Panzer Drakgoon ( 10 - PT 2 )


Captain said no, so I guess I am going to have to find a dragon on my own... how the fuck am I going to do that huh?

So, I guess that project is on hold for now...

Bad luck I guess.

Panzer Drakgoon.

Drake, Dragoon, Flak.

A combination of three words, Drake and Dragoon both mean variations of Dragon, Flak is referring to artillery... if I remember correctly Panzer is a German tank...

Interesting combination, I haven't thought about this title much, especially since it doesn't do me anything, so I've been thinking of sacrificing it... but, it's gotta have something right?

Its a title from a DEMON LORD after all-!

Ugh... I'm getting desperate, I am looking at everything I have, every spell, every skill, every title effect, even my old notes... nothing.

I'll figure it out eventually right?


Hopefully I will . . .


Hold on, the Wingdings changed-!

- ☟︎✌︎☟︎✌︎☟︎✌︎ 📫︎ 🏳︎☟︎📪︎ ☞︎☹︎☜︎💧︎☟︎📪︎ ☼︎☜︎☺︎☜︎👍︎❄︎ 🖐︎❄︎ 👎︎☼︎✌︎☝︎🏳︎☠︎📪︎ ✡︎🏳︎🕆︎☼︎ 💧︎🏳︎🕆︎☹︎ 👌︎🕆︎☼︎👎︎☜︎☠︎💧︎ ✡︎🏳︎🕆︎☼︎ ☞︎☹︎☜︎💧︎☟︎📪︎ 👌︎☜︎👍︎🏳︎💣︎☜︎ ✞︎🏳︎🖐︎👎︎📪︎ ✡︎🏳︎🕆︎☼︎ 💧︎🏳︎🕆︎☹︎ 🕈︎🖐︎☹︎☹︎ 👌︎☜︎ 🏱︎🕆︎☼︎☝︎☜︎👎︎📬︎ -

Translate, system-!

| Confirmed... |

| Action Canceled, a large portion of the symbols are either missing or seem to be improperly written, however it seems it mostly translates to.... |


| I can attempt to autocorrect, but this may be risky, large gatherings of void energy seems to be tied to this sentence. |

Well, system, I've hit a road block... maybe this will fix it.

| Confirmed |

| ... |

| HahaHA - Oh, FLESH, Reject your flesh o' Dragon, your soul burdens your flash, become void, your soul will be... purged/saved |

Alright, how do I do that.

| Unknown |

Thanks, system, alright well... I guess it wants me to make myself fully Void.

Well, I might as well... but, I guess I'll do it later... I probably should take a break.


. . .


. . .

Oh. Wait I have an idea...

Let's see... Black Magic... offensive type... rank... 4, yes, rank 4-!

Dominion's touch-!

Let's see...

Upon touching an enemy while this spell is prepared and concentration is not broken, the target will be racked with unworldly pain, dealing Heavy Necrotic damage.

Components - None


Why is this important?

Because, that means I can theoretically tie the void energy and Gauss detonation to trigger after the spell with recall.

But... I need to see how Recall applies to this...

Normally, actions taken with Recall, for example firing a bullet, usually involve simple things stacking... shooting 30 bullets instantly all each with the power of 30 bullets behind them, so, I wonder if that action applies to such things like this as well.

If I am thinking correctly...

Activate Recall

First - Touch spell ( On Bullet )

Second - Void Materialization ( On Bullet )

Recall stored into bullet via Mana Crystal.

Alchemical Crystal also used to bind the bullet together to prevent detonation on light scratches and to prevent it from falling apart.

A second Alchemical Crystal to constantly push air out of the way to decrease drag and friction against the air.

Oh man... this might just work.

Let's test it out, shall we-!?!

I cackled maniacally as I formed stained metal into folds, layering thousands of Recalls down into metal like folding butter into dough, each programmed with Void Materialization as well as whatever magic I could, mostly explosive ones or other touch spells, black lighting howled past my body as it struggled to form, but it was useless, I was too determined.

Like a black hole, the bullets sucked in every form of matter that it could, but like a blacksmith hammering a blade into shape I slammed down my judgement and power against the contained nothingness, it was stuff of nightmares, total annihilation in one blast.

They formed, and just like that, they settled... steaming with black energy and rustling against the world, they closely resembled wooden spears, but it was impossibly black... yet, metallic. It's glamor only outdone by the vessel now containing it.

After the bullets formed, the magazine followed... it was average in appearance, for something made by Cobalt anyway, pure black with gold etchings lining the edges of a normal looking pistol cartridge.

Then, with that complete... Cobalt now knew what to design the rest of the Canon around now... it wasn't like a gun, rather something more... it lost it's grip, handled, and even trigger... Void Materialized around it, holding it up like a floating beast, aided by a briefly summoned Scarab, it changed from a resolute and absolute canon to a weapon only comparable to a dooms day device... from the ovular design came spikes and outsources of sharp material that flowed in and out of the design before settling on a shape.

It was more like an architect's wet dream - Engineer's nightmare type construction, impossibly sharp angles and rapid declines, material hovering and floating like silk under wind around the weapon, impossibly black metal only broken up by rapidly color changing shapes that were layered like a pattern on the hull of the weapon.

I reached out and touched my new weapon.

| Congratulations. You have made your second Earth Grade weapon... it is an unknown design, as well as MANY unknown techniques used in it. You may be a good crafter and all, but can you tone it down? It's getting harder and harder to classify the abilities, stats, and everything else that needs to be done to properly ranks these items. |

Kek, kick dirt system. I've got a new weapon, time to test it out I think... hehe.. oh, but first I need just a peak... System, if you will?

| One moment please. |

Eh-? Is something up?

| I am contacting the Admins |


| . . . contact failed. Alright, VIP:Cobalt. It is time to make the stats for your weapon right? |

U-... NO-?!?!? You can't just say something like that at random-! What admins?!?

| Origin of Life - Silka

Origin of Material - Carson

Origin of Magic - Helious

Origin of Thought - Johnson

System 1 - Black Cardinal

System 2 - White Cardinal

System O.S. - O.B.S.I.D.I.A.N. |



Ok, The Origins... makes sense, two systems... that's... wow... and the operating system? How is that an admin... oh dear lord... just send the fucking stats...

| Confirmed. |

| A.D. Bullets ( Assured Death ) |

| Radiant Void Tempered Cartridge |

| Earth Grade Bullets |

| Skills |

| Frictionless - Cannot be slowed until living target has been hit. |

| Homing - Attacks always hit |

| Cathedral - Dealing Damage applies de-buff ( Cathedral ), details labeled below. |

| Call - Ignores physics |

| Juggernaut - Ignores all skills and abilities related to stopping projectiles excluding barriers of energy |

| Bound spells |

| Trigger upon hitting target ฯ |

| Dominion's touch | - Heavy Necrotic Damage

| Condensed Blood Detonation | - Heavy Force, Fire, and Necrotic Damage |

| Hell flare | - Heavy Necrotic, Fire Damage.

| Heaven's flare | - Heavy Radiant, Fire Damage.

| Deletion | - Removal of Impacted area.

| Stats |

| Damage - Only deals 1 damage |

| Fire Rate - Reduces fire rate to 10rpm |

| Penetration -

Ignores Defence

10% to Instantly break a barrier

1% chance to ignore a barrier |

| Effect ' Cathedral ' is applied to targets upon being hit with an attack, when applied, the target will receive a storage of damage equaling 10% of their health, healing during this time applies that storage of damage to the target and negates the heal. Can stack up to 1000% Health as Damage, target will not be notified of this effect. |

| Name Available |

| Radiant Void Tempered Extinction Canon |

| Ammunition Type - Gauss Weaponry |

| Abilities |

| Event Horizon - Killed targets cannot be brought back to life under any circumstances, wounds made by this weapon cannot be healed by magic or surgery |

| Stats |

| Lies - When an enemy is hit by this ability, they gain false de-buffs that do not have any effect. The target must know a de-buff to be affected by this ability, all known de-buffs the target know are applied. |

| Desc. ' They say something filled with nothing is empty, but that simply isn't true, if you gaze onto it... it exists, it is filled, true empty can only really be defined as a lack of existence itself, but even then, would it be filled with void? Void, the definition of the lack of existence within a space? ' |