News of the Wolf

    When I woke up I saw Gwen and Nick. Nick had my hand and Gwen looked like she had been crying. I sat up and as I did, I felt so much pain. Nick sat me down and I asked, "How long have I been out, what happened to me"? 

    Nick and Gwen told me the truth, " You have been out for three months. Thomas was why you were in a coma for such a long time. You are still pregnant, eight months to be exact and you need to be careful. The baby is destroying you and your dying. Thomas and his rage has grown stronger. He wanted to kill your baby, our baby. We need to stop him because he will kill our baby and Gwen". 

    Nick helped me up and I walked around and opened my wings to fly around. I stopped by Stephanie's room to see a bed empty and a note on the bed. I walked in and read the note.

    Dear reader, 

I left the house to go to the Hunti. The way the house is worked is horrid. The one person that the Hunti will kill is Queen Victoria, the queen of ice, and all beasts. I want to see her dead for she took the daughter that I wanted and now has children coming. I wish that Queen Victoria died in that chamber in Italy. I hate, hate, hate, her! I am going to see my lover and the queen's sworn enemy who lives in my shadows


    Tears rolled down my cheeks as I crumbled up the paper and threw at the wall. Nick came in and said, "I wish you didn't see that love. You are too good for this, you can forget all of this pain. Stephanie has always had pain, before you showed up too. You need to prove her wrong, she is somewhere where you don't know or no one else".

    "Enemy, enemy. That's it! Stephanie isn't with the Hunti, she is with Thomas. She is with her true love, my brother. Stephanie had been communicating with Thomas and that is why I went into a coma. She is with Thomas and I am going to rescue her. 

    As I walked out of the house, Nick and Gwen tried to stop me and they said, " Are you crazy? If your brother didn't try to kill then, what is stopping him from killing you now? He wants our baby and we don't even know why". 

    I turned to Nick and kissed him softly but, he kissed me with such force that meant he was never going to see me ever again. I turned away, wiped a tear from my cheek and opened my wings to set off into the unknown. At first I was so afraid to go and save someone who hated me, but then again I was also angry and doubtful to save someone who might get me killed. Stephanie is like a lost sheep, she wasn't lost when I showed up, she was lost as soon as she was born. I didn't know what I was walking into but, we all have to face the shadows. 

    My worst fear about this whole rescue was, what if Stephanie hurts me or worse my baby. I flew into the trees near Thomas' castle to see where Stephanie was. I was looking all over for security and I saw none. I turned into my animal form and flew to a window and saw Stephanie in the window with flowers in her hair and she was playing with one of the branches that was on the Japanese cherry blossom tree. Her purple lips showed no sign of pain but when she turned, I could her black was purple and turning black. I turned away in horror and began to wonder what my brother was doing to her. I looked at her again to see a bruise that was on her shoulder that made her veins show all over her back. I then flew away and flew into the garden and bean to spy on Thomas. He was with a woman and she was absolutely ugly. This woman was so skinny and has red straight hair and brown streaks through her whole head. She wore a ugly yellow dress and tall black pumps. Her white skin was overshadowed by the ugly red hair that looked like it had been dyed many times. I looked at her as she and Thomas kissed many times and I felt very uncomfortable. 

"Oh Melody, you are my dearest love. You see Stephanie is only a secret-teller and she thinks I love her. She was also my lab rat, the knife that I found in my father's compound was very useful. I used it on Stephanie's back and she now is dying quickly. You my love are amazing and you and I will soon be married. You Melody, daughter of Davy Jones. You dear goddess will finally get your revenge on the ice queen, my dear sister. You will kill both of her children, boy and girl" Thomas said to Melody. 

Melody then responded by saying to Thomas, "My love, I don't want the children dead. I want both babies, you said you wanted children. I do want revenge on the ice queen though, she stole my sister's child. She has my Gwen, my Princess Guinevere. I want her head on a platter". 

Thomas studied her face and turned around in a whirl to see Stephanie walking out and began to cut the rose petals. Thomas came up to her and gave her a small kiss. Stephanie's dress was a purple dress that cherry blossoms  that had stuck to. Thomas told her to go and Stephanie did go. I then felt so sorry for Stephanie and as she went, I shed a tear for her. I knew I wasn'to going to leave her there so, I flew down to her room and flew inside. I saw her putting powder on her face where the bruises where. I walked closer and she said, "How dare you show your face here! You are going to be dead". 

"I know what Thomas has done to you and you need to know he isn't for you. He has a girlfriend on top of you, he doesn't love you. Please Stephanie come back. We need you in our home, no matter what I will always forgive you. Come home, come home to the people who care about you. Come home to open arms and most of all, come home to people who respect you for who you are" I said.

Stephanie paused and thought, she knew I was right and that I meant well. She nodded and took my hand. Then all the sudden Thomas opened the door and Stephanie stabbed a knife into my arm. As my body reacted to pain I took the knife out, stabbed Stephanie back and flew away with the knife. I could hear the howling of Stephanie as she fell in pain. Stephanie and Thomas played me, but how? Was it when she first saw me or was it when she took my hand. I flew back to the house in pain but then, put a gauze and five pounds worth of ice over it. Nick and Gwen were waiting outside and Nick looked at me and I pulled out the dagger that was behind my cloak. He nodded and Gwen looked at the blade as blood from Stephanie and I fell onto the soft snowy ground as I walked. Hera looked at me as I went inside, she took the blade and told me to take a rest. "Victoria think about what you are doing, you gave her a chance. Now my Queen, winter is coming. I have seen the ice and evil go against each other, my advice is get a jacket and be prepared for war!" Hera said. 

I looked at the dagger that Hera held and thought, Melody will never have my babies. I have to secure my children's happiness. If I had, I would kill anyone who hurt my babies. At that moment I saw Kate outside with a scroll. A worried look appeared to be on her face as she studied the paper doubtfully. She quickly put it in her pocket and then began to look into the sunset again. I went outside to see Nick and Gwen in royal form and with spears and beasts near their side. They said, "Queen you called these beasts, you called these weapons". Hera then brought out the dagger that Stephanie had stabbed into me and said, "Victoria this is the dagger that can can kill fairies. This is the dagger your mother was talking about, this is the dagger that can kill Thomas". 

I took it with on questions asked because I heard the voice of my mother in my head saying, "This is the chance to kill all evil. Your brother was naive to give this to you because his ways of killing you are unsuccessful. Protect your babies. If I could turn back time, I would protect you from all evil in this world. Don't make the same mistake that I did".

I then knew I had to tell Nick something, I then said, "Nick can I talk to you". 

Nick came quickly and said, "What is it? Is it the babies, is it Thomas?". 

I then said, "Nick my mother has visited me in dreams since Kate saved me. When I found out that I was pregnant, my mother told me that I was having twins, everything my mother has told me has been correct so I don't know what to believe. I feel more than one baby inside of me but, I may be wrong. If we are having twins…".

"Woah, woah. Slow down Angel. Your heart rate exceeded the normal rate and you need to calm down. I have had dreams of you having twins, I just didn't want to speak about it. You had a son and daughter and they were children of love and magic. Then I heard the Hunti come through the door and they tried to take our children. The dream ended there but in the end you were scared and I couldn't protect you".

I stared at my husband with tears streaming down my face. Then I asked him how long he had been having dreams that could see into the future and he answered with the answer of two years. I looked down at my flat stomach that was growing a small bump and gave him a kiss. Nick then stroked my red hair and the worries soon vanished from my body. 

Deerlin then came up to me and said, "It's good to see you again. Wolf and I missed you dearly. So I found out what I am having, it's not one, two, or three. Try four. Three boys and one girl. I haven't had the chance to tell Wolf because I am scared on how his reaction will be. I already have some names in mind, Luna for the girl. The boy's names will be Cuan, Faolan, and Lowell. Those were the names of my brothers, my brothers who died in the Great Wolf Wars. They never stood for the idea of being human and wolf. They were what they called the ancestors. The ancestors were wolves who never changed human, and married ancestors. I was the weak of the litter because I fell in love with a hybrid, like myself. Wolf and I met as humans and we knew from the start that we were both wolves. I never knew he was in allegiance with the enemies' pack. I fell in love with him and then, one day I attacked him. We were in battle, and I was at the front of the battle. I was commander and chief of the army. I was the only woman and was going to be forced to marry the wolf, Bjomolf. Bjomolf was killed in battle by Wolf's brother. I then attacked Wolf's brother and killed him. Wolf watched as his brother died, I then saw Wolf and knew he was my target. I pounced and he then changed into human form. He changed not out of free will but by force, I was an alpha and he was soon to be alpha. As soon as I saw his face, the face of my lover I put down my claws and changed. I noticed that that day that I could hurt him and that a she-wolf shouldn't change in front of all male armies. Wolf and I put away our separate differences by tribe and he asked me to marry him. My father, Convel disapproved. My mother, Faoiltiama said yes. Even my father's mother, Luperca said yes. I couldn't bear to not marry Wolf so, I took care of my father. I argued to my father and forced him out of my life to let me marry him. I joined the enemy's forces and he disowned me. I was still respected by the new group and my father was invited to the wedding. Now my father has heard news of me having pups and he is going to kill me, the pups, and Wolf. I need your help, if I can deliver these pups between now and eight months and deliver then as a wolf, then I will be able to keep them safe. If not, my family will burn in flames". 

I gave poor Deerlin a hug and Wolf came up to her. I had never noticed the scar near his ear but after Deerlin told me what happened, I realized where it had come from. Baron then came to me and said, "Your brother has contacted me. He wants to have a talk with you, no weapons and alone".

I thanked Baron and opened my wings. Nick then took my hand and said, "No way in hell are you going alone. I am coming along, no one will hurt our babies".

I closed my wings and Nick proudly turned into his wolf form. I hopped on his back like I used to when I had first met Nick. I could not believe that it was only a year prior that I had gotten to know Nick. It was crazy to think that I was am running from Tomas and also running towards him too. As he ran, I could feel the warm heat from his back onto my cold hands. The cold weather was very unusual to the month of September. The air had small chill in the air that kept me from falling asleep. As Nick ran, he laughed at the thoughts that were swirling through my small head. He looked back at me while running and in return, I stroked his head. 

As Nick and I reached a spot which was near the castle and our home called Castillo en la Colina, we stopped to see Tomas and Melody. Nick changed back to human and he grabbed a quick change of clothes. Tomas came towards me and I took out my hands like I was going to hurt him. Tomas then stepped back and then stood next to the skinny little woman. Melody who was in the same ugly yellow-orange outfit came forward and said, "Queen Victoria. A little bird has told me that you are going to have two children soon". 

I nodded and said, "Yes my two children, who will stay in my custody until I die".

 As I said this, Nick took his warm hands and put them around my belly and growled. His dark black tattoos shown in the pale moonlight and they looked darker and bolder than usual. His dark green eyes began to change into bold yellow and he began to nip and slash his teeth at Tomas and Melody. 

Melody then walked closer to me and said, "Well that can be arranged". She looked at Tomas who handed her a dagger and before she came any closer I opened my wings, nodded at Nick to cover his ears and screamed. Within two seconds, vicious beasts surrounded her and Melody was astonished. I then formed a ice sword and began to fly near Melody. Within the thirty seconds of the formation of my new weapon I was in the sky. I hurled myself in enough speed to push the ice sword into Melody's stomach.  As I thrust the sword into her belly, she began to scream and shake. She began to shake in a wildly manner and Tomas ran to her side. He then screamed to everyone, "Somebody help me! Somebody fix this". 

In that moment, I knew I had the upper hand. I then said to Tomas, "If I heal Melody, it is going to come at a terrible price! She will be cursed with an unchangeable spell". Tomas then responded in a frantic way, "Yes, just give me back my Melody".

 I then said, "No dark magic can overcome light. From this moment forward Melody is cursed with an unbreakable curse. This curse states that if she comes near a child or a living creature that isn't hers, she will die. Also the curse states that she may not have children without the babies taking a tole on her life and spirit. All you have to do is say this curse. You see Tomas, mother came to me in a dream and she wanted revenge. What did you do to mother to make her hate you so badly. She loved you more than anyone". 

 Tomas had then seen my trick. He saw that the curse I had casted was real and that he would never be able to change this. He began to feel rage and hate, he began to laugh at the comments about Tomas and my mother's relationship. Tomas then, with tears down his face looked up in rage and hatred. He then said, "Mother. She hated me. She only wanted a girl, she never wanted a boy. I tried to kill her and I injected a poison into her body as a baby and that is why she died. I killed mother".

I turned to Tomas who was grinning and in all my rage I took my ice powers and created a bow and sharp arrows. I looked full of rage and Tomas then said "You would never kill or touch your only brother. If you killed me, mother would never forgive you!"

  At the sound of Tomas' hateful and painful words I  shot the arrows at Tomas. Tomas tried to move but I already chained his hands into the ground. Tomas screamed and I cried in dismay. What was Tomas doing to my world, my life, and my virtues? Nick then took my hand and said, "Let us go home, the beasts that you have summoned will take care of them". 

I turned around to see to all of the fawns, bears, and other beasts and was astonished and amazed at my powers. I then said, "I called you all and thank you for coming. You are all warriors and are going to be crucial towards my regine". The animals then cheered, "Long live Queen Victoria, King Nicholas, Princess Guinevere, and the twins".

 I could just feel my whole body shaking with fear and sadness. I then turned to Nick who took my hand and said, "Angel you're shaking, let's go home". As I got onto my husband's back, I saw the sunset setting and I knew the twins would soon be coming. They would be coming into a world where light and darkness intertwined and that they would never be fully safe. They would grow up into a broken family but, have strong parents who love each other. They would be small and weak but, hungry and craving justice. They would never know and never go throughout what I had gone throughout but, they would revive the same mental pain of having some of their family taken away from them. I did not know how to love a child. My mother and father both were not in my life when I was growing up and I do not know what it feels like to love a child. I do not even know if I would ever knew what it meant to love a child...