
( Arch POV )

I invited Cobalt over to my base, where me and my friends chill between adventures and grinding. I know he isn't a bad person, my main fault in him... is just his reputation. It is basically inviting a serial murder to your house.

I only hope that his low level will prevent my death, because to be honest... after the "Crimson" fully took control... and least that's what I think happened... he completely out skilled my swordsman ship with two of his own blades. I've been practicing for years before Digitizing, and many After since... and he made me a fool!

I asked him on the way, but apparently he's never fought with a sword before... it must be something about Crimson then. I haven't made this apparent but during fights I record it to learn and practice, and I managed to get some pretty good Data from that. Maybe I'll become as good as that eventually. I'll spar with Cobalt to see if he can fight like Crimson did with his body... they have the same memories right?

Actually, the problem probably lies in the memory transfer... that being the reason why Crimson Controlled Cobalt Despite being the same person.

If Crimson experienced a thing, Cobalt has full memories of that without the emotion the memories have. That's why Cobalt knows all his neat tricks and such from his previous life, but not his changed personality.

That's my theory anyway... I'm sure there is a better explanation but...

Anyways. I left the guest room to Cobalt, he seems to be relaxing... when is the last time this dude slept in an actual bed? He acts like he has been in the wilderness for months.

This dude is an anomaly. Super serious most of the time... but I can clearly tell he is taking the shit out of it. He's just a fucking goof ball that's so deeply wrapped in Irony he is immersed in it.

For example, he just consumed an entire roast chicken and called it a light snack. I guess I understand Dice now, she has a ridiculous role model. Where did they get the chicken by the way? Didn't his inventory get removed?

Oh, Dice gave him it... wait where did she come from? Is that? Holy -


She just consumed an entire wyvern...

and spat out the bones.

Just pretend like you didn't see anything Arch, they won't know.

I'm going to have nightmares from Dice... her... other form... was horrific, and the blood... oh God the blood.

These swords better be good.




I've been at Archs house for a bit. He's got the typical Japanese house, you know exactly what I'm talking about, but it's way larger. It seems he's got individual rooms for each Girl and one for himself. Yet one bathroom. That's going to be annoying.

Speaking of bathrooms... I finally came across a mirror!

I'll make a list of a few of my traits, for your sake.

- Shaggy blue hair ( I guess it turned back into blue )

- White eyes ( There's no pupil )

- 5''11' ( Sad. 1 inch away. )

- Metallic silver T shirt with a blue vest.

- Jeans.

- Big nose

From my perspective I'm halfway between ugly and hot. Like I was definitely designed to be a Side charector. Arch and Dice are definitely Hot compared to me. I wonder why.

Why not just make everyone hot?

Checking my inventory once again... it seems that my equipment slots are slightly different. I can now use Assault rifles and Shotguns... with Rifles as a sub weapon. My build has been demoted.

But now I can equip magic? Is that a new feature or is it just for me? What does it mean to equip magic?

Do I craft spells now? I'm pretty sure people already do that by mixing chants or Magic circles... that Mech guy proves it.

What was with that guy anyway.

I still have alchemy... so I can make the swords right away, level only matters for potion making in alchemy, luckily it seems that Dice managed to get some crafting materials at the Raid. Does she have an inventory?

Also, she said she had comrades right? Where are they now? Did they die?

Im getting sidetracked... it's sword time!


* Yawn *

After some sleep.






It's brand new day only marked by a few periods but to me it was 9 hours of sleep! I'm like a High schooler on spring break!

I got alot of Mana Crystals, Carapaces, Scales, and bones from Dice. Let's make a few things.

Since Arch asked for a few swords, I'll make his first. The swords he used were the water and fire one if I remember, so ill try to do something like that.

Also... it seems I finally have an opportunity to try Magi Craft weaponry... oooo this is going be Snazzy!

I headed out to a small clearing after telling Arch.

I started with the hilt... I can make a blade pretty easy so I'll start here.

For the material used instead of metal, I decided for some " Wyvern Bone ", according to is description it's very conductive of Mana. So I hope it goes well.

I took a small pile of the bone, and started the Alchemic Forging. The bones were pressed flat and folded in on itself a few times, I've heard somewhere it does something but I'm not sure. I've also heard that if you fold a blade 100 or so times it becomes unbreakable... I definitely don't believe that, but the Devs might of put something like that in.

After carefully folding the Pressed bones, I gotta notification for an achievement... so I was right. Anyways I started the process of reshaping the Matter into a hilt untill eventually it fullly formed. But it didn't stop there, I began to work Mana Crystals into the hilt, creating a vein like structure between the bottom and top of the hilt. I'm preparing to make a ridiculous magic sword.

Because of Arch's dual wielding fetish, im planning on making the sword short so as not to weigh too much...

I call it a fetish because it's close to masochism... dual wielding isn't effective enough for the most part, the only exception being magic swords.

I started forging the the Handle, first I took a large Mana Crystal and shaped it into a perfect cylinder, connecting it to the Mana Vein through the blade. Then I programmed Fire magic into it, specifically so that during combat it will spew huge flames. The veins carry the magic energy to the end and... oh hey it actually worked first try! I might be an expert at this!

Of course I don't expect him to hold a Fire crystal the whole time, so I created a wrap out of wyvern scales around the blade, and attaching a top to the jutting edge of the crystal with a small spherical bone. Of my design of course.

Next, the blade. I'd usually use bone or scale for the blades... but I have a few things that might work better.

To start the blade... I began like I did the handle, with a large Mana Crystal. Specifically I forged two together into a rectangle, Wich I attached to the handle and vein. One crystal fused with Wind and the other with Earth. Why?

I'll tell you.

So, you know how Dust explosions work? I'm basically doing that by making dust with the Earth Crystal, as well as adding Barium. Why? It makes the fire blue. That's fucking awesome. The Air crystal is made entirely to provide Air to the Fire, and to make the fire flow in a specific direction, along with the dust.

This may go really bad once I activate it.

To top off the Crystal, I used Dragon Scales in order to get a sharp edge... I can't exactly sharpen a Mana crystal. Yet at least. I fit it over the crystal, specifically making the blade get smaller over distance, making the weight near the handle, and allowing me to puncture holes in the direction of the blade. Therefore keeping the Flame and Winds in one Direction. After I finished the full weapon... a notification rang out in my ear.

| Crafting Complete |

| HellFire MagiBlade |

| Name Available |

| Artifact Teir |

| Congratulations to Player Cobalt for crafting the first Artifact Teir Weapon |

There was a Teir system? I didn't know that... I just based strength in stats.

I guess I'll leave Arch to name it, it's his blade after all.

??? - " What is my name Creator? "

Oh what the shit?

??? - " What the shit? Is that my name? "

Uh... no, sorry. I forged you for a friend of mine... since he'll wield you I'll have you name him.

??? - " Understood. "



Me - " Yeah, it talks and shoots blue fire... want to name it? "


Me - " Shut up, what do you want to name it? "

Arch - " oh eh, ahem. Hmm, how about something Latin? "

Me - " Rejected, too pretentious. Don't name it after a weapon from a myth either, that's reserved for my Summons. "

Arch - " Is it a male voice or female voice?"

Me - " It sounds like a dude, but I can't tell, I thought Dice was a dude untill she grew boobs. "

Arch - " Really? Anyways... how about Ignition Blade? Since it shoots fire! "

Me - " Alright... I guess it will be called Ignition Blade. "

| Naming complete |

Oh, just like that?

By the way, what's the point of a name besides cool boy points? Does it make it stronger? Also, how am I the first to make a -

| Congratulations to Player Cobalt for creating " Ignition Blade ", the named item will be given to Player Arch. |

Thanks for announcing that to the whole world and cutting me off. Anyways, what does it mean by relic grade? Is this technically the strongest sword now?

I guess I'll check...

| Ignition Blade |

| Soul Bound to " Arch "

| Relic Sword |

| Stats : | -50% of Skill Cost and Cooldown | | " Ignite " Skill created | | Deals 50% Extra damaged as Fire. | | Applies 0.25% DoT on hit | | Increases Damage and Speed based on Fight duration |


Ok. It's relic grade alright.

Onto the next blade... I think Arch forgot he is a dual Swordsman... I see him swinging and drooling around the small field I'm in.

Sword Number two, Since water is kinda stuiped... I realised that after making the water sword Arch broke... I think I'll do either Lightning or Poison.

I yelled across the small field to ask Arch...



Poison it is then.

Recreating the basic foundation for the blade once again, I only had to really change the crystal types and the base design. I used a very " Dragon Sword " Base for his fire Sword... but it doesn't fit with the idea of Poison. So... my main idea is having a sort of rift in the middle of the blade, almost like it was made of two.

So... I began on the design.

Or at least I would have if Dice didn't stop by with some sandwiches. Very tasty.