Persuasion goes along way

After running away from the guards for quite some time, I retreated back to where I left Adam. In my excitement I completely forgot to tell him to wait in that spot we hid late into the night in case of this situation, I just hope he didn't leave.

With the horse, I was able to come close to our hiding spot in no time at all. I looked around clearly for the first time since I arrived underneath the moonlight. The wilderness was truly beautiful. The large trees towered above me for hundreds of feet. There was a gentle wind as I started to call out quietly, "Adam, where are you? Adam?" Only the gust of wind answered me.

I walked around for about fifteen minutes before finally finding him, resting in above in the very spot I left him. I smiled as I hopped off the horse, petting her gently before I started to climb up the tree. I sat on a branch opposite to Adam, slightly above him as I looked over him, he was completely knocked out. I wonder if time-travel makes people tired? I found it best to not wake him.

I looked over the nearby village and saw the guards had stopped looking for me, there were only the stationed guards at the entrance, but the woods were left unguarded since only my kingdom was in that direction. I climbed down to return the horse to the kind man under the cover of darkness. I wouldn't be able to hide in the woods tomorrow for sure.

After I made my way through the village with the horse discreetly, I successfully dropped it off to the house of the man who gave to me and tied it securely to the fence. I gave a sigh of relief as I could keep my first promise to the people of this world.

Now, I will have to wait and see what happens in the future, soon, my family will discover my betrayal of the monarchy. They wouldn't even listen to my reasons though because they are linked to Adam though, the one who ruined my wedding and was also a time-traveler. They weren't open-minded to start with, this would destroy their entire reality. They have no reason to believe a time-traveler is honest, but, Adam feels trustworthy to me. Even though it is quite strange he appears to have devoted his life to me, so I can't trust him yet completely.

I started to sneak back to my tree when I realized, I am now an outlaw, and I am going to need some more clothes to cover myself with. I can't stand around anywhere for too long, and I need to disguise myself more. I started to look around for any home with some candles light, unlikely as it would be. I started walking down the back alleys until I found a bar with candles shining brightly. Maybe someone will help me here.

I stepped up into the wooded hut and looked inside around the noisy chaos of the drunken people. They were so many of them and they all seemed to be celebrating. Did I do this?

"Hey, it's the Princess, or what s-should we call her now?" One man shouted loudly. He was slurring but words but was friendly. I smiled.

"Valiant Valentine!" Another man shouted.

"Valentine the Great!" They just kept yelling different names for what to call me. I simply smiled before proclaiming,

"I am just Valentine, I want all to be happy and the scum of the earth brought down to shambles!" I smiled brightly as they all cheered and drank to that. It was fun but I couldn't afford to be caught. I walked up to the bartender who was a small woman with ginger hair.

"Miss, I need to leave Silva by tomorrow morning, but these are all the clothes I have stripped from the remains of my wedding dress. Would you be able to spare any scraps to help me? I am so sorry to ask for your help because I do not have money to offer you at this time." I said shyly. It felt embarrassing for some reason. She smiled at me.

"For all this business you created for me tonight, it is no problem. Follow me to the back I can get you some stuff to take on your journey," I followed her to a small closet and started to change my clothes and gladly took the canteen and bread she offered me as well. "You got any advice for us, you really think you can bring down the monarchy?"

"A stranger from a faraway country told me in his country, the people are all free and equal. They decide what happens to the country, and that when society won't change, they protest peacefully. He said that is the best way to create change. He convinced me to help me after he interrupted my wedding with Prince Chester and discovered I was disgusted by that man. I don't want my life wasted watching others go through the same misery I experienced just this morning, let alone their whole lives you know?" I explained. I couldn't say everything but it felt good to start a change.

"Well, that is quite noble. But I believe you if you really rather be an outlaw than a princess. I will pass this information onto my customers, maybe we can organize something," she said happily.

"Please, be safe. I am not sure how or what the guards will do. Your best bet is to get them on your side somehow. Persuasion goes along way," I pleaded, remembering the woman's scream from earlier.

"Yes, it surely does. The sun will rise soon miss, you better get out before more guards return to the city,"

"Alright! And thank you for all your help," I said as I gathered the clothes she gave me. They were dark and slick and hide my face, this lady really knew what I needed.

"No, thank you miss. You just set us free in our hearts, now, we must make it happen in the law. We owe our happiness to you," she said kindly. I just smiled before slipping on a dark green robe over my head and walking out the door, waving goodbye to all the drunken men and women that were still awake. Without any more delay, I snuck out of the village and back to the tree where Adam was sleeping and saw him waiting for me eagerly. I smiled and handed him some leftover bread.

"So Princess, where shall we head out to next?" He asked excitedly while he was eating some of the bread. Clearly he was enjoying our little quest.