
I don't want to rest, I want action! Adventure! Experimentation!

I'm a reputable source... scratch that, I'm not reputable in any fashion except dipping my toes in shit I shouldn't even be close to. But anywho, I'm sort of good at making things as you would expect. I'll be making things as long as I can stand and use my tools.

Unfortunately for me, it was decided that I can't be trusted to rest up by myself as I would likely just start working again. As such, I was given an escort to bed... and body guards, those being Scarab and Tungston. It still pisses me off she spelt her name wrong.

- " Seriously, you don't have to watch over me... I promise I will take it easy. "

Tungston - " Like we can trust you to do that, you have a habit of doing this so I've heard. Not once have I heard of you resting properly besides sleeping, sometimes you don't even do that I hear. "

- " It's true, but all I need to keep working is coffee and a bit of determination. "

Tungston - " You like coffee? "

- " Yeah, its pretty good. I usually use about...20% cream no sugar, gets ya up... I wish I had the iron will to drink it black though. "

Tungston - " You weren't around when it was made, so I doubt you even know about it... but there is a drink I really recommend you try. "

- " Truly? What's it called? "

Tungston - " Info for info, tell me how I use the Sniper class and I'll give you the name. "

- " Fair, but be warned... the path of a sniper is a brutal one. "

Tungston - " I know, that's why I'm asking... I'm getting my ass kicked. "

- " Alright, so Sniper... basically, the reason this class exists is to lock down large areas by the threat of your high damage, you need to supplement this with something else to make use of it though. "

Tungston - " And... that is? "

- " Info for info. "

Tungston - " Right... it's called Ebony. "

- " What's it like? "

Tungston - " Info for Info. "

- " You got me there, now... I used Magic to supplement my rifle abilities in the past, then I used summons, then I swapped and used my rifle as supplement to my magic. There are other options though, speed and area of affect damage of any sort will be of great use. "

Tungston - " How do you suggest I do that? "

- " You know exactly what I'm going to say. "

Tungston - " Ebony is a bubbly liquor made from fermented coffee beans derived from the Corruption plane's new plants. "

- " That sounds like shit. "

Tungston - " Everyone thinks that before they try it. Now... go on. "

- " Your best option is likely to mix Black Mage with Sniper, to get black mage you need to use [ Mix - ( Warlock ) + ( Wizard ) ] and you have to have 1 evil magic and 1 neutral typed magic. You get it at a class changer. "

Tungston - " Did you use that before? "

- " No, rather I used [ Mix - ( Wizard + Bard ) ] and Sniper to get... something. Don't remember it's name though. And if you have trouble getting back to Sniper again it's

[ Mix - { Weapon Master ( Range ) } + { Engineer ( Weaponry ) } ] "

Tungston - " It... just let me pick sniper when I did it though, maybe that is a stronger variant? "

- " Huh? Well, I guess it might be. Weird. I swear... my memories feel weird talking about that sort of stuff. "

Tungston - " I see. Now then, get some shut eye. "

- " You are watching me though. "

Tungston - " Just pretend I'm not here... "

- " Not with that weird face your making, at most you can turn around. "

Tungston - " Alright fine, I'll turn around. But I'll look back over every so often just to make sure your getting shut eye OK? "

- " Deal. "


So I got small intervals I can experiment...

Unless... will Scarab tattle on me? I think about this as I lay down in bed... I can't deny Scarab watching me, as it would be way to suspicious as there wouldn't be a reason as to why I would deny it normally, it's a machine after all...

Shit... I'm in check mate... or... am I? They wouldn't be able to see me use magic if I do it inside my body... oh... but that wouldn't work either, Scarab would notice my vitals are acting strange... damn it. Do I really have to rest?!?!


This is the earliest I've ever been in bed, this is a little weird... I'm used to the world feeling quite as I sign off, sometimes people would already be awaken by the time I start heading off to sleep... and more than that I just feel terrible, I want to make myself useful. I want to be needed, and relied upon, I can't do that if I'm stuck here in bed. What can I do...

Well. Fine. I'll take a quick nap or something, but before that I might as well tend to Nebula Fantasm, it is a living creature after all... actually that might only be partially true but I might as well feed it something, taking my case off my back I also get some brazed meat from the player market... the case opened up and so did the rifle, I tossed to meat towards the wide maw of the horror like being... but It doesn't seem to eat it, rather than it not being hungry I think it's diet is something else despite being able to eat people. Weird, does it eat vegetables?

Handing many variations of vegetations, nothing seemed to be eaten by the creature... and it's only then I remember the words of Syn, that some variations eat metal and rocks. So, I whip out some leftover material... the special metal, some extra bits of mithril ... and the beast gobbles it up! After feeding it about half of the leftover material the monster was finally satiated.

It seemed to get some sort of improvement, but... thinking about resting actually is making me tired, it's way too early for me to go to bed though... I don't care if my blood continuously exploded for about half an hour and I've already been experimenting all day, I can still work dammit!

I will find someway to be useful! Watch me!