Courage of the Tribe

Two weeks finally passed and I knew it was time for Spear and Cuando to start turning into their wolf form. Nick encouraged then on and they both turned into their human forms. My son Spear, looked like Nick. He was very tan and had dark black hair that covered just a little of his beautiful head. He was in a newborn's body and had never looked so frail and adorable. Cuando was a mix between Nick and I. He had beautiful tan skin and very dark brown hair. I had guessed that red hair was not a recessive gene and that being tan and having dark hair was very recessive for a wolf. I knew that my daughter would look like Nick and that she wouldn't have my red hair. 

After two days passing I helped Jade turn into her baby form. When she did, her body curled up into the blanket that Nick quickly grabbed for Jade. She had light brown hair and very tan skin. She was too weak to leave my arms and I knew I still had to protect her. Nick walked me out to everyone with Spear and Cuando in his hands. All of my little babies were fast asleep and snuggled into Nick's arms. Nick spoke in a confident and quiet voice to the rest of the pack. "This is the next generation of our pack for us wolves. As you can see, Queen Victoria gave birth to three wolves. She gave birth to two boys and one girl. She is not just a queen, she is my wife and I love her and my children. Victoria and I have been thinking about our runt of the litter, Jade. If some of you didn't know or have never been in a tribe before, the law of the wolf states that the runt of the litter would be killed after birth. We have decided to not follow the rule of the wolf. I cannot bear for the death of our baby girl. Out of the three babies, Jade is in line for the alpha spot. She is the next alpha to be so, she cannot be harmed. Anyone who is not ok with killing their youngest then, come into our tribe. We are the only tribe that is breaking the rule of the wolf. Our tribe is called Tivac. We shall be the tribe who accepts all as their young".

Deerlin came towards Nick and I and said, "I would love to be a member in your tribe and I also speak for my children. Howl and I are the first members in your wolf tribe". 

Suddenly, the girl we met in the woods came bursting into our door. Her name is Casey and she was in trouble. Hera came to her side and began to check for broken bones. After two minutes of looking, she found where Casey had been hurt. Near her stomach were five bullet holes from what looked like a .45. She also had deep dark bruises on her face and neck. Hera asked for the purple bottle full of petals from the dark healer. She carefully removed the bullets from her side and began to crush the flowers into a juice. She placed the juice on a bandages and put them where all of her wounds were. She then asked Richard for a hand to help her into a spare room where she could rest. I could feel the pain Casey was feeling and I would soon ask her why and who shot her. 

Nick pulled me closer and shielded our babies from the horrific sight. I felt very relieved after seeing that my babies were still sound asleep. After the horrible incident, Gwen came to me and Nick and gave me a hug. I really didn't remember how I had treated the tribe in my wolf so I said this, "Gwen, I don't know how I acted when in my mum-wolf form. So will you forgive me? However I acted to all of you was uncalled for and I don't remember anything". 

Nick disagreed with me and said, " Victoria you had every right to be mad. Every wolf goes through what happened to you. It is a wolf thing, only wolves can help other wolves in that situation. I have never been in the situation of having puppies and I don't know how hard it was for you. Next one to have their puppies is Deerlin and she isn't doing very well about it".

    After Nick told me this, I excused myself and went to talk to Deerlin by myself. After Nick and I had flaunted our three newborns and our new pack alliance, she had gone outside to get some fresh air. I went out the front door to go talk to Deerlin and ask her if she was alright. When I got outside, I saw Deerlin looking into the sunset with concern in her eyes. It was like she had a hole in her mind, she wasn't listening to her heart. Deerlin then turned to me and said, "I don't know why I thought I could do this. If Hera hasn't told you, it is dangerous for me to have my babies. I could actually die from the birth of all of my children. I am worried I would be leaving Howl alone with the babies if I died. He would be miserable, and he needed help from me and if I die…". 

"Deerlin you're not going to die. You're going to pull through. You're going to make it and you will raise your children", I said. 

Deerlin smiled at me and nodded. She began to walk away slowly and then gave me a hug. I was happy that I got to see parts of her thoughts because, Deerlin was like a hard case to crack. I was also glad I got to see part of her for who she was just based on her fears, thoughts, concerns, and ideas. I loved the idea of her being open with me because I was feeling the same feelings and thinking those same thoughts. 

I was so afraid of messing things up in my life now. I am finally had my children but, now they were in a greater danger than before. I loved my children and Thomas is never going to touch them with me still alive. Jade was still so fragile and I couldn't risk her getting hurt. Cuando and Spear would grow up to be strong wolves lie Nick but Jade would grow up just like me. We all have our struggles and for me, mine was being vanquished. I was finally finding my forever family.  I couldn't wait for the day until I could help my children find theirs. When Gwen was turned from a baby to a teenage girl, I missed all of the time I wanted to spend with her as a baby. I missed getting to watch her grow up in my home. Only having two daughters and two boys was really easy but, I knew I would be having more children to fill up my dynasty. I never lived the life my children would live. I was stuck in a cage for most of my life, if I wasn't in there I was being beaten to death by Tomas. I wish I had gotten a chance to meet my mum and my dad. My father now was a hot-head and very unstable. On the other hand, Kate had told me about my mother. I had even had visions of her too. She had dark red-brown hair and a smaller face. She had a very unstable and had a tiny body along with small muscles and weak bones. She looked very similar to me and we had about the same features. My mum was very short too and very kind too. She had followed her heart and when she was about to die, she gave me my best shot. I loved how my mum protected me against all of the evil in the world.

My thoughts were then interrupted the sound of the wind. Some orange free-falling leaves swirled around me and it felt like the wind was calling me with some colors of the wind. An idea then came into my head that we should have our own song or tribal spirit. I knew a song that we could do so, I started to sing…

There is the sweetest feeling

That is beyond all believing

 Hopefully done with seeing

Courage of the tribe


I feel it in the water 

I see it in the trees

My mind hovers over the innocent

The pack is very decent

The ground screams the paths of our agony

Our time for the pack has come alive 

We will breathe

We will need 

Thy water 

Thy water 

We can see 

We will be

Thy founders 

Thy founders

Nick then came out as I finished singing and said, "That is a beautiful song, a great song for our tribe. Victoria, I am really grateful of the birth of our triplets, you did so well and I am so sorry I wasn't there for it. I love you so much and I never would in a million years trade my children for anything. I want to make it up to you, will you marry me again? Our first wedding wasn't as special as you wanted it to be…". 

I stared in wonder at my husband. He was so kind and thoughtful so I responded with a soft and quiet voice saying, "Nick I would love to get married to you again! We really did never have our own wedding to ourselves and I would love to marry you again!". 

My father then came out and asked if I could speak with him, " Victoria, Nick and I have been at each other's throats since the wedding. I wanted you to have my opinion before the wedding but, it was all about you. Why do we have such a problem?". 

I stared at my dad said in a stern voice, "You have no right to give your opinion on my love life when you were missing until a year ago. You left me and mum to die! You never cared about me or you would have taken me with you as soon as I was born!". 

My father then looked very mad and yelled, " VICTORIA LOUISE-HEAVEN PAYNE TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW!!!". I turned to my father to see him in his animal form coming towards me. His black panther is usually black with green eyes; this time Baron's eyes were bloodshot red and he growled at me and began to snarl. Nick who had left to give me and my father a minute came rushing out. He turned into a wolf with no question and began to snarl. I was so scared I couldn't concentrate and I couldn't turn into my animal forms. Nick began to fear for me and he then nodded. Before I did anything I said, " Dad I am so sorry for what I am going to do". 

I then jumped into the air and opened my wings and slapped my father's face with my left wing. It was very effective but, then my father began to jump up to try to bite my wings. Baron then turned into his human form and balled his fists. Nick then began to snarl at Baron and I knew what I had to do. I turned into my wolf form as soon as I could and began to snarl at Baron. Baron said to me, " You think that you can talk to me however. I am your father! I have been in your life!! I am trying to be better then he stepped in". 

Kate heard the fighting and she turned into her tiger state and pulled Baron away. Baron took one of his claws and scratched over Nick's eye. I saw that his eye was bleeding and I began to get mad, I then ordered Kate to let go of Baron and take care of Nick. I then tackled Baron and took my wings and began to hit him back and forth to try to knock some sense into him. I am a queen and he is either with or against us. After a while of the beating, Baron raised his hands and he said, "I am sorry, please Victoria have faith". 

I then helped him to his feet and said, "It is Queen Victoria to you, you lost the term daughter and Victoria when you attacked me and Nick, and when you abandoned me".

I rushed over to Nick and began to wipe up the blood. Nick  then began brushing my hair out of my eyes while kissing my face and letting me cry. I then said, " Why is my father like this? I love you Nick, we are getting remarried if that is what we want. I would love to get remarried. I love you so much". 

Nick replied by saying, " Victoria, I love you too! I never wanted to let your father hurt you, Victoria you're hurt! Victoria your neck is bleeding!".

 Nick then began to yell for help and I began to feel the pain but, I stayed with him. His eyes looked saddened and that was the last time I saw his eyes afraid for my life.