Unexpected news

The pain got worse everyday and I thought every night that in the morning would just go away until one morning. I was hunting with Nick and I began to throw up. Nick ran to me as I fell to my knees. Nick carried me home and Hera said to him, "Go back to hunt I will take care of her". Nick nodded and kissed my head as he left. 

Hera made me a tea and then asked in a quiet  voice, "How long have you been in pain?".

I answered, "About a month now, what is going on?". Hera laughed and said, " Victoria I have good and bad news. The good news is, you're pregnant! The bad news is that you're missing the prenatal vitamins. That is why you're in pain. You are exactly five weeks in my dear, I just checked".

I was crying, not of sadness but of happiness. Hera gave me a hug and said, "Gwen is soon to have a sibling!".

Just then Deerin burst through the door and said, "Victoria come quick!". I followed Deerlin outside and asked, "What is it?".

Deerin then took my hand and put it on her belly. As she did I felt 4 strong kicks come from it. "Deerin you're pregnant with 4! I found something out too, I am pregnant too!". Deerlin and I jumped up and down with excitement. Just then Wolf and Nick came back and asked, "What is so exciting?". At the sound of that, we both laughed.

That night Nick and I took a stroll in the woods and I was going to tell him there. Just then Nick had an amazing idea, "What if we broke into your brother's house right now? I agreed and we began to venture into the woods towards the castle. I was really afraid of hurting the baby or worse ,but I didn't want to seem weak. I did it, but I was on my guard like crazy! When we got on to the roof, I scanned around and I saw 140 guards and the fear of dying took over. I blast of ice hit every guard in sight and they all dropped down dead and frozen. I looked at Nick as his mouth was open and his astonished face made me cry. He came to me, gave me a hug and kiss and began to comfort me. He said, "Angel hey it's ok. I am right here and you had to do that". 

He pulled away and said, "Angel you're trembling, what is going on? Did you get shot or are you cold?".

I knew I had to tell him so, I then said, "Nick something amazing happened and I should have told you when I found out. Nick I am, I am pregnant. I am five weeks pregnant and I should have told you sooner".

Nick looked at me with a serious look on his face, which turned into great joy. He lifted me up and said, "Angel this is the best news since our wedding". After we kissed, he carried me home on his back. 

When we got home Nick went straight to our room and got on clothes. He then came out and called everyone in as I grabbed Gwen from Hera. Nick and I looked at eachother and said, "We have big news, there is going to be another DeWolf in the family in nine months. That's right we are expecting our first child!". Everyone cheered and Gwen clapped her hands. Nick and I hugged and everyone congratulated us. Kate came up to me and said, "A baby is serious work, I will help you. So is it a girl or boy?".