I don't want your history lost

I smiled towards Adam and handed him a change of clothes the bartender gave me. Luckily the drapes fit over men and women.

"Wear this and hide your face. Let's start moving South towards the kingdom of Salis. We have to move quickly for a while, the sun is already up," I said. I wasted no time and started to walk before he had the chance to respond.

We walked for a long time in silence due to my exhaustion. I was having trouble staying awake even though I was walking. Adam must have noticed and tapped my shoulder and pointed up to the trees above us.

"Come on, it has been a while that we have been walking. People don't look up much in this era either, right?" he asked.

"Um, no not really. In your era, people do not lookup? I would have hoped humans improved more for something so simple," I started to climb the tree with the hope of rest driving me. My curiosity couldn't help but be activated even in times of fatigue.

"No, many people are addicted to cell phones. Like the one I showed you earlier. It has many entertaining things for everybody, so people never look around often. It is quite sad because it contains all the information about the world. Though it will not work in this time because there is no infrastructure for it sadly," he explained to me, following me up the tree.

"Hmm, what do people think of my kingdom in the future? Or is it only remembered for breaking the monarchy?" I asked as my eyes started to close.

"The truth is in the future, only medieval scholars such as myself know about your kingdom at all. It is quite forgotten, all your history has disappeared expect for your marriage to Chester, but now that is gone too. Even this land is considered lost," his voice sounded depressed, even though he was describing my country.

"That is quite sad but it does happen. Things do change but now I feel I am making a better mark on history. I am sure whatever happened to destroy our land cannot be prevented though. But why did you feel the need to come here and learn for me? You told me it is for my personality but you cannot truly know it. What is the true reasoning?" I asked assertively. The sun was shining on my face that gave me warmth but I was fighting sleep just for some answers in case this is my only chance.

"I didn't want your history to be lost, your sons destroyed it. I did want to change the past, but I wanted to meet you too. It is true I did not know much about you, but something compelled me. For now, though, you need to rest Princess," After he finished explaining he reached over the trunk of the tree to move my hair out of my eyes so I could sleep more peacefully. I closed my eyes but not before seeing him blush.

By the time I woke up the sun was already setting. The sky was a warm pink and yellow that was disillusioned to the reality of the cold wind. I got up and looked over to Adam who was preparing some crushed berries on a slice of bread. Something didn't look right so I squinted and saw they were the small red poisonous berries. I moved over quickly and smacked the bread and remaining berries out of his hand hard.

"Ow! What was that for?" He exclaimed, extremely annoyed.

"What kind of scholar are you to not know what berries are poisonous before eating them?" I retorted. I saw his face turn pale as he looked down and muttered an apology.

"Did you eat any?" I asked calming down a bit.

"No" he was clearly upset at himself for his carelessness and was reverting to his anxious state.

"You need to not get so anxious anytime something unexpected happens. Maybe in your world you can survive that way but not here. It leaves you vulnerable," I scolded him for. I brushed my hair back and hopped down the tree. "Let's move".

He followed me without any more hesitation, silently. We walked for a few hours in the night and he still refused to speak. I hated this silence, but when I tried to ask him more questions for the future he evaded my questions. It was like he was so ashamed he was avoiding all conversation.

"Adam, I am sorry about yelling at you earlier today. I just, yelled out of concern so you wouldn't do it again. I-I don't want my partner in crime gone okay?" I blushed as I spoke. I looked at him long enough to see his handsome smile again before quickly looking away from embarrassment.

"Princess, you care for me?" he asked me while smirking.

"W-well- who else could teach me how to start a revolution?!" I defended. My heart was beating hard, I never felt this kind of embarrassed. Maybe I am just grateful for someone to take care of me and save me from my horrible marriage. Still, my body's reaction felt weird.

He started laughing unexpected and I froze from confusion.

"Princess, I care for you too. You actually listen to me and are probably the only one to in this time. My time as well, I am not respected there and here I am a involved with witchcraft, so I appreciate it, that you stay by my side," he smiled, blushing slightly. Maybe he felt the same way too.

Amidst our distraction, I saw a large castle tower over the trees. It was very skinny with maybe towers together rather than one central tower. I faintly smelled the ocean water.

"We are here, what's the plan?" I said, looking at Adam who's eyes were locked in amazement. This is the wealthiest kingdom around, and probably is completely forgotten in the future.