I must politely refuse this filth

The night started to set in when I finally heard shouting from the stationed guards. They were alerting everyone to gather and welcome back Prince Chester. I smirked to myself, as I started walking towards the crowd to greet the Prince back to his kingdom. I stood towards the back by a garden so I could be clearly seen. I put my best smile as I waved gracefully at Prince Chester riding on his horse, hoping he would notice me. I felt sick to humiliate myself with this, but it all be worth it.

As I watched the crowd cheer and guards move towards the castle, I finally saw Prince Chester riding in the middle on a white horse with purple embellishments. He loves to show people that he is indeed wealthy. I continued being patient and then I saw his face, which was originally looking disinterested, do a double-take after seeing mine. The makeup worked!

It was no surprise though, no one in this era could ever look like me when I used this secret weapon. I was already getting quite a few glances from some of the village men. He unsurprisingly steered his horse over to me and I had to act surprise and honored.

"Hello young lady, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, this kingdom or the next," He smiled at me, clearly trying to get to the point and flatter me. "My fiancé has disappeared today with no signs of return. We believe she has been murdered. Could you accompany me to the castle to become a second wive for me so we can produce beautiful heirs for the good of the country?" He asked so casually.

I spoke loudly, "Sir Prince Chester, your fiancé has disappeared and you ask a common village girl like me to be one of your wives so you may impregnate me? I have to politely refuse from such filth. I would like to marry who I love and besides, according to the law of marriage in the Kingdom of Silva, you must not have a heir within three years of an engagement to legally engage with another woman. I am not from Silva and I know this law Sir Prince Chester," I stated firmly. I saw shock and disgust form on his face as he had been bested by a mere woman. This was his fault for not studying his own country's laws after all.

He laughed trying to play it cool as the fellow villagers saw what has happened. They were whispering to themselves as to why any woman would turn him down, and why their own Prince had not known such a common law.

"You also are such a careless leader, you only care for reproduction and were unable to even care for your people during your time away. You left to marry a princess from a kingdom you are currently in peace with while your country is left in war with the kingdom of Incendium, you left your people to fight for you while you hide in a grand wedding. Only to try and marry the next pretty woman you see." I proclaimed loudly. I saw the villager's faces turn to anger as they remembered all the hardships their royalty had subjected them to. Decades of war, high taxes, and social rejection from the kingdom while they sat on their thrones of jewels. This was the first time they saw someone challenging it.

"What gives you any right to challenge me? I am the Prince, would of been King of Silva today if-"

"If faith hasn't been on my side!" I lifted my hair up and brushed the dirt off my wedding skirt to reveal some of the fine pure white. Not even a noble could afford this pure white color, so it was clear I was not lying. "I am Princess Valentine and as of today, I renounce the monarchy in hopes of freedom to marry who I love and for people everywhere to have equal rights, not a pig ordering them into pointless expensive wars! You are such a pig who shamelessly tries to marry the next pretty woman he sees when he believes his fiancé was murdered merely hours ago!"

I heard the villagers exclaim with excitement as they saw me, a princess fighting her former fiancé for the rights of them, villagers! They cheered me on as Prince Chester face twisted with anger and ordered the guards to capture me and execute me. They did not move for confusion because I was his fiancé and visiting royalty who could not be executed.

I took my chance before they could realize I was betraying the kingdom, a punishable crime and slapped the prince's horse on the side to send it running to cause enough commotion to flee. I started to run through the crowded streets with villagers letting me through and blocking the originally hesitant guards. I smiled to myself at their support, Adam was right, people riot when they believe their rights are infringed. I held my skirt as I ran until a man stopped me, holding onto a lead with a horse.

"You may have just denounced your royalty, but that makes you a true leader of the people, take my horse and do not get captured or I cannot forgive you for taking my most valuable possession!" He exclaimed urgently.

"I will return it soon, thank you, sir," I said as I started to climb up. "Tell the other villagers that they must protest peacefully, we can create a new history, but only with others help. Spread the word." With that, I hurried off into the wilderness with the guards still struggling to bypass the citizens. I heard screaming and felt a tug on my heart as I remembered, people may be hurt in the process.