
    Breaking into my brother's castle was the most insane thing I had ever done. I knew to save the kingdom that Nick and I created, we had to heal our people. Before Nick and I left, we had the Spanish woman in the care of Hera. Hera thanked us as we left. 

    I had dressed in all black so we wouldn't be spotted. Out of all the fear we were feeling, we also felt joy in saving our people. We were outside the walls of the castle when I spotted some marigolds. I quickly cut all of the flowers and put them into an ice vase that went inside my sactual. Nick got onto my back and we began to fly up the castle walls. As we suspected, there were guards. Not just one or two, try 47 guards. I came next to one and tapped it's shoulder, it turned around showing Richard. The guard that looked like Richard yelped and the guard next to him turned around revealing a guard that looked like Hera. I then realized that Thomas was creating warriors that had glamour spells on them. These warriors looked like my friends and loved ones    . I needed to find a way to stop them so, I cut their throats and I saw what they really were. They were only robots, they had been created to distract us and confuse us with feelings of love and affection. After fighting for at least 2 hours we finished, I began to get tired of these warriors. I turned to Nick and said, "Cover your ears".

He nodded and I began to scream. This scream knocked out all of the "helpless monsters" whose ears had been exposed by the earshaking scream. I had covered my face with my wings so I wouldn't have to see all of the dead people. Nick looked at me and as I wiped a tear away he said, "It is over, all of the warriors are dead".

I then went to the door and opened it, the first thing I saw was the vase. This vase had the rare flower in it. I came forward and stepped carefully wherever I went. Last thing I wanted was to be stuck in a boobie trap. As I got closer to the vase, I began to let down my guard. My wings had been so weary, so I began to walk. As I stood in front of the flower the ground caved and I fell into brown mud head first. Nick pulled me out just in time so only my hair was brown. I grabbed the vase as I came out and we ran.

    When we got home, I made the potion while everyone stared at me. The potion was strong enough for the whole kingdom. She thanked me and asked to leave in the morning. Hera said yes and she began to rest on the couch. 

    That night I was woken by someone and I didn't realize it was the Spanish woman until I turned on the light. She clutched her stomach and said, "The baby, it's coming"! I shook Nick awake and I told him the situation. He got up and woke up Hera. I helped the woman on to the couch and within five hours, she deievered a baby girl. The small baby weighed nothing and I held her in my arms while Hera took care of the woman. I looked at the woman and I felt so awful for her. Hera pulled me aside and gave me some horrid news, "Victoria, she isn't going to make it. The ice wall is crumbling and the poison is spreading. I feel awful about this, you have to take the baby. You have always wanted a baby, now you can have one. I am saying that she is yours".

    The Spanish woman pulled me aside. She said, "Queen, Queen. I want you to take my daughter. She is yours and I want you to tell her about my tribe and I want you also to take her to my Spanish city that I lived in called Madrid. Please have peace....".

    She drew her last breath and she then exhaled into death. I began to cry and Nick protected our new daughter along with me. Hera then handed me a syringe filled with a pink-purple ink and said, "This is a fairy potion that will make her immortal as well as undo her  dark fairy powers that her mum had. Yes, her mum was a fairy. Her mum's name was Crysta and she had the baby with another fairy. The baby is a true fairy, she was meant to be with you two. Now what is her name?".

    Nick and I thought and we both said, "Guinevere". I then said, "But we will call her Gwen. 

The next day, Nick and I had a party for our little Gwen. When the party started everyone asked, "What is her name?"

Nick and I responded by saying, "Guinevere and you guys will all her Gwen".

Everyone then said, "Aww Gwen". Everyone celebrated Gwen's birth and her adoption with us. Everyone celebrated with us except for Stephanie who stood in the corner with an angry heart and jealousy towards me. Stephanie didn't have to tell me, I could see it in her eyes. I walked over to her with the baby and she smiled in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. I felt  like it was my fault so I opened up my mouth and said, "Stephanie, do you want to hold her? I mean you helped Chrysta give birth. Gwen is kind of in a way yours too and you are like her granny".

Stephanie rolled her eyes and mumbled, "Great". She then walked away, and I said to myself, " Great job Victoria, you made her feel old! She isn'to going to be friendly because of you right now".

Nick came over and kissed my cheek. He then said, "We should dedicate her, what is her middle or middle names".

I whispered something to him and he agreed. I called everyone's attention and said, "Nick and I would like to give you all our daughter's full name. We put a lot of thought into her name, we fund it when I thought of Crysta's last words, " Please have peace…". Introducing into the world is Princess Guinevere Crysta-Peace DeWolf. We also found out she has powers. She has the power to heal any sickness or disease and isn't affected by poison. She is princess of trees and small unknown or unbelieved beasts. No one can tell her about her mum until she is old enough to understand. Thank you everyone and return to the party".

As everyone went to on with the party, I felt something. I fell a little flutter and Hera helped me up. She asked, "Victoria are you aright"? I nodded and answered, "yes". She helped me to my room and Nick helped me to bed. A cradle was by our bed and it had engraved "Gwen". I smiled and put Gwen down to bed.