Vulgar Machinations


I don't know, but I guess it's time to get to work. I'm sufficiently rested and ready to get moving, we only have so long before Origin gets impatient. It's my new theory that Origin Guild will be stopping their plans of taking us on with small groups at a time and wear us down over time like a siege, instead they are going to see that there isn't results... and then the best option would be to launch a full raid with everyone of their members while some of ours are doing missions and such.

It's likely, especially considering that Origin isn't the smartest when it comes to warfare... actually, scratch that... nobody in this game is going to be too good at actual warfare except veterans from the army. That apparently includes Melody as she apparently fought in the ' Last War ' . Mercy on her soul, I have no idea how she was a soldier there and lived. Neither how she managed to be immune to PTSD or the likes at the sound of explosions or gunfire... but that's neither here or there.

Now what is here and there, is smoke. There is smoke fucking everywhere, what the hell is happening? I don't smell burning, but I see smoke everywhere!

>>> I think it's more of a Smog! <<<

Thanks for the input Scarab, now then... time to figure out why everything is in Smog right now, my first inquiry is probably going to be Anise considering she is kind of a Hickimorie... the super studious kind who is constantly researching or planning, I've heard rumors she also stays up all night. I guess I set a bad example, but I actually respect it. Going over multitudes of formulas and ugh.... that has to suck, and she's been doing it for years and years and years... I got to ask somebody how long I've been gone, I never get a good answer.

Ahem, I'm getting off topic. Let's go find Anise and then find out what this smog is coming from... so far, nobody I see around the base seems to know what's happening either so just in case, I have my gear equipped... all two pieces. I need to make more, I got distracted by Magic shit... and even now I'm getting distracted by this Smog! It smells good, like a fireplace, but that doesn't mean you can just flood our base with Smog! At least I think you cant, maybe this is something Anise or Dice is doing... whatever. I make to to the small stone hold where Anise has been studying and researching, inside is her with many jars filled with the Smog.

- " What's with the Smog, Anise. "

" Researching in right now, it's been gathering here since a few days ago... only recently has it been showing up. "

- " Any idea what's going on? "

" The smoke has a small trace of mana inside, meaning it could be from some powerful corpse rotting and releasing natural gases. Other than that, it could also being related to the issue with the Blossom Tree. "

- " You mean, since it's been chopped down... the Mana inside doesn't have anywhere to go, and it's so thick it makes a Smog? "

" That isn't what I was thinking at all, but that's a... good... idea. Darn, I stuttered... "

- " Alright then, how should we combat the smog? "

" We could try and blow it away with Magic as a temporary solution... but if it keeps up, the smoke might get so thick we can't breathe. "

- " That would be a slight issue huh, not a lot of items or abilities related to breathing in mana infused smog. Actually... that sounds kind of suspicious, Mana in the Smog? "

" You think it might be a spell? "

- " It could be, no use in not considering it. "

" I guess so, but this is unlike any Magic type I've seen. The closest thing I can imagine is a storm and poison mix through magic circles, but the Mana content doesn't match with that. "

- " Weird, I doubt that information leaked about Magic Creation... "

" Likewise, it was only Tungston, a few from Evo group, and the two of us. So information likely didn't leak. "

- " Huh, weird. Alright then, I'll see if I can whip up a spell or something to counter it. "

" Need a Mana boost? "

- " Not much, I'll likely make some kind of item to help out. "

" Of course, alright then... I'll be researching more about th- Oh wait! I wanted to ask about your magic Tattoos, Cores, and your other body modification stuff! "

- " I see, well I got plenty of time. What do you need to know? "

" I was wondering if you can apply some of that stuff to me... I might also interested in Wings! "

- " I can do that, easy. Wings might hurt though, I'm no expert... and beyond that, I barely understand the concept of the procedure. "

" Oh that's... nothing... ugh, stutter. I can handle a little pain, not as much as you can though... "

- " Truly. Do you want me to apply it right now or would it be better to do it later? "

" Yeah, whenever your ready... "

- " Ok, I'll get the materials first... I'll be right back. "

Fuck, I'm going to have to do a Wing procedure... I don't even fucking know how they did it last time, more so I'm not a doctor! The only thing I really understood was that they cut open my back and pulled them out... unless that is exactly what needs to be done I'm screwed!

Alright then, well... they say the brave never try the same thing twice. Let's try it out.