Night sky

That night I could hardly sleep. It was so hard to get my heart to stop beating so frantically. The next morning I woke with my red hair all over my face and my new tattoos looked better than the first day. My back tank was hardly even covering my back and when I woke up Nick was standing above me. I woke up with a jolt. Nick grabbed me and I began to strangle because I was still sleeping. Nick then kissed my cheek and I woke up. When I opened my eyes I saw Nick holding  my shoulders and his gorgeous brown face in front of me. I began to cry. I didn't mean to but I was one embarrassed and two so happy to see him. Nick then pulled me close and said, "Angel! Angel! It's ok, it's ok I promise. I am here; I won't hurt you. Angel it's ok".

    I dried my tears and gave him a kiss. He helped me out of my bed and we went to breakfast which was cooking on the stove. Hera had cooked some eggs and sausage for breakfast and we all sat down at the sound of a little, but mighty dinner bell. I sat next to Megan and Nick and began to wonder where my father was. I asked Hera, "Hera, where is Baron? Is he not coming for breakfast?".

    Hera stood quietly and didn't answer. Baron then came in as his Black Panther form and ran into his room. He then came out five minutes later with a plain grey shirt and black jeans. At that same time, Kate came in from the front door in her Tiger form. She ran into her room and three minutes later she was changed and ready to eat. I set the table quickly so, I could get into actual clothes on and to brush my tangled hair. When I came back, breakfast had just started. I sat down and began to eat. My hair was put into a big butterfly braid that was attached to a ponytail. My pajamas had been replaced with a black leather jacket, a flowy white shirt, and my favorite pair of leather bell bottoms that Hera had given me. I sat down and began to dig in. Nick was sitting near me and as we ate we held hands under the table. 

After breakfast, Nick said, "Meet me outside, Angel". So after breakfast, I met Nick outside. He had a long wooden board and began to walk away. Using my human nature, I followed him. He stood at a cliff and said, "Do you trust me" . I said, " Yes of course I do". He then said, "Ok you have to trust me. If you want to be able to turn into an eagle, you must embrace your true self. You have to embrace it with emotions. That's why I am going to fall off this board into the gorge. This is the only way you can defeat your brother. It's the only way you can transform. I will help you because I care about you". 

I watched as Nick went next to the board and jumped off. I screamed and shouted and ran towards the board. I jumped and dived towards Nick. I felt a mixture of emotions including; madness, sadness, love, and terror that my love would die. At that moment, my arms had become brown eagle feathers. My long red curly hair turned into beautiful blonde and black feathers. I had conquered my fear and evolved into the eagle. The eagle that would save my family, vanquish all evil, and save my boyfriend. 

I grabbed Nick and flew him to safety. He was gasping and astonished. He looked at me with joy and also lovingly. He then kissed me and said, "Angel you did it! You're now a eagle. I knew you could do it! I was hoping you could become the woman you were meant to become. I have always wanted you to be the hero you were meant to be. You are my hero, Angel". 

I wiped away some tears from my face. I gave him a hug and a kiss and said, " I love you"! He brushed away my tears that had were flooding down my face. I took his hand and began to walk home with him.