March of the Angels

Breath in... Breath out...

Whew... ok, game face on.

No more panicking, now I gotta plot this shit out... best situation is only a few of them will come and face me... so, I have to be intimidating. What is the most intimidating thing for a God? I... don't know...

I have... 10 minutes, maximum. Heh, a lot like when I fought Babushka... though, definitely a lot worse... first off, they can come from any direction and second they are much stronger than just some random rouge.

I know for a fact they have some pretty nasty skills, especially the elemental gods and the war gods, but if I can just take care of their DPS I should be good... the Tanky ones won't be a problem and Healers will be actively harming them.

I am going to try and make a Void Chimera, the shape doesn't matter much but I think a Dragon would be optimal... meanwhile, system... did that Jade Tower or whatever get back to me about the technique?

| Messages and varying other functions have been locked until after the fight. Only Inventory is currently operational. |

Damn it...

Why did I have to fucking kill Radia... got damn it, alright well... fuck, this has a dramatic affect on my plans as a whole-!

If news gets out I killed the pantheon, assuming I survive, then there will no doubt be huge consequences. Especially with the priests-!

| Chimera Created: Young Void Dragon ( Flawed ) x12 |

Flawed... damn, ok... that's probably because I can't fucking see the damn things.

Ok, perfect... next, do I have any levels gained from killing Radia?

| No. |

Why not?

| Killing things with strictly Void leaves no XP. |

Crap, what about the undead?

| No. |

Why not?

| They were level 1. |

What levels are the deities around ?

| Average level is: 98 |


Ok. Ok. Ok.

In... out...

Alright, back to business.

How long until they arrive?

| -7 Seconds. |

So they are here now then huh...

Well, even if I die... the group will be safe, so I can die here if necessary... that Void Bomb could easily whip them all out, but I should hold back on that... I should hold out on using Void in general, this stuff is volatile.

System. Prepare to play my theme song, and make it extra angsty cause I am killing Gods.

| Confirmed. Now playing: One Million Bullets |

* The enemy has ascended beyond our control, or was this all for your salvation? *

I said prepare, system. I am going to see if I can talk my way out of this first obviously.

| Confirmed. |

Are they within Earshot?

| Yes. |

Alright then, time to roleplay the FUCK out of this shit... they think I killed the last pantheon? Heh, hell yeah I did. As far as they know I might as well be a World Ending super weapon.

Let's begin with a friendly but taunting greeting first.

- " Hi everyone, lots of new faces-! Well, makes sense... I did fry the last ones off, but that's neither here nor there... how is it going? "


Why can't I hear them? Are they just not responding?

| Uh... it seems most of them haven't shown up... |

So are the rest scared or..?

| Most do, the others seem to be either cautious or overly eager... but the eagerness of some is being mostly swept away by the others |


- " What, scared to fight a blind man? "


The worst part about this silence is that I am having a really hard time sensing these guys with Mana Vision, I can't even identify how many there are or where their exact position is... it's much too potent, the signals are overlapping with one another.

Begin firing Calamities, un-pause the music.

* Here he is to demolish whatever we made, with what we fail in our comprehension-!

- It has gotten to the point where I got a feeling that this will be our end! *

Multiple black pulses erupted from my side arms, flaring through many of the deities who took the blasts straight on. Most were flagged with 5 or so stacks of the skill, another volley will be their untimely demise... but, these things need to recharge, then they need to heal all at once.

* I guess this is our hardship I must Ire, and maybe one day you'll hear what I say..... *

I got a plan.

- " Well, I guess I'll have to make the opening remarks. "


Let's see how that riles them up, this might boost their confidence... after all, seeing that your opponent can't damage you should raise your confidence right? Let's see if they play into my gambit...

* This is a fight you cannot win. *


Yep, a few of them are laughing and taunting my attack.


* Bang. *

With a simple firing of Fantasm into the crowd of Divine beings, multitudes of bullets spawned and traces their way along with them before detonating into a cluster of varying particles of death which additionally began their attack.

* When we move past this great disaster, it is then you'll know of my thoughts. Know that I do not blame you, I will move fast and try my best... but if I should die before you continue, you should hear my final dying breath-!! *

System... what the FUCK are these lyrics? Why do they sound to be from their point of view?

| Oh uh... Well, it kinda is. You know when you encounter a boss enemy and it plays their theme? This is what is playing for people who fight you. |

Alright, we'll continue on this later...

The damage was very little, only the straight % damage really did anything and even that was affected by their defensive skills and whatnot... troublesome, but I can deal with it. The Damage needs to be low so they don't heal.

It seems they are very slow and not really moving fast at all considering what I am used to, their DPS seems to be mostly Holy Magic which I can absorb with counter-spells and Void... Right, I forgot that I am strong again... but, what a waste. My time should be spent elsewhere, with my party members... for wasting my time beings of heaven, the punishment is death.

Maybe eventually people will stop bothering to fight me, at this point I can nullify nearly everything thrown my way... even these Gods.


I am getting quite annoyed now.

So, for one... I am barely eben doing anything in this fight, these Dragons aren't even functioning, and worse yet these enemies aren't even trying to fight me now. It's kinda depressing honestly, they are kind of just floating around in the sky doing nothing.

I guess this is a good time to talk about those lyrics system, who sang them? They sound very familiar...

| It was sung by an artist named ' Calif Ghost ', he took inspiration from the Battle of StarFall. |

When I fought babushka for the quest that one time? Hm, maybe I should meet the guy and get a new theme song. This weird mixture of Rock and Japanese Pop doesn't really suit me... I'd much prefer something more closer to Orchestral Metal or Russian Hardbass.

Let's see where I left off... ok, it seems one of them is heading this way... maybe a peace treaty or something. Typical, pick a fight with a guy way above your weight class and get demolished, why are these deities so weak for their level anyway?

Mordova, may she rest in peace, was a fucking battle monster who could haul ass like she was a human forklift, she even fought off ( with the help of the Demon Lord { Ick } ) an INFINITELY SCALING AURA OF DAMAGE-!

Yet, these ones seem to be no stronger than your runt of the mill goons... maybe it's because of PvP scaling or something compensating for the high number of enemies that I am fighting solo, but it shouldn't be that bad-! Last I checked, scaling was practically a joke... do they even count for PvP scaling? What a joke...

Alright let's see what this guy has to say.

- " How's it hanging? "

" Terribly, will you be willing to surrender? "

- " Pft... No, what do you take me for? "

" Neither will we, our pride as deities prevent us from doing that... how about a duel? "

- " ... Pride... as a deity? You guys have been Gods for less time then even a third of my lifetime. A duel though... sounds interesting, you guys are taking up my time so anything that gets this done faster. "

" * Sigh... * I understand. I don't even get why we are fighting really... these other guys get so caught up in their emotion they don't even consider that they are fighting a God Killer. "

- " Kinda in the name huh. "

" Yeah. So, how about this. We Send our strongest champion, you send your strongest follower. If you win, we leave. If we win, you release Radia from your grasp. "

- " Well, she is in Void. Can't really come back from being removed from existing, but I do technically have soul... eh, whatever. I want a reward beyond you leaving though, because my time is worth more to me than her life. "

" I see... shall we begin preparations? "

- " What do you mean preparations? "

" Like, a stadium or something... sacred duels have to be witnessed by a large amount of people."

Get a load of this guy.

- " I would rather kill you all then wait for that. Tell your buddies up there that either they leave now or I delete them. "

" Will you consider no other option? "

- " The other option is that I kill you all now and avoid having to wait for your answer again. So hurry up, I am a very busy guy. "

" I see. Then, let us fight-! "

Is that a rapier I sen-

O-oof... yep rapier, totally stabs like one... ouch, this guy really just stabbed me... mek, alright whatever... he will be the first casualty in this battle.

Using Alchemical force, I gathered a sphere of it around the rapier-wielding madman after pushing him away from me after his stab, trapping him inside the invisible force.

- " Sneak attacking a blind man, how evil. "

" You killed an innocent girl, evil unto evil. "

- " Fair enough. "

System, make sure to make a note of this technique.. call it Red Dawn.

| W... what technique? |

This one.

I pulled all of the air outside of the Alchemical bubble of force, leaving nothing but the vacuum sealed power pulling on this poor soul. This strategy could be countered with Wind Magic, but unfortunately he doesn't seem to know that.

Soon, he will explode. But I can make this much worse than normal...

- 2nd Tier Wind Magic, Carrying Voice -

This is a simple spell usually used by bards to amplify their voices like a microphone, this will make it so his friends can hear his screams... System, record this.

| E-eh? ... O...ok, why? |

To make a point to anyone who will dare get in my way in the future.

With additional Alchemical forces, I rapidly increased the size of the bubble to around 1.2x size and filled it with air once more, decompressing the God. His body was being torn apart by the second earlier, and now peace... his screams echo to the horrified crowd above.


With a larger surface area this time, the compression was much more violent... before, his mass took up the brunt of the technique, meaning the bubble shaped around towards him because he was bigger... but now, the opposite will happen leaving him in much worse pain.

Ew... I can see some of his bones popping out of his body... gross.


The worst part of this technique, is that the nerves stay actively pumping information to the brain, AKA pain continues to be processed by him... and because this doesn't do damage to his HP then he will always be suffering.



Turns out, having practically infinite alchemical power is very terrifyingly strong against people who don't have alchemical force to disable this.

I have a few other ideas in mind though, but before that... time to end this.

Without adding any air this time, I expanded the bubble to maximum size... instantly tearing apart every molecule of his body at the sheer speed of which the immeasurably powerful vacuum pulled on his poor flesh, the atoms that fell apart during this technique detonated in weak nuclear detonations that were contained within the sphere.

Now if only I had a alchemical sphere the size of a pantheon.. whatever, guess I'll have to do each one manually...

Why was I scared to fight these guys?

I am not weak anymore, I don't need to fear anyone besides myself now.