the run

Waking up the next morning and not being in a church was the best feeling. I felt so free and lively. It felt like nothing could stop me because, after I felt the wind in my face and wings. It felt amazing to finally be strong enough to lift myself off the ground without dying of my fear of heights. My brown wings felt stronger everyday. That morning when I stopped hunting. With no success, Kate and I got back home and she opened the cupboard.  

"Kate what are you doing, lettuce doesn't come from the cupboard. Even if it did, there isn't enough salad in a dirty cupboard." I exclaimed.

"Victoria, this cupboard is for fairies who are vegan. This cupboard has over 20 pounds of salad. It will feed us when we can't hunt. Victoria we also need to talk about you. The fairy government doesn't know about you, you need to meet them. The Hunti is our government, and they must meet you. They're only a slim amount of people like you. The Hunti need to know about your works and you need to know about our politics. The Hunti are all fairies and they are over 10,000 years old each. They have seen civilizations fall and some thrive. So they based their constitution off of the thriving civilizations. They don't also give second chances. I know people in Greenland that are just like you. That's where they are staying. All human mixes go there and tonight, we leave to go to them." Kate said.

I kept nodding my head because, I agreed with Kate. She was right, I need to meet them. They are the rulers of our government. If I was going to find out more about my kind, I had to stop trying to live in the past. The life I had lived before was a bad life filled with human errors. They had turned me into a small and skinny little girl that I never want to back into. 

I began to pack for the trip at 8 pm. Kate was all packed and ready to go by 9. We headed to the nearest forest and she got on my back, I spread my wings and took off. I finally got to see the world so high up and the night as dark as a black horse. As soon as we passed Spain and Portugal, I knew we were close. Kate and I put our hoods on so no one would be able to see us. 

As soon as we got to Greenland, Kate hopped off my back and began to sniff the air. She began to run and I followed her. We finally reached a home that was small and old. We knocked on the door, but didn't take off our cloaks. The door opened slowly and we looked at the figure. It was an old lady and she said, "Passcode please. Passcode please".

"Hybrid. I sent you my address and I am from the heart of Catholic-city. My name is Kate and this is my niece, Victoria. The one" Kate said.

The thing took off its cloak and it revealed a woman with long red hair reaching to her bottom. She smiled showing her pearly-white teeth and waved her hand. Instantly her wrinkly old face became a beautiful brown-headed woman who looked like she was in her 20's.

"Kate hurry get inside we have been expecting you too. And my newborn; your fairy days are over. You will never sleep the way you used to and  you will soon fly during the moonlight. Has she found her way?" she whispered to Kate.

"No. I haven't been worrying about that but instead worrying on how she won't be found" said Kate.

The woman led us down a hallway and we finally reached a dead end. She lifted the rug that was on the ground revealing a door. We climbed under and soon enough we were surrounded by human mixes. 

"I will introduce you to everyone. I am Hera and this is brother and sister, Natalia and Nick Dewolf, next is Richard and Stephanie, and to your right is Jace and his wife, Meghan Riskier and their daughter and daughter's boyfriend, Tera and Royland. There are more but they have moved out and one day, you might be able to meet them. We are all your friends and we are like you, half human and half something else. We don't think we are uncontrollable monsters like the Hunti say we are. We are creatures and still part of their species. They hate us though because we have exceeding powers over all the realms. As me with powers of shapeshifting and cloak concealing powers. I showed them my powers and they tried to kill me!! I know what they want to do to us, they would kill us all if they had a chance. Hera exclaimed.

I began settling down in the basement and sat right next to a man with brown skin and dark black hair. He finally talked to me after the awkward silence in the room. " So your name is what? Oh right, it's Victoria. Well I think you're cool, but not because you're as cold as ice but because you aren't like a damsel. I read minds and the future, and yours is bright. Don't change anything you're doing. Also your two powers aren't just it, you have a three powers. Your wings, magic, strength and you inherited a gift from your tribal powers, being able to talk to animals which include us. Some hybrids can't speak English, some of us can't control our thoughts. They are killed by the Hunti." said Nick. 

I stood there astonished that hybrids couldn't be tamed. Of course Nick read my thoughts and answered my question. 

"Victoria, we aren't human. Our soul, which contained our humanity in it is gone. Like the mortality in our body, it was sucked out of us. We aren't human, we are monsters. We shouldn't fear humans, humans should fear us. We are dangerous and could hurt who we love dearly. Take it from me, I know. We care about them too much, especially people we know and care for." said Nick.

Hera suddenly cut in, "Nick you're scaring her. She's new, and you're going all crazy on her. Here I will tell you the basics. We aren't like those creatures that die when stabbed with a metal fork or knife. We have no physical weakness, we turn into animals and we control light things. We are allowed to eat anything and not gain any weight!! Another thing is I am going to have to get your size, you're gonna have to have something to wear other than those rags right? I am just going to give you all of my clothes so you can walk around clothes and not naked.  Another thing is that we don't date humans, we date our species. You can date any of us here who is eligible. See take a look at Meghan and Jase and how happy they are. She got married and they love each other. Look at their daughter and her boyfriend, Royland and Tera. They are happy and love each other too much. Also look at Richard and Stephanie, they love each other".

"Excuse me! I don't like Stephanie. All I did was take  her in. I have only loved my family. They died of a disease. Stephanie told my wife about this cooking recipe, and my wife cooked it and fed it to my kids which killed them. My children, Anna, Nicole, and Charles died. If you want to know pain live in my life. My life is horrible!" said Richard. 

After that statement the room was completely silent. Hera didn't talk after an hour and I was glad she broke that awkward silence. 

"So how was wherever you lived. I mean is Europe beautiful? Well you didn't get out because your very white for a fairy. But then again, fairies can be any color. So how was that cell? Warm? Cold? Or just weird??? I know how it feels to be in a cell. It's so horrible because you have no freedom, they feed you, then lock you up. I lived in Europe when Persia was so popular, and priests held me captive because they thought I was crazy. It was awful how they poked me and tortured me. Life was horrible, and it was so awful to look at maidens having fun with other maidens. I have never been love anyone after he died, I am the lone wolf with human blood. I am a cowardly woman and the one who has many weaknesses My life is like a magic show, there are good parts of it, and some are just bad. We all have horrible lives, from dead family, depression, slave to beauty, or daughter of an angel" said Hera.

I then stood in silence. I never knew a person could talk for this long! It felt like a rambling sheep but I really enjoyed it. She must of read my thoughts of what my life was like for the past seventeen years. I had nothing against Hera and I was really foolish to laugh at her clever remarks. 

When she told me this, her slid eyes never blinked. Everyone listened and I really felt like it touched my cold soul. I listened quietly because I knew our lives were like the same. We both were slaves to the humans and we were nothing like them too!