Why am I here?

Me. Everyone said I would be dead by the age of eighteen. That means only 1 more year left to live. Where I lived, life really didn't matter. My choices were made by priests and I lived in a cell. Alone. Never even knowing who my mother or father was. They said I was child of a demon. The colony I lived in, it was loud but, at night it felt like the the whole world was dead. My whole life was useless until, I found out what I was…

    The morning of October 12th 1680 was the day I figured out what I was. I would never again be A42756D. I would find out who my parents were, who I was, and who I would become. It started when I was receiving my daily dose of boring when all the sudden I heard screaming from outside. I was terrified. Me and Sister Catherine hid under one of the chapel seats. We heard the doors open with a crash. I got a glimpse of this thing before Sister Catherine pulled me away. When the thing came close to us Sister Catherine covered my mouth as if I was going to scream, but I wasn't. I wouldn't want to scare it for I felt pulled to it. I pulled my mouth from Sister Catherine's hand and looked up in wonder. She looked down at the bench and pulled off the book we had been reading that would "fix me". Finally Sister Catherine stood up from her hiding place and said, " Drop that book now! That book is private property, that book warned us about you people. Those, those, those woodlings." 

With that last word Sister Catherine fell to her knees. The bench rose showing a creature with a red glowing amulet. It rose me to my feet and said in a dark voice, "Are you afraid?" 

I responded saying, "No. I fear none." 

"Good" it responded.

With that it took off part of its cloak. This revealing a woman, someone with green eyes and skin of an animal. "Come with me youngling, you're in great danger!" said the woman. This woman took me and said, "jump on". As soon as I got on her back I held on and she began to run at a fast pace, and at that time I couldn't tell the difference between reality and a blur.

When we finally got to where we needed to be. She took off her cloak fully, this showed her curly-blonde hair, her tiger-like skin, and her dark green eyes.

"My name is Kate and I am your aunt. I need to restore your memory, then we can eat."

She then touched the side of my cheek and memories of a dark place came back. It started when I heard a voice of a woman, probably my mother.

"You will be strong and I will have your aunt raise you. Your name is Victoria Louise-Heaven Payne . I am your mother, Angelique . I was a nun, then I was an outcast. You are half woodland fairy and half human. You will be the one of few, you will find your aunt and she will raise you to like humans and animals. You will be in hiding for awhile but, it is good for you. It will keep you from exposing yourself. You don't live in the world you think you do. There are no fairy tales in this world; only humans, fairies and angels." 

"Who was that" I asked? 

"That was your mother talking to you as a baby. She was a delight and a wonderful sister-in-law. Now, it's time to unlock your powers. First we need to unleash something, get really mad. I mean really, really mad!" said Kate.

So I did. I thought of how I was treated and how it felt and soon enough Kate told me to stop. I looked in the mirror and I saw pearly-white teeth and my same old pale white skin. "That's not all" said Kate. "Move your shoulders and cut yourself". 

So I took a blade I found and cut myself. I felt pain and saw blood and asked why she wanted me to do that.

Kate said, "Fairies bleed, but don't die. Now move your shoulder blades."

So I did, I moved them. First the left, then the right. A pair of brown big wings sprouted from my back. White and gray markings filled my back and arms. Kate then said astonished, "They were right, you are an eagle. You're one of the fairy hybrids. I am a Tiger Fairy  hybrid".   

 For the first time I wasn't cold, or afraid. I was a Eagle and ready to fly.

"Wait there Victoria. You need to wear this. This cloak will keep you hidden and safe from humans and wolves. Now let's go" said Kate.

Before I could thank Kate she left and ran with her un-human speed. So I stretched my wings in and started running with the same speed. We finally stopped and we were in the middle of the forest and it was so beautiful. I smelled a scent that smelled like a hamburger or pot roast and I wanted it. It was an elk that I had smelled and I ran after it and finally caught up to it, I didn't want to eat it though so, I backed off. I found a farmer's garden not that far away and picked out a head of lettuce from his garden to eat. The taste was amazing and the thought of eating dirty veggies and how gross it was went out of my head. Kate handed me a mirror and I got to see my face and check it for pieces of lettuce that didn't make it in my mouth .

"Victoria check your eyes." Kate said. As soon as I noticed my eyes, the blue in my pupils was gone. It had been replaced with purple and blue color. "Kate. Kate. May I ask you a question. It's about my past, why didn't my father want me, why did he leave my mother. How are the both of you both Fairies?" I asked. 

"Well you deserve the truth. Where do I start, oh yes about your dad. He was an amazing man who is over 480 years old, almost as old as me. Well your father and I were twins of two fairies. Your

father was the first, and given the animal of a jaguar. We never spoke again, after our release. I heard news that you were going to be born. He was so excited and so was I but, when your mother chose me as your new mother when she was going to die, he left because he wanted to have you. Those priests were fairies that your father and I had previously worked with and they forced a witch to cast a clouding spell on you which made you forget about everyone that loved you. The fairies outcasted your father and I  because we fell in love with humans. She was the human, and your father was a fairy of the wild animals; like me and all the moon phases. I was fairy of the wild animals and the night. When your mum became pregnant with you, they clipped your dad's source of life. But we never knew you had wild fairy blood in your body. Fairies are immortal but when mixed with human, their heart is the judge on whether they live or not. I wanted to tell you sooner but you're just too fragile and I love you. Your father thinks you're dead and you should visit him because, you look just like her. You will meet him and you will be successful in life." said Kate.

" Um Kate the priests said that I would only live till eighteen, is it true? Will I die at eighteen?" said Victoria. 

"Victoria you're not going to die at eighteen. The priests were going to kill you at eighteen because you would reach your full grown stage and be immortal and their were afraid that you find out and break free and kill all of them." Kate said. I wasn't as confused and now everything made sense in life, my meaning, purpose, my love in life, and who my real family was.