
    We reached the house and I was greeted by Hera. She had open arms and gave me a big hug. She said, "I heard about your big achievement, eagle. That is very powerful". I looked at Nick and I knew he told her. I laughed and thanked me for helping me achieve this and also telling Hera.

    That next morning I got up and went to breakfast. I saw Hera up and asked her a question that had been on my mind for sometime, "Hey, do you know when Deerlin and Howl are coming back? How long is wolves mating season"?

    Hera put down her pan and turned to me and said, "I don't know. I was wondering the same thing. Wolf's time is only two weeks. It has been about a week. Don't you worry, they will be fine. You need to trust more, they will be alright".

I knew Hera was right. She always was; I think it was because she was part sorceress. I knew I also had to start trusting in people; especially the people I love and care for. I needed to let go of my fears; I needed to let go of my five fears. I needed to let go of the five fears that kept me up all night. I needed to let go of those fears that kept me screaming and shouting in my sleep; the fears that kept me from taking care of my brothers mistakes. 

After thinking about my fears I then asked Hera this, "Can you teach me magic? Can you teach me magic to defend myself from Tomas". 

Hera then said, "You don't need magic to stop your brother. You need your self-confidence. You need your beauty and your worth. This is our home; this is your family. We are like a clan; better a pack. We are all one and we will never stop until all of our brothers and sisters are found. My job is to help those in need so, I will help you. I will train you in magic, the forest magic. It is important for you to know, this isn't a cop out. I am teaching you this as a lifesaver". 

I nodded and then told her to take a break. I took the knife and she thanked me. As I cut onions, I looked into the sunset. I looked down again and out a gigantic piece of lamb meat. I was happy that I finally got everything I ever wanted. The idea of having a boyfriend and finally having a family came true. I stopped thinking and then began to cut the meat again until breakfast was ready. 

When breakfast was ready, I rang the bell and everyone came out of their rooms and sat down at the table. Stephanie came out of her room and said to me, "Nice apron" and walked away. I snickered and muttered, "magic". The magic Hera welded was very powerful but, she hardly never used it unless to prove a point. I put the fried lamb on the table and got everyone plates. I then sat down next to Nick and kissed him on the cheek. As soon as I sat down, we started eating. I sat in silence while everyone talked and ate thinking about what might come next between my brother and I. Nick noticed that I was so quiet and asked, "What's wrong"? I answered by shaking my head and turning away to wipe away a tear. Nick touched my cheek and pulled me close. I looked at him and at that time, Stephanie faked barfed. I don't know what I had ever done to Stephanie but, she pushed me to my limits. The past few months, she has been so rude and mean to me. I ran out of the house and burst into tears. I opened my wings and flew into the trees nowhere to be found.

 Nick put down is fork and knife and said to Stephanie, "Nice going! You know that she is in a fragile state, she doesn't need your bitter words! She does not need your rude comments and your sly remarks. She is a wonderful and beautiful woman and I love her! So shut up Stephanie, the beef that you have with her needs to end". 

 After I had ran out of the house, Nick ran after me and called me for hours. He was so worried that I was hurt and going to get into trouble. I then was thinking so much, I did not see a tree in front of me and hit my head on it and blacked out. What I did not know is that my wings helped slow down my fall and Nick saw me falling and caught me in enough time where I would have died without him.