An unexpected interruption.

I took a deep breath and looked down at my hands, gloved in pure white silk. Its softness was the only thing soothing me as I knew I was about to marry a very, very, disgusting man. Prince Chester from the Kingdom of Silvam. Though I only met him a sparse amount of times, yet, he never failed to unimpress me, and even disgust many times. He frequently stared at my bosom while licking his lips and when I wear a more conservative dress, he simply huffs, sulking to himself while being uninterested in my mother's questions for his kingdom, often unable to answer the simplest of questions of his nation's history.

Yet here I was, being stuffed into a corset while my hair pulled back tightly into a braid strong enough to be a rope. I felt utterly hopeless as my maid. noticing my mood, gently lifted my head to look at her.

"Do not be so down Princess Valentine, you may not marry the best of noblemen, but you will still be a Queen, a feat not many can claim. And at least he is handsome so your children will still be beautiful!" She exclaimed as she smiled awkwardly. I know my life is not as hard as hers, but it is comforting to see someone understands my feelings and attempt to make me better. But the thought of that perverted man ever kissing me, let alone impregnating me, made my stomach turn. She turned my head back to the mirror and fitted a crowned veil on my head. I smiled as I examined her work.

"I will surely miss your magical ability to make me look beautiful, even on my most depressing days." I smiled at her, who am I kidding? Evelyn was my only friend, despite our status difference, in our alone time, we could be close as sisters. Today is different though, she is acting as a mere servant to distance herself from me to remind me what my new servants will treat me as, a Queen.

I heard the music starting down the hall as the ceremony was being. I stood up and looked out my oval stained glass window over my kingdom, I leaned against the glass and sighed. This will be the last time I looked over my beautiful country from my comfy room, I swallowed my sadness and put on my brave face as I followed Evelyn to the church hall to walk down the aisle to my demise. I stood there for what felt like forever listening to the ever-changing songs and shifting of people waiting for the bride to make an appearance. Everyone was waiting to see me marry a man everybody knew was unfit for me, but could do nothing to help me with escaping. Finally, the song I was waiting for came on and I put my right foot down and started to walk forward, perfectly in sync with the beat. My future husband appeared to be presentable, but I noticed his body language was impatient, my stomach turned at the thought that very soon, I will be forced to kiss him or face punishment from my father I do not want to even consider at this moment because I know it will be more severe.

I was only a few steps away from the small staircase as I heard a loud fizzling sound and blue light appear above me and the crowd started to panic. I looked up filled with fear to see a large blue swirling hole opened up out of the air before I felt something drop on me, knocking me hard to the ground. The people were running for fear whatever this was and my head was spinning violently, I felt a shake and my vision focused on a peculiar man in front of me, fiercely apologizing to me. I screamed and he let me go as I got up. I looked around and everyone, including my family, had run.

This was perfect. I took my chance, fate was on my side and I ran towards the priest's room behind the altar. The door opened without a hitch and luckily, the priest must of ran away with the others. I found the exit door to take the most exclusive way out of the castle possible to get out, but not before I heard that freakish man scream for me, he knew my name.