Husband and wife P2

Now, James was shocked and said "So you are Raven ? that one who tried killing all the animal clan in the hunting ?". Raven smirked saying "Thank you for the introduction". Jack said, "I should have noticed this when you didn't wear your mother's chain". Raven said, "That belongs to Beth. Only the dress belongs to me. Looks like older sister found her key chain again Hope you don't throw it away". Ruth hid her sword. Ryan shouted, "What do you want me to do now ?!". Raven shouted back saying "Let Beth be free !". Ryan said, "So you are brave enough to shout back at me ?!". Raven said, "Can't you see ? I'm not like others who feel scared when you shout. This shout doesn't work on me !". Ryan sighed and said, "You are just like your mother...Dove always shouts back at me whether we have arguments". Raven said "Not only behavior. I look exactly like a mother".

Jack said, "Stop shouting you both. Now what ? James will-". Raven said, "No he won't. He loves Rose and I'll divorce him. Rose will marry him". Rose said 'No I won't". Raven turned and looked at Rose and got shocked. Rose's eyes were sparkling looking at Jack. Rose said "Who is this guy ? looks pretty cool". Raven said "Wait are you serious? you sure fall in love fast". Rose said "What wrong with loving in love with eye candy. He looks exactly like my dog". Jack said "I'm a wolf ". Rose said "They look pretty close to dogs". Ruth started to laugh saying "She is cute".

Ryan said, "Where is Beth now ?". Raven said, "I won't say. Now nighty night". James said, "Let me sleep with you". Raven said "Whatever. Don't disturb my sleep. Come fast". Raven and James walked away. Ruth said, "We are the guest right ?". Rose said, "Yup we need t just make ourselves home I think". Rose clinched to Jack saying "Which room are you going to?". Jack said "A room without you". Jack ran away dragging Ryan. Ruth took Rose with her saying "This place is small. Only 12 rooms ? Go and pick one room". Rose said, "I don't want to sleep alone. Let me go to that guy's room or Raven-". Ruth dragged her saying "Just come with me".

In Raven's room, James said "You are so brave". Raven said, "Thank you...". James said, "Forgive me". Raven said, "I'll think about it". The next night, Ryan said, "Drink with James". James was hesitating. Raven noticed it and said, "f you drink with him until he gets satisfied. I'll forgive you". Ruth said, "Are you serious? father doesn't even get satisfied !". Jack said, "Brother-in-law! don't fall for her. Uncle is a pretty good drinker". James said, "Will you forgive me ?". Raven gave an evil smirk saying "Yes". James kept on drinking with Ryan. Raven was pretty shocked mean while Ruth was helping Jack to remove Rose's teeth from Jack's chest. Rose was dead drunk and chased after Jack saying "Come here doggie !". Ruth was having fun seeing this two. James and Ryan were totally dead drunk. Ruth dragged Ryan to the room and went to sleep. Rose was troublingJack by hugging him while being half-drunk. Rose kept on calling him "My doggo". Jack was getting super angry.

James was dragged to bed by Raven. Raven was shocked and satisfied. James said, "You forgiven me ?". Raven said, "...Yes. It's pretty shocking to see a duke doing stuff like this for me". James said, "I'm shocked too". Raven said, "Tomorrow it's your birthday. I made a black shirt for you". James said "Are you indirectly telling me to die ?" Raven stood up saying "What no! Black represents power for wolves". James said, "You made it with your own hands because you need to pretend to be Beth ?". Raven said, "Yes. No, Beth doesn't who how to sew". James smiled saying "Okay. I'll wear it on the ball tomorrow". Raven said, "Ball ? am I needed over there ?". James said, "It's your wish...don't worry. I'll keep you safe". Raven smirked saying "Really ? now go to sleep".

The next day, In the ball. Jack, Ryan, and Ruth were in suits and white dresses. Jack said, "When are they coming ?". Ruth said, "They are here". They looked at them. James and Raven were wearing a black dress and suit. Everyone started to whisper. One nobleman shouted, "How can you duke wear black on your birthday ?!". One wolve's voice came "How a this small wear Black !". The conflict started to arise. Raven stood forward and glared at those wolves saying "Looks like you forgot me ?...I'm not Beth". Raven flipped her hair and shows her scar to them smirking. One wolf said "R-Raven ?". Raven glared at them with shining eyes. One voice come from the back, It was a person from the wolves clan. That guy said, "Why don't you lord look a close at them Black...represents power among wolves and that small human is protected by a wild wolf". Those wolves kneel to her saying "Long time no see...Lady Raven".

That guy's name was Lucas. Raven smirked at him saying "Looks like you still remember me...Today it's my husband's birthday I don't want any mess". James glared and stood forward saying "Same goes for humans". Ryan and Ruth were seeing this from behind having a proud smile on their face. Jack mumbled saying "This two...Where is that troublemaker ?". Ruth said "Rose ?". Jack jumped out of his skin saying "You scared the sh*t out of me". Ruth smiled and walked saying "Looks like we soon gonna see another wedding". Rose came inside with a huge blue dress. She looked beautiful. Rose was glaring at open until when she saw Jack staring at her...she smiled at him. She walked to him. Jack thought to himself "This can she smile like this when she sees me ?".Rose said "Did you fall for me ? Wanna marry this lady ?" in a joking way. Jack looked serious while saying "Yes let's fix the date".

Rose was shocked "What ? really ?". Jack said, "You don't want to ?". Rose said, "No ! yes ! I wanna marry you. Let me get my father ! let's get married tomorrow !". Jack said "That fast ?". Rose said, "What if you change your mind !?". Rose ran away shouting "Father !!". Ryan said "Congrats ".

James looked at Raven "May I dance with my sweet wife". Raven smiled saying "Hope your legs are okay after this dance". James said, "don't worry. You will be carrying me around after this dance". Raven said "Clever". They both were smiling at each other and having fun. Lucas and others were pretty shocked. Raven said, "I didn't expect you to invite my people ". James said; This is your surprise...From now on...I promise your people are my people. I won't hurt you...I will always be your side as a a a fighting mate...and finally as your husband". Raven smiled saying "You were supposed to tell this during the wedding". James said "Let's not talk about our wedding. I was a being sh*t back then". Raven said, "So you know about that ?". They both giggled.

In the night, Raven said, "James come here". James walked to her in his rope saying "What sweetie". Raven said, "eww never mind. Just wanted to tell you where Beth went". James said, "Eww ? I'm hurt ". Raven said, "Ok fine sweetie wanna hear me ? I too want to see her". James said, "Okay let's go !". Raven smiled at him.

On the way, James said, "Are you sure you know this place ?". Raven said, "Yes trust me ?!". James shouted "How can I ?! We don't even have any backup plans! you just took one carriage without any proper driver. And now you and I are driving this good*mn carriage as a driver and our all foods are on the passenger seats! And you didn't bring any knights for safety !". Raven said "Relax We can handle it. Wanna hear sister's love story". James said "Just tell I feel like bitting you". Raven killed his neck saying "Relax honey". James blushed.

Raven said "So...Beth and I usually go inside the forest to play after mother's death. I usually practice over there but Beth picks flowers over there for mother's grave. One day, the sun was going to set, and when I shouted for Beth. She didn't reply. I started to search for her. But turned out that she fell into some trap. And I ran to inform big sister. That's when he appeared. One guy named Ace. He is also half-human and half-animal. He is a rabbit. He saw Beth and helped her. That's when a small spark appears. It was too late and large animals will come so...they both stayed at Ace's house which was nearby. They talked all night. They both didn't sleep. Ace is a commoner. After returning home she didn't tell us anything. She just told us that she fell into a trap and again climbed back up.

Beth started to sneak out to see him. She brought him snacks and food. They both loved each other. And we have hunting competitions where all animal clan fights with each other clans. The last man standing will be the winner of the competition. That's was held when I was 17 I guess. Ace was also there is a fighter. Beth kept on staring at Ace and she didn't want him to know that she is the daughter of wolf head. Wolf and rabbits are in bad terms from the ancient period. But when Ace found that she hit it from her...he kept betrayed. He gave a small eye with anger to her. Beth was shocked and didn't know what to do. Beth kept her distance from that competition.

But Beth found other animals bullying Ace. Beth confessed everything to me...I helped Ace...To be honest, I killed all other animal clans who bulled him using the competition as an excuse. Ace was even more scared...I started to follow him around calling him 'Brother in law' and tried to help them. But...Those two idiots reunited after on rain and one-night stand...yeah they both f*cked each other. She Beth gave birth to twins...One rabbit girl and one wolf boy. Weird combination but yeah-". James gave a disgusted face saying "Your sister gave birth at the age of 17 ?" Raven said, "Oi technically wolves are matured in the age of 2 ! so no problem !". James said "I still can't believe I tried to marry a girl with two children. Don't tell me you have any kids ?". Raven said "No one would love a wild wold with a scary face plus the scar". James said "I would ". Raven blushed saying "Idiot...shut up and hear the story".

Raven said "Ace was taking care of those two babies in his house. Beth usually uses vacation as an excuse to see and live with them. Father was too busy to check on her. I usually accompany her to the horest. And realized forest is pretty dangerous for those 2 rabbits plus one wolf. So Ruth secretly assigned one guard to protect was Lucas. I still don't know how Ruth found out but she never told me about them but recently she said to me 'Where is Ace and those kids ?'. So she secretly knew it !.

After one year, Beth decided to tell their father about that but that was when their father said Beth to marry him. And Beth in order to do her daughter's duty chose to give up on her mother and lover duty. I told this to Ace. Ace was quiet for 3 days but right before the wedding. I couldn't see them both live with regrets and all I could think of my sister and her family. So I begged Ace to cooperate with me. And when I replaced Beth. Ace came and convinced Beth to come with him and I too gave her a letter saying that I like you. Soe she also went. And now I'm here. I want to show her that I'm happy along with seeing my cute little babies".

James shouted, "Stop ! But we should also surprise them ! like going with your babies". James smirked. Raven smirked saying "don't worry. I'm pregnant ". James was shocked "You cheated on me ?". Raven said, "Idiot it's yours ". James said, "I don't have any that kind of memories". Raven smiled saying "Oh remember our wedding night. You slept like dead because I added some smoke to the candle. So you fell asleep without knowing anything. So I used that chance to get my work done. Your face was funny back then". James backed away saying "You are so cruel". Raven said "Don't worry we can do as you wish on our second baby". James smiled said "Yes !".

Inside their carriage, Ruth said, "Should we tell them...that they got a wrong carriage ?". Ryan said, "Not know...I'm waiting for my third daughter's husband...and I have grandson and grandaughter. And another on the way ? wait Ruth did you also hide something from me ?". Ruth said, "Oh yes. Lucas said he loves me, and also I too accepted it. If you give permission we will also work on the baby". Ryan grabbed his neck saying "At least you are way better than those brats. When this carriage stop let's get out...looks like they are gonna go for the second. So let's just jump to Ace's house". Ruth said, "Okay father. Lucas is waiting outside". Ryan sighed saying "Dove our kids are way differently upgraded than us".

In Ace's house, It was night. Raven stormed inside shouted, "Beth ! your sis-". Raven smiled. James didn't see what was happening inside. James also hugged Beth from behind saying "Hey ! I'm your sister's husban- Hello father-in-law". Ryan was sitting on one chair with his two grandchildren beside him. Ruth and Lucas were kneeling on the right side. Beth and Ace were kneeling on teh left. Ryan siled said, "Come my dear child. The middle position is reserved for you". Raven and James kneeled in the middle.

Raven said, "How did you know about this ?". Ruth said, "You and James got the wrong carriage. I and father were planning to visit the emperor on the carriage you come here". James said, "So you heard it all ?". Ruth said "Yeah and now explain what all you did". Beth smiled saying "I had kids with my lover. Oh now he is my husband ! my kids are twins ". Ryan said, "You are the root of the problem. Ace I heard you are git with finance. So take care of my financial administration. Next...".

Raven said, "I replaced my sister. I helped them behind your back. I fell for this idiot. And now I have 2 weeks baby". Ryan said, "You are the little sh*t which gave nutrient to that plant. James, please take care of this idiot and maintain the social administration. Next...".

Ruth said "I stalked both my sister with this guy's help. Oh, I also stalked father and found that he is been crying seeing our family photo with his mother. And Lucas and I are dating If you accept we will work on the baby process". Ryan said "You are the gardener which helped this plant. Lucas takes care of the defense administration".

Raven said, "What about you ?". Ryan said, "I'm gonna just live on the palace which filled with your mother's memory...Bye".

Outside Ace's place, James and Raven were standing outside. Raven said, "you want a divorce ?". James said, " ?". Raven smiled said, "No...then you are trapped with me rest of your lives". James said, "What if I say divorce in the future". Raven said, "You won't have any more future than that [Indirectly says that she will kill you]". James smiled and kissed her lips saying "Okay".

Ruth and Lucas had a small wedding with family members and they were both sword fighters early in the morning as their act of affection. They both got a one-half human and half-wolf daughter.

Ace and Beth were living in Ace's house which is in the forest. But Ryan used development as an excuse to build them a palace.

James and Raven got a half-human and half-wolf two sons. And they both always fought in the morning and cuddled on the night.

Jack and Rose got married. And they soon got a half-human and half-animal daughter.

Every weekend all these four couples visit Ryan. That's where the whole mess starts.