The Spanish Woman

    When we got to the lodge, we were streaming with sweat. At that time the sun kept shining on my face which made me a little ticked off. I went to block the sun out of my eyes and instead I sent off a thick glass dome all around me and Nick. I shook my head and put my hands in my face. Nick then laughed and said, "You think that's bad, look at this". Nick sent a shock of electricity into the glass dome making it fall. I laughed and then looked down. I hadn't changed from breakfast so with a whiff of my hand I changed my ugly green tee into a beautiful flowy gown that was an avant garde navy blue. He looked at he and grinned and then with a whiff of his hands he was in a dark brown tux and a white shirt. I laughed at his choice of attire and I took his hand. We walked into the the lodge and Nick being a show off, he carried me into our room. After we set down our stuff, Nick closed the door and we had a little na. After our nap,he set me up and waved his hands to retrieve his scepter into his hands; and I did the same. My scepter was in my other hand like Nick's was. We didn't know what the scepters meant but we knew we were royalty or something. 

He brought me into the library and we began to read the books on the scepter's history. After a few hours, Nick then began to kiss me and he asked in a slow and low voice, "Do you want to go on a romantic walk my queen". I nodded and took his hand and we began to go walking into the night where the sky was hardly dark, thanks to the moon's help.  

As soon as we got enjoying the walk a spanish woman came up to us. She was poor and helpless. Her clothes were ripped and her face looked dry. She took out her sword and ran up to Nick. She put her sword next to his neck and scowled at him like she was going to kill him. She looked at me with an evil grin, fear, and lostness. I formed an ice sword from my hands in front of her. She stepped away from him and said, " Oh mi reina". 

I knew she was speaking Spanish and I knew she was saying. She gave me her hands and then asked in English, "My queen, my people have looked for you for 500 years. We have a terrible sickness that causes our hands to burn and I need your help. I don't want to give this to my unborn child, please. If you can't save me, put a shield of magic around my baby. You are the magic queen of ice, animals, and babies. My king, you're the king of animals, life, and war. You both need to help me, please". 

I then touched her arm and made an ice bandage. I took her back to our lodge and we began to start packing to go back home. When we went home, Nick and I began going through the potions and medicines that Hera had made. I then found one with a burned hand on it and read the label. It said, "You must put this in something edible. You can make this potion with marigold flowers and the drop of a rare red rose blood. You may find the marigold in the forest and the rare rose blood in the castle of Aragonia or the house on souls". 

I then thought, "House of souls, wait that is Tomas' house!" 

I backed away and Nick caught me. He stopped me and asked, "What is wrong". He read my mind and shook his head and said, "It's too dangerous, we can't risk that. We could die". 

I then took his hands and said, "That is why we have to do it. Think of all the people who are going to die because of this sickness. I need to save her and her baby. If we don't succeed, I'm going to create and ice wall around your baby. If you die, it will keep her safe". 

I moved my hands around her stomach and created an ice wall. I knew I had to steal the flower and save one of my villages.