Repent, Devil!

I awoken.

How many times am I going to start the chapter with me waking up? I sleep way to much... anyways enough of that 4th wall break!

It's the " Big " day, I got no idea what's going to but I'm forced to trying on clothes right now. Mordova is dressing me up like a doll... Wich isn't exactly hard. Have I mentioned she's quite tall? About as tall as Anise before she shrunk.

My two, crystal haired girls... guess I'll call them that for now. It's kinda weird calling a sentient being a creature... anyways. They have fully recovered over night! It's pretty cool.

They also have changed a little bit, they seem to be trying to separate their looks from each other. Before they were both very similar looking... enough that you'd confuse them. The only real difference was their extra eyes amounts and colour.

Dice had blue extra eyes where Anise had red.

Since they both changed their species to, you know, their hair changed to crystal blue... along with their eyes. It was very difficult to tell who was who.

" Stand a bit Stiller, Cobalt. "

" You can call me Avery, Mordova. "

Anyways... they have different clothing now, and Anise's hair became red in hue rather than blue. Anise wears a long, black, silk dress that extends to her knees. Filled with long red frills.

Dice, completely ditched dresses. She now wears almost modern clothes, a black buttoned up shirt, the sleeves were down to the ends of her hands... and I see a retractable knife in there... she also wore black jean like pants.


Well... Mordova finally settled on something I'd thought I'd never wear.

I had the typical business casual look, buttoned up white shirt with a blue tie, tucked into a pair of blue jeans of similar design to what Dice wore... what kind of event are we going to?

Me - " Yo, Mordova? Where are we going? "

Mordova - " I'm taking you to the Council of Gods. "

Me -" Ah, that's good to know... why? "

Mordova - " I need to introduce my Crusader to the others, and to proclaim the betrayal of the Fire Crusader. I guess you'll get to meet the Light Crusader as well, maybe interact with a few minor gods. "

Me - " How will that work out then? "

Mordova - " Well, I'm planning on having you show up for a little while, then there is actually going to be a party later in celebration of the new Crusader... as per custom. Then I'll buy some prostitutes and we'll get wicked fucking drunk and head back. "

Woah woah woah, 0 - 100 right there!

Me - " Gods can do that? "

Mordova - " Yeah, takes Special type of alcohol though... can only get the stuff during God of Light's parties since he bans it for distribution without his approval. That's why I don't to waste this chance. "

I meant... never mind.

Me - " You know, this whole experience has really taken a hit on my image of the gods. "

Mordova - " We are all just normal people who got lucky usually. Except for me, and that takes alot out of me. You'd be cranky two if your wings hurt as mine do. "

Me - " Wings? "

Mordova - " I'll tell you later, were heading to the Divine realm now. "

Isn't this the divine realm? Did she just build a castle in the middle of no where?

| Warping to Divine Realm |







Man, I had no idea what to expect the divine realm to be... but this looks just like the H.U.B. oddly enough. I expected more oomph, but I guess it kinda makes sense.

It's modeled after a place were the immortal players come from. Of course it would be considered Divine.

Actually, I also didn't expect the amount of... sex workers... to be that high, rather I expected it be almost non existent. I wonder why...

- " Mordova? How come there is so many Sex workers here? "

" They want a little bit of a Divine Sugar daddy or mommy you know? Besides that, the God of Light has also once been worshiped for Love, so since he's kinda the head honcho of other Gods due to the Pantheon rules, he naturally has influence over the divine realm. "

" Gotcha. "

I don't gotcha. Huh? What? I thought you were the strongest... why was he worshiped for Love? Shouldn't there be like a love God?



I'm honestly not the most... versed... in the culture of the " Gods ". I don't think there is anything godly of them considering what I've seen so far... if I remember well enough, ... nevermind.

The people I see here seem to have white wings on their back, compared to Mordova's dragon wings they pale in size and splendor. Yeah I said it. Her wings look fucking awesome! Do I get wings too?

- " Hey there boy.. why did you end up next to the ice bitch herself? "

Mordova - " Ignore her, come on. "

- " Awfully rude, Mordova -! "

Me - " Who's she? "

Mordova - " Goddess of lightning, she's been eyeing you like me... luckily I got to you first. She's kind of a narc. "

Me - " Ah... ok. "

Man... I guess this council is going to be fun.


Skating past the neon filled white marbled buildings we made our way you a solid gold and silver... coliseum? That's kinda what it looks like. It's a really big Roman style building by any means.

There isn't alot of people outside, I've only seen the Goddess of Lightning come by, she tried to talk to us but before that she was escorted by some guards inside. Thankfully. To be honest, she sounded quite... rude. Like a certain Archetype of charector seen in Martial Arts novels. I definitely need to avoid that.

Eventually a few people came up to us and escorted us inside, through the main building it's clear they were getting ready for a party, they asked me a few questions and Mordova for permission to "Borrow " me or whatever that means. Obviously she said n -

" Of course. Go right ahead. "

Wait wait! Traitor...

Yeah... I just realised that.

So, where are these guys taking me... I wonder.


" The pantheon's are diverse and quite a large group. While there is the possibility of anything becoming the divine being of anything... its generally accepted that the only ones that could call themselves full fledged gods are of those on the council.

All others are to be called angles. There is a visible way to tell the difference between them however... a small crystal usually forges itself unto the arm of any deity worthy of the council.

The only exception is Mordova, who constantly has crystals growing on here anyways. "

- An excerpt from " Inside the Life of our Gods " from Father Dickens.