Queen of animals

Have you ever felt like the world was just a mirage. I can tell you this, I didn't die. Well at least not yet, not ever. When I woke up, I saw Nick by my side with Kate dabbing at my neck and shoving smelling salts in my face. The smell of the salty sea air in my chamber had regenerated me to full energy. I had looked at Kate's clothes and noticed that she was wearing the same thing as she did that morning so, it was still that same day that I had passed out on. I then grabbed Nick's arm and asked, " Where are the children? Where is Spear, Cuando, and Jade. I need Guinevere too". 

Nick responded by opening the door and said, " Here are your children in the arms of your oldest". 

I took a deep breath of relief because, I feared Baron would come after my children and I didn't feel like killing my father. The worst thing was that my father had hurt me, I was protecting my husband and I had to hit him. I then got out of my bed and went out my door. I went past Guinevere in a hurry and went to find my father. My rage had helped my turn into a different animal this time. I was a tiger like Kate. I found Baron outside and he smiled at me. In my rage, I went over to Baron and slapped his face with my gigantic claw. As Baron recovered, I turned into my wolf shape and stood in my massive alpha stance. I then said in a growl that I had never used on anyone because of the gruesome outcome of it, " I don't care that you're my dad! If you ever come after my family again, I will kill you". 

Baron began to growl and slash his sharp teeth at me and the fieredity I had been feeling escaped out of me in a flash. I let out a little whimper and Nick jumped to my rescue. His dark black fur had stood up on all of its ends and his white pearly teeth shone in the moonlight. The gray indents in his fur began to have a blue glow to them. With these new upgrades, Baron began to awkwardly walk away into the house holding his feline tail behind his legs. 

As soon as Baron was one, I feel into a heap of emotions. I turned into my human form when I didn't mean to. Nick turned into a human as well and began to hold my cold and skinny body. Turning into a human had showed me that in my fear, I would always turn human. My husband rocked me back and forth as I cried into the wind. My red curly hair and dark brown wings were now used to hide myself from the harsh winds. Nick and I fell asleep under the full moon and little did I know that the next morning would be the start to the best day of my life, again.

I awoke to the sound of rustling leaves and I woke with a jump! I woke to see Nick's legs moving on the ground and I must had startled him because he woke up with a jump as well. We both knew the house wasn't very far off so, we set off to go home. We turned into wolves and set off before dawn set. When we reached the house, it was dead quiet. We ran in the house with a flash, trying to grab some clean clothes before anyone noticed us. Nick began to laugh when he saw Cuando and Spear in their wolf forms, crawling out of bed and crawling over to me. I picked up my four month children and they both curled up into my arms, trying to wiggle into the perfect resting place. I changed into my wolf form to let my babies feed and Nick left to go get food for him and I. 

"My dear wolves, you are the next ones. I love you and will protect you all until I die. Even then, I will still care for you in your dreams and as a ghost" I said proudly. 

After speaking to my babies, Jade let out her first cry. Cuando and Spear then came towards her and began to comfort her. I didn't mean to but when I went to rub my eyes, all I felt were tears. I quickly wiped them away as Nick came in the door. His was in his wolf form and I noticed his figure was incredible. Instead of a back bone, blue flames replaced his bones. I couldn't believe my eyes, he looked at me and nodded. He then said, "Let the wolf take over. Turn without fear". 

I slid the wolves onto their bed and relaxed my muscles. I closed my eyes and took one heavy breath. As I exhaled, I was in my wolf form. Nick looked at me with astonishment and pointed me to the mirror. In the mirror I saw a wolf who had blue eyes, dark black fur, and a new addition of blue Native-American designs all over her back. I picked up all three puppies into my mouth and laid them in their proper feeding stations and we had an amazing breakfast. 

After eating, Nick and I got dressed and went to talk to Lady. When we came near Lady, she was talking to Adoff and looked very worried. When I walked up to Lady, she said to me in a depressed voice, " Queen Victoria, Tomas' troops have gotten closer to our home. The Hunti. They are helping him. I'm worried. We have bigger problems though. The Southern mermaids are close to our border. I am afraid that they want to start a fight with us wolves". 

I came towards Lady and said, "Where are they, maybe I will be able to turn into these creatures. Just tell me what to do". 

Lady exclaimed in a fearful but, confident voice, "If you are able to do this, you will unite our kingdoms". Lady lead me to the end of a lake and she began to breathe what she called the wolf's breath. I stared in wonder as she turned the carbon dioxide into a howling wolf. Lady stepped back and she said, "Ok it's ready. Get into the water and try to turn but, if you can't call for us. These mermaids hate humans and actually "feast on them". I don't want you to get hurt so just try". 

I got into the water and began to concentrate on what my end product was, becoming a mermaid. I watched the water around me start to bubble. I then said to the ghost of my mother, "Help me mother. I need to turn into this mermaid please, I need your power". After praying my prayer in hopes that I would be able to turn, I  saw them. They came out of their water-homes and they came towards me with such confidence it baffled me. I saw their swift blue and silver tales in the water and I began to fear. When they came to me they said, "Nice tail". I looked down to see a beautiful dark green and black tail in front of me. One of them stuck out their hand and said, "Hello. I am Siren. We have noticed that you're not from this region. We have noticed that you're not an Atlantic mermaid. So, you're a dark-Arctic mermaid. We know what you have come for, you wolf. You are the first wolf-queen we have seen". 

I swished my tail in an intimidating way and said, "I am Queen Victoria; the queen of ice, wolves, other wild animals, and children. We wolves wanted to unite our kingdoms, we need your help. My evil brother Tomas has the help from the Hunti. The Hunti and you have had a rough past and we want to defeat them. We can only do it with your help though. Please I don't want to have the mermaids that I have dreamed and cherished about my whole life to die". 

The tallest of the mermaids came towards me and said, "I know what you have said and it is true. The Hunti have already killed many of our kind. They killed our leader and we need your help the only thing was, we couldn't go on land. We need to separate this hate between our worlds and that is what we shall unite ourselves forever. You have made our worlds now in peace". 

I smiled and said, "Yes this is a good day. And don't worry about getting on land, we have a necklace that will give you legs and when you take it off and get wet, you will be human. Now let us go on a peace….".

We were all interrupted by the sound of twigs cracking. The mermaids went down into the ocean and I was left there afraid and alone. I saw a hunter walking around in the forest with a net made of silver and I ducked into the weeds as quickly as I could. I tried to stay as tranquil and as silent as I could but, tail lured me into an awful trap. As soon as he saw me, he threw the silver net over my my body and the silver sank into my skin. The silver began to burn into my skin and I let out a scream. He then pulled off the net and tried to calm me down. The mermaids came out of the water and one carried a  Trident. The mermaid then aimed and shot the hunter with a strong blast of blue water. Another carried a clam filled with an ointment that soothed my burns. 

I then asked the smallest one, "What happened to me. That metal was burning my skin and I almost died. That man was dangerous at first but then…". 

"Nathaniel" said the little mermaid. "His name is Nathaniel. He doesn't want to hurt you in any way. He was my lover. I paid a terrible price to walk on land and I shall never do it again". 

I then said in question, "I never got your name. I am really sorry about Nathaniel too". 

She then responded by saying, " Aquamarine. I fell in love with Nathaniel once and I still do love him. I just cannot go to see him without the Silver Net of Truth. It won't work now because, he used it on you only so I am stuck here forever". 

I turned to Aquamarine and began to feel so sorry for her, I hadn't ever meant to be caught in the net that had been made for her.