Sweet lullaby

Hey, it's me... Avery Hall. I'm stuck here in... a sea of thought I guess. I don't know exactly what happened, but it feels like I've been here for years now... just sitting and doing nothing.

I haven't seen anything though... i guess it's because I'm in my own sea of thought.

It's very bright in here, but I noticed it's been getting dimmer... I hope that doesn't mean anything. I don't stand on anything in particular, it reminds me of a glass floor over a canyon, minus the canyon of course. There is nothing below where I stand or above where I stand, just light.

And it gets dimmer.

And it's getting dimmer.


I'm tired of this shit already.

Actually, I might even be dead. Is this the afterlife? Just boring, nothingness?

I can't even see my own body! It's like I'm fucking see through or some shit!


It's been however long it takes to drive someone insane, and there isn't light anymore, it's dark.


Wait, that's my hand! I can see myself again! This must be progress or whatever!

Wait... what's that light?


I've heard the expression don't go into the light, but... what else is there to do?

I humbly skipped towards the glow, it grew brighter and brighter... untill I started falling.


It's been 15 minutes and I'm still falling.

How deep is infinity? I don't know... infinite?

I miss touching things.


Wait is that... a floor?

Oh fuck I'm going to hit the floor... ahh shit oh God I'm going to die!!!





-" Ahh fuck!!!!! "

Wait... is that...





Oh God its Dice! Oh I Missed you so much! I'll never slander you in my mind for evolving into a human I swear!

I'm... surrounded by lots of blood!

Dice - " Master? Are you ok?!? "

Me - " Oh Dice, what the fuck just happened... "

I feel groggy as shit now... everything fucking hurts. Like my limbs have been hacked off and put back on hundreds of times, my head doesn't feel much better.


Dice - " It's really you master! Oh thank the heavens! I shouldn't of ever left your side! "

Master... I don't think I mind being called that anymore.

Me - " Damn right, where's everyone? "

Dice - " I'm sorry, but I wasn't strong enough to protect them all... I barely managed to bring you back... "

Me - " Back from where? "

Dice - " Something, took over your body I think... it called itself ' Crimson ' "

What the fuck?

Actually I should cut back on swearing, but what? What's that supposed to mean?

Is it an ALT account thing? I'll theory craft that later, for now I got to revive Asi... oh and Arch too.

I got up slowly from my slumped position, the smell of blood never affected me with my Blood King Title... but this was ridiculous. Dice is covered in blood too... not her own though. And I see lots of corpses.

I checked my inventory, and to my... what?!? Where is everything!?!

Everything is gone!!!

What about Asi?!? I can't re-summon her without the rod!

System! Where are my fucking items!!

| Gone |

That doesn't fucking help!!

Where the fuck did they go!!

| Somewhere |

Are you fucking with me system? I know for a fucking fact that you know where they went! You track this shit ALWAYS!! Where the fuck are they?!?!

| Don't know |


haaa... Shit.

I'm Livid.

System, what are my stats?

| Confirmed |

| 𝕮𝖔𝖇𝖆𝖑𝖙 |

| Level 1+ |

| Planar Hitman |

| Blood King |

| Stats: | Strength 1+ | Speed 1+ | Dexterity 1+ | Constitution 1+ | Intelligence 1+ | Wisdom 1+ |

| Alchemist |

Dex and speed separated... but all my stats are 1+??? What does that even...

I'm level 1+ too, what does that mean?

Either way... I guess I'd be of no help for now.

Huh... Planar Hitman. Never heard of that.

I'm abandoning this raid, I don't trust myself to be able to help... and Dice definitely won't be able to Solo the Final Boss.

System, Abandon the raid.

| Confirmed |

With a pop, Me and Dice appeared outside, to a mob of carrier / Miner players and Arch. It looks like I caused a bit of damage, the players look at me with fear... Even Arch looks at me funny.

Dice - " Dont fear anymore, I defeated the Being inside master... he is back to his sense now everyone... I apologise for the loss of levels and materials during the raid. "

Arch - " Are you sure? He could still be... Crimson... and just be hiding it. "

Dice - " Did you not see the Event completion announcement? I can confirm that this is Master. "

Arch - " I'll see for myself, System - Analysis. "

You don't need to say it aloud.

What's with that look?

Arch - " Uh, have you seen your stats? They are umm... "

Me - " Yeah I get it, do you trust me now though? "

Arch - " Sure... but how did this happen in the first place? "

You think I fucking know? Bitch I dont even fucking know where I was during that time.

Me - " No clue... but the things name was Crimson right? It might be a Alt account thing... like since I'm technically uploaded twice it's a conflict between my Crimson's personalty and my personality before that."

This might be the best explanation, except maybe the devs took the name Crimson and used it for a mob in the game.

That might make more sense considering that it only happened now... maybe it's because if my level??? I don't know... ugh that feeling sucks!! I am always used to knowing what's going on, but now I'm completely confused!

Arch - " I don't know much about that stuff so I guess that makes sense... so what are we going to do now with your level reset? "

Me - " No clue, but I have gone through level resets before. It's just that my unique leveling technique is gone now... I'll have to level up normally. "

Arch - " So you did use a special technique huh? I knew it. "

Me - " Yeah, you know Anthille? There's those destructable environment things and you can clip into them. "

Arch - " That's ridiculous, oh and... I uh borrowed some of your Artifacts without telling you. I took them off the Initial raid party... and I sorta broke them"

Me - " Artifacts? Do you just mean the weapons I've made? I'll make better eventually, and I'll let you have the final products. But before that... I'm going to go and take a nap at an inn or something. "

Arch - " You can crash at my place if you want, i'd say it's compensation for the new swords... most of my inventory and a few levels are nothing compared to the legendary weapons you make. "

Me - " Legendary? I'd argue I didn't try on a few. It's just alchemist things. "

Arch - " An alchemist making swords? That's your secret ? "

Did... nobody know that?

I swear... sometimes I really don't fucking understand the people in this game.