Chapter 13: New Journey


Formerly own by the formidable King Arthur, But after it's death it was rumored to be embedded onto a rock unable to be pulled by any mortal being..

Until a God Came into the earth...God Ares, the God of War picked up the Holy Sword and proclaimed that those who wanted the sword can challenge me On Olympus!..

Many Years later the earth have changed The lands of the sea and continents merge together forming only couple of Seas as a boundary to the continents these Continents formed the 6 Great Coutries

Kingdom Of Leaves (The Capital) Located at the middle of all countries

Kingdom of Asgard Located on the west It is also known as the Kingdom Of Chi as this is where Chi Originated from

Kingdom Of Arcadia also Knowns as the Utopia of the Magic Located on the East side of The Capital

Empire Of Xu, is the name of the Current leader there is not a king but an Emperor the land is filled with their own style in dressing,beliefs and Fighting style mainly it's called Wushu, it lies into the south of The Capital

Kingdom of Olympia, also known as the land of the Gods.. in lies north side it's also the land of the Snow and mountains..

*Yes, I've Travelled to those Kingdoms bring them One by One... but the most formidable was fighting that God...* As Paul keeps the sword into his hand as lighting lached into his arms and his eyes glowed to blue...

All of the sudden..

A large shockwaved blast through the mountains and Paul was back to normal again as the sky turns normal and so Paul did..

"BASTARD! If I knew that sword belonged to you I would've taken it already..." The demon said while slowly standing up..

"You are weak you have improved to the last decade or so but you.. slacked of to much.." Paul was infront of the Demon as he immedietly backed off but Paul was instantly behind him..

Paul trowed the badest punch to the ground as the demon heads crunched down into the floor below..

"See, I could defeat you with no help of my sword..."

The Demon got a bruise to the the cheek as the demon got pissed.. he immediately stand up as Paul was walking back..

"AGHH!!!" He screamed..

"Desprete I supposed but..."

The demon sensed a dense bloodlust..

As Paul Charge and crounched to dodge the Demon Lord's sword, then spuned around slicing his Stomach.


As Paul was behin The Demon Lord, he looked backed as the Demon Lord collapsed into his pool of blood..

He was dead...

As Paul walked out it seems like he sensed something behind..

He looked behind him to to see a transparet being with traditional clothing.. Paul saw he has a sword in hid waist..

He just smiled..

Paul kept his posture "Who are you?.." he asked..

"I came here to bargain, King Paul..." he simply replied..

*Jeez what's the point of this story if every character know's me already ("w")* Imaginary Paul :)

As the batlle continued to the site where the explosion happend many people were fighting although their numbers sa insignificsntly decrease because many were either killed or surrender (Demi-Demon) as Emin punched his enemies with her soul Power Komin Slash all of the enemies who never surrendered Edwin shoots and people who are in the back healing Moritoko flewed by to drop Magic Bombs Every single member has their won fight each showing that their Skills have improved since their stay on Godo's house..

The fight finally stoped as the sun is going down they were fighting for atleast 3 hours of madness many people got injured and many Demon Beast and Demi-Demon has either fled or surrendered..

Close to where the fighting happend a hole in the village's walls can be seen, all of Paul's party friend where resting and sitting to the fallen debris of a house.

"Seem's the fighting is now over.." Komin said while cleaning his sword with a cloth

"There is no sign of Ram Yet?" Mercy asked..

Edwin just sighed "Leave the man be we just forced him into dangerous situations already atleast we ain't gonna think twice if he actually left us here and fled some where else..."

As all of them went silent Anne flown to the ground greeting them. "Well hello there adventurers.. I'm sorry if I ruined the fun.."

"Oh no, no it's not your fault.." Emin said..

"Well, then I'll keep you company for the whole day now so come one I'll set a suitable resting place for you guys.." she said, as the party members were reliefed she said this as all of them stood up and Anne lead them the way...

As Night has fallen the stars in the Night can be a seen and a hafl cresent moon shined bright into the starry night skies, Paul's party members were staying on a great hotel most of them now asleep as they were all tired of the day...

While the whole village were silent most of the lights is off only the Moon as the light source Paul came to the rundown house Roxanne used to lived...

*Nothing changed..* he said until he sensed something on the back..

*how did you knew it was me...*

It was Anne who is behind him as Paul turned he could only see the smile on Anne's face. "You see I been.. no We've been waiting for you since the day the last Will of lady Roxanne was sent on a magical orb containing what has happend and her final will..."

"And you found it?." Paul asked.

"My mom did I was just a little girl.. I never did remember anything about my mom mentioning about it, not until her final Days..."

"Anne! Anne!" Her Uncle came running to the outisde while Anne was picking up oranges..

"What Uncle? Why so in a hurry?" She questioned..

"Just come with me!" As Her Uncle dragged his arms and the basket of oranges she was picking were dropped into the ground.

Both of them were crashed to Anne's door as she saw her mother in her bed..

"Mom?" She quickly hugged her.

"Don't worry sweatie I'll be alright.." The Mom said.. while patting her head

"It ain't alright Mom! Your the leader of the place how come you could go away so soon!" Anne sheed her tears into the cloth of the bed..

"It.. is your time now Anne... I'll leave you a special duty... here.."

Suddenly an Metalic orb appeared into her Moms hand as it glows and glows this caught the attention of Anne..

"Since I was your age I became friends with a certain girl.. she was a nobody, homeless but for all the strungles..she smilled.. I could not believe this girl became something Legendary.. I never would thought she could be so much powerful than any Being here on out village thus... I'll leave you the wait for she... him will come back here.. again.." as the orb entered to the mind of Anne she quickly Knewed everything about Roxanne's last will and what has happend that knight.

At the same time Anne's mother died in her bed in her arms as Anne cried more and more...

"You see Mr Ram.. I have been waiting for this momment since I promised to fulfil my duties as a Village leader but I'll tell you what miss Anne's plan for you..." a floating letter appeared infront of Paul as he held it and read the scribbles he could understand.

"Oh My King Paul, I'm probably dead noe since your resding this but if you do then your plan succeeded I just want to say this In order your me to be brought back no we to be brought back, you'll need to climb the Tallest mountain in the World, Olympus the true land of the Gods there find the soul of our friends as that mountain is usually filled with countless of dead spirits and contract of reincarnation but your spell is different it is the deal of the God you sacraficed your power to them as results our Spirits is trapped there, I'm sure I'm up there chilling lonely...

But you need to be stronger as you need to defeat Gods and powerful beings just like we did.. but you'll need something like us to attack Olympus as after our deaths they have been much more stronger...

I am not sure If the other ones are there.. But if they dont, they are..." Paul stopped reading and said to his Mind.

*Hell... Yes I know We have never been to hell before but I'm deeply worried to say 2 of our friends are in hell...*

"Who are you?" Paul asked..

"It's a great questioned my King but I'm... Azazel...: as black wings spread into his back

"What do you want from me ain't demons know this is breaking the true?.." Paul asked while he draw his sword..

"Kehe.. I'm not here to fight... But here to help you Ressurect 2 of your friends..."

This shocked Paul "How? You know the techniques of ressurection?" He asked

"Yess I know kehe... One DNA their souls and also a real time body sacrafice.." he smilled..

"Then where are they?" He pointed his sword into Him

"In hell ofcourse! You see our devil Lord Beelzebub has violated the long peaceful lives of us demons since the defeat of Satan his son Beelzebub took the throne and imprisoned his father we are forced to follow him even though we disagread until We sensed your Knights wondering to the depths of Hell!"

" We imprisoned them And hmph.. let's just say Vio.." then a large sliced camse into the side of Azazel as he looked to his side the floor below where cut to the bottom..

"I'll make a deal kehe... The deal is You Defeat Beelzebub allow me to be the King of the Underworld and the... I'll release your Knights souls So you could rule the world again ey?"

"If you do something to them I ain't just killing The Demon King itself but.."

Azazel sensed bloodlust and a scary condensed aura that is preasuring his body and soul...

"I'll even kill you, you bloody Fallen Angel.."

Paul walked out of the scene.. "2 Years give me 2 Years I'll meet you at the gates of hell..."

"As you wished my King.."

He Smilled....
