Onset of Blaze and Steel

I awoken.

I really am back, I'm even using the same... well, I'm thinking the same thoughts I always do in the morning.

Well, that feast actually slapped and now I feel ready to work. I gotta be productive in some way, otherwise all the players that lost the event until this point would of fought for nothing.

Its a siege event I think, the kind where killed players basically can't rejoin the event. NPCs though... still die. So, all the NPCs here could die... luckily, it seems that most if not all of them are Builder Variants or Banner Lords so they won't be in the center of battle.... unless the Combat NPCs already died.

Prine and his friend are exceptions, while his pal didn't show up last night I know they are both alive. Its weird he didn't show up though.

Also... Demi-Humans were eaten and shit at Morin right? How did they become friends?


Huh... nevermind, I'll think about that later.

Well, I'm no longer in bed. Dice awoke by the time I changed from my pajamas to my

' Regal Set ' But it matters not, I got Stygian Bronze and Mana... and woah boy does Arch have mana crystals.

I guess we start from the beginning.

Let's make some nanobots.

Following the complicated recipe for Nano Bots while substituting many thing is difficult enough, but my level is low along with my total mana... I supplement it with the crystals in their battery use, surprisingly I never used crystals for this use before.

All I need is two, then I can upload turret A.I. into it via Syn, which then they can replicate themselves. With available material. Speaking of Syn, he arrived to the small yard I placed myself in with a loud clank.

He was Larger and Sturdier, but seemingly he hasn't changed that much...

R.M.C. Nano Droid huh, despite that there isn't evidence that he contains Nano Machines... likely its just a cool name or something.

- " Hey Syn, glad to see you again. "

}{}{ Likewise, preparing for battle I presume, Cobalt? }{}{

- " Yes, I studied quite the bit of Data when I was gone... time to put it to use. "

}{}{ I see, what are you currently making right now? }{}{

- " NanoBots, they are micro sized Robots with a variety of different uses, I'm planing to use them in construction of different weapons and such. "

}{}{ Nano Bots? I see, would they be capable of increasing my abilities or join my crew? }{}{

- " I'm making the first two right now, one of these is going to basically be a printer for other ones... so the printer kind probably can join your crew, and the other ones likely could increase your ability by fusing or operating something for you. "

}{}{ Understood, would you like me to fuse with you during you work to increase your Mana, Alchemical Power, and precision? }{}{

- " Actually... yeah, I think so. "

With that, the large turret transformed into multiple metallic spheres for me too fuse with, this time numbering 20.

This is likely the other turrets Syn made, 4 for each limb and 4 for the head. With Loud clanks each sphere molded itself onto me like a second skin.








}{}{ A.I. Uploading to data ' Nano.Bot ', material ' Stygian Bronze having an effect, ' Blood King of Morin ' is having an effect. ' Editor of Life ' is having an effect. ' Insane ' is having an effect. }{}{

>>> Engaging A.I. <<<

>>> A.I. Procedures complete, all systems operational. <<<

| Crafting Complete |

| Name Available |

| Relic Grade Nano Machine HUB |

| Level: 0 |

| Stats: 0 - All |

}{}{ Crafting and Uploading complete, Cobalt. It was fast as lighting. }{}{

- " I agree... I didn't even have time for an inner monologue "

>>> Good Morning, Creator! <<<

- " Good morning, before I forget... I got to name you. "

>>> A Name? Of course, I will be prepared to assimilate the Data provided! <<<

Alright time to think of a name. Its been a while... a long while.

Alright well, let's take a look at our creation first though. Its a light brown color, smaller than even a pea... accompanied by a small brown light floating around it, that light being the worker bot and the larger one being the printer.

I gotta turn the brain off for a second. I gotta think of the most dumb thing you can name a Nano Bot... maybe some tech lingo? Or maybe I should name it based on appearance, like... Amber? But... maybe I could make it slightly cooler...



Horus and Set?

Where the fuck did I get those last two...

Aren't those like... Egyptian gods? Why do I remember them all of a sudden... well, fuck it... obviously I somehow want to unconsciously name it something related to Egypt.






Scarab sounds kinda cool...

Amber Scarab maybe?

Or maybe just Scarab... Amber adds too many vowels and just doesn't sound right.

Maybe I'll combine it with tech lingo..


Hyper Scarab.


Its nearly midday already...

Fuck it... just scarab is fine.

- " After deliberation... I'll call you Scarab. "

>>> Data Tagged, thanks Creator! Should I begin replication? <<<

- " Yes, take any scrap metal you find around Blossom field for use... eventually you might be able to dig for fresh material too. "

>>> Understood, what should I prioritize in making... Printers like me, workers, soldiers, or scouts? <<<

- " At first, make a printer to print out each of every type. Then yourself print out whatever suits the needs at that moment. "

>>> That seems good to me, shall I update my data? <<<

- " Yeah, sure. "

| Name Applied |

| Scarab |

| Nano Machine HUB |

| Level : 1 |

| Skills: Printing, Replication, Matter Manipulation ( Lesser ). |

| Name Auto Generated for Worker drone |

| Nile |

| Nano Drone |

| Variation : Nature |

| Job : Worker |

| Skills: Matter Manipulation ( Lesser ), Material Cargo, Nature's Bounty ( Lesser ). |

OK so real quick tell me what those skills do please those look cool please tell me.

| OK OK, calm down. |

Matter, Manipulation. That sounds so Badass, and this is the first time I've seen it?

| Matter Manipulation: Grants the user to compact, refine, and move around a fist full of material from a range of 5 meters. |

Ah... its not that good... well, its certainly helpful.

| Material Cargo: Inventory is no longer tied to mana, strength, size, or other such variables. Rather it is always equal to the level of the Printer. |

Ah, its a skill unique to these nano machines then huh? It gives me a bit of insight in inventory... that's probably why the people at that one raid didn't use inventory that much, they didn't have as much room... excluding me who had infinite inventory for some reason?

But... I did max out on certain values, like when I got all those grass and herbs all those years back.

So... was it really infinite or just beyond my capabilities to fill it?

| Your inventory was never infinite, and you never did reach a max value in an item as far as I recall. |

Then... was my memory sacked with?

When did that happen...

Well, into the next item.