Spit it out or I can make your fate end here

My body tensed in confusion but that wouldn't distract me from my goal, escape, run, it'd be better to be a maid and marry for love than ever simply look at that perverted man again, or be a prisoner to some sort of magical experiments by that wedding crasher.

I found my way into the wilderness behind my castle as the castle sat on the edge of the city and the wilderness for my father's hunting expeditions. I knew it wouldn't be long until the royal guards were sent looking for me and that magical man, hopefully, they will think I am dead and not look for me. I really am too lucky. I ran until I was completely out of breath and found a tree with low hanging branches. I tugged off my wire skirt rack leaving me only in my muddy undergarments, I pealed the skirt off the rack and threw the wire rack as hard as I could in the nearby river.

I climbed up the tree to rest and hide temporarily, if I wanted a new life, I needed to not look like a runaway princess. I undid all my fancy garments, tossing them into the river carelessly to rid myself of suspicion. If it didn't wash away now, it surely would by the time anybody found me I'm sure. It is not easy to convince someone I am ordinary if I have many jewels and there has recently been a missing princess. I either be brought back to the castle and forced to marry, or executed as a thief and possibly a murderer. After that, I took the remainders of my skirt and tied around my waist until it appeared like a standard village skirt. The mud helps hide its beautiful embellishments, it's beauty forever hidden now. What a shame, or possibly liberty to not stand out.

As I started to relax, I heard the same voice from earlier, calling me, goosebumps rose on my arms as I looked down from my tree to see the same man. How has he not been captured?

"Princess Valentine Anvil! Please listen to me, I can explain but I need your help please!" He exclaimed. Was he not afraid to be caught? He drew closer to my hiding spot as I drew in a breath in fear. He walked towards the river that hadn't quite washed away all my jewels, he knelt down picking them up. Oh no, he knows.

"Princess Valentine Anvil, I swear I am not here to harm you or anybody, but I very easily guide the guards here to the river before they can catch me." He talked while walking around. He has a point. I had to take a chance, but I had to know he wasn't bluffing, he started to walk towards the kingdom, I knew I was in danger. I took a stick and pinecone and threw for his head with all my might, hoping to knock him out, but I nearly missed, causing a pinecone to be stuck straight up, inches in the ground. What was the point of archery if I can't throw accurately!

"Princess Valentine!" He exclaimed at me looking up. I climbed down shushing him.

"If you are so clever to know the guards will be after the both of us how can you not understand your screaming could give us away? What do you want magical man?" I spoke sternly with me, upholding my authority despite my maidenly appearance.

"Ah, I suppose you are right. Things are not going to plan whatsoever. Princess Valentine, this is not magic, but I am, I am-" He started shuttering from his apparent fear.

"Spit it out or I can make your fate end here," I stated. I had to keep up my guard to not be taken advantage of.

"I-I am from the future. I have created a technology to allow me to travel through time, it is not witchcraft but merely science, the same science that lets a baby be born and grow into a human," He explained with enthusiasm before quickly shifting back to his fearful state.

I stood in disbelief, but I did see this man fall out of a blue hole merely moments ago. I stood quiet.

"Y-You see Princess Valentine, I was not suppose to interrupt your wedding, you were supposed to marry Prince Chester and birth eight sons that went on to nation the great eight nations that fight for power over the regions of Silva and famously, destroy the monarchy. If we interrupt that, the monarchy may continue for centuries longer in some of the most powerful regions of the future world," He stated. I sat down and processed everything.

"If you speak the truth, then, tell me something for my history! How can I believe I would destroy such a beautiful and ancient system with horrible sons?!" I shouted in a whisper to not alert any people who may be nearby.

"You are Princess Valentine Anvil, daughter of the kingdom of Nakai. You historically were famous from your people for writing children's stories and traveling with a mere maid,"

"T-that is true. I know everybody in my village and you most certainly are not from here. Okay, I have some faith in you but what do I have to do with you now? I am saving the world by leaving Prince Chester and history to believe I died tragically young and live my life peacefully. So I am sorry but I must be going," I said before turning my back and walking away.

"Princess Valentine, please, if you do not marry Prince Chester, all of history will change. Countless lives will be altered or never born. Please help history!"

"What does that have to do with me? History will go on and change into something better, something where people are happier," I said, confident in my words.

He stomped his foot in the dirt while he thought to himself what to say.

"How can people be happier when history will continue as normal with or without you? People will still marry people they do not love, still will birth people who only want power, but you, have a chance to change it all with me. Why are you running to a peaceful life that causes people to only watch unhappiness come by?" He stated. I stopped in my tracks, unsure how to combat this.