creature will be able to stay with me. I will divorce her soon...". James said "I do" and looked at her girlfriend. His girlfriend Rose stood up and walked away. The priest said, "Miss Beth do you take Mister James your lawful husband ?". Beth smiled saying "Yes I do". The priest said, "Now I announce you both husband and wife !".

During the feast of the wedding, James was totally ignoring Beth and started to talk with his family without even thinking about Beth's family. Beth noticed it and walked to her siblings smiling. Beth said, "Are you happy about being outside ?". One little girl said, "Yes ! but...your twin sister Raven was locked up in the room by father again. She started to fight once again...Are you sad not able to see her at your wedding, sister ?". Beth smiled saying "Did she tell you anything ?. One boy said "No sister !... I always wondered why you are so sweet and Raven sister is so scary". Beth smiled saying "It's okay. There is a lot of food over here. Go and start to eat!". Younger siblings started to run to the table saying "Okay sister !". Jack was quiet saying "What's wrong with you?- never mind. I'm gonna leave. Mother's father is coming to collect these brats to his palace for the holidays". Beth smiled saying "Okay what about you ?". Jack said "Just gonna stalk around. Then I'll leave. Be happy, sister".

Jack walked away. James was eavesdropping on them. After the wedding, Beth and James were taken to home. In the bedroom, James went to sleep before Beth came. Beth saw this and smiled saying "Looks like he is tired". James mumbled, "...Idiot".

The next morning, Beth smiled and woke him up saying "Good morning, Duke". James has always ignored her. And even refused to have food with her calming that he doesn't want to have food with an animal. Beth always smiled and walked away without showing any sight of anger. Maids always found her pitiful to get trapped between the duke and his girlfriend's love. They often took good care of her and they even become close to her. Beth knows everyone's life situation, their names, their interests and etc...which not all duchess does to their servents.

Beth was informed that it is going to be Duke's birthday soon. Beth was excited and looking forward to winning Duke's heart threw his birthday. Beth dragged her two maids to go outside with her to buy some gifts for him. But after seeing all the shops. She stopped before one cloth shop seeing a lot of shiny fabrics. Beth walked around the shop and suddenly stopped before one black shiny cloth and her eyes were tinkling. Maids tried telling her that black represents death but she claimed that black represents power. Maids shouldn't win over her. So they didn't stop her. She bought a lot of things for that fabric. And was walked out to their carriage. There were two carriages from Duke of the west.

Beth was confused because they only came in one carriage and wonder who came in the other. She expected it to be Duke. She wanted to surprise him. She quickly ran to the door and oped it saying "Suprise !". She dropped all her bags seeing what ais inside. Duke was half-naked with his girlfriends on top of him. Tears were going to fall from her eyes but she wiped them quickly and smiled saying "Oh ! you have your girlfriend with you ? I'm sorry Duke. An Miss if you want you can visit the house. Then I'll leave". Beth closed that door. Beth walked fast saying "You two can do to the house. I'll be back". They went to the house letting her have some space. Jack saw Veth and tried calling her but she didn't turn. Jack was confused and saw the Duke of west's carriage.

Jack walked to the carriage waiting to knock at the door. James's girlfriend Rose slapped him saying "So that's why you stopped the marriage beside that carriage? I thought you said you divorced her already but you didn't? you are having affair with me? Are you serious? I can't believe I took part in your cheap tricks. I destroyed a girl's life !". James smiled saying "Don't worry, Honey. She is an animal-". Rose slapped him saying "I loved that innocent James who took care of me from my 7 grade". Rose walked out to dress up and skipped Jack.

And cased after Beth saying "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to do this. I- I- I thought he already divorced you. I ran away from my home and I have no idea what is happening right now...I'm sorry-". Beth dragged her to one dead end. Meanwhile, Jack and James were making eye contact. Jack introduced himself and looked at James. Jack got one message from one bird. His facial expression changed. Jack said "Duke can I visit your house and meet my sister tommrow ?". James smiled saying "As you wish".

Beth said, "It's okay. I used to this sh*t. I just can't believe that guy worthy of you. Why did you run away ?". Rose said, "They tried to sell me to one old guy for the money. James was the one who was always by my side". Beth said "Childhood sweethearts ?". Rose starts to cry saying "Not anymore". Beth hugged her saying "It's okay...this is a mess. A wife is helping their husbands' ex-girlfriend". Rose giggled saying "Yeah". Beth said, "I'll help you. In return you should not be my burden. Can you fight ? any magic ?". Rose said, "Oh ! I'm good in magic !". Beth said "Thats' good. Then you can stay the night in my house. I'm just going to use you in my future". Rose said, "Hope I'm a good used for you".

That night, Rose, James, and Beth were sitting and having dinner together. James looked at Rose but Rose was looking at Beth. Beth said, "Do you want to marry her too as a concubine ? if you divorce my father will come to hunt your heads". Rose's eyes were sparking "Hunt how ?". Beth said, "Since my father is a wolf pack's alpha. Everyone obeys him if he orders his ack to hunt James down. They will find his scent and eat him alive. That's all. Simple and easy". Rose said, "Cool. You are an Alpha or what ?". Beth said "Alp- That's a secret.

The next morning, Beth asked, " How was your night ?" James. James stood up and walked away in his rope saying "Pretty okay. Thank god you are not a full animal. If you were, I would have no sleep". Beth smiled saying "You should be thanking my mother. She is a human and my father is a so-called animal". James giggled saying "Poor your mother". Beth clenched her hand saying "Yes she be a human-like you all". Beth walked away saying "My dear duke, My older sister is going to visit us soon... Please get ready".

James groaned and walked saying "Why should I take orders for you ?". Beth smiled saying "For your sweet little girlfriend". James said, "I knew it you bought her in order to blackmail me !". Beth smiled saying "She too knows". James walked close to her touching her bangs saying "You are annoying". Beth quickly backed out saying "Please don't touch me. Then..I'll leave". James glared at her as she walked away.

In the hall, Beth's older sister, Jack, and her father walked inside. Beth showed them the way to the food table. They were having breakfast along with James and Rose at the same table. It was quiet. Father was glaring at her. Beth was quiet. Rose saw this and tried to talk about something. Rose said, "Yesterday you told us about Alpha. Are you an Alpha ?". Beth said, "I'm a Alp- I'm not an alpha. But my twin sister is an alpha". James said, "Twin sister ? How many siblings do you even have ? your mother is a birth-giving machine?". Beth started to cry saying "You are so cruel". Father was seeing her with the face of disgust. Her older sister Ruth was sharping her sword on that table. Jack said, "We know everything. Why don't you drop your act ?". Beth gave an evil smile saying "Oh ! I got caught. Since you know why should I act again?".

Beth stood up and looked at her father and smirked. Beth splashed her soup on Duke's face saying "You are such a j*rk". Father looked at her. Beth said "Now what you are going to kill me and replace this place with her ? this guy is true trash he thinks we are animals. You want to destroy my sister's life with this idiot ?". Father stood up and looked at her saying "I knew it...Why the hell would you marry your sister's partner...Raven". Beth switched her hair backward saying "Because you didn't listen to her, father". Rose and James were confused.

One video started to play from one crystal, In the past, In a hunting game between the royals was held in the south. The south is ruled by the Duke of the south, Ryan [ Beth and Raven's father]. He is a wolf walking on two legs. He always gave a fear appears to avoid all other royals from interfering in his life. The king's seventh daughter is named Dove. When she was born the war was ended. And he named her as dove for peace and thought her to be a lucky charm. In that game, Dove was going to be hunted by the assassins. Ryan was the one who helped her. The blood splashed every place. Ryan was looking forward to making her scared. But she didn't get scared. Her eyes were sparkling bright. She said, "Thank you, Duke Ryan". It was the first time a human called him using his title. Usually, they call him "animal" and die in his hands. Ryan was surprised and saying "Your welcome princess". Dove held his hands saying "Marry me !". Ryan was totally confused and shocked thinking its a joke. Ryan walked saying "Oh my princess looks like you need to rest".

The next day, Dove started to chase after Ryan. Ryan said, "Stop chasing me, princess !". Dove said, "I really mean it ! you are totally my type. Your fur, your teeth, your eyes, and your body is totally my type ! please marry me, duke Ryan". After 2 years of chasing finally, Ryan accepted to marry her seeing her personality. King didn't stop them because he knew how much Ryan meant for Dove. He let them get married. After marriage, Dove soon gave birth to a half-human-wolf girl and twin half-human-wolf girls. The older girl was called Ruth. And the twins were called Raven and Beth. It was a happy family until they attend one royal ball by the king. Raven and Beth were 3 years old. Ruth is 5 years old.

A war broke out seeing this human-animal family. Blood splashed every place. One sword came swinging at Raven and Beth. Dove used her body to cover them. Raven was on the right side. And the sword was slightly right. Dove's back was tabbed along with Rave's right eyes. She lost her right eye in this incident. Dove dead. King didn't come to see Dove's dead body. Ryan trued cold. Ruth noticed this change and started to work hard fr protect her family. As time passes. Raven gradually started to hide the right side of her face with her bangs. James and the other siblings were their cousins and servents' children. These three sisters are totally different. Ruth is more serious and quiet. Raven is quite a rebel. She always escaped the house and train in the river. Beth was kind and warm. This three were like three different climates.

When Raven and Beth turned 16, a letter came from grandpa [ King of the human kingdom] saying about the political marriage between Duke of the west, James, and daughter of Duke of the south. Ryan at the dinner table "Beth marry James...Ruth needs to be my heir. And Raven is troublesome. She might cause a war between us. So you go and marry that person". Raven galred at Ryan saying "But father you already know he has a girlfriend". Ruth said, "Why don't we just kill that girl ?". Raven said, "Wait are you serious sister ? and she likes-".Beth stood up saying "I'll marry her as you wish, father". Beth walked to her room smiling. Beth was actually wanted to marry [Secert] but due to her father's wish, she didn't stop him. Raven glared at Ryan saying "Let's see how you will make her marry". Ryan said, "Is this a challenge ?". Raven smirked and walked away saying "Maybe".

Ryan looked at Ruth. Ruth said, "...Don't look at me. This your karma for not taking us out for the whole 13 years . Enjoy father". Ruth started to eat. Ryan sighed saying "Your mother left three gifts for you three. It's in my room. You can come and take it if you want-". Ruth stood up saying "Okay !".

Ryan entered his room and took all three gifts. Ryan left the gifts before their rooms. Ryan slowly walked away sighing. Ruth opened her door looked at Ryan walking away. Ruth went inside and opened the gift. Her gift was a sword key chain since she loved swords from a young age. Her mother planned on giving this key chain for her upcoming birthday which was 2 days after that ball. Raven's gift was a was the Dove's wedding dress. Dove knew Raven and Beth will be upset for not getting gifts when their older sister gets a gift. So she even prepared gifts for Raven and Beth. Raven always loved her wedding dress so Dove decided to give it to Raven for her future. It was a greenish-blue dress with lots of net fabric. Beth's gift was a chain with words of Dove saying "Love you, my little wolf". Beth usually didn't ask for anything so Dove just wanted to give her sweet words to her.

Ruth kept quiet seeing this gift. Ruth threw that key chain away out in the window saying "I don't deserve this...I wasn't even able to keep you safe...". Raven saw the dress and shouted saying "She really kept her words !". Raven giggled in joy saying "I'll treasure this mother...don't worry I know what is the right thing to do now". Beth started to cry quietly saying "Love you too mother...sorry James". Beth locked herself up in that room.

One night, Ruth was on the roof seeing the moon. Beth slowly walked out of the house and went backyard with hands full of letters. She placed them on the ground and set them on fire. Beth walked away. Ruth was shocked. Quickly one creature came out it was a wolf. That wolf turns into Raven. Raven mumbled, "Sh*t where is the water ? should I just pee in it ?..what no !". Raven quickly started to step on the fire to extinguish. Raven quickly took all those letters and went to her room. Ruth sighed saying "What are you hiding ?".

The next night, A day before the wedding. Dining table. Ryan said, "What are you planning ?". Raven said, "What no I'm not planning anything, father ? Are you scared ?". Ryan said, "I just don't want you to get humiliated before people". Raven smirked saying "Humiliate you or me ?". Ruth said, "Don't speak like this to father". Raven laughed and walked out saying "Let's see how long you defend him, sister". Beth chased after Raven saying her to eat dinner. Raven hugged Beth saying "I want to spend the night with you sister". Beth patted her saying "Okay...looks lie you finally allowed this wedding". Raven said, "Yeah...Promise me to be happy". Beth smiled saying "I will".

The next morning, beth found herself in the bed with her hands cuffed to the bed. Beth said, "Raven ! what is this ?". Raven smiled saying "No ! I'm Beth now. See you later, my twin sister !". Raven hid her face with her bangs. One voice came from behind "Now what ?". Raven said, "Now make Ruth and Ryan busy. I should not see them. And say to others that Raven went crazy". That voice said "Okay". Beth said, "You too helping her ?!". Raven closed her mouth saying "Bye I'm gonna get married sister !".