Chapter 12: He's Back...

"We come on then. Let's help this Village!" Edwin said

Everybody agreed and nodded to each other, they ran into where the explosion happend. But Paul didn't budge a movement and was left behind while he saw them running very quickly.

"They seem to be so worried about this city, didn't they forgot that the city itself produces geniuses in Magic? Well, that's quite good. Now that they are gone, I could head back to the shortcut we been through last time." Paul said into himself. He then walk straigth down the pathway.

"What sheer power Lad!" The Demon Lord said.. while he's holding his stomach. A cut sliced off his stomach as he was able to dodge it but he got scratch anyway.

"You stupid Demon ain't your species already surrendered to The Humans?" He asked as he was looking a disspicable face into the Demon which was crouched.

"You Fool! You don't know the pain and suffering we've endured down to the deepest of Hell! And you, you Humans rule the land above where the lands is bright, green and Balanced!"

"You are a fool yourself, you should've blame the Devil King Himself about this tell him I send him his regards.."

"Tsk.." The Demon quickly picked his sword. "Then I'll show you my true power then..."

"Demin Hunter Transformasion!" He screamed as black gas emitts to the Demon, black mist was flowing through his eyes and mouths. He grew in size and his half skeleton body was now covered with actual skin, muscles apeard and torned his weak clothes, his height grew to almost seven foot. Then long claws apeared on to his hands, claws that was thick and sharp in the edges and the tip.

"THIS IS POWER RIGHT HERE!" He stated as the black mist was fading away he was showing how psycally powerful. Paul just didn't shown any fear as he even questioned Is the demon have a strong in terms of mentaly.

"Hmm.. Power huh If I became the most powerful then..." Paul Pointed his sword into The Demon "One Move.." He annouced in sheer pride the demon just laughed as he quickly ignored the warning of Paul and Charged fast with his black thick claws


A beam of white light shined upon the whole area into the tunnels the walls of the cave shool and many pebbles of rock from the walls falls.

"Huh?" Roxanne said while trying to look back but she can't for the light is too bright, Roxanne's is holding a defense into the entrance where countless of Demon Beast Appeared as they tried helping the enemy of the Demon Lord.

"This guy is so much powerful than I immagined, just how much more he could do in the future but can he change the system we live in?" While covering her eyes with her arms , the demon beast fled into the end of the tunnel seemingly they didn't want to be apart of the fight.

one by one Low leveled demon beast were getting diced and sliced by Paul as he grew more and more closer to the Fran Cave's entrance.

"Jeez these Demon beast are Annoying. Well here we are, I sensed it." Paul closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled

"It is there I feel it fully." Paul walked inside once again into the dark abbsy of the Deep Dark Fran Cave..

"Madame Anne" One of Anne's strategist said as she bowed to Anne.

"What's the status right now?" Anne Asked as the Female gave him a list.

"We've been attacked By countless of Rank B Demon Beast but alot of our Defensive Team are trying their best to Kill these beast.."

"Ok so then..." Suddenly a large presure of Chi could be felt. All of the nerves into the body of all stopped as a large beast entered the scene...

"What dense Chi... so It's back again huh.. the remenant of the Rank S 2 Beast... wait here My dear servant I'll go deal with that beast over there.." Anne Jumped into her brom and flew.

"KEEP SAFE MI'LADY!" The servant of Anne screamed as she waved into the distance.

As Paul's Party members ran through the war scene Emin then looked on the back to realize that Paul is nowhere to be scene "WAIT!" She screamed screamed and all of them stoped

"Where the hell is Ram?!" She asked

And al of them look back and fort and soon realize that he is gone..

"Ram is a weird guy ok, but I sense something about him that he's not ordinary, he is clearly not weak he's strong but for some reason He ain't telling anything!" Komin said into them all them agreed.

Then Moritoko Casted flight magic as she floats Ten Feet from the ground..

"To all Lets meet here tommorow morning!" She said, then flew to the fighting site..

"She's right Come on I am sure that Ram can survive on his own" Komin said so inspire the morale of his friends.

As Paul is walking to the depths of the cave you could hear the sound Him rustling of the water and and drops from the stalagmite into the cave.. Paul never did get scared or worried....

He then realize that he have entered the same area from the past but this time the throne that was supposed to be in the middle was gone, instead a large boulder was there. There was a bige hole on the top as it's main light source, the rays from the sun shined the Sword which was impaled in the boulder.

"So you're back...." A deep voiced echoed into the walls this stopped Paul from walking.

"Are you ready for another beating Self proclaimed... *King of The Underworld*"

Suddenly Paul sensed something coming as he leaned back a beam of dark matter almost hit him.

*Tsk!* a prashed that echoed through the walls and by this Paul Just smilled..

"You see, when we first met I really beaten your ass. You luckly ran away but I concluded you are died on in a dimension portal to Hell. But for some reason you survived it and acrually live the tell, you even planning the same thing as ten years ago and yet nothinb happen!" He said sarcastically.

Again something is coming but this time.. it was a dark matter orb which is coming..

"Seems like you have been strong...". Paul said and drew his sword upon doing so, on thlhe tip of his sword a white sphere formed in the just a small size. The sphere moved to elegantly as it quickly shoot through the dark abbsy.

The two balls collided to each other.

5 Minutes Before...

*tsk.. so it is back...* Anne said shile flinging above the Demon Beast which is a large brown bear with a size above 25, his eyes glowed red a it spew a Laser beam through the sky, Anne reacted to this and used teleportation spell to be on the ground.

She teleported infront of the Beast facing him head on, as she drew his wooded wand with scriptures of seemingly of a dragon sculpted into it, she was about to cast a spell then...

A large explosion through the mountain occured. She looked back where is the explosioned happen and the whole mountain collapsed, a large plume of Black ash with mixtures of Dust flew through the Blue skies..

"What the?!" She said as she was preplexed on the situation. Suddenly the Demon Beast in her front collapsed! While on the ground the Beast truned into ashes and flown away ultimetley dissapearing..

By this Anne was able to fly away again to go see the other side of the fight as many more Demi-Demon people attack through the town, but many Wizards and Witches fought them with all they got.

"Partial Tranmission huh..." Paul said while the knowm King of the Underground was down with his crown all bit destroyed...

The demon was down and his body was covered with mascular fiber line as it is fussing with him...

He's regenerating...

The dust and ash was covering the blown up area then Paul inhaled and Screamed to the skies..

*Demon Scream!

By the sheer preasure of his screa, he blew all the dust and the black ash, as it gets cleared it revealed he have blown up half of the mountain.

"so It's there.. well I'll let it fused with the sword I have found.." Paul saw his sword as for the Demon Lord, he was on the ground trying his best to regenerate fast enough.

As Paul reached the top saw the Demon Lord getting up again so he never hesitated to hold the sword which is embeded on the huge rock.

The skies then darken as lighting struck! Then an earthquake happend to the area breaking and cracking the lands where they both stand. The other part of the mountain which still has the dome shaped roof collapsed, but neve close touching Paul. lighting strikes continued as he stayed and contantly pulling his sword.

Paul struggled more but he used every bit of his power to pull it out and then...

As the sword was pulled out into the rock a wave of winds was caused so powerful it threw the Demon away to...

Anne was flying he saw the sky from the mountain afar is darker compared To this she wondered what could've caused the explosion. "Wait, Why could I Not see something there? could it be that the people are inside that barrier, could it be someone..." she questioned as gust of wind flew by her causing her to stop and then she suddenly felt.

He's Back....
