A Better Way

Well... after brief consideration of how much of a fucking idiot I am, I toss that idea aside and begin thinking forward... what can I do to improve this process? Is there a way to Improve this process? If we managed to fill the spell with the maximum amount of Mana, would we be in the same situation as before or would it be completely different? Maybe it would be easier? More Painful? What would it be?

Too that, I had no answer... yet. I'll get one eventually, what I need to do right now though is deal with the positive aspects of what just happened. So, name available huh? Well then, time to think of a name for this magic huh? It's Blood and Explosion, with emphasis on Blood as it is a redux of Blood of course... but what name would suit that magic? I don't know. I can't even bullshit this kind of name, and beyond that... I need to name this magic myself, otherwise I'd look like a fool.

I'd probably use a Synonym for it, as to not just call it " Exploding Blood Magic ". It would be more in the line of " Violent Bile Magic ", as that would describe it very well... seeing as bile... wait no, bile isn't a synonym of blood. Never mind. Maybe some form of ' macny ' type name, like how necromancy is a thing along with death magic. The appropriate name for it would be Sanguine... so... Sanguinamancy? Sanguinomancy? That doesn't really roll of the tongue that well, and it's pretty long.

Maybe something with Gore? Goremancy? That doesn't work either... Violent Gore Magic? Ehh... maybe it could be something really edgy... cause then I can use a long name and it will sound less of a spelling bee question and more of an actually cool line to say. The nature of the magic type is definitely violent and quick, so what sort of name would go with that...

Scourge of Faith! No... that sounds more like a spell than magic.

Well, fuck it... let's just go with Violent Blood Magic.

| Name Assigned |

| Violent Blood is a magic type that is capable of dealing high amounts of Damage to already weakened targets, it's effects correspond to damage already dealt to opponents and as such it's better as a finisher. It relies mostly on other forms of damage to get it started, but once the effects starts death comes quick. |

| Your Title is having a slight effect on this Magic type. |

| Complete, skills gained. |

| Erupting Blood: When bleeding, your blood can be remotely detonated at will. |

| Scourge of Faith: Holy Mana doesn't have negative effects on your death, necromancy, blood, or Violent Blood magic. |

| Generating spells... |

| Generation complete, 14/50 spell slots for magic type used. |

| Congratulations on creating a unique magic type, +200 General Rep, you can freely grant up to rank 4 of this magic type to any casters and 2 of any non-casters. |

| You can safely cast this magic type up to rank 10, however rank 11 and 12 still have downsides such as: Immediate Death, Permanent Dismemberment, Permanent Schizophrenia, Inability to Respawn, Inability to Reproduce, etc... |

Alright. So, it's very good but don't overuse it other wise I'm fucked, well that's foreshadowing if I've ever seen it... I'm definitely going to have to push it to a level 12 spell at some fucking point. But enough about that, if I say that it is guaranteed to happen... any how, I... gotta get back to work. Luckily healing magic can reduce pain somewhat, but still... it hurts very much to move, eh. Whatever. Let's see if I can speak now.

- " E- gh "

Crap, blood in my mouth... ech. I cough it out, and with a heroic triumph I manage to get out a few words.

- " ... That was... ech, that was fucking lame. But... the magic... I got the Magic! "

Anise - " Good Fucking Lord. How does this shit keep happening to you? "

- " I'm the luckiest bastard alive, that's wh- "

Tungston - " She probably means, why do you keep getting in situations where you are in deep pain? "

- " I know what I said. I'm lucky because it doesn't happen to the people I care about. "

Luriel - " That was cheesy as fuck, but also badass. "

- " Thanks, I try. "

Anise - " Well, did the pain stop? "

- " Yep, I'm ok. The Mana you guys sent made hell of a difference. "

Anise - " So... what happened then? We are still a little confused on that. "

- " Well, the magic was too powered to fizzle but not enough to cast, so instead it went crazy... I think I subconsciously took the blow to myself, and then turned it around into a good thing by sheer force of will... and magic. "

Tungston - " Good thing? Your Blood Started exploding. "

- " Yeah, but I got the magic. As in, a unique one. "

Anise - " Oh, that's what you meant! Holy shit, it worked? "

- " Absolutely, and I can even give it out to you guys at an immediate level 4... excluding Tungston, which can get it at 2... but I don't think that it was supposed to work that way and I probably bullshit the fuck out of it. "

Melody - " I wouldn't doubt you were supposed to die there, luckily you got the best healing mage in the fucking game on you and the power of an entire raid poured into you. "

- " I agree, thanks... everyone. Now then, I guess it's proper to give you guys the magic then huh? Then we can get back to experimenting. "

Scarab - " >>> I don't recommend experimenting for a little bit as the facility can't regenerate much more mana for usage, but spreading the Magic should be fine! Personally, I'd recommend a little bit of rest, and also... I would like to test making the mana type into a metal later... <<< "

- " I guess you are right Scarab, and to your inquiry... yeah, we'll do it tomorrow. "

Alright, so we got a plan now... tomorrow we test the metal, then we experiment with more magics... but I also got to give everyone the magic.

So... we go again.