
As we reached the forest, pains of guilt and terror filled my body. Nick then stopped and turned. He was worried and I began to feel tears welling their ways into my eyes. He then took his black leather jacket and wrapped it around my arms. I kissed him softly and leaned into his warm skin. My skin was wrapped by his arms that covered my tattoos and grey markings. He then turned to me and said, "You worried me. I love you so much! You are my love, the only one for me". I turned to him and said, "Let's camp out here, I can't move any further". Nick then pulled me closer and as the sun went down, I saw him howl at the full moon. His dark and brooding skin against my frail white skin and my red hair lit up to the moon's bright reflection. I knew I had to keep warm so, I unwrapped my wings and used them as a blanket for Nick and I. His soft and warm skin kept me cozy and, I knew that I was safe. I knew I could trust my only love. I knew I had only one love for the rest of my life, Nick. 

In the morning I woke to the sound of something sizzling and I saw Nick putting fresh meat over a fire. I put on my black boots and walked up behind Nick and he gave me a kiss. My stomach was still hurting but, not as bad as it was last night. Nick read my mind and said, "Well I was thinking of baby names. I like the name Accalia for a girl and Chen for a boy".   

I laughed and said, "I like those but I was thinking differently. For a girl I like the name Venus and for a boy, Killian" . He laughed and he said, "They might be wolves, you have to consider that they would be picked on for having human names. I then heard a voice saying, " Jade DeWolf will be the girl's name and Cuando DeWolf will be the boy's name". I then felt a sharp pain and I fell down and said, "Nick something is wrong".

In a split second he turned around to catch me and helped me sit up. I began to feel something queer happening to my head and Nick gasped and said, "Angel, your hair is turning black! It's turning black… Oh my gosh!" Nick ran into the forest after telling me to stay where I was. I heard him scream, "Why is it the Las brujas maldigan hacia lobos!!!". He came back with lake water and a small pen. Nick then said in a hurry to me, "Angel I need you to take off your shirt. The only way to stop the curse is tattoo the ink on your body. Please let me just tattoo the things I need to". He then took my hair and washed the ink into a bark bowl and began to draw quick and rapid symbols and letters. He then pulled out my wings and took all of the ink and turned them black. I felt so amazed when he stopped and said that I was ok but, needed to be checked by Hera. 

Nick hurried us to the house and Hera helped me inside. She checked my temperature and said, " Oh my goodness, that curse came upon her! The pains she was feeling were labor pains. You will give birth no time from now".

 Nick came to my side and took me to my room. He paced back and forth until I told him to come closer. I told him about the names Cuando and Jade and he smiled. I then began to shake and he got in bed with me to keep we warm. I fell asleep with Nick and woke up to a loud crash. When a crash came through the door, I heard thuds and the doors of my room flew open. Tomas showed up and Nick began to growl. He put his hands on my belly to protect the babies and I was afraid. Tomas then said, "I am not here to hurt you. I want to kill you". 

Out of fear I then stabbed Tomas with the knife that had been stabbed into me. He screamed and howled and as I took the knife out, green ooze was covering the knife instead of blood. I then said, "Give Stephanie back to us. She belongs in our pack so, give her back!". Tomas shook his head no and whirled his hands and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Nick grabbed my arm and said, "Angel you need to rest. The babies are coming one day and you need to be at your strongest. Wait, what is that?".

Nick then said, "Say it again". He looked he had seen a ghost. I looked at him frantically and he went outside. I jumped out of bed and followed my husband outside. I saw my husband growling at a tree. I turned my head and then saw a big black dog. He has razor sharp teeth and yellow eyes. He stared at Nick and Nick stared at him. Nick looked at him and said, "Adoff. How, why did you follow me here? I left the tribe years ago. I have a life, children, and a wife". 

The wolf studied him and then studied me. He then said, "So, Lady wasn't enough. You are going to be a father soon. You left the pack out of fear, the fear that I could come after you next. You know why I am here, vengence for Ebony. You were a killer and you lost control. He was your brother! Why? He was your own blood". 

Nick looked at him and spat words of acid, "Ebony was a vengence. He was the one who killed mother. You were too naive and caught up in his glory to smell mother's blood on his hands. You blamed mother's death on your own sister, Natalia Lupas DeWolf. You are a monster and you always will be. Lady was my fault, but Ebony was revenge". 

The black wolf then crouched up and pounced on Nick. The vicious wolf then started snarling and snapping at Nick's face. I knew Nick might die so, I opened up my wings and took the special dagger and stabbed it into the wolf. Adoff then screamed and took his eyes off Nick. He came towards me snarling and I flew up into the air. This gave Nick enough to turn into his wolf shape. Nick's dark grey fur with black stripes running down amazed me as he began to fight. Adoff scratched at the tree that I had been hanging in and Nick took his paws and scratched into the alpha's mane. The wolf instantly fell down and revealed his human shape. He looked like Nick but a tiny bit older and a little lighter. His tattoos resembled the ones that Nick had. Nick stood over him and then did something which knocked Adoff out cold. I stood shaking in the tree and Nick climbed up and frantically said, "Angel why, why in all of nature did you do that. My father is dangerous and he wants to kill me for killing Ebony. He now wants to kill you too". 

I looked at him and gave him a kiss. He looked at me and took my hands. All the sudden, the world went black. I then saw a light which soon appeared to be a vision. A man who looked like Nick came up to an altar. A man who looked like Adoff was in a royal chair and had a woman who looked like Natalia next to him. Nick opened his mouth and said the woman, "Mother. Queen Scarlet Temptress, mother of all wolves. Natalia has gone missing. I believe she has run off hunting with Ebony". The woman, who was clearly Nick's mother stood up and gave Nick a kiss on his forehead. She said in a motherly voice, "Thank you my son. Now go find Ebony, I need to talk to him about something urgent. Also alert the chief, Gene".

I then saw Nick turn and he then ran into the forest. When Nick stopped in the forest, I could see two other wolves near a carcass of what looked like wild boar. Nick howled and they both ran with him back to their territory. Nick brought Natalia to the father and Ebony to his mother. Adoff signed for a woman who looked like Adoff and I knew it was Adoff's sister. Gene then followed Ebony and Queen Scarlet Temptress into the forest. As I hid into the bushes I could see Nick also hiding into the bushes, spying on Ebony. When I saw Ebony pull out a knife, I covered my eyes. As soon as Ebony killed Queen Scarlet and stabbed Gene, he ran off to hide the murder weapon. I saw Nick come out of the bushes and prop up his mother. Queen Scarlet then said to Nick, "Nick you have always been my dearest love. I heard your father and Ebony planning this for weeks and I let it happen. Now go, leave. Leave Lady, she isn't right for you. I have seen your true wife and she is nothing like Lady". As Nick's mother died, Nick began to cry. I felt so bad because I had never seen Nick cry like this. As Nick left the forest, a woman began to follow him. She said to Nick, "Nick wait up my love". 

Nick then responded to the woman by saying, "Lady I don't need this, I am leaving. Not just you but, the tribe". Then the woman pulled Nick closer to herself and she then said, "Let me come with you. I love you". At that moment Nick snapped; he turned into a wolf and was not like he usually was. He was out of control and wild. I watched as Nick killed Lady and I began to cry. I didn't know Lady personally but when I saw Nick crying again I began to cry. At that same moment I began to return to reality and Nick was holding my hand on the couch. I sat up and said, "I saw it! I saw your mother's death and I saw Lady's death. Oh Nick, I am so sorry. Your brother was a monster, he killed your wonderful mother and then your aunt Gene was blamed". Nick then gave me a hug, gave me a kiss and said, "You know know why I can never lose control. If I lost control, I would lose you". I looked at Nick's green eyes and said, "I will never let you loose control. Ever. You and I are partners in this battle so, we will be partners through all of the hardships that face us. The twins who are coming will be ours and we will love them with our lives". 

A clapping came from behind us and I whirled around to see Adoff clapping in a sarcastic way. He then said, "The birth of your children will have to be in private Victoria DeWolf. It's a wolf thing to attack the thing hurting the other partner in the marriage most. Don't worry, it is not pernmate. This only lasts for about five minutes. Only the most wild of us go wild. Nick I am not sure about you but, you may go wild. Your twins could be anything, and that is awful". Just then Gwen walked as her doe self and saw Adoff her and began to rattle the cage. Gwen screamed and ran to me. I confronted her and Adoff began to laugh. I glared at Adoff and he then said, "So, who are you in this absurd family tree?". I tried to pull Gwen back as she stepped forward towards Adoff and said, "I am your granddaughter. My name is Princess Guinevere and I am a doe warrior. If needed I will kill you, I don't care for outside family trees. You Adoff, will be judged". She then walked away and I saw her look on her dear face. Her eyes showed no pain and she then said, "I am going hunting". 

Adoff stood in awe and I looked at Nick and he nodded. I took out the dagger from my pocket that I stabbed Adoff with and held it with one hand toward Adoff. He then began to panic and I then said, "I never showed you my powers". I got myself ready to change into my bird form but, something was on my mind. I tried to turn into a bird but instead I howled, like a wolf. 

I began to feel lots of pain of my back and my ribs opened up a tiny bit more and the pain was so unbearable.  Nick rushed to me and I then noticed that he was a little taller than me. He was in awe and said, "This is all my fault, the imprinting has changed you darling".

I looked down to see big black paws instead of hands and I also noticed black fur all over my body. Adoff stared in amazement and Nick growled at him, at that time I knew what he was saying. He had said, "Bow to the alphas". Nick turned into a wolf and this time his fur was all black instead of the salt and pepper look he had pulled on. He had strange markings on his head and so did I. Gwen then stepped into the house and dropped the bow and arrows that she had. She marched up to Adoff's cage and said, "Where is my mom. Where is the queen? Where is Queen Victoria?! I know you did something to my mom". Adoff stood up and pointed to me. Gwen looked at me and said, "Mom is that you? That can't be"!

I ran into my room and changed. I pulled on a shirt and pants and said, "Yes it is me. I must also possess the power to turn into a wolf too. That is two animals, I must posses the power of turning into animals. Nick then spoke to me and said, "Wanna run free with me?" Nick turned his head to the door and I nodded. I turned into a wolf and we fled. 

Nick stopped in the woods and began to rub against my face with his wolf self. I heard a voice saying, "You have unlocked your true potential, you have more powers to unlock still. When the twins arrive they will be full wolf, and you should give birth as a wolf. That way Nick will not attack the babies as much as he would. They will be born as wolf pups and I have seen them. One a girl and the other a boy. I have seen the birth of Jade and Spear. The birth will make you stronger but, you will face a stranger who you is a part of you and wants to kill them". 

My astonishment was out of the ordinary I was surprised by Nick then said, " Angel what is it". I then responded in a growl, "Someone wants to kill our babies and it may be Tomas or his crazy girlfriend. I don't know who, but whoever it is, I will not let my pups die without a fight".

Nick agreed and began to rub against me again. At that time, I heard sounds. I snarled and saw men with guns. Nick then said, "Hunters, wolf hunters". These men were ordinary men but, I then saw through the bushes a girl. She wasn't like them; as she held her gun she shook. I could tell she wasn't a killer. One of the men them said, "Casey! Hurry up! Those walking-skins aren't going to be killed on their own". The girl then mumbled wolf language, "Run. My father will try to kill you". I then noticed that this girl wasn't just human, she was part wolf. I then looked at Nick and he said, "We will attack on my signal. We will attack the hunters". As I began to get ready, I stepped on a stick making it break. The hunters whirled around and Nick looked at me and gave his signal. Nick jumped out of the bushes and began to snarl with his white fangs. I then jumped out of the bushes along with him and began to snarl. I looked at all 13 hunters and one of them said, "These wolves are covered in grey and black markings. They are both alphas and freaks. Look at the female, she will do just fine on my wall". He aimed at me and shot my leg, I fell and soon got back up. Nick came to my aid and he began to get furious. His markings then sprouted out red fire. As the hunters stared in amazement, Nick had enough time to attack the fattest hunter. After the hunter was killed, the other hunters began to attack Nick and I. The girl, Casey stood in fear. I began to follow Nick's ways and began to kill the hunters. As I did, the leader of the hunters said, "Casey shoot the freaks!". Casey shook her head no and the man then punched her in the face and Casey then said in a furious tone, "Pa, these wolves aren't freaks, they are actually part of a pack. Please do not kill them, they are just like me! You will never understand them like I do, I am like them". The man then took her by the hair and said, "Fine, you can die with them". 

Casey then shoved him off herself which made him fly through the air and hit a tree. She then turned into a wolf, a brown wolf. Her father then scooted away as fast as he could and held up his gun in fear and before he died stuttered out the words, "You freak, you must got this from your mother". After those words were said, the brown wolf then killed the hunter and walked towards us. I turned into my queen state and Nick turned into his king state. He put his hands on my leg and healed it. His hands then reached to my stomach and I said, "They are ok". He gave me a kiss and the wolf came forward towards us and memories from Nick's past of his previous love came flooding through. I began to smell the smell in the air, we were not alone. There was one more wolf in the hiding. I then sputtered, "The wolf, it's Lady". 

Nick then turned to me and said, "Are you sure? I killed her, she was dead. It can't be...". Nick, Casey, and I began to look around and a light grey wolf came out of the tree grove and when she turned into her human form, I saw Lady. She nodded her head and said, " Surprised to see me? It's ok Nick. I have moved on, and so have you. Your father found me and healed me. Where is your father anyway? I mean, my husband now. Yes, it may seem astonishing but your father and I are married and have four wonderful children, which we adopted from other wolf tribes". Then Lady howled and in a matter of minutes, four big grey wolves appeared. They all turned and these wolves looked like real teenage children. Three of the children were boys, and there was only one girl. Lady then introduced us to the children. "The biggest of them all is, Edon. The second biggest of the boys is, Kurtis. The smallest of the boys is, Faolan. The only girl is Scarlett, in memory of your mother and my mother-in-law". Nick and I shook their hands and when I came to Scarlett, she bowed and said, "Queen Victoria. Queen and hero of us all. Long live the queen"! I then turned to Nick and he nodded, I then said, "Come to our home! That is where your father is".

When we reached the house, Lady sniffed the air and ran inside. She followed inside with a growl to see Guinevere screaming. I changed into my human state and got changed in a fash and opened my wings to protect Guinevere. Lady then was puzzled and I said, "I have the power to turn into any animal. My original state is a bird so, I have wings. I then brought Guinevere into my room and I said, "Stay here. I will get them clothes and then give them a potion so they will not ever go after you. I picked out a two pairs of black jeans and white shirts to give to Lady and Scarlett. I then picked out three pairs of clothes for the boys and them put six potions in my hands. I then came out and gave a potion and their clothes to Adoff, Scarlett, Lady, Faolan, Edon, and lastly Kurtis. They drank every drop and put on their clothes. Lady and the children thanked me. I unlocked the cage that held Adoff and Lady immediately ran to her husband. Adoff kissed her head and she immediately began to cry. Guinevere then ran out of the house terrified of the wolves. I went to run outside but, Lady then said, "Let her have her space. It wasn't right for me to almost try to kill her". Nick and I nodded and Nick then placed his hands on my shoulders and began to rub my neck. 

After an hour of talking, Lady's children went outside to see Guinevere. I began to eavesdrop and I heard Gwen say, "Why a deer? I am not as cool as my mother or father. My power as a deer is to be a damsel in distress". Then Edon said, "I too hate myself. My father, Adoff who is a monster. I used to look up to him but, I found out what my father became. He is a monster, your parents are queen and king of all of the animals. It would be an honor to be the son or daughter to them. I mean your mom and dad are alphas. My father was once a alpha but now, he is the father of an alpha. You weld a power that is more important than anything that can be welded, light magic". 

Then all of the children introduced themselves to Gwen and all of the boys looked at Gwen with lovestruck eyes and this made her blush. Faolan then said, "Let's do something fun! How great is your swimming?". Scarlett then said, "No, you boys have fun. Gwen and I will go have our own fun". The boys then began to goof off and Gwen took Scarlett into the kitchen. I then turned back to the rest of the group and Nick was standing away from Adoff. I came towards Nick and said, " Honey, I don't know if your dad being here is the best idea. He tried to kill us. He tried to kill the twins". Nick turned to me and said, "I love you". 

I laughed and said, "I love you too! What was that all about?". Then I heard a voice, "Lady?". I knew I could recognise that voice from anywhere. It was Natalia DeWolf. She ran to Lady and tears rolled down her face, Lady began to say a prayer in a language that only wolves could understand, " Oh sister! You have returned! I thought that the Earth had seeped in your blood from your body but, Scarlett Temptress has fulfilled your duties". As soon as this prayer was done Jase and Megan Riskier came back in with their daughter Tarea and Royland. Megan had on a bag and it looked like something was to be held in it. To my surprise, she out a bean. The bean was white and she then held it out to me. She then said, "So sorry we couldn't make the coronation, we got you a gift for Gwen. It was her mother, Chrysta's last wish for her daughter. Put this in water and it will reveal who her father is. We also brought Kate and Baron home. We don't know where they went but, your father was talking Tomas". Kate then came bursting through the door and she said, "Victoria, Tomas has Hera. He let Stephanie go for Hera". 

I jumped up and began to cry. Nick came to my aid and wiped tears of sadness from my face. At that moment Stephanie came in stumbling in, and fainted. Kate came to her aid and said, "Still breathing but in critical condition". Baron came in the door and said, "Victoria!". He went to give me a hug but noticed my tiny bump. Nick held my hand harder and I walked out. Baron then growled and went into his room. Kate then looked at Nick and shook her head. 

As we walked out we noticed Lady's boys play fighting. Edon was on top of Kurtis and the smallest wolf, Faolan was biting at Edon. Gwen and Scarlett then walked out in small little suits and went to the lake. Nick went to open his mouth to speak about the matter and I said, "Let Gwen have her fun, she is a child". Nick then closed his mouth and gave me a kiss, and I felt so in love. Gwen waved to me and I waved back. Lady then came up to Nick and I and she said, "Nick and Victoria DeWolf, I am terribly sorry! It is hard to control my hunger after being reborn. I have been so hostile after your father brought me back and I wish I was never brought back. I wanted to be a mother and I wanted to live a happy life but after the rebirth, I want nothing to do with life. Especially after the attack on your daughter. I felt so awful when that happened, I need to apologize soon. I am truly sorry". 

I gave her a hug and said, "It's alright. Gwen will forgive you". At this time Nick went down to where all of the boys were and began to fight them. Lady then said, "Want to wrestle the guys and see who is stronger". I laughed and nodded. Lady and I turned into wolves and we began to take down the boys. Nick saw that I was being playful and tackled me. I began to run away from him and playfully bit him. Then Nick was tackled by Edon and they began to bite each other. Lady then growled at me and braced herself. I looked back at Nick who was still nipping at Edon and I began to jump towards Lady. Lady jumped towards me which was surprising because, I thought she would take my brutal strength. She bit my neck and this caused me to fall. Lady dropped down to see that she actually hurt me. Lady then ran off and Adoff ran after her. Nick ran to me and began to lick my wound. Edon howled into the sky and soon Scarlett and Gwen appeared at the scene. Gwen and Scarlett picked me up and took me to my room. I turned back into a human and got dressed before going to bed. Kate was called into my room and asked, "What happened" in a frantic voice. Nick responded by saying, " Lady, she attacked her! Her neck is bleeding and I am worried for her and the two baby's sake. She is losing large amounts of blood in a minute amount of time. This is all my fault, she wasn't ready to fight wolves. I am so sorry, can you fix her". 

Kate walked out of my room and she returned with some red rose petals and dark tulips. She took some tweezers and placed them on my wound. After she replaced the petals on my skin, I could feel the power of it healing me. Nick was by my side the whole time and as it burned my skin, Nick was holding my hand through it all. As soon as the pain went away I got up to walk around. I noticed instead of blood, there was a scar. This scar went all the way from my neck to my chest. Nick kissed my neck and said, "I love you so much! That was a close one, I am so sorry"! I responded with saying, "Nick it's alright! I love you too! Lady is still very queer and she needs some help.   

Lady walked into my dorm and asked if I was alright. I nodded and stood up. My long red hair covered my light skin. My wings opened as rage covered my body. I then thought of the saying, "An eye for an eye would make the world go blind". My eyes fluttered and as I looked up Lady was gone. I went to the closest mirror and saw dark wings on my eyelids and my heart was fluttering as I looked down at my outfit. Nick came in and was astonished at my outfit. My common shirt had turned into a princess neck line in all black with raven feathers in the back. A spear was in my hands and my whole body was trembling. My white porcelain skin was cold to the touch and my whole body ached. My red curly hair was put up into a ponytail and bird feathers were flown throughout my hair. My ugly pants were turned into tight black leather jeans that clung to my small, frail legs. My bare feet them were crowned with cow hide-hunting boots that fit just right. Nick at the time was staring into my eyes with the looks of love. I laughed and said, "I am starving. Wanna go hunting?". Nick responded with a yes and he put on a black shirt and jeans so we would go unnoticed in the forest.