Brimstone and Shrapnel


Where's Asi?


Where is she?


| Ẇ̶̟͗̌͐̌̄͝͝a̸͖̼͈̭͖͒́̈̿̐́͘ř̷̢̼̦͉̠̜̣̓̋̊͑̈́͜ͅn̶͙͋̆̽̅͛͝ì̴̢͙͚̺̘͉̖͚͕͚̒̀͋̐̑̃n̸̬̳̳̾̔̄̓g̷̻̳̹̳̟͙̖̳̅͐̀̏̎̎̽: ₱Ⱨ₳₴Ɇ 1 Ⱨ₳₴ ₴₮₳Ɽ₮ɆĐ |

| Phase 1 : Nightmare |


Blank, that's all I see, nothing but white... endless and formless, surrounding me on all sides. It's getting hotter, some sort of heat source... where is she...

- " Right here, Cobalt. "

Who said that...

- " It's me! Asi! I'm right he- "

* Bang *



| You have slain level 3 Nightmare |

{ Warning, mental health deteriorating }

Where is Asi?

- " Master! Where are you ! I can't see you anywhere! "

" Who said that... "

D - " It's me Dice! Master where are you! "

- " Over here. "

D - " There you ar- "

* Bang *

I'm not going to fall for the same trick, you didn't even fool me the last time.

| You have slain level 18 Nightmare |

You are going to try the same thing again, but with Arch or Anise right? I'm prepared.

| Event Complete : Save Asi |

| Reward : Asi is now revivable |

Is that true?

}{}{ Warning: System is being manipulated, do not trust the notifications from here on, user Cobalt. - Combat Lens }{}{

I knew it, that's way to good to be true... stop hiding her from me. Where is...

Where is she.

Where is Ȃ̶̼̥̮͉̬͕͎S̵̡̡͔͙͖̰͕͔͇̻̒̂̈́͗̅̕͠I̴͈̤̺̹̾?




Blank, pure white. Formless and endless. That's where I find my self currently. I assume this is the inside of my mind, I think I've been here before I was born... before I became a monster. What was I then before that? I can't remember.

Asi supposedly can be saved, I hope that means we can bring back master's... memory. Yeah, his memory. He spent alot of good time with the two of us. I miss Asi dearly as well, she's the one who taught me the techniques on winning master over slowly.

- " Dice... where are you? "

- " Master? What are you doing inside my head! "

" There you are Dice, I need to tell you something... "

- " Oh? What could that be master? "

" I'm very dissatisfied with you, I'm leaving you. "

- " What?!? What do you mean master!?! I've been trying my hardest for your sake, what's wrong !?! "

- " It's nothing personal, I just found someone I like, and she doesn't want you around anymore. "

Lies. It's has to be right? there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way there's -

Ḯ̵̡̜͚̠̽̏̇̿͂͌͗̚͝'̵̡̧͔̻̺͈́̔̐́̋̌l̵̨̥̞̥̘̣͍̫͇̬͛̽͊̂̈́̃̔̕̚̕l̷̞͙̺̪̮͊̋̓͋̒̔̃̈́͜ ̸̛̰͕̙̭̙̲̓̒̊̈́̐̌ń̵͍̩̝̼͖̣̾̋̔̈̀́̌͐͂ẻ̶̦̺̈́̃͊̋̃̑̈́̌͌v̶̠̹̦̝͚̣̩̲̋̾́̽̕͠ë̵̺̜͕̜͚͕̙̪̣͍̈́̎̿̀͂̃̂r̵̨̰̹̘̹̣͓͕̐̿ͅ ̸̛̫̂̀l̷͍͇̔͛͝e̵̖̜͂͝t̶̨̘̠̙̗͚̅̎͑ ̵͉̞̥̯̗͙̒̍̃͗ͅṃ̵̡̟͕͇̞̰͐a̴̢̞̣̙̰̠̠̒̇́̀͒͗̓͂̌͜͠s̵̛͉̮̙͗͌͗̉̓͂͆͒̕t̸̬́̓̂̌̊̒̊̈́ḙ̶̢͔̹̝̰̍̿́̏͝r̸̹̣͍͕̻̱̫̿̐͜ ̷͕̦̙̘̠̀̀̈́̅͋̑̐͐̾l̴̘͖̄̏̂̿̌͠͝e̴͚̤̙̙̔̈͜ą̷̪͇͓͍̓v̶̰̹͔̌̔̌͆̃̈́͊̄̋͠e̴̺̬̹̳̥͇̅̉̈͌̐͘




Well, the boss seems to be just standing there, but everyone seems to have been put to sleep? I wonder why. I guess I'll just... hit the boss? I don't see why not.

I assume he is the reason why they are asleep, I wonder why I haven't though... oh well!

I started singing a tune while biting up this guy, my fangs are having a hard time actually penetrating though.

* Crack *

* Chomp *

* Rip *

What a putrid taste, your blood isn't tasty at all! What a disappointment, even Arch's cooking is better than That...

" W̵͇͙̏́͑̓̏̈́́̄̋̀h̶̪̝͚̊̀̉̅͋̓è̶̛̛̦̞̳̻̗̗̻̪͛̈́͊͜ṛ̶̥̭͓̳̰̗͆̉̽́̉́̂̕è̵͍̰̓̌̑ ̶̮̭̩̣͔͗̀̑̅̋͑͜͝i̵͍̱̤̺̒̈́̉̃͒ṣ̴͍͎̎͆̔̎́͠ ̶̧͕̫͎̌͑̿̊̏̕Å̸̡̡̗͙̏͛̚͜͝ṡ̸̖͙̦͚̙̒̄̂ͅi̶̺̦̍̇̾ "

" Oh! Master... your awake... "

" Are you a fake too? "

" No... it's me, I've been awake this... whole time. "


" Through all the Hell you should endure, you will be rewarded for your strength and will. We sent onto them our strongest and bravest under the God's order. Hail should fall for the Ice Goddess's champion shall lead us, Flame and Acid accompanying him. Push against the darkness to assist the Crusader, should we fail... the loss would be devastating.

Give hearth to the second Crusader, his role subsides to nothing. Not even the First Crusader.

The rage needs to be tamed, and the soul must be fixed, it must be recovered... lest we lose him to the darkness.

| Light |

| Tundra |

| Brimstone |

| Steel |

| Tempest |

The crusade must finish, the other crusaders must be found. The barriers must be broken. In the name of the God Pathoro. "

- Prophecy by King Artix




}{}{ Summoner detected }{}{

}{}{ Target detected }{}{

}{}{ Firing... }{}{

* Bang * Bang * Bang * Bang * Bang * Bang * Bang * Bang * Bang * Bang *

}{}{ Assault deemed ineffective. }{}{

}{}{ Fusing... }{}{

* Clank *


* Clank *

}{}{ Fusing Complete }{}{

}{}{ Charging " Blood Barrage " }{}{


}{}{ Charge Complete }{}{

}{}{ Firing... }{}{

* BANG *

}{}{ Approximately 0.025 of health removed }{}{

}{}{ Attack effective... charging again. }{}{

}{}{ Summoner, stand back. }{}{

}{}{ You are currently in the AoE of the attack, retreat. }{}{

• Cancel Fire •

}{}{ Confirmed, cancelling }{}{

}{}{ Awaiting orders. }{}{


• No Need •


Avery Hall


You are the one that's creating the fakes huh... your fate is sealed the moment you mentioned Asi.

System... activate Dragon Form and all my passives.

| Warning: Nearby characters can be hurt from this, confirm ? |


| Warning: Dragon Form will leave you asleep for a year. Confirm? |

... Confirm ... this bastard WILL die.

| Confirmed, Transforming. |


It's hurts...


°^° Hello! I'm your Dragon Form assistant! Do you have any questions? °^°

Can you shred that bastard?

^°^ Naughty words! Nevermind, of course I can! ^°^

Do it.

`°^° Ok! `°^°

I can't see anything again... I hope this takes care of everything...




Man, I'm getting... tired again... I'm always falling asleep aren't... I...

I should.... of thought this... through...

* Zzzzzzz *


Hell summoner Knight


My name is Anjed, I'm a proud barrier keeper of Hell's armies. I've been working for a few years now.

I was created specifically to counter the Tundra Crusader who is supposed to be the one who breaks this barrier. I haven't seen him yet though. I wonder what he or she's like. I hope it's a boy, when I beat him maybe I can convince him to join the Demon Army with my body... I've done that plenty of times before. Such as the Player who I gave the key. I believe he was supposed to be the Brimstone Crusader at one point.

Oh, it looks like someone managed to steal the key? Unfortunately for them... non of them are Ice mages or anything. That means they mustn't be of the Prophecy, I'll take this free win.

I'll just put them under a little spell...

" Master is here! "

- " Shut up you. What do you mean Master is here!?! I'm your master you stuiped Fire Spirit! Demon Lord Crimtane gave you to me! "

" Bah! You'll see! My master is going to kick your ass! "

- " Shut up. "

* Zip *

Ugh, what an unruly being. I wonder why lord Crimtane gave her to me... I have no use for her.

* Crunch *

* Chomp *

Ow! What the fuck just bit me! You stuiped Blue haired bitch! I'd fucking kill you if I could move right now!

}{}{ Target locked }{}{

}{}{ Firing }{}{

Ow shit! Where did those come from! Are those guns? Fucking sons of bitches... only Crimtane is allowed to use guns! Too bad your bullets are -

}{}{ Firing Barrage }{}{

* BANG *

Aw Fuck! That fucking stings! I can still feal pain you know! Just because my HP isn't going down doesn't mean I don't feel it... I didn't become a divine being for nothing!


" Your fucked now "

" I said shut up! Where did that come from!"

" Master. "

" What's that ... is that body moving? He should be - "

* Chomp *

| You have lost 1 life. |




^•^ Easy Peasy! ^•^

| You have slain " Hell Knight Summoner ", phase 1 complete |

| You have leveled up to level 59 |


