The cell

That night I was startled by a sound and went to investigate. I heard guards screaming and Nick jumped up. I heard keys rattling and the door click open loudly. I looked and saw Hera. She had the keys in her hand and tears streaming down her face. I ran to her and gave her a big hug. Natalia came running through the door and gave Nick a big hug. She came to me and embraced me also. She apologized to Nick and escorted us out. I went out of the room and stretched out my wings. I was going to start running when I heard a call that sounded familiar, " Help me! Daughter of Angelique! Daughter of Baron! Release your father! Ms. Payne! Please, let me out" he cried. 

    "Father. Is it really you" I screamed. I ran to Hera and grabbed the keys from her hands. I went to where the screaming was coming from and unlocked the door. Standing there was a 30 year old looking man who looked like Tomas and I. He embraced me and said, "We have to hurry. Quick before your brother and his army finds us" he screamed! 

    I stood astonished, Tomas said that our father was dead. Tomas said he killed him. My thoughts were shaken when I began to spread my wings and smashed the window so we could all get out. Hera, Nick, Natalia, Baron, Richard, Meghan, Jase, and Tara all climbed out the window after me and Richard and Baron got on the backs of Natalia and Nick. 

    That night in the small, wooden, broken house it was dead quiet. I was in my room away from everyone else. I wanted to be alone, I wanted the lies to go away. At that time Kate and Baron were together and talking. I heard voices outside the door and pressed my ear against the door. "Baron her name is Victoria. She is really alive. The priests took her from Angie. Baron, why didn't you call for me! I was here the whole time, I was waiting for your call! Look. Listen. Love. The pact we made, we were in a pack of wild cats and you walked away so; I walked away too. You fell in love with a human woman and I was there to find your child frantically. It took me 17 years to find her Baron! 17 years! I walked away from my husband and children to find your child. I didn't even know you had a second child till I asked Angie's sister. I wish you told me; I cried so many tears over your death and you could have used the pack call! Baron before you speak to me; go talk to your daughter who was been waiting to know who you were for 17 years?" Kate said. 

    Before the door opened I heard a growl and a slashing of paws and I knew Kate had turned and was on the run to hunt. I sat there in silence for three seconds before the door opened revealing my young father. He sat next to me and for about an hour we sat in awkward silence. Then he opened up his mouth and said, "So you're my daughter. Daughter of a human and a panther. I guess when you combine a human with a panther you get an eagle. Your lucky, your brother doesn't look as awesome as us. He just has a very evil will for vengeance". 

I laughed and smiled at him and said, " Yea that's a nice way to put it. He almost tried to kill me; twice. Dad when Thomas said you were dead, I cried a little. I didn't know who you were and I never got to even know you. I mean, I never got to know the man who abandoned me and my dying mother. Leaving me to evil priests too. I know why you did it now. I saw it when I touched Tomas. We are twins and that means we are connected; like you and Kate. I really want to get to know you in the time you live here. Thanks for coming and talking to me". 

My dad gave me a kiss on my forehead and said goodbye. He left my room with a smile and when he walked out the door, I saw Nick. He had a vase of flowers and two plates of food. I smiled and let him in. He set all of the things down on the bed and ran out. I laughed when he came in with candles and a lighter. He set up on the table, made for two. He carefully lit the candles and set down each plate of food. I walked over and said, "Hold on let me change for a minute. I grabbed this dress that Hera had given me that was once her's. I put it on in the bathroom and looked up. It was a v-low necked dress with a scarlet tone. I zipped it up and when I looked in the mirror again, I fell in love with it. I let down my curly red hair and folded in my wings. I ran back into my room to see Nick in a tuxedo and still trying to tie his tie. I laughed and he sent me a evil-flirty grin and I walked over and helped him tie his tie. When I was finished I pulled it up and he took my hand. He walked me over to my chair and opened it up. I sat down and he scooted it in. He sat down in front of me and put his hands down on the table. I laughed and tears of joy fell down my face. He dried my tears and then took my hands. He said at that time, "Victoria, from the day I met you; I knew you would be special. Your eyes had said it all. We never even have had our first date yet, and we just survived being captured. I thought this would be a good time. I picked these roses from some old ladies' garden while on my hunt. They reminded me of you and how beautiful you are. Victoria, I want to find your brother as bad as you want to, but we need to enjoy these times in our lives where we can have fun and be in love.  Victoria Louise-Heaven Payne, I love you. You're the woman for me and I knew I had confirmed it when I imprinted on you. I will never fall for some other person" he said exclaiming.

I felt my heart beat so wildly and I said, "Nicolas Ronaldo DeWolf, I love you too! I want to spend the rest of my life with you too"!

    Nick then said, "Marry me. Mary me Victoria. I love you and you love me and with your brother on the loose, I want for us to be married. It will be simple, we would get married as a whole. All of us outside and getting married. Please Victoria, we could die tomorrow and we would never get to tell you how much I love you. How about this, we will get married after the war or if there is no war, when things calm down. Angel, I love you. I always will too, you have to trust in me though. I want to live with you for the rest of my life. Between life and death; between sickness and famine. I want to stand by you"!

    I stood there crying and in happiness. I nodded my head yes. Even though it was an idea; I knew I was soon to be engaged.