Why do you need me?

After listening to his words, I could not convince myself he was incorrect. I had to do something for people like me, despite my fear swirling up inside me. I couldn't marry a perverted man, but I also know I couldn't live a peaceful life because there would be some other poor woman that would marry that man and birth the eight sons, I am merely replaceable in the grand scheme of things.

"Princess Valentine, if you cannot marry Prince Chester, you can at least change this world for the better sooner by your own actions, rather than by your future son's actions," He stated, obviously trying to persuade me to help him by appealing to what I obviously want. Anyone could guess by my actions today, running away from my own wedding and disguising myself as a simple village girl.

"And what would be in it for you?"

"A restoration of my timeline, it would be slightly different, but things could go back to normal or greater with your help in destroying the monarchy to let everyone have a chance for freedom like in my world," He stated cooly. He seemed proud of his society.

What kind of world is that? If there is no power, how are people united? But I had to ask him something else for the time being.

"If you are so set to maintain your timeline and maintain your "freedom for all", then why did you come to the past in the first place?" I walked closer to him as I saw him start to sweat. He reverted back to an anxious state as I intimidated him. "Why me? Why do you need ME to help you?"

"B-because. I have studied your life, I-I wanted to meet you in person even though we are centuries apart. I never met to destroy your wedding or even have you know I am from the future." He blurted out awkwardly.

His body was shaking as I studied him. Despite his attitude, he wasn't a scrawny man but a little bit tall, with blonde hair hanging around his eyes. He wore some kind of glass around his eyes and was dressed leather tunic and handbag that looked to be expensive, it matched the clothing that the nobleman wear.

"Why did you want to meet me? I have done nothing great but marry a perverted man and birth horrible sons if what you tell me is true. I am merely a princess pawn that is made to easily replaceable regardless of how hard I try to be different. And where did you get your clothes that match my people, surely the fashion of the future must be different from what is worn now."

He seemed to relax a little bit as he observed his outfit, as if forgetting what he wore. "I made this, I studied fashion history so I would hopefully blend into this world, but I unexpectedly landed in the midst of your wedding, I intended to come here yesterday, to present a wedding gift and meet you. In the future, you are seen as a wise and strong woman for those who study you, which is uncommon in these times. You are not merely a pawn." He smiled at me explaining his intentions. I believed him, he seemed to be pure.

"What wedding gift did you have? Surely you must of brought it with you." I questioned, enthralled with his actions and explanations. He is quite different from any man I have met so far.

He reached into his handbag and pulled out a deep purple jewel attached to a necklace.

"It is called 'the heart of a royal Queen'" he said as he shyly came over and fastened it around my neck, seeing as I was allowing him to be close to me. I smiled at his actions, I must have left some kind of mark on history if he knew my favorite color, but now I can leave a bigger mark.