Next to kin

After about thirteen minutes, I delivered my first child. My first son had been born at 5:45 am and my eyes filled with tears of joy. I put him in Heather's arms who wrapped him with her shirt and she laid him near me and I then said, Spear. My first son's name is Spear. Spear means weapon of war. You will lead the rest and carry on our dynasty". 

After about twenty minutes, I delivered my second child. Heather then said, "It is a boy". I was confused that I was boy and not a girl but, I was also happy to have another boy. Again tears filled my eyes as I wrapped my little tan baby who had the cutest blonde hair. I then said, "Cuando. My son's name, it means independant and very brave". Like having Spear, Heather wrapped my son in cloth and left him to sleep near me. 

After about ten minutes I began to still feel pain and I then and there delivered my third child. My first girl, my first biological girl that I bore with blood and tears in the process. Heather handed me my girl and she then said, "She is the runt and very weak so she needs to be close to you as much as she can". 

I then responded and said, "Jade. Her name is Jade. She is bore from me and my blood will carry on in not just men but, in a woman too". As I tucked all three of my puppies near me, my daughter crawled towards me and began to whimper. I liked her and I knew it was love at first touch.

I then heard sounds of screaming and Heather began to scoot closer so we could both protect the pups. Heather then helped me get up and grabbed my puppies and hung them onto my back. As we began to run for the exit Nick found me and opened the door. He saw that I was hurt but, he also didn't see the puppies. He began to cry, I would have too. I then moved for Nick to see all three puppies and he then said, " גורי הזאב היפים שלי". He had said, " My lovely wolf puppies". Nick then turned into his wolf form before taking the boy puppies from my tired arms. We began to leave the castle when Tomas finally awoke from his slumber with Melody's help. Melody looked at me with all of hell in her eyes. I then very carefully took my littlest one and placed her behind me. Melody then said, "My little one, come to your new mother". My infant began to whimper and I began to snarl at Melody. 

Tomas taking steps back said to Melody, "Melody, you know you're cursed. Victoria is in wolf form, her body is being drowned in adrenaline. She is bleeding badly but, she will kill you. She will kill you if, you don't die first from your curse. Please step back, I am begging you". After saying this three times, Melody pounced and I knew what I had to do. I then lunged at the woman in mid air and bit her throat. Nick then said, "Heather and Victoria, we need to go home. Our job is done here and we can leave. We will get Hera later, she is nowhere to be found. Think of the puppies". 

Nick, Heather, and I began to run out of the castle listening to the sound of Melody screaming in pain and Tomas crying out. I felt so angry that Melody would try to take my triplets away from me. As soon as we got home Guinevere, Stephanie, and Richard met me at the door. Guinevere then said, "Let her pass. She has had her babies. She needs her rest". 

Stephanie then got very close to me and tried to take my littlest baby, my girl away from me. I began to snarl and I nipped at her fingers telling her to stay away. Nick howled at the whole team before then turning into a human. Nick then came to my defence and said, "Everyone stand back! Victoria has just had three puppies and she is very overprotective. The runt of the litter is losing strength and she needs her mother's nursing. Victoria is very on guard and she isn't using prior knowledge or memories of all of us except, for us wolves". 

Nick walked me into my room and helped put the two boys near me while I tended to my dying little girl. Nick turned into his wolf form before taking me into our room. I could see Jade struggling and I knew that she was going to die. I did not give up though. Nick then said to me in a considerate voice, "Angel you know that you will have to be stuck in your wolf form for about a few weeks. Our babies are going to be 100% wolf and I am so proud of you".

Nick then put some blankets into a huddle, making a bed that was big enough for me. Nick snuggled all three of our puppies next to me. He first put my oldest, Spear next to me then; he paced Cuando next to my right arm and lastly, he placed Jade next to my chest to keep her warm. I still couldn't believe that I missed out on one of my boy's life. I didn't even know that one of the boys existed and I was so sad about missing Spear's or Cuando's life for about nine to ten months. It was hard for me to pick which child was my favorite, I decided that I would not pick any favorite. She never even knew Heather because she was already dead when Heather was born. I knew my mother was speaking to me because she knew she didn't want me to make the same mistake. Nick was just about done fixing his bed when I began to feel very sleepy. Nick propped me up and kept me awake for the sake of our dying daughter. Nick then turned into a wolf and kept me warm while I used all of my energy to keep my children warm. 

In the morning, Nick left to go get some food for me so I could be at my strongest for Jade and the other  puppies. Nick came back with some cooked Venison for Nick and I. I was very impressed that my husband was such a hunter and a fierce competitor for me. He defended me when I was feeling hostile and he defended my puppies too. It was a little funny how I could see Nick's dark black fur in the light and how I could also see some darker black fur coming in. As the sun came up even further every hour I could finally see the color of each of my children's fur. My oldest son, Spear had a dark gray coat of fur, just like Cuando. On the other hand; Jade had a dark black coat, just like Nick and I. She was the next alpha to be but she was so timid and frail, at this point in her life it looked like she was only going to be an omega. I knew if I wanted the blood line to last, I would have to break the most important law of the wolves. I wouldn't kill the runt of the litter. I couldn't kill the only alpha to be so I then called for Nick. After calling, Nick came directly to my side and i began to talk to him frantically. "I can't do it! I cannot kill my only daughter, the alpha to be just because she is the runt. We are making our own tribe and there must be something that we can do. I know the rules of the wolf and it includes killing the runt of the pack after born. I know she will struggle in life but, I am not going to let death surround her and persuade us to kill her"! 

Nick took my by the paws and said, "No one is taking our girl. The wolf rules are for tribes and we are breaking those rules and forming a new tribe. The only problem is that the wolves of time may come for our child and we must protect her for two weeks of her life. I love you so much my darling, she must be kept in her wolf form for two more days than her brothers.