The time for action is arriving

As we were making our way to the Kingdom of Silva, we saw royal guards from both kingdoms, seemingly searching for Adam and I. We snuck around the woods for a while in silence to not attract attention from anybody while I figured out how to embarrass my ex-fiance in front of the kingdom and annul our engagement so I can return to being a Princess to help create a new world. It shouldn't be hard with his extreme perversion, if I could convince him I am someone else.

"Princess Valentine," Adam whispered to me cautiously. He pulled out some strange looking bottles filled with skin color paste and a black pen. "You need to look different than who you are, this can be useful," He placed them in my hand. He must of read my mind.

"What are these?" I asked while opening the bottles and smelling them. They had such an alien smell to them I didn't want to touch them.

"It is called makeup, it can make you look different, look at these," he pulled out a strange black device that lights up and showed many different cubes. My eyes were wide with curiosity, the future has so many strange things. He clicked on a cube and many portraits appeared very quickly. He then moved his finger up and down a bit before clicking on one portrait that showed a tiny performance in the device. It was a girl with long black hair and she started to use bottles similar to mine, rubbing all over her face. I watched in awe and when she finished, she did look completely different!

"Wow, the future has so many things I could never dream of. What do you call these?" I asked him excitedly as I started to try and copy what the woman did from memory. I couldn't see myself but I was trying as I smeared the paste on my face. It blended in with my fingers beautifully. Adam must of picked these out for me specifically.

He explained the technology to me as I was putting on the makeup and I heard him start to laugh when he saw my face. He opened another cube or "app" on his device and that showed me my face. I looked horrible, my symmetry was off and my features so exaggerated I couldn't even process that this was my face. It was so different from this morning, in the worst way possible.

"May I assist you, Princess Valentine?" He asked sweetly, still smiling at my failure, clearly holding back his laughter. I huffed from my embarrassment but let him fix it. He rubbed my face all over with a wet cloth he brought then applied the 'makeup' to me, blushing slightly. He spent quite a bit on time on my face, but when he finished, he looked quite proud. "I don't think I did badly for a guy,"

He pulled out his 'camera' and showed me my face. I did look quite different, much more beautiful then how Evelyn managed with our version of makeup. My cheeks were brighter, my face smoother, and my eyes bigger. I appeared to be much younger. It still looked natural though, unlike the lady in the 'video'. This way, no one would suspect me of foul play or witchcraft. I smiled.

"Thank you, Adam, this will work perfectly for my plan to cause some anarchy for the scum of this earth," I smiled brightly, my excitement fulfilling me. With this beauty, no man could ever look away, especially one that is constantly looking for promiscuous women.

"So, what is the plan?" He asked curiously. I smirked to myself as I answered.

"One that simply will not fail, watch by the sidelines when we arrive at the capital. Prince Chester is most likely with the search party that will be arriving by dusk to his kingdom, as standard. Nighttime is too dangerous for search parties, that is when our creatures said to come out. We must wait till then, which shouldn't be too long from now," I stated as I looked at the sun retreating for the night. The time for action is arriving.