Quite ( 7 )

There is nothing more exciting than a new project to do, whether it be making a new fence or creating a Gauss cannon within the design specs of a pistol.

That's what I think this technically is anyways, while eating I had a small nostalgia trip of Old Earth... small things, listening to the old radio Dad found in the junk yard or tinkering with guns in his beaten up garage.

From it I can kinda make sense of my life in general... with it and additional memories I kight even fully recall most aspects of my life, of course nobody remembers everything they have ever experienced... so, I need to piece as much as I can together.

From what I can remember, my life growing up was... hard. But... you know, I didn't really... mind. In my earlier memories I lived in some sort of... underground junkyard? Later though, I was moved to some sort of neo-futuristic city covered in snow, it was a luxurious upgrade in terms of quality of life but the downside was the oppressive government. Can't blame them though, they tried their best during the end of days.

Mandatory curfews were a big thing I remember, no one was allowed outside at night... that kinda makes me believe those memories the neolithid gave me, why else would soldiers patrol the city and sending people home? I guess that contextualized that scene of me running in the night towards the laboratory.

Hmm, speaking of the Neolithid...

What the hell were those scenarios?

They didn't really make any sense...

I... did my best though, maybe it was foreshadowing for something?


I guess it might of... though, that would mean the neolithid can predict the future.

I want that ability.

Time Magic is... impossible.

It is a Mana type, it has the ability to be made into circles, but the System doesn't give players formulas nor does any knowingly exist within flavour text or otherwise.... how did Umbra do it then...

Space magic is possible, portals and teleportation... easy, likewise gravity magic exists, I think a type of magic exists for everything...

Huh. Anyways... I should be finishing up this pistol, but I will put it aside for just a moment. I am going to take a small period of time to figure out the relations between color magic and elemental.

Obviously, white is healing and divine.

Black is Necrotic and Demonic.

But... that's where normalcy stops...

Red magic involves Fire, Ice, and Lightning.

I... don't understand.

Blue magic involves Wind, Water, Healing.

Yellow involves Wind, Earth, and Divine.

Purple involves Fire, Water, and Necrosis???

I am going to stop here... this is already a fucking headache. I am just going to work on the gun now... ugh, jeez...

Alright, so I basically left off with all the components made for around... 5 guns? I'll need 5 more to implement the souls as well as 10 bodies, magazines, bullet cartridges, and attachments if I can bother.

I... ugh, this is a lot of work..

Though, it will be worth it.

I got to ask myself though, what sort of attachments can I use? Suppressors, muzzle breaks, compensators, all useless. In a Gauss weapon, sound is... well, not very prominent. Magnetic weaponry in general doesn't make a lot of noise, the only noise made is usually the electronics and ((( MAYBE ))) the sound of the payload being sent flying.

It is nothing like a bullet firing gun.

And... that actually brings up another thing to mention... I need to construct a payload fit for Gauss weaponry as well as having a relatively low weight and size due to the functions of pistols in general. I can make modifications to the reloading systems if the ammunition type is noted to not properly load... but, thing is, would a Gauss rifle even function with such a small payload?

Usually they detonate due to a combination of their mass and speed, with a pistol such feats would be unlikely at best... at most, it would end up as a magnetic crossbow shaped like a gun.

I want explosions-! Death and Doom-!

So... likely for ammunition I'll need a metal dense enough to collapse a black hole... or, maybe even make one with enough matter... continuing on, the firing mechanism would need a super magnet so strong it could fling the projectile at enough speed to cause it to detonate on impact.

After that, it's just basic copy-paste crafti-

* BANG *

Uh oh... what's going on now...?

With a violent sway, the ship was titled sideways for a bit as some sort of projectile seemed to hit the side, shouting from crew members rang outside calling everyone to their stations, the stomping of boots was close enough to my cabin to be nearly distinguished... later, I heard the familiar footsteps of my crew.

They opened my door briskly yet serenely.

- " Dragon? "

Jotun - " No, Pirates. Trying to board the ship, Dice is going to stay here with you to make sure you don't get attacked or worse try to intervene and hurt yourself. "

Dice - " Right Right-! You are safe in my hands, Cobalt~! "

- " Alright, let me know when you guys finish. "




Blade. Check.

Armor. Check.

Mask. Check.


| Now playing: Kill em All |


Alright, ready to begin.

Through the wooden halls of the cramped DrakingShip, crew ran between individual doors carrying basic tools Anise and I ran towards the threat, outside I sensed three large bodies of enemies, two to our right and one underneath us.

Anise prepared large amounts of magic circles that desperately raced behind us, her silken dress being illuminated by the complex web of glowing ink on her skin as her loose cloth flew behind her with the speed she ran at. I gave her a glance, she did back... ' two - right, 1 - below ' I signaled to her with my hands, the closed hallways opened up to the large wooden deck, where we saw the enemy ships.

Two black masses of refined iron laid hovering next to us, drifting along at the same speed. Their ship was more modern and more refined than Morin ships, and much too well kept to be a bandit job. Pirates nonetheless, they should be dealt with in an efficient manner. Anise let out a mighty black beam of shadow that dyed the air around her in a dark red, through the hull of the black ship the beam pierced, it carved a large hole that left a molten crater of fire inside the middle of their ship.

I elected to deal with those underneath us, running quickly to the border railing of the ship and leaping off. The black ship was easily 30 meters below us, not much considering the size of the ships, my right hand upon my sheath, my left upon the handle of the blade.

In one quick motion, I used a new technique that I learned after gaining this blade.

{ Black Engrave }

In the air, my un-sheathed blade resounded with a dark blue aura that deepened the sky, my body's position contorted in the air as the large amount of pressure coming from the move forced the wind around me, the slash directed towards the ship was transformed into a mass of black calligraphy lines, made of seemingly bubbles of ink. The force of the blow launched me back onto the side of our ship where I watched on as the enemy ship below was destroyed in the attack.

The black bubbles of ink detonated upon the surface of the likewise black ship, the explosion left no traces, neither smoke nor shrapnel, rather it nearly ' Deleted ' the surface of the ship as if it was never there in the first place. Though, of course it wouldn't function like that. The ship teetered and tottered as the faceless crew helplessly attempted to fix the damage. Unfortunately... that was only part one of the technique. Now comes the ' Engrave ' part.

Where nothingness and something collided , the black bubbles returned from the flesh of the ship, the bubbles sharpened and hardened before colliding towards the the vitals of the ship... the engines were deleted along with portions of the crew's bodies as the sharp black blades pierced through the ship like the only thing in it's way was nothing at all.

My new sword is pretty good.

Upon an area it slashes, the area is removed as if it wasn't there in the first place.

Upon an area it deletes, more blades appear and attack.

It makes me smile.