Chapter 6: First Fight!

As the situation grew more worse much more arrows pierce through the wood like butter not hitting them but they sre getting stuck into the wood.

"Well fight them" Kerl said while preparing

"Moritoko release a Magi Barrier strong enough to deflect arrows and I will blow up this entire carriage!" He started to reveal his sword..

"Ok!" Moritoko replied

*May the Defense of Domination bless upon us!*

*Absolute Deflect!*

A blue orb surrounded the whole carriage while the arrows keeps on firing but now they seem to fall of when they his the barrier Moritoko casted.

"It's mine turn now!" Komin screamed

Komin pierced the buttom of the carriage using his sword *Destruction!*

The whole carriage broke off the the horse went running away the reaming scraps of wood have fallen into the ground while the whole group landed unto their feet.

Exept Paul.

"You! I said be prepared!" Emin screamed

*Ah sorry* Paul replied

*Jeez I wasn't expectiom full destruction of the carriage I expected it to not destroy out seats!* Paul said while wipping his butt

And the group has now been revealed the arrows who is firing at them stop and each thiefs who were dressed up in Brown Leather coats and a hoodie appeared through the bushes..

*Puff *Puff

A tall man walked to them group while smoking and aiming his spear into them.

"I'm sorry guy but *ahhh* I need some money"

"Well let's show them our fighting Styles Release it Mori!" Komin said

As the barrier popped all of the thiefs charged at them and a fight with life is on the lined started...

There is roughly 10 thiefs the tall one with the spear is the leader but he stood at the back and watched 5 of them charged and the remaining 4 shoot arrows fron the crossbow hiding into the bushes in the side.

You can here the clanking of the swords of Komin as he tried to slice his enemy but the enemy parried.

"You have some good Sword mastery ey?"

The Enemy didn't responded to this

"I hate people especially my enemies who don't reply to my words!"

Komin backed off and went on a sword stance.

"Eat this"

*Sword Technique: Slash!


On the other side Emin who never revealed or even mentioned his abilities is actually Soul Power user!

"Come help me By my side Snake Spirit!"

Purple gass surrounded her as her body became more stronber and poisonious to be touched or even hit by something.

*Soul Power User huh.." Paul said into his mind

Soul power the ability to charm a spirit beast to fight and lend the beast's power into you.

*Soul Power might be the last of one of the pillars of this world having it means more power as it can also aplify yoir streagth for a period of time and double your skills to use*

"Oy you can't be standing there kiddo" the thief said while pointing his sword into Paul

"I don't really fight mister go fight them" Paul replied

"Pftt! Hahahaha!! Afraid little boy? Come I'll take your head!"

*I thought Money is their goal?* Paul said into his mind


A explosion happend into the fight of Komin as some tress fall into their backs..

"You blocked it... hah.." Komin extensively inhaling and exhaling

His enemy survived but his sword were destroyed and countless of slice wounds opened up as blood crawled into the thief's skin..

Komim regain his stamina and fought other thiefs to now their is 4 at them.


"Arrows!" Edwin screamed

Arrows rained into them everybody tried their best to avoid them or slice them with their weapons..

"I'll go shoot them!" Edwin said while aiming his crossbow into the bushes he closed his eyes.

*sense their deisires...* He said in to his subcontious...

*found One!*

His arrow glowed into a bright red a immediently he fired into a bushed..

Suddenly a man appeared with an arrow stuck into his chest he has fallen foward revealing himself dead.

As more arrows rained upon them but not a singel one hit a target Edwin started to sense them and shoot them but they always reposition into a new place and reposition again and again..

This time their leader grew much more annoyed the sheer fact their lossing..

"Ora! You can't win this fight?! Come one get it together! Idiots!!" He screamed.

"You see mister I'll only defeat you with this..." Paul revealed his stick which is he stuck into his belt..

The thief laughed..

"Bahahahaha! A stick could defeat me bahahaha! What nonesense is this?!"

He drew up his second sword and pointed both swords into Paul.

"2 swords beat's 1 sword but 2 swords WILL beat A wodden stick!!"

"Good luck..."

Paul closed his eyes while the man jumped into the air..

Paul's stick became engulf with a black matter..

"I'll show you what's the difference between us again'st my knowledge.."

As the thiefs became much more closer into Paul, Paul rosed his stick into the Thief but the Thief ignored it..

*Level 3: Demon Slice!!


A small black matter with shape of half moon appeared and went into the Thief, the Thief's tried to parry but...

"WHAT?!" Thief screamed

Both of his blade were destroyed and the force of Paul's slice stopped the Thief's velocity and has fallen into the ground..

"Im...posi..ble, bleugh!" The Thief vomitted blood as he was defeated with a huge wound in his chest..

Kerl was watching that from afar and grew rather curious..

Agh!!! Another thief screamed..

"Pft! I told you not to touch me!" Emin screamed

As the thief collapsed into the ground...

At this time every remaining thiefs were wipped out by them exept one..

"You guys were strong *puff *puff"

All of them got focused into the man who is tall snd muscular lookong wearing the same as the thiefs he is the leader..

"You guy's are one of my biggest mistakes... I'll sure my boss will be pissed.. so..." He pointed his spear into them and released a Chi Aura glowing red in his body enough to even move the leaves on the trees

He spitted his ciggerate "Come all of you..."
