It was the usual morning for Yiyang. She got up early to prepare for school. She ate her breakfast and went to school driven by the family's chauffeur.
At the school's gates, she saw Xiao Xian'er, her best friend who she has always been with for as long as she can remember, walking ahead as she arrived a little earlier. She called out to Xian'er. "Xian'er!"
When Xian'er heard a familiar voice call her, she immediately knew who it was. Turning around, she saw her best friend, Yiyang who was smiling widely as she ran towards her. Xian'er returned Yiyang's smile as she watched Yiyang come up to her.
When Yiyang caught up to where she was standing, Yiyang immediately wrapped her hands around her shoulders and said, "Hey, Xiao kitty, did you sleep well?"
"Yes, eldest miss. I had good dreams. And you?"
"Me too. But Auntie Yu woke me up way before I got into the good part of my dream." Yiyang pouted as she recalled how she was woken up by Maid Yu's call.
Upon hearing Yiyang's whine at how she was woken up, Xian'er looked at Yiyang only to find her cheeks puffed up as she sulked. Seeing Yiyang being her childlike side, Xian'er can't help but laugh and say teasingly, "Then we should hurry to class so you can dream about good things more." After saying that, Xian'er ran off to their class.
Seeing how Xian'er teased her and ran off after, Yiyang can only utter, "You..." and ran after Xian'er who was running as fast as she could.
When Yiyang and Xian'er arrived in their class, it was just the right time for their teacher to arrive. But unlike the everyday's arrival of their teacher, today's a different one.
As their teacher stopped at the room's center, there comes a girl who captivated everyone's attention. The girl was exceptionally tall, has a skin fairer than anyone of the girls' inside the room and has her hair down as she looked at everyone with her deep alluring black eyes.
The teacher started to introduce the girl beside her. "Everyone, This is Xie Feifei. Starting today, she will be your classmate. I hope you can all get along with her." As the teacher finished introducing Feifei, she looked at Feifei and said, "Let's see where you can seat?" then proceeded to scan the room for an empty seat.
Ultimately, the teacher's eyes landed on the seat beside Yiyang. The teacher smiled and announced, "Well, there's one seat beside Yiyang. I think you'll be seating next to Miss Xu starting today."
Following the teacher's direction, Feifei turned to walk and sat beside Yiyang. As Feifei sat beside her, Feifei bowed her head a little and muttered, "Hi." and smiled at her. Yiyang then smiled back at her new deskmate. The new deskmates spent the whole day in perfect harmony until it was time to go home.
By tradition at heart, Yiyang always went home with Xian'er. But as they were passing, they heard someone yelling. If it were any other day, Yiyang would have ignored it but today, her instinct told her otherwise. As Yiyang was about to walk to where the sound is coming, she felt a firm hold on her wrist. She looked at Xian'er in confusion who was holding her wrist. In return, Xian'er shook her head and said, "Don't even think of meddling in. That's Xiaolian, the school's famous bully. She's probably bullying someone again."
"And? Do I have to fear her? I'm the Eldest Miss of the Xu family. She can't do anything to me and even if I am not the Eldest Miss, I am no pushover." Yiyang scoffed as she proceeded to walk towards the place where a bullying might be happening.
But to her utmost surprise, a person very familiar to her was being bullied. It was Xie Feifei, her deskmate she just met this morning that is being bullied by Feng Xiaolian. As Xiaolian was about to slap Feifei, without thinking about anything else, Yiyang shouted firmly. "Hey, Feng Xiaolian, put your hands away from her."
Turning to the strong voice that called out to her, Feng Xiaolian smirked at Yiyang's appearance. "Eldest Young Miss, it's strange to see you here. But I would appreciate it if you could back off." Xiaolian sneered as she turned back on bullying Feifei. But before she could try to slap Feifei, she felt a firm hold on her wrist enough to make her feel pain.
Looking at the person exerting force on her wrist with a scrunched face, "What are you doing, Yiyang?!"
"I told you to put your hands away from her. Don't make me repeat myself or else you might wake up tomorrow with your family being bankrupt." Yiyang warned.
At a disbelief at how Yiyang was defending a new transferee student and even bringing up her mighty family's name, Feng Xiaolian decided to let go of Feifei. "It's amazing how you're coming out of your way for a mere transferee, Eldest Young Miss. Be careful, the Young Madam might not like it." Feng Xiaolian said as she left with her minions and bumped onto Feifei's shoulders making the latter almost lose her balance.
Seeing this, Yiyang quickly went to avoid Feifei from falling. "Are you okay?"
Feifei smiled at Yiyang's concern. "I'm fine. You don't have to worry. I was pretending back there to be helpless. I've heard she's been bullying people for years. I was pretending to be helpless to lure her to teach her a lesson afterwards."
"What? Did I just ruined your plans?" Yiyang who was confused at how the situation is raveling, asked.
Just as Feifei was about to reply, Xian'er came in. "What are you two doing there? Goodness gracious, you two are so brave in your plans I enjoyed the good show seriously. So can we go home now?"
Hearing how Xian'er was urging them to come home, Yiyang asked Feifei to come with them so they can drop her off. "Where do you live, Feifei? Xian'er and I can drop you off."
"I live at Sky Palace." Feifei simply replied with a smile.
Meanwhile, Yiyang who heard of Sky Palace suddenly froze and thought of something. "Feifei, you.. are you CEO Xie's eldest daughter? The Xie family who just moved this weekend across our house?"
Now that Yiyang realized that they were actually neighbors, Feifei smiled and said, "Yes, that's me and also you didn't ruin my plans."