Chapter 25: Defeated

"You seem Pretty good..."

Paul just smirked as he seem not breaking any sweat at all he stands behinds the wall as own enemy stands just infront of him.

"If you keep getting louder and louder the Principal might as well hear us.." Paul said

As this was going on a soldier suddenly popped into the entrance he noticed them both and was shoked but he was also noticed by the Enemy of Paul. The soldier tried to ran back but suddenly dragged by an invissible force he was put close to the enemy and was choked to death he struggled for bit but then stopped and was eventually died. He was thrown into the wall besides craking it...

*Poor Dude..* Paul said into himself as he saw the ruined head of the soldier because of the force of the throw.

"Eh? You seem you don't bother by a murder of your comrade..." He said

"He's a stranger to be honest, I don't care but because of this I might as well defeat you for his revenge..." He drew out is Excalibur sword that looks like a typical sword he didn't transformed it just yet.

The enemy just laughed "Ruthless! I'm Gedo..."

"Hm? I thought Names are not to be spoken by any Guardians the only one who has the right to call you that it you're Lord..."


Gedo Lunges forward but his attack was just been parried he releases the parried position to try another attack to no avail. He backed off to have a space he unleashes his Sword Skills, His sword glowed Red and he lunges forward again but to only be parried yet again by Paul's Blade.

*What?! A mere normal blade can block a Sword Energy?! Impossible! Only the toughest of materials can block this type of skill, It's even in second Realm...* He said into himself with pure shock as he tried yet again but blocked everytime...

"Sword Energy, It makes your blade much more stronger and even sharp but this attack will not work..." As Paul said this he jumped back. Gedo hesitant on what Paul's next move. Paul points and pulls his sword into his back...


Gedo's eyes widened as a black beam shined into him it created a large shockwave into the are it destroyed the buildings behind Gedo. As the Black beam of light slowly disapeared, Gedo which was then layed back survived the attack. His blade was flipped in order to defend the attack, he seemingly unsleahed every once of his Defensive Ki into his blade in order to survive. He has alot of bruises even blood pouring into his head...

*What Was that!* He said into himself he couldn't feel anything but pain, Pain all over his body he doesn't have any more stamina left...

*I fought him head on a while ago, we did looked like sparring for an practice match, but he didn't go all out.. I did, I underestimated him...*

He layed back and closed his eyes but then....


n suddenly The Lord and his guardians appeared in thin air of the sight of Paul, they formed a circle as they look menacingly into Paul. All he knew was he was surounded...

"Eh? That was a over that fast Oh yeah We've been fighting for like thirty Minutes I guess. I should've ended it quikly?." He said into himself he just smiled throwed both of his swords as they were in the air they suddenly disappear. But because of these all of the Guardians lunges forward into Paul, They each pointed their own weapons into his trout, Paul's hands were up high he stayed that position after he threw away his swords.

"Who are you?!" One said....

"Strong, Strong!" Sung Jo which was fightin the Masked Clown said he kept bashing and bashing is sword into The Clown only to be blocked they exchanged blow by blow, Sung Jo which was already tired, Jumped almost five meters high he went into a dive position.

Wushu Sword Style: Piercing Sky!

Pierced his sword with unrealpower!. It created a explosion because of the sheer forced but suddenly he felt something of.

He felt the tip of his blade shooked as he was then flung into the high sky without even having time to react all he knew was he was the sky and was falling. He suddenly let of of his sword and falled back fight then suddenly he saw that the Clown was with him He strucked him with his bat, with sheer force it looked like the bat gotten more size even though it was the same size.

Sung Jo plumeted into the ground all he knew was his vision getting much blur as he saw a Golden Dragon appearing into the sky...

*So that's it, the Array he was talking about...* He said into himself even coughed blood...

"You're strong I give you that, You pass...." The clown said..

*W-ha?! A girl voi....*

Sung Jo Passed out, his sword landed with it's tip stucked into the ground besides him....

"Hey when you will gonns use that thingy..." Chun Hei asked as she pointef he sword into the down into the downed enemy..

He just smiled "Hungry I see, you seem nit ready yet so..." Suddenly he steamed, Gas emits into his body as his skin glowed red.

"Speed is my key, If you could Defeat me in this state come force me to drew my Hook Sword..." Then suddenly He was infront of Chun Hei, She reacted though and falled backwards dodging the fist coming into her face.

Her enemy flew by him hitting air, the force of his punches air to blast into his front hitting random people which were in a fight, the heavenly Sect people which saw this just ignored it and fought random people from the Rising Sun Group even the allies of the man backed off because they knew his true power...

Chun Hei which was on the ground tried standing up but he saw him. In air...

She positioned her body to left into order to dodge the punch, she was thrown awat because of the impact he punched the ground creating vibration and cracks inti the impact.

Chun Hei which was out of her mental state Hesitated to react on what she was gonna do. Because if these He was already behind her...

"A fighter which doesn't focused gets beaten.." He throwed a left hook into her rib cage, Chun Hei which caught the punched felt something breaking she falls down and screamed in pain she let go of her sword and holds her rib cages as she coughed blood as well...

"Speed is your weakness, Without it you'll be defeated by anybody..."

*Speed, Speed! I'm slow that's why I avoid Fights....* Chun Hei said into himself she can barely move at all...

*I guess the training was not actually meant to Fight back but to defend... useless...* She passed out...


Authors Note:

I'ven Been quite lazy these days Not gonns lie I tend to write when I'm at a mood but because of the days we having I just didn't Have the mood, I can write daily chapters but these past days I just been procrastinating actually, I never did have the mood at all but then I reflected and now I saw the notifications seeing many people puts this book on their collection, I was really spooked out! But then I realize if I want to make people happy I should make better chapters and much more detailed one and improve Keep in my I'm a new to the writers world.

So now I will try and try my best to update the story faster and not take those 2 day breaks I try uploading everyday and much more fatter chapters. Thanks to all of people who inspired me :3 I really hope you could join with me into the journey of Paul and the world I created..

-Luna :)