Wrath of Heaven ( 13 )

Dear Diary.

Alright, a bit of time has passed but it wasn't really important so I am going to catch up you up really quick... K, so... yeah, Spellsword is a dude. Healer is a dude. Brawler is a girl.

Childhood friends, picked by 'The Goddess of Light, Radia' to save their hometown from the evil Lich that plots to take over the town, the thing about devils is that apparently the Lich can transform his undead into devils and give them more strength blah blah blah whatever.

I still haven't caught their names, but does it really fucking matter? I am going to forget these guys in like, a week. Radia is the only important thing here that I need to remember... so, Spellsword dude used some token or whatever to summon her to this place.

I am probably going to kill her, just to let ya know...

Or, who knows...maybe I am going to turn her skin into a new metal-! It could really go either way, but personally? My preferred outcome is using her to track down Asi some how... if she can at all. Maybe she could even warp me to her-!


I doubt it honestly... now way is it going to be that easy. Though, who knows... maybe if I am lucky...

... ahem.

Anyhow... Let's check in on how the party is going, I'll call Dice and see what's going on.


| Confirmed, Connection established |

" Hey Cobalt-! How is it going up there? "

- " Good, nothing much to deal with. Is everything going well? "

" Glad you asked-! So, there were a few skeletons and whatnot that came out of the walls a little bit, Anise blasted them with some holy magic and they sorta just died... so, not much of a challenge there, we found a big cathedral thing that is being protected by a bunch of those big skeletons... We have killed most of them, but this gate is proving difficult to get through-! "

- " Is it enchanted or something? "

" Yeah-! Looks like that same black goop you and Jotun use, though it seems a little more... I don't know, refined maybe? Can't really break it, so Jotun is trying to absorb it or whatever... so, how are you? "

- " Good. How about you? "

" Pretty great-! Love ya, bye-! "

| Connection terminated |



Damn, that made me blush.

Alright, uh... Ahem.

In other news, turns out the reason these dumbasses are so quite is because I supposedly have a bad reputation, figures. Origin made sure that I was hated/feared by most of this damn game, which makes sense... though, unfortunately I also have a reputation of being unreasonably power and apparently benevolent?

Spellsword said that their is an entire guideline published on how to avoid me, how to invoke my pity, how to get me to make them free stuff... etc., it's pretty comprehensive too, it even has Ashley as a section here.

I wonder when Radia will show up... jeez, can't she just warp?!


Huh, speak of the devil... that blinding ball of light must be her arriving, time to start charging everything.

" Mars. I have arrived, what is it you need? "

Hm, not much of a goddess from what I can tell... blonde hair, silver greek dress lined with gold, small ass white feathery wings, really crummy looking staff... she's also like, 5'4ish?

So, super short... she hasn't seen me yet because she's facing that spellswo-

... How can I... tell what she looks like?????


| You have reached maximum proficiency with Mana Vision, so now you can tell more detail about objects and sense colors-! |

Tell me that when it happens System... ya idiot, an-

" Goddess Radia... I want to first say, I apologize... "

" What's wrong my champion? "

" ... Look behind you... "

" Hm, alright. It better be worth my ti- Oh. Oh... oh, oh... ah. Oh... Alright so uh, bye. "

... Where does she think she is going?

- 8th Level Black Magic, Mad Magician's Grasp -

A giant black hand mad out of Black Magic grabbed onto the running ' Goddess ' which then dragged her to me.

- " Hi. Radia, correct? You are in big trouble. "

" I-I can kinda see that... "

- " Rumor has it you are a God. Explain. "

" U-uh, yes... I am a Goddess! "

- " Of light? "

" Yep-! "

- " Do you know Kirigami? "

" Mm... N-, wait I do... he was the first God of Light-! "

- " THE God of Light, so... you know what happened to him right-? "

" You killed him, right? "

- " Close enough, so... why have you decided to usurp a dead man? "

" Well, there always has to be a God of Light-! Us Gods are personifications of our respective divinity-! So, I am the current personification of Light! "

- " Makes sense, why didn't you warp."

" I... am not old enough to warp... "

- " Do you have something that could be used to track down someone? "

" ...no? "

- " Then you are useless to me. Now, it is time for your trial. Indoctrination of children into conscripted killing, how do you plead. "

" ...? Huh? "

- " How. Do. You. Plead. "

" ... guilty? "

- " Then here is your sentence. Death. "

- 9th tier Black Magic, Disintegrate -


- 9th tier White Magic, White Warlock's Pulse -


- Execution ( Nebula Fantasm ) -


- Radiant Void Beam -

- Ω Erasure Ω-

In a flash of golden and black energy, the Goddess now no longer exists... deep within the maw of the Void, ensured by the execution of Nebula Fantasm and brought by the Magic I had prepared. In tandem, it brought an ability I like to call... Erasure...yeah, obviously... the skill thing just told you about it...

Ahem. Well, she was completely useless to me... so, whatever... what do you think System?


| Title gained: God Killer |

| Race gained: Heaven's Calamity |


| I hate you, so fucking much. |

Love ya too system.

Time to address the elephant in the room.

- " So, kids. Scurry along, I have something to do now... make sure to stud- "

| Event Created. Divine Retribution |

| Objective: Survive the pantheon's wrath. |

| Reward: Nothing |

| Failure: Permadeath |

| Details: After killing a God, the entire pantheon of Good and Evil Gods and Goddesses have decided you are now too dangerous to survive, they will attempt to kill you now. |

... Alright, let's take it from the top.

Void... still got 70% of it, got 80% of my Mana... still full stamina, guess I'll charge a Bloody Barrage... Alright, time to... ugh, FUCK!

Message Dice, ' Don't come above ground untill I tell you, or until 3 days have passed. Do not reply to this message. '

Equip full armor.

Activate all passives.

Activate all buffs and berserk skills.

* Rumble *


Maximize Golem and Chimera output with all magic values-!

Begin Activation of Alchemical techniques-!

Activate All Calamities-! Full throttle -!

Equip Chimera Race, use Heaven's Calamity - Void Human - Vulcan Drone Commander.

| Race Generated: Empyrean Calamity |

* Trumpets Blaring *

fuckfuckfuckfuck okook, shit fuck-!

God fucking damnit system, why sid you fuck have to send the entiritry of FUCKING HEAVEN to fight me?

| Sorry, that was a decision made by Obsidian . . . Good luck. |

... make note, kill Obsidian O.S. . .

Please, Lord Abo-

Oh fuck here they come-!

Why can't anything be fucking simple and easy-!