The theoretical theory of theories.

Alright, Dice found me.

She yelled at for for sneaking off to work, but Syn came in clutch and talked to her about it. With Syn any who, it feels less like work and more like a quick time event. I already have a devastatingly strong creation made in such little time, granted I did set everything up before syn got here which made it easier.... but, still... Scarab is going to be a huge part of my arsenal, and while its growth and strength will be slow at first...

It will grow exponentially.

With the last bit of day I have left, I want to create something that will have an immediate effect on our situation. So, a small team including a few of Edo's guys, Syn, Scarab, and myself planned to pick up anything I left behind at the ' Reawakening Chamber ' as well as investigate Blossom Tree for materials... until then I'll be doing some more work.

Stygian bronze can only carry me so far, its a limited resource I have to use carefully.

At the end of today, the whole gang... and tungston... will arrive. The fangirl has been out of mind for so long that I've nearly forgotten about her, but supposedly she was the person who discovered the revival event... and the war event by proxy.

I haven't met her in forever... I don't even remember what she used for a weapon either, but... no doubt its probably a gun.

Speaking of guns...first things first is to power up our currently held ones... and by that I mean Syn.

He's due for an overhaul, like any good machine customizations and updates are needed to keep it functioning at max performance... evolutions and levels can only take you so far, this will improve his base strength... with his current state, it should be much higher.

So, Syn pulled himself away from me and formed back into his base form. Four Large crab like legs, a large square brick of a body... and nothing else, since he lost his gun in exchange for intelligence.

So, quickly I made a list of parts that could be reasonably replaced as of now;



Motors and/or method of movement.

Easily enough we can start with his engine... its a simple combustion engine fueled by mana, but it could be greatly increase in function by swapping the energy from that into straight electricity mana or mana in general.

We could also install vents to increase intake... but that's for later.

Well... let's get cracking.

Small metal box, make it into a vacuum with alchemy, One large mana crystal inside, vein it to a different box with a lighting charged large mana crystal. Vacuum that afterwards... now one side is positively charged and one is negatively charged... using some funds Syn store over this time I can purchase a gear driven generator... connect the crafted system into the generator via a drive shaft and gears...


Infinite energy.

Well, the only problem is heat...

Good thing I live in a fucking fantasy world where this shit can just easily be solved by magic... well, times to explain how it functions.

Well, its about the way electricity works with mana... the code for it is weird and buggy, but it can function in cool ways.

The Vacuums inside the boxes force electric man's to remain stagnant in the air... not able to do anything, the veins at will push such mana across in a way similar to setting up magent at opposite ends. The mana inevitably forces itself back because of the magnetic like properties, causing the device to spin. This is attached to the drive shaft and gears which turn this motion into usable energy in the Gear Driven generator.

Friction is going to be a bitch of a problem, so... its spell time. Level 0 magic ' Grease ', I assume you know what this spell can probably do right? It negates friction of a small area.

Now, we just need to deal with heat, solution: Ice Mana Crystals.

Large ones don't run out if Magic energy, and with each providing their uses the generator will be able to provide MUCH more energy.

Its about the difference between a shovel and a giant drill.

| Crafting Complete |

| Name Available |

| High Grade Engine |

| Cobalt, you have already made some ridiculous stuff huh... I don't even have a name for this... I could do MagiTech Engine but... that's already technically taken by ones just powered by mana. So, you get to name it. |

Ah, shit... hey system. So magitech engine is already a thing huh... so, I guess I could call it... something else?

How about... Regalius type engine?

| That's usable but, it sounds... never mind. |

| Regalius Engine |

| High Grade Engine |

| Install? |

Alright! Install it!

| Available: Regal Armament F - Type, Regal Armament Syn |

... what's the F - Type? I didn't Notice it before...

| While you were resting, your wings finished growing and have fully adapted to your body and the customization given to them. Its strength is similar to Syn, it can evolve, level up, and have parts switched out. Currently it runs off your mana alone, draining it. |

My wings are still in function? They didn't disappear like the rest of my gear? Even back at the corruption?

| Correct, that is because they are now a part of your base model due to the surgery... it was something unique that happened due to you being the first player to have them... we didn't really know how to handle it. |

True. Well, I don't know if I want to install this in myself now or Syn... but maybe I could do both? I still have enough material to make another, so maybe you can do the copy paste thing system?

| I could... but, well... yeah. I guess I should huh. |

| Crafting Complete |

| Regalius Engine x2 |

| High grade engines |

| Install in both? |

Yes sir!

| Confirmed |

}{}{ Engine remodel adapted }{}{

}{}{ Assimilating... }{}{

| Regalius Engine equipped |

}{}{ Engine Assimilated, preforming safety checks... }{}{

| Wings Activated |

}{}{ Checks complete, engine engaged }{}{

}{}{ All functions operational, upgrade installed. }{}{

Alright! Look at us! We are looking good...

Well, Syn didn't change... I mean, the small glowing from exposed circuits or digits in plate mail grew darker in color, but brighter in terms of light.

My wings were... pretty good I'd say.

Three pairs as usual, but they are all much larger and detailed.

Rather than flat stretches of mana or whatever, they now look like proper wings! Their colors also changed... let's go through them right now.

The largest pair, the Bottom ones, now are respectfully dyed a dark shade of red with sparkled bits here and there. They resemble Leathery Bat wings.

The second largest pair, the middle ones, are a blissful purple with the same starry dye as my hair, they resemble feathered angel type wings.

My smallest pair, the crown wings I call them, were a pair of blue wings made of the light they held back with Mordovia... I guess these are all aspects of my being then.

Blue is Cobalt,

Red is Crimson,

Purple is me, Avery. Avery Hall.

That's who I am.