
That night I had an awful dream. I was in the forest with Nick and Gwen, but not pregnant. We were happy and Gwen was in love too. But I was missing the chance to have other children in my life and I didn't want that. I then heard a battle cry and Hera, Nick, Gwen and the boy whom she loved died. I awoke with a cry and jumped out of bed. Nick was by my side and made sure the baby and I were alright. After that, we both went back to sleep and made sure we didn't wake Gwen. 

    The next morning, I began to make breakfast with Nick. He sauteed the onions and I put parsley and garlic into the lamb pieces. I then began thinking about girl and boy names. I liked the name Rania and for a boy Abel. I then asked Nick, "What names do you like"?

Nick answered, "Well. I like the name Killian for a boy and for a girl, Daule. That was my mother's name".  

I then said, " I like the name Killian and for a girl, Angelique. Angelique was my mother's name".

Nick then said, "What about the name Rose, that is Kate's middle name, right?". I laughed and nodded while putting the porcelain plates on the table. As I set down the plates, I saw a vision. It was my mother and she said, "You are near even to me if you don't see it. You are becoming me, even if you don't want to accept it. You are going to die like me, even if you're immortal. You are going to loose your children, just like me. Both of your children, because you can't kill your brother. But don't worry, I won't let him kill you. Victoria, your brother possesses a special dagger. He doesn't know how to use this dagger but, I do. When the stars in the sky line up in the sky, the dagger will be used to take any life. The exact date is April 24th, and that is when your brother will fall to his knees. Your brother will try to kill your babies, but I will protect your twins". 

After the word twin, my mother faded. My mind went back to reality and Nick was by my side as I was in bed. Everyone was by my bed and they all in blankets, except for Nick. I was puzzled and very confused. I asked Nick what happened and Hera cut in and said, "Here Nick, how about you go eat with everyone and I will answer her questions".

Nick nodded and left the room after kissing my head. After the door was closed, I then said, " What happened? All I remember doing was putting plates on the table. Then I saw my mother and then I blacked out". 

Hera responded saying in a calm voice that in a way made me feel more secure, "Victoria you blacked out and as you did, you made our house a block of ice. Was it your brother? Did he get into your mind again, or was it something else? Whatever it is, you can tell me".

I cleared my throat and said, "Hera, it was my mother! She was rambling on and on about my death and how to stop Tomas. She said she was going to watch over me until I died and she wouldn't let the immortal vanquish. She said she was so proud of me and she taught me how to use the dagger. We need to attack Tomas and steal the dagger. I know how to stop him and Tomas won't know what hit him".  

    Hera helped me out of bed and said, "Victoria or my queen, we will stop him because I know what it feels like to have your whole life and others lives at stake". As I got out of bed, tons of ice butterflies covered my room and they all began to fly in circles around me. I was confused but a few seconds after they started, they ended. I was then in a beautiful brown dress made from antlers and they then went into the kitchen. I followed them out to the kitchen and I saw what happened to me was happening to everyone. When they stopped, they began to hover over me. Then the littlest one came bursting through and dropped a crown on Nick and I's heads. The crown was made from antlers, for me ice antlers and for him, knife antlers. Everyone else was wearing green and brown warrior outfits, and they all had spears in their hands. I then looked up and said to the biggest butterfly, "Who sent you"?

The butterfly responded by saying, "We were called by the animal part in you my queen. We saw that you were a mess and we fixed that; never in any way did we mean to scare you. You see we choose outfits for everyone and now everyone looks pretty". 

I thanked the butterflies and they went out the window. Everyone rambled on and on how cool this was for them and Nick came up to me. He gave me a kiss and handed me Gwen who had been sitting down in the chair. I picked Gwen up and I noticed a small tiara on her head along with a lovely dark forest green dress. Inside her dress was a scroll; it read, " Princess Guinevere. You are the daughter of Chrysta and Prince Leonardo. Your mother is dead and no one knows you are alive. Your new mother brought us to tell you the truth. And soon, you will be full grown and understand everything. We gave you some immortal growth pills that will make you full grown. You will fight along with us in battle. You will fight against your half-uncle, Tomas".

As I looked up I saw thousands of butterflies around Gwen and I then screamed. The butterflies scattered and I was so nervous that they hurt my baby.  But when I saw the butterflies flee from Gwen, I saw a beautiful teenage girl with dark brown hair and tan skin. Gwen opened her mouth and said, "Mom, dad. What happened to me? I am an immortal princess of butterflies. I don't remember my childhood at all though". 

I gave my daughter a hug and the whole group crowded around Gwen. Gwen then turned to Nick and Nick gave our 16 year old daughter a hug. I then took Gwen's hand and said, "Gwen I want to show you something. It's your baby bed. You grew up in that bed and now that you're 16, you can be a teenager and go live the life that i never did. I went to a Catholic school, so you should be able to go to a real school and meet real people. You are half human and half animal. You need to reach your full potential and that means getting really mad. Think of your life so far and how mad you are getting about everything.

Gwen began to get very angry, and as she got angry she began to cry. Her tears caused her pain, I could tell from the look in your eyes. Her hair turned into a black long braid and her nose began to twitch. When I touched her with my icy fingers she began to cool down. As she began to cool down I said, "Think about a good memory, a good time with your family". 

Gwen looked at Nick and I and closed her eyes. As she put her head down, big antlers grew on the top of her head. She then looked at us and her skin then changed into a deer's skin. She wasn't just any human, she was a deer-hybrid. I felt absolutely happy and loved my daughter so much no matter what she looked like. In my joy, the baby moved and I squirmed. Nick immediately came to my side.  Nick put his hand on my belly and Gwen looked at me. She asked, "You're pregnant? That is wonderful". 

Gwen looked at me and she touched my stomach. She smiled and said, "Do you want to know what you are having"? I looked at her and I shook my head. Gwen  accepted my choice and she then asked me this question with her beatie orange eyes, "Mom, how am I going to go to school? I look like a…". 

"Don't say it dear, you're not a monster. You are like a normal human. Hera has a potion that cloaks us into looking like normal humans, you can go to school and meet people. If not, then one of us can teach you here. I was taught to read and write by nuns for goodness sake! Gwen you are going to do great. I am telling you this, the witch trials are still going on so you must be safe darling! Last thing i want is for your shield to fail and for you to be hung! You are a wonderful person and you will soon be a wonderful fighter", said Nick.

 Nick and I walked outside with Gwen and I then said, "Lesson one of powers, is what powers do you have".

 I then moved my hands in a circular direction, my dress turned into black ice, I was also covered in feathers that were sewed to the back or my black tank top and black jeans. My hair was covered in thick raven feathers and an ice tiara. Gwen and Nick were in awe and not because of my outfit transformation, but by the animals that surrounded me. Hera came out and as soon as she did I fell to the ground. Before I blacked out, I heard the words, "Mom!" and "Angel"!