Chapter 26: Climax

As the battle reached it's climax more and more people dead on the battlefield. Less arrows now are soaring the skies, it seems they have run out. The Catalpult has been now broken by the weight of the bolders. The battle continued as the sky was cut in half.

The side of the Heavenly sect was day shile in the side of the Rebel Group were night. A Dark red Leviathan appeared into the large red pentagram which the Lord have summoned in while a triple head dragon was shining the lands in the opposite end.

"What is that?!" Li Wei questioned as he said this all of the guardians which was in front of them lunges forward. They all both parried their attacks, because of their own force they were flung back and also the guardians.

"4 Masters? Huh?! Where's you're fourth member?!" Of the Guardians said his wearing a eye patch in his right eye while a little scars can be seen on his right eye while he was just cleaning his own sword.

Then sudden ligthing projectiles came crushing down upon them, Go Gu which was considered in the pinacle of the Wushu Pyramind came flying through each time sending lighting Projectiles into the position of the Guardians creating countless of holes and also dust covering their position.


He screamed as each of his hands summoned a medium size lighting projectile which he threw to them. He does this very quickly but suddenly all of the projectiles he have sent came back through him! He put's both of his arms on his front and blocked his own attack with Body Hardening technique he came crashing down into the position of the Masters. He stood up very quickly as soon he has hit the ground.

"An attack like that wont work on us!" One of them screamed as he throws away his sword and revealed a hook shaped blade under both of his arms he sliced air creating an X shape, This projectile colored Black came in to the masters but Shujin which was a Wushu Regular Technique master punched these attacks to only break them at ease.

You could see the pissed face off of the man who released the attack. As this was going on suddenly the Leviathan which was on top of them suddenly moves and also the Golden Dragon to.

*What is... Th-hat thing!* The Principal which was positioned at the very back of the fight wondered as he saw two of the gigantic beings about to clash on.

His strategist came running down to him "Master! What is that thing over there?!" He asked as he began to sweat easily he seems ti be worried at what will come next.

"I don't know actually.... If this doesn't work and the Masters doesn't kill the Leader it's Over..." He said

As both of the Monsters coming closed to each other the both have tails that wiggle in order to move closer and closer.

They Met

Both of them unleashed sureal aura as both of their spiritual Energy clashed to each other! They both almost reaching each other mout by mout but can't because of the sureal Aura they have in their own bodies in created lightning sparks in the middle and loud cracking noises echoed for miles as the people which were below them were thrown away because of air the large catalputs of the Rising Sun Group were flung by as if its paper they both roared to each other...

All of the Masters ofcourse was forcefully turned their backs because of the intensity of both of the Monster clashed they eventually gulped in their troats and focused of what's in front of them....

"A beast isin't? You Mortals dared to oppose us this is your eternal punishment for all of those who opposed our group!" The Lord said as he puts his legs atop of the another. His invisible throne which is floating backed off so as the Guardians which was left sitting and watching what is going on...

The Masters all prepared. They unleashed their bestest body Streagtheninf skills as all of them emits this Formidable Aura. Ki which was shaped in order to shield their own bodies apeared their eyes emits this fiery effect and all of them all prepared...

"I The Lord of the Group which shall stomp the Lands will break...

Your seals..." The Lord screamed

The Guardians infront just smiled then suddenly all of them clashed to each other, their wepons and fist hit each other it created a larged shockwave able to devistate a minimal village apeared as all of them were silent two of the Masters was infront of the eye patched Guy as the remaining master challenged the other two.

"Two against one? Huh Why would I be the unluckiest guy.." then suddenly Lie Wei and Li Jie the masters which are facing this opponent felt a ominous vibe they felt it...


*Blood Lust?!* Both of them realized they both unleashed their own attacks to hit air their own enemy which they were facing was already behind them he unleashed yet again the X Shaped attack but this time it looks like it it vibrating a little bit. Both of them blocked it at the same time but the power was to great they were flung into the ground by the sheer force of his attacks.

"Eh Blocked? So this will not scare you for some reason..." He said as he was thinking of something to attack again he put's his fingers into his chin

"A mere skill like that wont work against certified Master if Wushu" Li Jie said as he was breathing still to be more focused of the fight.

"Pft! Wushu Wushu It's the counter to Demonic Martial Arts so what?! I'll defeat you guys here and I'll send your body to the Lord!" He said as he looked merciless to them.

They were seperated for quite small measure they also stood up very quickly before answering The Enemy's pharse. They jumped using their backs to only see the their own enemy was charging and slicing thin air seems like he's preparing something...

Li Wei holds his sword to it's buttom holding it underhand he crouched and Li Jie Holds his sword to its front creating a gentleman Knight Position. Their enemy which was charging he realizes this but didn't care at all he continued runnung towards them. As he was closer and closer he unleashed a skill creating his blades more sharper and stronger as his agility increased. Li Jie and Li Wei knows it is coming a strong slice ability...

Bot of them attacked simultaneously as the enemy Crossed his arms and closed it pointing the other Hook to Li Jie and the other to Li Wei both of thsir weapons clancked each other and the enemy which surpassed them stopped by..

His eyes widdened as blood spouts inti hsi body he realizes Pain, Pain into his body his arms were covers with slices and also his body he turned around to see an unscratched Duo of glanced them by then suddenly....

His Wounds healed Up....

"Eh? A strong attack but if you do that into me again... I'll assure you, you guys would be dead..."

"Bring It on Imortal Man...". Li Wei Said.
