Chapter 5: Explanations

While Paul's group were riding a Horse Carriage that they have rented for thirty Gold Coins, all of them were inside while Edwin and Moritoko are sleeping.

A deep silence vibe were inside. So Emin suddenly thought about how to get stronger and decided to share her ideas for the future.

"I want to be stronger" She said with bit of a dissapointing Sound.

Koni chuckles hearing this and laughed. "bahaha You can, if you train! That's all!"

Koni laughed even more and Emin started to be annoyed about this..

"Gerr! Komin you such a meanie!" Emin said"

Komin even laughed more "Meanie? Bahahaha! Is that even a word?!"

Komin started to laugh to the extent he would slap his leg and move his body histerically. His loud laughs was able to wake up the two who are sleeping.

"THERES A MAN WHO'S SLEEPING HERE!" Edwin screamed out of annoyance that his good nap was broken of by the laughing Komin.

They were so loud on the inside that the driver of the Carriage which was wearing a farmers hat noticed what was going on inside. Be he just ignored it and focused more on the road.

"Sorry Edwin" Komin said with a lent done face. He a good apologetic kinda dude.

"If you want to be stronger be atleast be second Realm layer 2 of the Chi Aura Extraordinary" Kerl said while adjusting his glasses

"Chi Aura?" Emin asked while tilting her head

Seemed everybody is curious so all of them listened exept Moritoko she went back to sleep.

"Chi Aura is the most complex and basic style of Martial Arts. I heard a theory that Chi is everywhere in the word same as Magi (the power of Magic) and Chi The Power of Intimidation and Ultimate Power."

"So how powerful can Chi aura can be?" Konin asked

" they are 6 Realms of Chi Aura.."







"Why's the 6th is Unknown?" Komin asked while wipping the tears a while ago

"Well that's because only King Paul and his 5 Knights know them and they were never really been spoiled by them they said "To those who seeks the Pinnecle of Chi Can cultivate and Train but if your goals to surpass me, you better learn everything and let the Wave guide you until you notice that the aura around you have passed even the Gods" That is what King Paul said when he anounced it into the world."

Then Suddenly Emin remembered something so he got exited for a bit"Cultivation! I heared that before!" Emin said

"God these guy's are so lost about it they don't even now Chi Auras and hear them talking about my most precious technique it hurt my heart..." Paul said into himself while face palming his face many times without the people noticing it.

"Yes Meditation, a key factor of unlocking new level of Chi it makes you think more fluently in battle, It makes your body stronger and thougher and also you could emit something called an Aura which can make you even stronger for a good amount of time." Kerl Said while looking on the window of the scnery of the forest.

"We do need to learn that at some point" Edwin said. As he slanted slightly forward so he could relax for a bit.

"You'll need a book to learn even the basics of Martial Arts each Techniques involves a weapon like swords,spears,Daggers or even Raw Fist" Kerl said

"Well other people does that, but one technique is called "Creation" where you don't learn them in Martial Art Sect's. Instead you'll create your own move through imagination and creativity, for instance King Paul is actually believed that he have created his own Sword techniques" Mercy said

"How many Layers you need to go up another Realm

"I don't actually kn...."

*Humans Have 5 Layer's Skilled,Tailed,Grieve,Ren and Core

Extraordinary have 10

Graze,Jock,Bushi,Ti... err There is alot of Layers some are just classified as numbers. I don't recomend calling it by names it will be difficult. Instead we use numbers and you can sense what Realm you are if you meditate and put an image on your mind of a flame and it will change color. Blue For Human Red For Extraordinary, Yellow for Speacial. Green for Beast and White for Demi God. Each realm breakthrough will be harder even breaking through Layers will be harder. And let just say For Human Layers will be ten and it will be doubled into Extraordinary and it will double again and again."

Paul has grown tired of how unacurate they are in terms of the conversation of Chi. So he decided to barged in the conversation.

"You know Chi I guess" Kerl said and he slump back to his seat.

"That's alot of Layers! how come King Paul and his knights achive such a feat?! Not to even mention he did not revealed what is it feel like to be in one of those high celestial techniques." Emin said

"Hmm, Who knows what's inside of those powerhouses. The 6 Knights are still living. Why now asked them if you stumble upon them." Edwin Replied.

"Well that's the only basic thing's from Chi auras we didn't even include the many techniques you'll master once you breakthrough a Realm or went up to another Layer" Kerl said.

The long confusing conversation has ended silence has ruled the insides of the carriageyet again. This continued for minutes as then they felt the carriage has stopped for some reason and then..

A shaking happend..

"What the... why are we so bumby.." Emin said

suddenly arrows would piearce the wooden box as it get's stuck on to the hard wood the people near the arrows backed off in order not to get hit themselves.

"Thiefs! Thiefs! Komin Screamed

"We're trapped..." Kerl said while covering his face because of the tiny wooden flakes are coming of because of the pierced wood.

"What?!" Edwin screamed.

"They are waiting for that door to open up I bet they already has bow and arrows to fire once that door has opened. And I guess our driver has been killed.." Kerl said

"What will we do now?" Moritoko asked.
