Steel Wool

I'm glad I didn't mess anything up.

The meal was good, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. So it was a success! Now we just got to wait for Edo to show up and make her feel awkward that she's late. That would be sufficient revenge for her trying to charm me right?

They say eye for an eye makes the world blind, so instead I'm taking her... something. Finger? Toe? Something along those lines... but she is the first person I sold an item to, I don't know what about that makes me want to forgive her... but she is such a unique character.

OwO speech -> Evil Taunting

That's such a dynamic swap, its like watching a terrible movie with one scene that makes you laugh so you value it higher.

Yeah that's probably the best way to describe her. But either way, she's an important part of this crew considering all the people she got help from. I assume that Soldier guy that helped me move was one of her's.

So, in the meantime... I'm enjoying my food. The Stew is really good, reminds me of when I made that one stew for Lizzy when I....

Fuck. Lizzy...

Only a little longer, then we can see if Crimson was right about Asi and Lizzy...

That's when the door creaked open.

A familiar hooded figure popped its head through the opened crack in the wood door, its certainly Edo alright.

Me - " Well if it isn't Edo, long time no see huh? "

E - " Hey... Cobalt. "

Me - " Come in, take a seat and eat. The foods getting cold. "

E - " Of course... its just... "

Me - " Don't worry about being late, it isn't your fault. "

E - " No, I mean that... "

Me - " Trying to Charm me? Its whatever. "

E - " I... see. Alright then. "

With this, I've ensured the maximum amount of awkwardness. By barely acknowledging it she will still feel guilt about doing that, and she won't know how to properly feel about eating with us... heheehe.

Feel my wrath!


I got no joke to end that on.

Anywho... we finished the meal. Edo quickly ate, faster than anyone else... besides Dice of course, even with her extraordinary portions she still finished first. We all finished around the same time excluding her, and after putting everything away began discussing battle.

Origin Guild is by far the Largest guild on StarDuster, including thousands of different members... and that isn't all, they have hundreds of extra smaller guilds for tax fraud of course.

We apparently have barely over 400 members left, too many players straight up don't care about the event or have been kicked out by dying. They are probably already used to not having good weapons, they probably have adapted from an easy MMO type game to a souls like multiplayer one.

Mages are likely the strongest output of damage right now, so they are important.. tanks likely are more important too, supports then, then melee builds and assassins... then finally, in useless tier is ranged builds.

The utility of a ranged build is now outclassed by mages due to weapons being dumped.

That being said, most of our force is comprised of this group of players now. Probably looking to earn their weapons back, maybe even get a good one from me. The changes made to Arts combined with old weapons would likely push the ranged damage dealers and melees back to top tier along with tanks and supports.

Likewise... I'm at a disadvantage.

Even Stygian Bronze won't be able to keep up with the event's changes to weaponry. Likely maxing out around medium or high... so I'll have to be extra creative making my gear.

Beyond that, Arch no longer has his blades... rather it seems he has solidified mana for weapons now. A technique only for his class apparently... The rest still have their ' Artifact ' gear. I don't get why they call it that.

This Prine guy has a full set of High Grade gear though, which is pretty crazy... either it wasn't affected or it was stronger than Unique at one point.

Inspecting the items though... I can't see any difference in it to a normal spear, its really old though... maybe...

| Amiger Spear |

| High Grade Polearm |

| Bound to - Moro Bloodline |

| This weapon contains the souls of every Moro warrior. It was the first cursed weapon to not bear any harm in the user, and with every Moro warrior empowering this weapon it gets stronger each generation. Its material is unknown. |

Info dump huh. That's why its so strong... this is a cursed item, with thousands of souls all inside it... but no curse. Its probably because its a generational thing, the users are all in the family... so its likely that the souls determine whether or not their is a curse or something.

And... what is it supposed to mean

' Material is unknown ' its fucking Iron.

Its plain ass iron, no cool magic infusion or anything.

Or... do the souls have some sort of effect in the material?

Like... ' Soul Iron '? Maybe its from place other than River Styx and it just looks like Iron?

| Material origin unknown |

Well, no results from the system...

Well, right now on the battle field we have many small units in constant fire across the small region around blossom field, holding locations and resources... but I don't see why Origin is letting that happen, they out number us and out level us. Unless they plan to attack with something secret to reduce their casualties in case if failure.

Like I don't know... a giant mech?

The one Origin guild guy made mechs, I forget his name but... he's the idea behind using both chant and circle magic for me.

But, eventually the meeting ended.

It was night, time for me to rest.

And.. for maybe the first time... I dreamt well.

I dreamt of standing by all my friends once more, in a restored Blossom Field... with my parents and Lizzy.

I'll stand Tall.


* Creak *


What's she doing here... I'm trying to sleep.

" Master...? "

- " Hey Dice... what's up? "

" Remember said you'd sleep with me when you were done with the Crusading? "

- " Didn't we already do that? "

" I don't remember, but... its been too long... you've been gone for too long... "

- " I see. Come in, but just sleeping... no touchy business. "

" That's fine with me... thank you. "

Ah fuck... its been more than 18 years right? That means Anise... damnit... well, I better get thinner sheets. Its going to be ridiculously hot with multiple people, even doing nothing.

Sigh... I'll stand tall.